ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 15
Interactive Classroom: 22
Total: 40Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
History of ArtAreas:
History of ArtCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
1.- Know the general principles that support the tutela as its own disciplinary field, as well as the importance and singularity of the historical-artistic heritage within it.
2.- Know the main historical phases that the protection of historical heritage has followed in our country, identifying the relevance of cataloguing in this process.
3.- Know the general principles of the protection statute, as well as its application on the reality, of cultural property in Spain, especially those related to the historical-artistic heritage.
4.- To know the main instruments and institutions in charge in Spain of the administration and management of the Historical-Artistic Heritage.
5.- Know the ways that exist from the private sphere to participate in the management of Historical Heritage.
6.- Know the main models of protection existing at the international level, as well as the international organizations with competence on the subject and their main actions.
7.-Raise awareness among students about the importance of Historical Heritage as a professional outlet and about the need to acquire specific training in this area that qualifies them to carry out this professional activity.Unit 1.- Concepts of cultural heritage. Guardianship and new values.
Memory, history, heritage and territory.
Cultural management.
New values applied to heritage.
Unit 2.- Theoretical aspects for the conservation of cultural heritage.
Historical background.
From Riegl to Giovanni
Critical restoration and new positioning.
Unit 3.- The professionalization of cultural heritage.
The different professional roles.
The role of History and Art History.
Unit 4.- Types of patrimonial interventions.
The conservation and protection of immuelbes cultural property.
The conservation and protection of movable cultural property.
Promotion and sanctioning measures.
Unit 5.- New processes of patrimonialization.
Social participation and citizen movements.
Cultural tourism, interpretation of heritage and historic city.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
ALEGRE ÁVILA, J. M. Evolución y régimen jurídico del Patrimonio Histórico. 2. vol. Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura, 1994.
BALLART, Josep y JUAN I TRESSERRAS, Jordi. Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural. Barcelona, Ariel, 2001.
CASTILLO RUIZ, José. Los límites del patrimonio cultural. Principios para transitar por el desorden patrimonial. Madrid, Cátedra, 2022.
GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ, Javier. Estudios sobre el derecho del Patrimonio Histórico. Madrid, Fundación Registral, 2008.
GONZÁLEZ-VARAS, Ignacio. Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural: teoría, historia, principios y normas. Madrid, Cátedra, 2018.
HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Francisca. El Patrimonio cultural: la memoria recuperada. Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2002.
QUEROL, María Ángeles. Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural. 2ª edición. Madrid, Akal, 2020.
ABAD LICERAS, José María. Administraciones locales y Patrimonio Histórico. Madrid, Montecorvo, 2003.
ALLIBRANDI, T. y FERRI, P. I beni culturali e ambientali. Milano, GuiffrèEditore, 1985.
ALEGRE ÁVILA, Juan Manuel. “Patrimonio Histórico, Cultura y Estado Autonómico”. Patrimonio Cultural y Derecho, n. 5, 2001, pp. 157-165.
ALONSO IBÁÑEZ, M.R.- El Patrimonio Histórico. Destino público y valor cultural. Madrid, Civitas, 1992.
BARRERO RODRÍGUEZ, C. La ordenación jurídica del Patrimonio Histórico. Madrid, Civitas, 1990.
BERMÚDEZ, Alejandro, VIANNEY M. ARBELOA, Joan y GIRALT, Adelina. Intervención en el patrimonio cultural. Creación y gestión de proyectos. Madrid, Síntesis, 2004.
BONET, Lluis, CASTAÑER, Xavier y FONT, Josep. Gestión de proyectos culturales. Análisis de casos. Barcelona, Ariel, 2006.
BORRÁS GUALIS, Gonzalo. Historia del Arte y Patrimonio Cultural: Una revisión crítica. Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2012.
CASTILLO, M. A. (Ed.). Centros históricos y conservación del patrimonio. Madrid, Visor y Fundación Argentaria, 1998.
CASTILLO RUIZ, José. El entorno de los bienes inmuebles de interés cultural: concepto, legislación y metodologías para su delimitación. Evolución histórica y situación actual. Granada, Universidad, 1997.
COFRANCESCO, Giovanni (a cura di). I Beni culturali tra interessi pubblici e privati. Roma, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1996.
CORRAL, Carlos y ALDANONDO, Isabel. Código del patrimonio cultural de la Iglesia. Madrid, Edice, 2001.
FERNÁNDEZ APARICIO, Juan Manuel. La protección penal del Patrimonio Histórico. Sevilla, Consejería de Cultura, 2004.
GARCÍA CUETOS, Pilar. El Patrimonio Cultural. Conceptos básicos. Zaragoza: Universidad 2012.
GARCÍA GARCÍA, María Jesús. La conservación de los inmuebles históricos a través de Técnicas urbanísticas y rehabilitadoras. Elcano (Navarra), Aranzadi, 2000.
GONZÁLEZ-VARAS, Ignacio. Patrimonio Cultural. Conceptos, debates y problemas. Madrid, Cátedra, 2015.
HERNÁNDEZ NÚÑEZ, Juan Carlos. Los instrumentos de protección del Patrimonio Histórico Español. Sociedad y Bienes Culturales. Grupo Publicaciones del Sur, 1998.
HÄBERLE, Peter. “La Protección Constitucional de los Bienes Culturales: un análisis comparativo”. Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, año 18, n. 54, 1998, pp. 11-38.
HERNANDO GARRIDO, José Luis. Patrimonio Histórico e Ideología. Sobre vandalismo e iconoclastia en España: del siglo XIX al XXI. Murcia, Nausícaä, 2009.
LLUENT, J.M. Expolio y fraude en el arte. Barcelona, Winterthur, 2002.
LÓPEZ BRAVO, Carlos. El patrimonio cultural en el sistema de derechos fundamentales. Sevilla, Universidad, 1999.
LÓPEZ TRUJILLO, Miguel Ángel. Patrimonio. La lucha por los bienes culturales españoles (1500-1939). Gijón, Trea, 2009.
MARTÍNEZ YÁÑEZ, Celia. “La construcción formal de la realidad patrimonial española: la catalogación”. En: La Protección del Patrimonio Histórico en la España Democrática, Ignacio Henares Cuellar ed. Granada: Fundación Caja Madrid y Universidad de Granada, 2010, pp. 91-130.
MEJÍAS LÓPEZ, Jesús. Estructuras y principios de la gestión del patrimonio cultural municipal. Gijón, Trea, 2008.
QUIROSA GARCÍA, Victoria. Evolución de la tutela de los bienes culturales muebles en España: s. XVIII-s.XXI. Granada, Universidad, 2008.
MONTERROSO MONTERO, Juan M. Protección y conservación del patrimonio. Principios teoóricos. Santiago de Compostela. Tórculo. 2001.
ROSELLÓ CEREZUELA, David. Diseño y evaluación de proyectos culturales. Barcelona, Ariel, 2004.
SALMERÓN ESCOBAR, Pedro (dir.). Repertorio de Textos internacionales del Patrimonio Cultural. Granada, Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, Comares, 2004.
VIDAL GALLARDO, Mercedes. Bienes Culturales y libertad de conciencia en el derecho eclesiástico del Estado. Valladolid, Universidad, 1999.KNOWLEDGE:
1 Concept and historical basis of heritage
2 Knowledge of the dissemination and public uses of history and heritage
6 Theoretical-practical knowledge on heritage conservation
2 Be able to apply knowledge in problem solving
4 Be able to identify sources of information, collect and analyze data and develop syntheses in relation to them.
2 Be able to plan and manage the temporal development of a wealth management project
B2 That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts, related to their area of study;
B3 That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments from information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments;
B5 Students possess the learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
G1 Build, manage and disseminate digital heritage and the digital treatment of heritage in all its meanings.
G2 Apply knowledge in the implementation of heritage projects in the digital environment.
G3 Properly use the technological tools necessary for the acquisition, processing, management and dissemination of digital cultural heritage.
G6 Create original content in the field of cultural heritage by combining humanistic and technological knowledge.
T1 Adapt the use and transfer of knowledge to new situations arising from technological change.
T2 Actively address problem solving in the social and market environment.The assessment of learning must include both the process and the result obtained. The student's performance in the subject studied depends, among others, on the combination of two factors: the effort made and the student's own ability. The exam evaluates the result obtained but does not allow to accurately evaluate the learning process. This process, through the ECTS credits, is adjusted to a continuous evaluation that should contribute decisively to stimulate students to follow the process and get involved
more in his own formation.
The evaluation will be carried out through three joint and complementary actions: continuous evaluation, final theoretical-practical test and individual compulsory work.
The first will be developed with the periodic evaluation of the interactive ones, with public exhibitions and active participation in both theoretical classrooms and seminars, reaching a weight in the final assessment up to 20%:
Review and inverted class on the letters of Las atiene, Venice, Krakow and Faro.
The final test, which will be theoretical and practical, will have a weight of 40% of the final assessment. In this test, a qualification greater than 1 out of 4 must be achieved. The test will consist of a test-type exam to be developed through the virtual classroom in the computer classrooms of the faculty with the following characteristics: 60 questions, sequential navigation, 1 attempt, 90 minutes long.
Individual final work of 45,000 characters with spaces, times new roman 12, line spacing 1, 5. Approximate length of 20 pages.
In the event that a student could not meet the requirements established for continuous evaluation in the May opportunity, after justification of the reasons that prevent it, the singularized procedure will be set through which to cover that part of the
Final qualification through the materials, works and #lectura refereed by the teacher.
These materials must be delivered in advance for their corresponding evaluation in the virtual classroom, five days before the date set for the exam.
This same procedure will be applied to those students who could not meet the requirements established for continuous evaluation in the July call, always after justification of the reasons that prevent it. In this case, said materials will be delivered on the day and time on which the examination of said call for the subject was fixed.
Students who are granted exemption from class attendance (following Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on the exemption from class attendance in certain circumstances), will be evaluated with a specific final exam that will represent 100% of the qualification.
Fraudulent performance of exercises or tests:
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the one included in the Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and the review of qualifications will apply.Training activity through hours of classes in the classroom:
- Lectures: 15 hours.
- Interactive classes: 20 hours.
- Interactive classes laboratory / computer room: 2 hours.
- Individual tutorials: 3 hours.
- Personal lighting work: 85 hours.
The students will have in the virtual classroom all the necessary material for the follow-up of the subject, as well as complementary documentation to the exhibition sessions.Training activity through hours of classes in the classroom:
- Lectures: 15 hours.
- Interactive classes: 20 hours.
- Interactive classes laboratory / computer room: 2 hours.
- Individual tutorials: 3 hours.
- Personal lighting work: 30 hours.
The students will have in the virtual classroom all the necessary material for the follow-up of the subject, as well as complementary documentation to the exhibition sessions.The students will have in the virtual classroom all the necessary material for the follow-up of the subject, as well as complementary documentation to the exhibition sessions.
The teaching material will be made available to students through the Virtual Campus of the USC.
Other complementary activities will be programmed for a more complete development of the subject: field practices, visits to museums and temporary exhibitions, attendance at conferences, etc.
Begoña Fernandez Rodriguez
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812715
- begona.fernandez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero
Coordinador/a- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- Phone
- 881812716
- juanmanuel.monterroso@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 16 Thursday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 16 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Spanish Classroom 16 Friday 10:00-12:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Spanish Classroom 16 Exams 01.17.2025 10:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 16 06.25.2025 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 16