ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 24Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
-To train the students, as future archaeologists and professional archaeologists, in asking the right questions for the study of structures and materials from this period.
- Introduce students to the main issues related to research on this period; train students in different disciplines, methodologies and techniques that, although they are used and extendable to other periods, have a special development in the archeology of historical times, such as the archeology of architecture.
- Show students the importance, for the study of the material culture of this period, of carrying out interdisciplinary approaches that allow maximizing archaeological information, and improving its characterization, such as the history of architecture, the history of art, documentary studies, analysis of historical planimetry, etc.
- Introduce students to tools for representing the results of archaeological studies of this period.The subject aims to introduce students to the main characteristics, problems and procedures of the study of the archaeological record (movable and immovable) from medieval and modern times, approximately between the 5th and 18th centuries AD.
T1. Introduction to the archeology of medieval and modern times. The journey of both thematic currents in Spain, the peninsular and European context, as well as the main lines of research that have been developed in the peninsular area and, especially, in Galicia, will be shown. The main methodological trends working in these areas will also be discussed.
T2. Archeology of Architecture: theoretical approach and methodological tools. Introduction to students in this discipline that uses tools fundamentally from archaeology, but also from other disciplines, in the study, characterization, dating and interpretation of historical architecture. 4.5 hours of the subject will be dedicated to this part.
T3. Immovable material culture of medieval and modern times. The topic will be organized in the following contents:
• Sites and architecture from the medieval period: the different types of archaeological sites characteristic of this period will be reviewed: habitats, necropolises, churches, fortifications, agricultural spaces, etc. Its characteristics and different problems will be explained, emphasizing the need to combine different methodologies for its study.
• The main transformations that occur in modern architecture and that leave their traces at the archaeological level in constructions will be reviewed. The main building typologies (residential, ecclesiastical, military...) and the construction techniques and decorative typologies that allow us to differentiate a modern element from another earlier or later will be analysed. Some projects focused on the archaeological study of modern architecture will be reviewed.
T4. Movable material culture from medieval and modern times: The variety of objects from this period that can be useful for identification from a typological and operational chain point of view will be shown. These elements will also be taken into account as materiality that can be understood from the contexts of these periods and can also contribute to understanding them more adequately.BASIC BIBLIOGRAFHY
ARIÑO GIL, E. (2013) "El hábitat rural en la Península Ibérica entre finales del siglo IV y principios del VIII: un ensayo interpretativo", Antiquité Tardive 21: pp. 93-123.
AZKARATE GARAI-OLAUN, A. (2013) “La construcción y lo construido. Arqueología de la Arquitectura”. La materialidad de la historia. La arqueología en los inicios del siglo XXI, Madrid. pp. 271-298.
BALLESTEROS ARIAS, P. (2010) “La Arqueología Rural y la construcción de un paisaje agrario medieval: el caso de Galicia”. Por una arqueología agraria. Perspectivas de investigación sobre espacios de cultivo en las sociedades medievales hispánicas, Oxford, pp. 25-39.
CABALLERO, L.; MATEOS, P.; RETUERCE, M. (2003) Cerámicas tardorromanas y altomedievales en la península Ibérica. Ruptura y continuidad (II Simposio de Arqueología, Mérida 2001). Madrid: CSIC.
CABALLERO ZOREDA, L.; UTRERO AGUDO, M.A. (2013) "El ciclo constructivo de la Alta Edad Media Hispánica. Siglos VIII-X." Archeologia dell’Architettura XVIII, pp. 127-146.
CHAVARRÍA ARNAU, A. (2009) Archeologia delle chiese. Dalle origini all'anno Mille. Roma.
FARIÑA BUSTO, F.; SUÁREZ OTERO, J. (1988) "Arqueoloxía medieval en Galicia: unha aproximación." Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia 28 (fasc. 3-4), pp. 49-77.
FRANCOVICH, R; HODGES, R. (2003) Villa to village: the transformation of the Roman countryside in Italy, c. 400-1000. London.
GUTIÉRREZ GONZÁLEZ, J. A. (1995) Fortificaciones y feudalismo en el origen y formación del reino leonés (ss. IX-XIII). Valladolid.
QUIRÓS, J.; BENGOETXEA, B. (2007), Arqueología Postclasica, UNED, Madrid.
QUIRÓS CASTILLO, J.A. (2009) Medieval Archaeology in Spain. Reflections: 50 years of Medieval Archaeology, 1957-2007, London. pp. 173-189.
XUSTO RODRÍGUEZ, M.; EGUILETA FRANCO, J.M. (1992) "Arqueología medieval gallega: consideraciones metodológicas." Gallaecia 13, pp. 273-302.
ABBÉ, J. L. (2005) “Le paysage peut-il être lu à rebours?. Le paysage agraire médiéval et la méthode régressive”. Les territoires du médiéviste, Rennes, pp. 383-399.
ALMEIDA, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de (1978). Castelologia Medieval de Entre Douro e Minho, Prova Complementar da Tese de Doutoramento (policopiada), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto.
AZKARATE GARAI-OLAUN, A.; QUIRÓS CASTILLO, J. A. (2003) "Arquitectura doméstica altomedieval en la Península Ibérica. Reflexión a partir de las excavaciones arqueológicas de la catedral de Santa María de Vitoria-Gasteiz, País Vasco", Archeologia Medievale XXX, pp. 7-28.
AZKARATE GARAI-OLAUN, A. SÁNCHEZ ZUFIAURRE, L. (2005) "Aportaciones al conocimiento de las técnicas constructivas altomedievales en Álava, Guipúzcoa y Vizcaya." Arqueología de la Arquitectura 4, pp. 193-213.
BARROCA, Mário Jorge (1990-91). Do Castelo da Reconquista ao Castelo Românico (séc. IX a XII), Portugalia, Nova Série, XI-XII, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, pp. 89-134.
BLANCO-ROTEA, R., (2017). Arquitectura y paisaje. Aproximaciones desde la arqueología, Arqueología de la Arquitectura, 17: e051, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/arq.arqt.2017.007
BLANCO-ROTEA, R. (2010) Herramientas metodológicas aplicadas al estudio de un paisaje urbano fortificado: el caso de la villa de Verín (Monterrei, Ourense). En Domingo Fominaya, Mª y Sánchez Luengo, A. J. (Dir. y Coord. Ed.) 2010. Arqueología aplicada al estudio e interpretación de edificios históricos. Últimas tendencias metodológicas, pp. 179-197. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura. ISBN: 978-84-8181-470-5.
BLANCO-ROTEA, R., PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, P., BALLESTEROS ARIAS, P. Y LÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ, L. F. (2010) El despoblado de A Pousada: la formación de una aldea rural en la Alta Edad Media. En Prieto Martínez, P. y Criado Boado, F. (Coord.) 2010 Reconstruyendo la historia de la comarca del Ulla-Deza (Galicia-España). Escenarios arqueológicos del pasado. TAPA 41. Pp. 111-20. Santiago de Compostela. ISBN: 978-84-00-09134-7.
BLANCO-ROTEA, R. (2018) Paisajes urbanos modernos de la frontera galaico-portuguesa. La fortificación de las villas y ciudades en el siglo XVII. Revista de História da Arte, 13: 115-139. ISSN 2182-3294.
CHOUQUER, G (1997). Les formes du paysage. Paris.
COBAS, I., PRIETO, P. (1998) Criterios y convenciones para la gestión y tratamiento de la cultura material mueble. Capa, 7. Santiago de Compostela.
COOL CONESA, J. (Coord.) (2011) Manual de cerámica medieval y moderna. Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.
FARIÑA BUSTO, F.; SUÁREZ OTERO, J. (1997) “As necrópoles xermano-suévica”, Galicia castrexa e romana, Santiago de Compostela, pp. 304-312.
FERNÁNDEZ MIER, M. (1999), Génesis del territorio en la Edad Media. Arqueología del paisaje y evolución histórica en la montaña asturiana. Oviedo
GAIMSTER, D. (1997) German Stoneware, 1200-1900: Archaeology and Cultural History, British Museum Press, London.
GILCHRIST, R. (2009) “Medieval Archaeology and Theory: A disciplinary leap of faith”, Reflections: 50 years of Medieval Archaeology, 1957-2007, London. pp. 385-408.
GUTIÉRREZ GONZÁLEZ, J.A. (1995) “Nuevos desarrollos en el estudio de las cerámicas medievales del norte de España: una síntesis regional”. Spanish medieval ceramics in Spain and the British Isles, Oxford, pp. 67-87.
HILDYARD, R. (1999): European ceramics. University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia.
INGOLD, T. (1990): Society, nature, and the concept of technology. Archaeological Review From Cambridge, 9 (1): 5-17.
MAÑANA BORRAZÁS, P.; BLANCO ROTEA, R.; AYÁN VILA, X.M. (2002). Arqueotectura 1: Bases teórico-metodológicas para una Arqueología de la Arquitectura. TAPA (Traballos de Arqueoloxía e Patrimonio), 25. Santiago de Compostela: LPPP, USC. ISSN: 1597-5357.
MONTERO RUIZ, I. (Coord.) 2011. Manual de Arqueometalurgia. Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid.
MONTERO, I. et al. (2007). Arqueometría: Cambios y tendencias actuales. Trabajos De Prehistoria 64, No 1, Enero-Junio 2007, pp. 23-40
PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P.; ALONSO TOUCIDO, F.; LANTES-SUÁREZ, O.; ACUÑA CASTROVIEJO, F.; CASAL GARCÍA, R. (2018) “Los azulejos de A Rocha Branca (Padrón, A Coruña): Un estudio arqueométrico”. Gallaecia 37: 127-142.
PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P.; LANTES SUÁREZ, O.; ALONSO TOUCIDO, F. (2015) Una cerámica de gres de Raeren en Santiago de Compostela (NW Spain). En Raquel Martínez Peñín y Gregoria Cavero Domínguez (eds.), Evolución de los espacios urbanos y sus territorios en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Universidad de León. Instituto de Estudios Medievales.
PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P.; ALONSO TOUCIDO, F.; LANTES SUÁREZ, O.; RODRÍGUEZ PAZ, A.; BLANCO ROTEA, R.; GARCÍA QUINTELA, M.V. (2019) “El depósito ritual de jarritas de la Basílica de Augas Santas (Allariz, Ourense): Un ejemplo de sincretismo religioso en la Edad Media”. Archeologia Medievale XLVI: 291-317.
PRIETO MARTÍNEZ, M.P.; LANTES SUÁREZ, OSCAR; ALONSO TOUCIDO, FRANCISCO, FLORES RIVAS, LUIS HIXINIO, FERNÁNDEZ MANUEL (LOLO) (2019) “Cuatro ‘Botijuelas’ recuperadas en el Noroeste de Iberia. Procesos de manufactura y reutilización”. Estudos do Quaternário (APEQ, Braga) 20: 35-51.
QUIRÓS CASTILLO, J.A. (1998) "La sillería y las técnicas constructivas medievales: historia social y técnica de la producción arquitectónica." Archeologia Medievale XXV, pp. 235-246.
QUIRÓS CASTILLO, J.A. (2012) “Los castillos altomedievales del cuadrante noroccidental de la Península Ibérica”. Los castillos altomedievales en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica, Bilbao. pp. 17-27.
QUIRÓS CASTILLO, J.A. (2012). Arqueología del campesinado medieval: la aldea de Zaballa. Bilbao.
SÁNCHEZ PARDO, J.C. (2010) "Poblamiento rural tardorromano y altomedieval en Galicia (ss. V-X). Una revisión arqueológica", Archeologia Medievale XXXVII, pp. 285-306.
SÁNCHEZ-PARDO, J.C., BLANCO-ROTEA, R., SANJURJO-SÁNCHEZ, J. (2017) Tres arquitecturas altom edievales ourensanas: Santa Eufemia de Ambía, San Xés de Francelos y San Martiño de Pazó. Arqueología de la Arquitectura, 17: e062, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/arq.arqt.2017.017.
SUÁREZ OTERO, J.; FARIÑA BUSTO, F. (1989) La cerámica medieval en Galicia. La cerámica medieval en el Norte y Noroeste de la Península Ibérica, León, pp. 285-301.
UTRERO AGUDO, M.A. (2008) “Arqueología de la arquitectura y patrimonio edificado. Experiencias y perspectivas una década después”. La investigación sobre Patrimonio Cultural, Sevilla, pp. 99-117.BASIC COMPETENCES:
(CB-1) That students possess knowledge that is likely to be original and therefore useful for the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
(CB-2) That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired to solve problems in new or little-known environments in broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
(CB-3) That students have the ability to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. .
(CB-4) That students know how to communicate their conclusions (and the knowledge and reasons that support them) to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
(CB-5) That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a largely autonomous way.
(CG-1) Students have demonstrated a systematic understanding of a field of study and mastery of research skills and methods related to that field.
(CG-4) That students are capable of critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
(CG-5) That students know how to communicate with colleagues, with the academic community as a whole and with society in general about their areas of knowledge.
(CG-7) That the students have demonstrated throughout the investigation the ability to establish mutual relationships between the three main axes that make up the program: historical, archaeological-artistic and linguistic-literary
(CG-9) That they are capable of opening new specialization paths in the field of archaeological studies
(CG-10) That their advanced training contribute to European cultural development through the correct transmission and critical interpretation of the historical and cultural heritage of the medieval and modern world.
(CE-1) Being able to prepare and write historical and archaeological reports, adapting to the type of activity carried out.
(CE-2) Be able to collaborate in the management of collections and museums.
(CE-3) Being able to carry out collaboration and advisory tasks in master plans, special plans, archaeological works, etc.
(CE-4) Be able to actively participate in the organization of cultural management tasks.
(CE-5) Acquire the necessary skills to direct field activities, prospecting and archaeological excavation and treatment and study of materials and samples.
(CT-1) That students learn to use bibliography and search tools for general and specific bibliographic resources, which includes Internet access, seeing its enormous possibilities and enhancing the discriminatory capacity of the student regarding its contents.
(CT-2) That students know how to manage work time in an excellent way and organize available resources, establishing priorities, alternative paths and identifying errors in decision-making.
(CT-3) That students learn to enhance their ability to work in a team, in cooperative, multidisciplinary or highly competitive environments.-In the theoretical classes, the basic contents of the subject will be explained. The visual and graphic exposition of the power point will be used as support and complementary readings that the student will have to carry out will be attached.
- In the practical classes and in the field practices the student will approach the material culture of medieval and modern times, its identification, its documentation and interpretation in the field and in the laboratory. Works will be developed that allow students to acquire adequate knowledge of the subject.
The field practice, which will consist of going to a site (Pedra Castro) or/and a historical complex of the City Council of Santiago, where the identification of medieval and modern elements will be carried out through an architectural survey and a brief reading of walls in an architecture preselected. It will be carried out in the event that the requested financing is obtained in Pedra Castro and, if not, in the center of Santiago de Compostela or similar. The field practice will take place on a Thursday or a Friday, in the event that it is not possible to do it during class hours.
- Tutorials will be held whenever the students require it to resolve any doubts that may arise throughout the course.
The subject is face-to-face, and the virtual classroom will be used as a framework for the development of the subject, posting useful materials to the students.
In the event that face-to-face attendance is not possible due to the health emergency, the use of the virtual classroom will be maintained, and in addition, the theoretical classes will be taught through Microsoft Teams. The practical classes and seminars could also be given through Microsoft Teams, and the hours of the field practices, in the event that they cannot be carried out, would be used to extend the seminars and practices already designed.
The subject plans a field trip to visit urban Santiago (3h).A continuous evaluation strategy will be developed in which the degree of acquisition and mastery of the theoretical and practical knowledge indicated in the syllabus of the subject will be assessed. For this, two works will be developed with a marked practical nature in which the students demonstrate that they have acquired this knowledge.
In the event of an official waiver, the student will be examined using the same criteria as those applied to face-to-face teaching.
Qualification system: expressed by numerical final qualification from 0 to 10 according to current legislation (Royal Decree 1125/2003 of September 5; BOE September 18).
The art. 16 of the Student Academic Performance Assessment Regulations (DOG 21 July 2011) establishes the following: “Fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the assessment of a subject will imply a failing qualification in the corresponding call, regardless of the process. disciplinary action that could be taken against the offending student. It is considered fraudulent, among others, to carry out works plagiarized or obtained from sources accessible to the public without re-elaboration or re-interpretation and without citations to the authors and the sources”. In the case of academic fraud, as defined in Article 42 of the Regulations establishing the rules of coexistence of the University of Santiago de Compostela, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 11. g) of the University Coexistence Law, the sanctions provided by the regulations will be applied. Among the premeditated behaviors aimed at falsifying the results of an exam or assignment are plagiarism and the unauthorized use of Artificial Intelligence tools.- Master class: 9 hours
- Practical classes and seminars: 9 hours
- Field practices: 3 hours
- Evaluation: 1 hour.
In addition to class attendance, students must develop other activities that help improve and complete their training.
- Recommended reading, library activities: 12 hours
- Preparation of oral presentations, debates: 4 hours
- Individual or group autonomous study: 30 hours
- Other tasks assigned by the teacher: 4 hours
TOTAL 50 hoursThe student must know the basic handling of general office packages, for example, Libre Office or Microsoft Office. Likewise, they must know how to handle standard collaborative programs, such as Microsoft Teams, the official program of the USC, freely available in the USC repository.
La asistencia a clase es obligatoria.
Debe tenerse en cuenta la siguiente normativa:
El art. 14 de la Normativa de evaluación del rendemiento académico de los estudiantes (DOG 5 de abril de 2017) establece lo siguiente: “A realización fraudulenta dalgún exercicio ou proba exixida na avaliación dunha materia implicará a cualificación de suspenso na convocatoria correspondente, con independencia do proceso disciplinario que se poida seguir contra o alumno infractor. Considerase fraudulenta, entre outras, a realización de traballos plaxiados ou obtidos de fontes accesibles ao público sen reelaboración ou reinterpretación e sen citas aos autores e das fontes”.
En el caso de fraude académico, tal y como se define en el artículo 42 del Reglamento por el que se establecen las normas de convivencia de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, y de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 11. g) de la Ley de Convivencia Universitaria, se aplicarán las sanciones previstas por la normativa. Entre los comportamientos premeditados tendentes a falsear los resultados de un examen o trabajo se incluyen el plagio y el empleo no consentido de herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial.
Mario Cesar Vila
- Department
- History
- Area
- Archaeology
- mario.cesar@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOSU (Organic Law Of University System) Associate University Professor
María Pilar Prieto Martinez
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Archaeology
- Phone
- 881812550
- pilar.prieto@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Jose Carlos Sanchez Pardo
- Department
- History
- Area
- Archaeology
- Phone
- 881812561
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Mario Pereiro Fernandez
- Department
- History
- Area
- Archaeology
- mario.pereiro@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
2º Semester - January 20th-26th Monday 10:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician, Spanish Classroom 15 Exams 06.09.2025 09:00-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 15 07.04.2025 11:30-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 15