ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 30
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 55Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Soil Science and Agricultural ChemistryAreas:
Soil Science and Agricultural ChemistryCenter
Faculty of BiologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
To provide training in the main aspects of Geology, with special emphasis on the types of rocks and their cycle, as well as their influence on the natural environment.
With these objectives, the following learning outcomes are to be achieved:
- To know the most common minerals and rocks, their origin, composition and distribution.
- To know how to use thematic cartography.
- To know how to identify and diagnose geological aspects related to environmental problems.
- To recognize geological resources and risks.
- To raise awareness of environmental issues.Concept and basic principles of geology. Structure, dynamics and evolution of the Earth. Plate tectonics. Mineralogy. Internal and external geological processes. Petrology. Crustal deformations. Geology of the Iberian Peninsula and Galicia.
Lectures program
Lesson 1. Historic evolution. Basic concepts and principles. Structure, dynamics and evolution of the Earth. Plate tectonics and its implications for life (6 hours).
Lesson 2. Concept of mineral. Crystalline structure of solids (1 hour).
Lesson 3. Notions of crystallochemistry. Metallic, covalent and ionic structures (2 hours).
Lesson 4. Systematic mineralogy. Silicates (3 hours).
Lesson 5. Concept of rock. The rock cycle (0.5 hours).
Lesson 6. Igneous rocks: genesis, relationship with plate tectonics. Types of igneous rocks (6.5 hours).
Lesson 7. Sedimentary rocks. Erosion, transport, sedimentation, diagenesis. Types of sedimentary rock (5 hours).
Lesson 8: Metamorphic rocks. Factors of metamorphism. Relationship with plate tectonics. Anatexis. Classification of metamorphic rocks (3 hours).
Lesson 9. Deformations of the Earth's crust (2 hours).
Lesson 10. Geology of the Iberian Peninsula and Galicia (1 hour).
Interactive program
Laboratory sessions
Practical 1. Study of the morphological properties of minerals: identification and classification (2 hours).
Practical 2. Study of the morphological properties and mineral composition of rocks (2 hours).
Practical 3: identification of rock and mineral collections of Galicia and their application in the analysis of different actions on the natural environment (2 hours).
Field trip (4 hours)
A tour around the region of Compostela will be carried out, observing and identifying the most significant geological materials, integrating this activity in the analysis of the physical environment, morphological characteristics, occupation of the territory and biodiversity.
Seminar 1: Application of the basic principles of geology to the interpretation of the geological history of an area (2 hours)
Seminar 2: Structure and evolution of the lithosphere (2 hours)
Seminar 3: Working with igneous rocks (2 hours)
Seminar 4: Working with sedimentary rocks (2 hours)
Seminar 5: Working with metamorphic rocks (2 hours)
Seminar 6: Geology of Spain and Galicia (2 hours)
Seminar 7: Application of geological knowledge to the interpretation of ecosystems (2 hours)
Follow-up of student learning. The doubts raised by the students will be clarified and those topics that present more difficulties will be explored (1 hour). This activity will be carried out virtually.Basic Bibliography
Tarbuck, E.J. et al., 2015; 2013; 2010. Ciencias de la Tierra: una introducción a la Geología Física. Madrid: Pearson
Library of the Faculty of Biology: A TG 197 M 1
A TG 197 M 2
A TG 197 N
A TG 197 O 1
A TG 197 P 1
A TG 197 Q 1
Monroe, J., Wicander, R. y Pozo, M., 2008. Geología: dinámica y evolución de la Tierra. 4ª ed. Madrid: Paraninfo
Library of the Faculty of Biology: A TG 264 1 (book)
A TG 264 2 (CD-ROM)
A TG 5 1 (book)
Complementary bibliography
Águeda, J., et al., 1983. Geología. 2ª ed. Madrid: Rueda. Biblioteca de Bioloxía: ATG15; ATG15B; ATG15C; ATG15D
Anguita, F., 2002. Biografía de la Tierra: historia de un planeta singular. Madrid: Aguilar. Biblioteca de Bioloxía: ATG231; Biblioteca de Farmacia: ATG34
Bastida, F., 2005. Geología. Una visión moderna de las Ciencias de la Tierra. Vol. I-II. Oviedo: Trea Ciencias. Biblioteca de Bioloxía: ATG244; Biblioteca de Farmacia: TG166; Biblioteca de Xeografía: FX513
Clark, S.P.Jr., 1981. La estructura de la Tierra. 2ª ed. Barcelona: Omega. Biblioteca de Bioloxía: ATG28; ATG28B
Ernst, W:G., 1974. Los materiales de la Tierra. Barcelona: Omega. Biblioteca de Bioloxía: ATG11; ATG11A; Biblioteca de Xeografía: XeoA451
Hochleitner, R., 1987. Minerales y rocas: una guía de identificación. Barcelona: Omega. Biblioteca de Bioloxía: ATG22; ATG22A; Biblioteca de Xeografía: XeoA330
Meléndez, B. y Fuster, J.M., 1984. Geología. 4ª ed. Madrid: Paraninfo. Biblioteca de Bioloxía: ATG2C; ATG2D; Biblioteca de Farmacia: ATG1A; TG112
Strahler, A.N., 1992. Geología física. Barcelona: Omega. Biblioteca de Bioloxía: ATG61B; ATG61C; ATG61DCon01; Con02; Con09; Con11
H/D01; H/D06; H/D07; H/D08; H/D11
Comp02; Comp04; Comp05; Comp06; Comp08; Comp08Expository classes:
Non-mandatory attendance and completion
Alternating lectures, which offer the possibility of focusing on the most important aspects of each subject, with discussions and questions. These classes will focus on the understanding of the concepts of the subject and will offer a global vision of the subject. Activities supported by audiovisual and computer media, and with different formats (theory, general problems and/or examples, general guidelines of the subject), encouraging participation. This learning process will be reinforced by interspersing evaluation tests at the end of each block; these tests are part of the continuous evaluation. The most recommended resources for the subsequent in-depth preparation of the subject will also be indicated.
Interactive classes:
Seminars: Non-mandatory attendance and completion. Work of the students, in small groups, under the guidance and direction of the faculty. In them, different activities are proposed (exercises, case studies, simulations, etc.) that allow the application of theoretical knowledge, deepening its applicability in the characterization of the natural environment and the understanding of environmental processes. These activities will require the active participation of the students.
Laboratory practices: Attendance and completion are mandatory to pass the course in both opportunities (minimum attendance percentage 75%).
Personal and group work aimed at the observation and identification of mineral and rock samples, and the interpretation of basic cartography, encouraging collaborative and problem-based learning. In them, following the appropriate protocols and using the appropriate tools and equipment, including e-learning techniques, practical questions associated with the analysis of the physical component of the natural environment will be solved. Attendance to this activity is mandatory.
Field trip and field work: Attendance and completion are mandatory to pass the course in both opportunities (minimum attendance percentage 100%).
Guided field trip to learn to observe the geological elements of the physical environment and to identify geological materials and their interaction with the rest of the elements of the natural environment. In the personal work, the activity will be oriented to the practical application of the acquired knowledge. Attendance to this activity is compulsory.
Seminars as well as laboratory and field practices seek to reinforce the learning of concepts, and to develop instrumental, systemic and interpersonal skills necessary for problem solving.
Tutorials: Non-mandatory attendance and completion, Individual or in very small groups, to clarify doubts, provide information or guide students, as well as to know the progress in the acquisition of competencies. This activity will be carried out virtually.The knowledge, competences and skills acquired will be evaluated by means of a set of activities that include a final exam and a continuous evaluation. The continuous evaluation will be carried out through periodic tests of the contents covered (approximately 1 test every two subjects taught) by means of multiple-choice tests, questions and/or short questions to be developed in the classroom or through the virtual classroom, and work submitted or presented, seminar activities, laboratory, field and tutorials. In the laboratory activities, attendance and completion of the activities and the quality of a technical report will be evaluated. In the field activities, attendance and completion of the activities will be evaluated. In the seminars the attendance, the realization of the activities and the quality of the associated contributions will be evaluated.
The final grade will take into account the continuous evaluation (including tests, attendance and contributions of laboratory, field and seminar practices) and the final exam.
The weight of each of the activities in the final grade is as follows:
-Continuous evaluation:
Synchronous or asynchronous tests ................................................................................................ 10% of the grade.
Attendance and quality of the contributions associated to the laboratory practices................................. 10% of the grade.
Attendance and participation in the field trip…………………………………......................................................…….. 5% of the grade
Attendance and quality of the contributions related to the seminars …………............................................15% of the grade
- Exam.........................................................................................................................................60% of the grade
A minimum grade of 4 (out of 10) must be obtained in the final exam for the rest of the grades to be added.
Students who have not completed 75% of the laboratory practicals and the field practicals and/or have not obtained a minimum grade of 5 (out of 10) in them, must take and pass a practical exam in order to pass the matter.
In order to pass the subject it is a requirement to perform and pass the mandatory activities of the continuous evaluation (field trip and laboratory practices and the final exam).
These criteria will be used in both opportunities. Repeating students will be evaluated with the same system.
The grades of the continuous evaluation (tests, laboratory and field practicals, seminars) will be kept during the two courses following the one in which they were obtained, as long as they are equal to or higher than 50% of the maximum grade achievable in each of the sections.
In the case of students who have been granted dispensation to attend class, the evaluation will be carried out by means of theoretical and/or practical exams.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and grade review will be applied.
The evaluation of the learning outcomes will be carried out as follows:
In the exam will be evaluated: Con01; Con02; Coñ11; H/D07; H/D08; Comp06.
Periodic tests will assess: Con01; Con02; H/D08; Comp06
Seminars will evaluate: Con01; Con09; Con11; H/D06; H/D07; H/D11; Comp02; Comp05; Comp06; Comp08
In the laboratory and field practices will be evaluated: Con01; Con09; Con11; H/D01; H/D06; H/D07; H/D11; Comp02; Comp04; Comp08Classroom work
Lectures: 30 hours
Interactive classes:
Laboratory practice: 6 hours
Field practice: 4 hours
Seminars: 14 hours
Tutorials: 1 hour
Exams: 2 hours
Total hours of classroom work: 57 hours
Personal work
Individual study: 70 hours
Elaboration of the practice report: 6 hours
Recommended reading, library activities or similar: 14 hours
Attendance to lectures or other recommended activities: 3 hours
Total hours of personal work: 93 hours
Total hours devoted to the subject: 57 face-to-face + 93 personal hours = 150 hoursAttendance and active participation in all activities
Consult the recommended bibliography
Use of virtual work and communication channelsTo facilitate the preparation and monitoring of all activities by the student, the virtual classroom in the Moodle platform of the virtual campus of the USC and MS Teams will be used.
As a subject of basic fundamentals of biology taught to all undergraduate students, the program and contents are designed for a varied profile in knowledge related to geology. However, it is recommended, but not necessary, that the student has completed the scientific-technical baccalaureate and has studied geology and/or earth sciences.
Teresa Maria Taboada Rodriguez
- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Phone
- 881813289
- teresa.taboada@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Beatriz Loreto Prieto Lamas
- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Phone
- 881814594
- beatriz.prieto@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Patricia Sanmartin Sanchez
- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Phone
- 881814984
- patricia.sanmartin@usc.es
- Category
- Researcher: Ramón y Cajal
Francisco Xabier Pontevedra Pombal
Coordinador/a- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Phone
- 881813238
- xabier.pombal@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Fabiana Martín Caramés
- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- fabiana.martin.carames@usc.es
- Category
- USC Pre-doctoral Contract
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 16:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish, Galician Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick 17:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish, Galician Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus Tuesday 16:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Galician, Spanish Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick 17:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician, Spanish Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus Wednesday 16:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Galician, Spanish Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick 17:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician, Spanish Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus Exams 01.20.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 01.20.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel 01.20.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 03. Carl Linnaeus 06.16.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 06.16.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel