ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 12ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 298.35
Hours of tutorials: 1.25
Interactive Classroom: 0.4
Total: 300Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Work placements for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's DegreesTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
1 contribute to the integral training del alumnado, complementing their theoretical and practical learning.
2. to facilitate knowledge de de work methodology appropriate to the professional reality in which students will have to operate, contrasting and applying the knowledge acquired.
3 encourage de competencies technical, methodological, personal, and participatory development.
4. obtain practical experience that facilitates the insertion in the market de work and improve their future employability.
5 to favour the values de innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.The formative character de ECPS revolves around two axes:
1 articulate theory and practice through the global approach to problems and situations, putting at stake the knowledge achieved through different subjects del plan de studies.
2 think about the action allowing a reflexive learning, beyond the mere action de.---
Generic competitions, and the specific, provided for in the corresponding training project are:
a technical capacity.
b capacity de learning.
c administration de works.
d skills de oral and written communication.
e respect de responsibility.
f ease de adaptation.
g creativity and initiative.
h personal involvement.
i motivation.
k punctuality.
l relations with their working environment.
m. de teamwork ability.
n other aspects deemed appropriate.--
Her tutor de entity partner will perform and be forwarded to academic de the University tutor a final, at the end of practices report, which will collect the number de performed hours polo students and which may assess the following referrals, where appropriate, both the generic skills how to the specific, laid down in the corresponding training project.
Once after half del period de duration de practices, could build an interim report de follow-up.
Report de intermediate monitoring and final memory practices del alumnado de.
Her student develop and will be given to the academic tutor de the University a final, in the end de practices report, which must bear at least the following aspects:
a personal data del alumnoa.
b collaborating institution in which practices were carried out.
c specific and detailed description de tasks, works developed and departments de the entity to which it was assigned.
d valuation de tasks performed.
e. relationship de presented problems and procedure followed for its resolution.
f identification de contributions that, in de learning terms, supposed practices.
g - evaluation de de improvement suggestions and practices.
Once after half del period de duration de practices, could build an interim report de follow-up.
El students who do not participate in any sessions de ECPS or missing 20Plans de current studies del Master en management de artistic and architectural heritage, museums and art del market, ECPS are developed in the second quarter last year, with a total de optional credits ECTS de del: 12 ECTS.
In each de periods loans are distributed in three phases de follows:
Phase de preparation. El curriculum sense is get her student be aware de skills, strategies and tools provided in the global process de formation in the various subjects and reflect on their employment. The following hours are allocated for that: 1 ECTS credits.
El students who do not participate in the sessions de preparation or missing 20 de the same can not be valued positively in ECPS.
Phase de stay. Its curriculum is the de come into direct contact with the institution to develop activities to be established. For that are assigned the following hours: 10 ECTS credits.
El students who do not participate in practices or missing 20 de the same can not be valued positively in ECPS.
Phase de reflection. El curriculum sense is the de help students reflect on situations observed in the centres, as well as his own performance in the interventions made, facilitating instruments for analysis and reflection. The following hours are allocated for that: 1 ECTS credits.
El students who do not participate in this phase or missing 20 de itSee the regulation de PAE, in:
http:www.USC.esexportsitesdefaultencentrosxeohistoriadescargasRegulamen…See the regulation de PAE, in: