ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 25
Interactive Classroom: 15
Total: 41Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Faculty of BiologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Know the diversity of living beings and biological cycles, as well as develop the ability to analyze and interpret their adaptations to the environment (Con04)
Know and understand the structure and dynamics of populations and communities (Con10).
Understand and accurately use the concepts and language of PhytosociologyExpository theoretical classes (25 hours)
1st BLOCK (10 hours). Basic concepts and methodology for the study of vegetation.
1. Flora and vegetation. Life forms in Cormophytes. Raunkiaer’s classification.
2. Approach to the study of vegetation. The physiognomic method: Schimper and Von Faber classification. Structural description of Dansereau. The ecological-physiognomic classification of Brockmann-Jerosch & Rübel.
3. Introduction to Bioclimatology. Bioclimatic classification systems: Köppen, Thornthwaite, Walter and others. Bioclimatic classification of Rivas Martínez: indices, bioclimatic parameters and ombrothermal diagrams.
4. Chorology: the main phytogeographical divisions in the Iberian Peninsula. The chorological units of Galicia.
5. The sigmatist phytosociological method. Concept of plant association and association individual. Analytical stage: the floristic inventory. Synthetic stage: the phytosociological table.
6. Classification of plant communities. Syntaxonomy and phytosociological nomenclature.
7. Plant succession: climax communities and serial communities. Symphytosociology: concept of Vegetation Series.
8. Zonation: edaphoxerophilous communities and edaphohygrophilous communities. The Geoseries and the Geosigmetum
2nd BLOCK (15 hours). Main units of the Iberian vegetation.
9. Temperate climatophilous forests (Clase Querco-Fagetea sylvaticae).
10. Edaphohigrophilous forests: riparian forests (Clase Querco-Fagetea sylvaticae) and swamp forests (Clase Alnetea glutinosae).
11. Evergreen mediterranean forests (Clase Quercetea ilicis).
12. Forest mantle formations: retamoid shrublands (Clase Cytisetea scopario-striati) and thorny shrublands (Clase Rhamno-Prunetea spinosae).
13. Atlantic humid scrubland dominated by gorse and heather (Clase Calluno-Ulicetea minoris) and the mediterranean dry-subhumid ones (Clase Cisto-Lavanduletea stoechadis).
14. Perennial anthropic grasslands (Clase Molinio-Arrhenatheretea elatioris). Calcicolous natural grasslands (Clase Festuco-Brometea erecti) and acidophilic natural mountain meadows (Clase Nardetea strictae).
15. Rupicolous vegetation: clase Asplenietea trichomanis. Scree vegetation: clase Thlaspietea rotundifoliae.
16. Nitrophilous and subnitrophilous vegetation: perennial vegetation (Clases Artemisietea vulgaris y Galio-Urticetea maioris) and annual vegetation (Clase Stellarietea mediae)
17. Sand dune vegetation: Clase Cakiletea maritimae and Clase Euphorbio-Ammophiletea australis.
18. Aquatic vegetation: helophytic dominated (Clases Magnocarici-Phragmitetea australis and Littorelletea uniflorae) or hydrphytic dominated (Clases Potametea y Lemnetea).
19. Coastal halophilous vegetation: Clases Sarcocornietea fruticosae, Crithmo-Limonietea, Juncetea maritimi and others.
20. The Natura 2000 Network and phytosociological criteria.
Field practices (10 hours)
Two excursions will be made to recognize and identify different plant communities in two expeditions to areas of the territory with a diversity of natural vegetation. Non-mandatory attendance.
Laboratory-Classroom Practices (5 hours)
Identification of vegetation types and bioindicator species in landscape units. Work will be done with a computer based on photographs of landscapes provided by the students themselves.
Tutorials (1 hours)
Resolution of doubts
Final exam (3 hours)+ Basic
Alcaraz F., Clemente M., & Barreña J. 1999. Manual de teoría y práctica de geobotánica. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) de la Universidad de Murcia. http://www.um.es/docencia/geobotanica
Braun-Blanquet J. 1979. Fitosociología. Bases para el estudio de las comunidades vegetales. Ed. Blume,
Castroviejo S. (ed.) 1986–2021. Flora Iberica. 21 Vols. Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC, Madrid.
García Martínez X.R. 2008. Guía das plantas de Galicia. Ed. Xerais
Loidi J. 2017. The vegetation of the Iberian Peninsule. Vols. I & II. Ed. Springer.
Rivas-Martínez S., Fernández-González F., Loidi J., Lousâ M. & Penas A. 2001. Syntaxonomical checklist of vascular plant communities of Spain and Portugal to association level. Itinera Geobot., 14: 5-341
Rivas-Martínez S., Rivas-Saenz S. & Penas A. 2011. Worldwide bioclimatic classification system. Global Geobot. 1: 1-634 + 4 Maps. http://www.editaefa.com/uploads/ref.Worldwidebioclimaticclassifications…
Terradas J. 2001. Ecología de la vegetación: de la ecofisiología de las plantas a la dinámica de comunidades y paisajes. Ed. Omega.
+ Complementary
Costa J.C., Neto C., Aguiar C., Capelo J., Espirito-Santo M.D., Honrado J., Pinto-Gomes C., Monteiro-Henriques T., Sequeira M. & Lousa M. 2012. Vascular plant communities in Portugal (continental, the Azores and Madeira). Global Geobotany 2: 1-180. http://home.isa.utl.pt/~tmh/aboutme/Publicacoes_files/Vascular%20plant%…
Fernández Prieto J.A., Amigo J., Bueno Á., Herrera M., Rodríguez-Guitián M.A. & Loidi J. 2023. Bosques y orlas forestales de los territorios atlánticos del Noroeste Ibérico. Guineana 23: 240 pp
Folch i Guillén R. 1986. La vegetació dels països catalans. 2ª Ediciò. Ed. Ketres.
Mucina, L. Bultmann, H., Diersen, K., Theurillat, J.-P, Raus, T., Čarni, A., Šumberova, K., Willner, W., Dengler, J., Gavilan Garcia, R., Chytry, M., Hajek, M., Di Pietro, R., Iakushenko, D., Pallas, J., Daniels, F.J.A., Bergmeier, E., Santos Guerra, A., Ermakov, N., Valachovič, M., Schaminee, J.H.J., Lysenko, T., Didukh, Y.P., Pignatti, S., Rodwell, J.S., Capelo, J., Weber, H.E., Solomeshch, A., Dimopoulos, P., Aguiar, C., Hennekens, S.M. & Tichy, L. 2016 Vegetation of Europe: hierarchical floristic classification system of vascular plant, bryophyte, lichen, and algal communities. Appl. Veg. Sci. 19 (Suppl.): 3-264.
Rivas-Martínez S. & cols. 2011. Mapa de series, geoseries y geopermaseries de vegetación de España (Memoria del mapa de vegetación potencial de España). Parte II. Itinera Geobot. 18(1-2): 5-800.
Walter H.1987. Zonas de vegetación y clima. Ed. Omega.
On-line sources
Flora Iberica: http://www.floraiberica.es
Galician forests information: http://www.bosquesdegalicia.es
SANT Herbarium (access to collections): https://www.gbif.org/dataset/1c334170-7ed1-11df-8c4a-0800200c9a66Knowledges:
Con04: Know the diversity of living beings and biological cycles, as well as develop the ability to analyze and interpret their adaptations to the environment.
Con10: Know and understand the structure and dynamics of populations and communities
H/D01: Apply in an integrated manner the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired in the transmission of information/ideas and in the formulation and resolution of problems, both in academic and professional contexts
H/D02: Know how to obtain and interpret relevant information and experimental results and obtain conclusions on topics related to Biology
H/D06: Know how to describe, analyze and interpret the physical environment and its relationship with living beings
H/D07: Ability to search, process, analyze and synthesize information from various sources, including the use of ICTs in the field of Biology
Com01: Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer, comprender y utilizar los conocimientos de las distintas áreas de la Biología, incluyendo algunos aspectos de vanguardia de su campo de estudio.
Comp03: That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
Comp05: That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.The methodologies described in the degree report will be followed:
- Expositive classes: master classes, with the support of audiovisual media.
- Interactive field classes: identification of different plant communities in a specific territory
- Interactive laboratory classes: identification of plant formations working with a computer from photographs of landscapes provided by the students themselves.
- Tutorials (in a small group) to clarify doubts, provide information or guide the students.
Attendance will not be mandatory to any of the activities.Theoretical final exam: 75% of the mark
Evaluation for work in laboratory practices: 20%
Continuous evaluation for participation in expository classes and excursion: 5%
Passing will be achieved with a minimum of 5 points out of 10. On the second opportunity, the score obtained in the continuous evaluation will be maintained.
The evaluation will take into account the acquisition of the following skills:
Theoretical exam: Con04; With10
Practical evaluation: H/D01; H/D02; H/D06
Repeating students will be evaluated 100% in the theoretical final exam.Total hours of face-to-face work: 44 h
Lectures: 25 h
Practices: 15 hours
Tutorials: 1 hours
Exam: 3 hours
Total hours of personal student work: 68.5h
TOTAL HOURS: 25h x 4.5 ECTS = 112.5hAssistance to all teaching activities.
Some prior knowledge of the diversity of vascular flora of the territory (trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants) is essential. It is highly recommended to exercise/reinforce knowledge in floristics of vascular plants.
Participate in tutorialsIn the event of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades" will apply. In general, it is expressly prohibited for students to distribute, among people outside the course, the teaching material (both written and audiovisual) available on the Virtual Campus or that offered by the teaching staff through other channels.
Francisco Javier Amigo Vazquez
- Department
- Botany
- Area
- Botany
- Phone
- 881814977
- javier.amigo.vazquez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 23rd-29th Wednesday 13:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 09. Barbara McClintock Thursday 13:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 09. Barbara McClintock Exams 01.22.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 01. Charles Darwin 01.22.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 02. Gregor Mendel 06.16.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 01. Charles Darwin