ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Organic ChemistryAreas:
Organic ChemistryCenter
Faculty of ChemistryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
To know the properties and reactivity of the most representative organic compounds, especially those with functional groups based on multiple bonds.
Nomenclature. Structure and physical properties. Degree of unsaturation. Relative stability of alkenes. Main methods of preparation of alkenes. Reactivity of alkenes: electrophilic addition and catalytic hydrogenation. Electrophilic additions of hydrogen, water and halogen halides. Hydration reactions: Oximercuriacion-demercuriation and hydroboration-oxidation. Oxidation reactions: epoxidation, dihydroxylation and ozonolysis. Radical additions. Addition of carbenes. Alkenes in nature and industrial interest.
Nomenclature. Structure and physical properties. Acidity of alkynes. Main methods of preparation of alkynes. Reduction of alkynes. Electrophilic additions to alkynes: hydrogen halides, halogens, water. Anti-Markovnikov additions: free-radical additions and hydroboration. Reactivity of the alkenyl halides. Alkynes in nature and industrial interest.
Electronic delocalization in allylic systems. Allylic free-radical halogenation. Allylic halides in nucleophilic substitution. Allylic organometallic reagents. Conjugated dienes. Electrophilic addition to conjugated dienes: zkinetic and thermodynamic control. Electronic delocaliation in extended conjugated systems. Pericyclic reactions: Diels - Alder cycloaddition and electrocyclic reactions.
Nomenclature of benzene derivatives. Structure and resonance energy of benzene: Aromaticity. Benzene molecular orbitals. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Other cyclic polyenes: Hückel rule. Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions: halogenation, nitration, sulfonation and Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation.
Activation and deactivation of the benzene ring. Inductive effect and resonant effect of substituents. Directing effects of the substituents. Electrophilic substitution on disubstituted benzenes. Strategies for the synthesis of substituted benzenes. Reactivity of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons.
Reactivity of the benzylic position: oxidations and reductions. Nomenclature and properties of phenols. Preparation of phenols. Nucleophilic aromatic substitution: ipso and via benzyne. Reactivity of phenols: acid-base, elctrophilic substitution, Claisen transposition, oxidation.
Nomenclature. Structure and physical properties of carbonyl compounds. Preparation of aldehydes and ketones. Nucleophilic additions of charged species: hydrides and organometallic reagents. Additions of oxygen nucleophiles: hydrates, hemiketals and ketals (protective groups). Additions of nitrogen nucleophiles: Imines and enamines. Deoxygenation of the carbonyl group: Wolff-Kishner and Clemmensen reductions and desulfurization of tioaketals. Nucleophilic additions of carbón nucleophiles to the carbonyl group: formation of cyanohydrines and Wittig reaction. Oxidation reactions: Baeyer-Villiger reaction.
Practice 1. Reduction with hydrides: Conversion of benzoíne in 1,2-diphenyletane-1,2-diol.
Practice 2. Diels-Alder's reaction: Preparation of exo-7-oxabicycle [2,2,1] hept-5-en-2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride.
Practice 3. Ketalization reaction: Synthesis of 2,2-dimetil-4,5-diphenyl-1,3-dioxolane.
Practice 4. Addition of halogens to alkenes: Iodolactonization.
Practice 5. Wittig's reaction. Synthesis of cynamic acid.Reference book
“Química Orgánica”
Autores: K. P. C. Vollhardt; N. E. Schore.
Edición: versión española de la 5ª Ed., 2008.
Publicación: Omega
“Cuestiones y Ejercicios de Química Orgánica. Una Guía de Estudio y Autoevaluación" 2a Edición.”
Autores: E. Quiñoá, R. Riguera
Publicación: Ed. McGraw Hill-Interamericana, 2004.
“Nomenclatura y Representación de los Compuestos Orgánicos. Una Guía de Estudio y Autoevaluación" 2a Edición”
Autores: E. Quiñoá, R. Riguera
Publicación: Ed. McGraw Hill-Interamericana, 2005.
Lab manual
“Técnicas experimentales en síntesis orgánica”
Autores: M. A. Martínez Grau, A. G. Csákÿ
Publicación: Ed. Síntesis, 1998.Basic and general competences
CG2 - To be able to gather and interpret relevant data, information and results, obtain conclusions and issue reasoned reports on scientific, technological or other problems that require the use of Chemistry knowledge.
CG3 - To be able to apply both acquired theoretical and practical knowledge as well as the capacity for analysis and abstraction in the definition and presentation of problems and in the search for solutions in both academic and professional contexts.
CG4 - To be able to communicate, both in written and oral form, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas in Chemistry to both a specialized and non-specialized public.
CG5 - To be able to study and learn independently, with organization of time and resources, new knowledge and techniques in any scientific or technological discipline.
CG1 - That graduates possess and understand the most important concepts, methods and results of the different branches of Chemistry, with a historical perspective of their development. CB1 - That the students have demonstrated to possess and to understand knowledge in a study area that starts from the base of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although it relies on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects which involve knowledge from the vanguard of their field of study.
Transversal competences
CT1 - Acquiring capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Develop capacity for organization and planning.
CT3 - Acquiring knowledge of a foreign language.
CT4 - Being able to solve problems.
CT5 - Be able to make decisions.
Specific competences
CE25 - Being able to relate chemistry to other disciplines.
CE4 - To know the main types of chemical reaction and its main associated characteristics.
CE7 - To know properties of the organic, inorganic compounds and metallic organ.
CE18 - To be able to carry out standard laboratory procedures involved in analytical and synthetic work, in relation to organic and inorganic systems.
CE22 - Understand the relationship between theory and experimentation.
CE23 - Recognize and value chemical processes in daily life.A) Large group exposition classes ("L" in the time tables): Lesson given by the teacher that may have different formats (theory, problems and / or general examples, general guidelines of the subject ...). The teacher can be supported by audiovisual and computer media, but in general, students do not need to handle them in class. Usually these classes will follow the contents of a Reference Manual proposed in the Teaching Guide of the subject. Attendance to these classes is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.
B) Interactive classes in a small group (Seminars, "S" in the time tables): Theoretical / practical class in which theoretical applications, problems and exercises are proposed and solved ... The student participates actively in these classes in different ways: Delivery of exercises to the teacher (some of those proposed in bulletins of problems that the teacher gives to the students well in advance); Resolution of exercises in the classroom, etc. The teacher may be supported by audio-visual and computer media but, in general, students will not handle them in class. Evaluation tests are included, if any.
C) Practical laboratory classes (Practice groups, "G" in the time tables): This includes the classes that take place in an internship laboratory. In them, the student acquires the skills of a chemistry laboratory and consolidates the knowledge acquired in the theory classes. The personal work of the student in this activity is much smaller. For these practices, the student will have a manual of laboratory practices, which will include general considerations about the work in the laboratory, as well as a script of each of the practices to be carried out, which will include a brief presentation of the fundamentals, the Methodology to be followed and the indication of the calculations to be made and results to be presented. The student should attend each practice session having read carefully the contents of this manual and solved some previous questions that the teacher qualifies and takes into account for the practice note. After an explanation by the teacher, the student will individually or in groups of two carry out the experiments and calculations necessary to achieve the objectives of the practice, collecting in the laboratory journal the development of the practice and the calculations and results that come , Presenting the same day or the next session the results, which will be evaluated.
The delivery of a final report is an additional requirement for the evaluation and the maximum submission period will be one week after the completion of the practices.
Attendance to these classes is mandatory. The faults must be documented, accepting reasons for examination and health, as well as those cases contemplated in the current university regulations. The unrealized practice will be recovered according to the teacher and within the scheduled timetable for the subject.
D) Small group tutoring in small groups ("T" in the time tables): Tutorials programmed by the teacher and coordinated by the Center. In general, they will assume for each student 2 hours per semester and subject. Activities such as supervision of guided work, clarification of questions about theory or practices, problems, exercises, readings or other proposed tasks are proposed; As well as the presentation, exhibition, debate or commentary of individual works or performed in small groups. In many cases the teacher will require the students to deliver exercises prior to the celebration of the tutoring. These deliveries will be included in the calendar of activities to be carried out by the students throughout the course in the Teaching Guide of the corresponding subject.
E) Virtual classroom: Through which all material related to the subject will be provided: Teaching guide, presentations, exercise bulletins, notices, etc.The qualification of the student will be done through continuous evaluation and the completion of a final exam.
Continuous assessment. It will include the monitoring of the student's personal work through written controls, assignments, student participation in the classroom, tutorials and other means explained in the course program.
Final exam. It aims to verify that the student has acquired the skills and abilities established for the subjects. It will, therefore, cover the entire contents of the subjects, and may include questions related to laboratory practices.
The qualification of the student, which will not be inferior to the final exam nor to that obtained by weighing it with the mark of the continuous evaluation, will be obtained as a result of applying the following formula:
Final note = maximum (0.3 x N1 + 0.7 x N2, N2)
N1 being the numeric note corresponding to the continuous evaluation (scale 0-10) and N2 the numerical note of the final exam (scale 0-10).
In any case, to pass the subject, it will be essential to have the approved qualification in the laboratory practices.
Repeating students who, even having failed the subject, have passed the laboratory practices, will have the grade obtained for two consecutive years to the course in which they passed them without having to repeat the practices. Likewise, repeating students will have to answer the practical questions in the final exam of the subject regardless of the call to which they appear.
Assessment of competences
Seminars: CG2; CG3; CG4; CG5; CT1; CT2; CT3; CT4; CE23
Tutorials: CG4; CG5; CE25
Practices: CT5; CE18; CE22; CE23
Exam: CG1; CG3; CE4; CE7
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades will apply.Classroom work
Large group lectures (23 h)
Interactive classes in small group (Seminars, 8 h)
Laboratory Practices (20 h)
Small Group Tutorials (2 hours)
Total hours classroom work in the classroom or laboratory (53 hours)
Student work
Self-study, individual or group (47 h)
Resolution of exercises or other works (28 h)
Preparation of oral presentations, writing, elaboration of proposed exercises
Activities in library or similar (10 h)
Preparation of laboratory work (12 h)
Total hours of personal work of the student (97 hours)i) It is highly recommended to attend the lectures
ii) It is important to keep the study of the subject "up to date" to reinforce what was studied in class and to perform exercises (self-evaluation model).
iii) Learning and understanding concepts and mechanisms.
iv) Perform exercises to acquire fluency and agility.
Susana Lopez Estevez
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- Phone
- 881814400
- susana.lopez.estevez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Maria Dolores Perez Meiras
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- Phone
- 881814214
- dolores.perez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Emilio Quiñoa Cabana
Coordinador/a- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- Phone
- 881815729
- emilio.quinoa@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Jesus Angel Varela Carrete
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- Phone
- 881815719
- jesus.varela@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Iago Pozo Míguez
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- Phone
- 881815751
- iago.pozo.miguez@usc.es
- Category
- Researcher: Marie Curie Programme
Patricia Fulias Guzman
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- patricia.fulias.guzman@usc.es
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Patricia Gomez Roibas
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- patriciagomez.roibas@usc.es
- Category
- USC Pre-doctoral Contract
Adrian Rivas Saborido
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- adrianrivas.saborido@usc.es
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Kaddy Saho
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- ka.saho@usc.es
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Laura Goicoechea Crespo
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- laura.goicoechea.crespo@usc.es
- Category
- Ministry Pre-doctoral Contract
Mauro Mato Gomez
- Department
- Organic Chemistry
- Area
- Organic Chemistry
- mauro.mato@usc.es
- Category
- Researcher: Ramón y Cajal
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 09:00-10:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Mathematics Classroom (3rd floor) 13:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_03 English Aula 3.42 13:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Technical Chemistry Classroom (ground floor) Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_03 English Aula 3.42 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Technical Chemistry Classroom (ground floor) Thursday 09:00-10:00 Grupo /CLE_03 English Aula 3.42 09:00-10:00 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Technical Chemistry Classroom (ground floor) 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Mathematics Classroom (3rd floor) Friday 10:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Mathematics Classroom (3rd floor) Exams 05.14.2024 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Biology Classroom (3rd floor) 05.14.2024 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Mathematics Classroom (3rd floor) 07.04.2024 16:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Biology Classroom (3rd floor) 07.04.2024 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Physics Classroom (3rd floor)