ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 15ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 358
Hours of tutorials: 12.5
Interactive Classroom: 4.5
Total: 375Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
End of master’s Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Microbiology and Parasitology, History of Art, External department linked to the degrees, Political Science and Sociology, Particle Physics, Philosophy and Anthropology, Applied EconomicsAreas:
Microbiology, History of Art, Área Externa M.U en Filosofía: Conocimiento y Ciudadanía, Sociology, Condensed Matter Physics, Social Anthropology, Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Applied EconomicsCenter
Faculty of PhilosophyCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The Master's Thesis, MT will consist in developing by the student an original project, work, memory or research in which the knowledge, capacities, competences and skills acquired during the studies carried out in the Master's degrees are integrated and extended. It will be directed towards the evaluation of the competencies associated with the degree, such as: the ability to identify, manage, organise and interpret relevant data, normally from the area of study; in order to make judgements that include reflection on relevant issues of social, scientific , technological or ethical nature, and that facilitate the development of critical, logical and creative thinking and purposeful judgment. The MT of the Master of Philosophy. Knowledge and Citizenship, will be carried out under the direction of a doctor with a PhD in the title.
The MT must be an original work on a topic related to the Master's degree. As stated in article 2 of the regulations for registration, preparation and defence of the Final Degree Project or Master's Thesis as Papers regulated by the current legislation and the academic regulations of the USC (approved by the Governing Council on March 10, 2016) It will include at least bibliographical search tasks and literature review, reading and information integration, schema development, writing, presentation and defence of the paper.
It could be written and defended in any of the languages used in the teaching of the Master, in accordance with the provisions of article 8.5 of the aforementioned regulations.
The MT must be directed by a professor who teaches on the Master's Degree and will be focused on a theme related to the subject he or she is teaching.the one recommended by the tutor, and the one added by the student under the supervision of the tutor
(1.1) That students know how to apply the knowledge they acquire to identify, formulate and solve problems of our time.
(1.2) Students should acquire skills and knowledge for critical analysis in relation to research contributions.
(1.3) Students must be able to transmit knowledge, original ideas and proposed solutions.
(1.4) students should be able to reflect on their work with a proactive and creative attitude in the search for solutions
(1.5) That the students have abilities to recognize, in the diverse knowledge and social practice, questions and problems that can be approached and resolved.
(1.6) Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
(1.7) Students should be able to apply their acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
(1.8) Students should be able to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of making judgements based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
(1.9) Students should be able to communicate their conclusions and the underlying knowledge and reasons for them to expert and inexperienced audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.
(1.10) Students should possess the learning skills to enable them to continue their studies in a largely self-directed or autonomous manner.
(2.1) To know and understand philosophical approaches related to the thematic areas of the Master.
(2.2) To develop skills that will enable the knowledge acquired to be transferred to the field of research.
(2.3) To acquire skills for the transmission and instruction of philosophical content related to the thematic areas of the Master.
(2.4) Know how to apply the knowledge acquired to the resolution of new problems.
(2.5) be able to: analyse and synthesise, argue logically, make judgements and debate in accordance with ethical criteria
(2.6) Be able to express themselves in oral and written form, communicate, debate and deliberate.
(3.1) Use of information and communication technologies
(3.2) Manage and analyze critically sources of scientific, bibliographic and digital documentation.
(3.3) To value critically the information for the resolution of problems.
(3.4) To promote respect for human rights and cultural and personal diversity, and to develop values that combat gender inequality.The MT, as the final subject taken up by students before they obtain their degree, must reflect the knowledge acquired both in terms of content and methodology. Postgraduate studies constitute one of the highest formative stages in university studies, and in order to study this subject, students must have passed all the credits that make up the curriculum of the Masters in Philosophy : Knowledge and Citizenship, it is to be expected that, in the development of the academic work presented to pass the subject, as well as in its reading and public defense, the students will demonstrate the knowledge, scientific and analytical rigor expected at their academic level.
It is necessary to remember that the master's program in Philosophy. Knowledge and Citizenship is a program that, among other things, prepares students for research. Therefore, it is necessary that in its execution, to exert and to show working techniques proper to a research work.The evaluation of the MT is carried out by an assessment panel made up of three PhDs/doctors from the USC who are teaching on the Master's, excluding those who have carried out tutoring tasks. Each panel will have two substitutes
The panel will deliberate on the grade that corresponds to it according to the evaluation criteria listed below and in accordance with the provisions of the USC regulations, awarding the grade based on the following numerical scale, from zero (0) to ten (10), with the expression of one decimal place, to which the corresponding qualitative grade will be added:
Not submitted
0 - 4.9: Fail
5.0 - 6.9: Pass
7.0 - 8.9: Remarkable
9.0 - 10: Outstanding
Members of the assessment panel shall draw up a report (75%), in accordance with the model drawn up for this purpose, which shall take account of the following aspects:
1. Quality of the MT: fulfilment of the proposed objectives, adequacy and development of the formulated tasks, methodology, complexity and conclusions.
2. Written presentation of the MT : coherent presentation, clarity of exposition, structure and grammatical and orthographic correctness.
3. Oral presentation and defence: concision, clarity of presentation, capacity for debate, defence of arguments, appropriateness and correctness in the use of the language.
The report of the tutor will be taken into consideration (25%). At the time of the evaluation, the evaluation panel will have the report on the work prepared by the direction of the same.
The final qualification given to the TFM by each member of the panel will be obtained according to the following weighting:
I. Written work: 75%
- Development of the theme and structure, original contributions, method, source management and bibliography (60%)
- Formal presentation and linguistic correctness (15%)
II. Oral presentation (25%):
- Exposure (10%)
- Defense (15%)
The final mark will result from applying the arithmetic average between the marks given to the MT by each of the members of the tribunal and will be made public within a period of no more than seven school days from the date of the defence.
In the case that one of the following circumstances occurs, the MT will be qualified as a failure:
- When its contents are not in accordance with those of the chosen subject matter and/or the approved degree.
- When it coincides with work done by the student in other subjects or activities of the degree, or when it is not original.
- When the student does not make the public defence of the MT on the date scheduled, without written justification submitted by the interested party to the Secretary of the Dean's Office of the Faculty and accepted by the Assessment Committees, AC
The Honor Degree may be awarded to students who obtain a grade of 9.0 or higher. Their number may not exceed the limit established by the USC, since if the number of students is less than 20, an HD may be granted. In those degrees in which a single board of examiners is constituted for all the calls, it will be the board that grants the corresponding honorary registrations. In other cases, the awarding of this qualification will correspond to the commission with competence in the MT, after hearing the proposals of the different tribunals.
This assessment process will be valid for the two opportunities granted by the MT.
The competencies to be achieved through the RT will be evaluated by the panel taking into consideration the several activities that constitute the preparation and defence of the TFM. To this end, the panel will consider the report of the tutor.
Students have the rigth to review their qualifications at the dates and times established for this purpose when the provisional results are made public. The review dates will be held within 10 days of the publication of the results. At least two optional dates shall be considered. Students who wish to make use of this right must request it in advanced so that the members of the review panel can be present. The review will be personal and may be carried out by one or more members of the panel. In any case, it must be recorded that the review has taken place and the date on which it was done.
The claims process will be that established in the regulations in force regarding the evaluation of the academic achievement of the students and the review of the grades.The total time of study and personal work for the achievement of a MT is 238 hours.
Se recomienda ir programando la materia desde el inicio de curso, consultando al profesorado encargado de las materias, del 1º y 2º semestre, que puedan tener interés para su propio proyecto de TFM. Todos los/as profesores/as tienen dirección electrónica y despachos en la facultad de filosofía o en centros a los que pertenezcan. Puede consultar, en caso de duda, a la coordinadora del master.
It is convenient that, before starting the preparation and defense process, you read carefully the current USC Regulations.
It is recommended to check frequently the website of the Faculty of Philosophy about the TFM http://www.usc.es/gl/centros/filosofia/tfm.html, where you will find complete and updated information about the whole process of elaboration and defence of the MT, as well as the forms that are required throughout it.
It is recommended that, before beginning the process of elaboration and defence, you read carefully the current USC regulations.
We recommend frequent consultation of the website of the Faculty of Philosophy on the MFP, where there is complete and updated information on the whole process of preparation and defence of the MFP, in addition to the forms that are required throughout the process.
In the case of a fraudulent submission of the Master's Final Project, the criteria set out in the Regulations on th