ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 26
Interactive Classroom: 14
Total: 41Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Microbiology and ParasitologyAreas:
Faculty of BiologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Knowing the fundamental characteristics of the relationships between living things and their associations.
Recognize and identify the main species of parasites responsible for disease in humans and animals.
Apply and relate the morphological and biological knowledge in the parasitological diagnosis.
Apply the biological and epidemiological basis in the prevention and control of parasitic diseases.
Building capacity to formulate and solve practical problems of parasitology type.EXPOSITIVE SCHOOL PROGRAM (26 hours)
Unit 1. Introduction to parasitism (2 h)
Unit 2. Taxonomy and nomenclature parasitic (0.5 h)
Unit 3. Parasite Pathogenicity (1 h)
Unit 4. Parasitic Epidemiology (0.5 h)
Unit 5. Basis for the control of parasitic diseases (0.5 h)
BLOCK II. Protozoology
Unit 6. Introduction to the protozoa (1 h)
Unit 7. Amphizoic intestinal amoebae and amoebae (1,5 h)
Unit 8. Intestinal and urogenital flagellates (0.5 h)
Unit 9. Hemotisulares flagellates (3.5 h)
Unit 10. Ciliates (0.5 h)
Unit 11. Intestinal apicomplexan (1 h)
Unit 12. Apicomplexan tissue (1 h)
Unit 13. Hematological apicomplexan (2 h)
BLOCK III. Helminthology
Unit 14. Introduction to the flukes (0.5 h)
Unit 15. Hepatobiliary flukes (0.5 h)
Unit 16. Intestinal and lung flukes (0.5 h)
Unit 17. Flukes hematic (1 h)
Unit 18. Introduction to tapeworms (0.5 h)
Unit 19. Pseudofílidos Cestodes (0.5 h)
Unit 20. Ciclofílidos Cestodes (1 h)
Unit 21. Introduction to nematodes (0.5 h)
Unit 22. Whipworms (0.5 h)
Unit 23. Ascarids topic (0.5 h)
Unit 24. Strongylid topic (1 h)
Unit 25. Oxiúridos topic (0.5 h)
Unit 26. Filarial topic (1 h)
BLOCK IV. Arthropodology
Unit 27. Introduction and importance of arthropods (0.5 h)
Unit 28. Mites and ticks (0.5 h)
Unit29. Wingless insects (0.5 h)
Unit 30. Insects Diptera (0.5 h)
Laboratory practicals program (10 hours)
Practice 1. Protozoa: Observation of preparations (2 h)
Practice 2. Trematode: Observation of preparations (2 h)
Practice 3. Cestode: Observation of preparations (2 h)
Practice 4. Nematode: Observation of preparations (2 h)
Practice 5. Arthropods: Observation of preparations ( 2 h)
Seminars: (4 hours)
Four seminars about potential issues of the biologist in the field of Parasitology will be held. Tutorials: (1 hour)
They will be scheduled by the teacher according to students. They will be dedicated to the clarification of doubts ......
Exam: (2 hours)
There will be two sessions, the date, time, and classroom of which will be established by the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Biology.Basic
Ash, L.R. y Orihel, T.C., 2010. Atlas de parasitología humana. 5ª ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Cordero del Campillo, M. y Rojo Vázquez, F.J., 1999. Parasitología Veterinaria. Madrid: Editorial McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
Despommier, D.D., Karapelou, J. and Jensen, J., 2006. Parasitic Diseases. 5th ed. New York: Apple Trees.
Gállego Berenguer, J. 2007. Manual de parasitología: morfología y biología de los parásitos de interés sanitario. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona.
Roberts, L.S., Janovy, J.Jr and Nadler, S., 2013. Gerald D. Schmidt & Larry S. Roberts’ Foundations of Parasitology. 9th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Con 01; Con 04; Con 07; Con 08; Con 09
H/D 01; H/D 02; H/D 05; H/D 07; H/D 08; H/D 10; H/D 11; H/D 12
Comp 01; Comp 02; Comp 03; Comp 04; Com p05; Comp 06; Comp 07Lectures in large group (Expositiry Classes)
These will be lectures given by the responsible teacher, in which the general guidelines of the subject will be presented initially, followed by an explanation of the basic concepts and topics reflected in the programme of the expository classes. The teacher will be able to use computer and audiovisual aids. The USC virtual platform will be used to support and complement the theoretical teaching. Assistance to expository classes will not be mandatory activity but they will be evaluable.
Laboratory practices
The aim of the practical classes will be the macroscopic and microscopic observation of different parasitic species, both the stages of their biological cycles and the parasitic forms that allow a direct diagnosis to be made. They will be programmed in accordance with the sections that constitute the programme of the expositive classes. The USC virtual platform will complement the interactive laboratory classes. Attendance at practical classes will be mandatory activity (100%).
Interactive small group classes (Seminars)
Four seminars will be given by biologists whose professional activity involves topics related to Parasitology.
They will basically consist of talks-colloquiums in which students will be able to ask any type of question on the topic. Attendance at seminars will be mandatory activity (100%).
These will be dedicated to resolving doubts about any aspect of the subject. They will be scheduled by the teacher at the student's request. Assistance to tutorials will not be mandatory activity but they will be evaluable.Students will have two evaluation opportunities. The course cannot be passed without the performance of the practical laboratory classes, being the final grade in the course "No Presentado/a".
The evaluation, in the two opportunities, will consist of a theorical exam which will constitute 80% of the final qualification and may consist of: definition of basic concepts, answers to short and multiple-choice questions, interpretation of images and diagrams, resolution of practical cases and development of fundamental topics. The knowledge acquired during the practical classes will also be evaluated.
There will be a continuous complementary evaluation in which participation, attitude and use of the different programmed activities will be evaluated, including the interactive seminar and laboratory classes. Its evaluation will be 20% of the final qualification, but it will be necessary to obtain a minimum mark (5 out of 10) in the theorical exam in order to apply this evaluation. This evaluation will only be valid for the academic year in which it is obtained.
For repeating students, assistance to expository classes will not be mandatory activity but they will be evaluable. Laboratory practices will be valid for the 2 courses following their performance. Attendance at seminars will be mandatory activity (100%). Assistance to tutorials will not be mandatory activity but they will be evaluated.
The assessment of the knowledge, abilities/skills and competences acquired in the subject will be carried out in the following ways:
A. In the exam: Con01, Con04, Con07, Con08, Con09, H/D05, H/D08, Comp01, Comp02, Comp03, Comp06
B. In the interactive classes of laboratory: H/D01, H/D02, H/D05, H/D07, H/D10, Comp04, Comp07
C. In the interactive seminar classes: H/D02, H/D07, H/D10, H/D11, H/D12, Comp05, Comp06, Comp07
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Normativa de Avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións" (Regulations for the assessment of students' academic performance and review of qualifications) will be applicable.Presential work: 43 h
26 h expositive
10 h interactive lab
4 h interactive seminar
1 h tutorials
2 h exam
Non-presential work: 69.5 h
Individual study: 64 h
Recommended reading, library activities or similar: 3 h
Assistance to talks or other recommended activities: 2.5 h
TOTAL = 4.5 ECTS x 25 h = 112.5 hAttendance at lectures
Regular dedication to the subject
Knowledge of basis concepts is recommended.
It is useful for making diagrams and summaries of important aspects of the issues, making sure to know both its meaning and application.
Use the virtual platform to complement and consult the bibliography.
Use the tutorials to solve any doubt.In exceptional cases, this can be communicated through the MS-teams channel by e-mail request.
Maria Elvira Ares Mazas
Coordinador/a- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Parasitology
- Phone
- 881814890
- melvira.ares@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 06. Diane Fosey and Jane Goodall Thursday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 06. Diane Fosey and Jane Goodall Exams 05.27.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 08. Louis Pasteur 07.10.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 04: James Watson and Francis Crick