ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 100
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Political Science and SociologyAreas:
Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-ForenseCenter
Faculty of Labour RelationsCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The Subject.
Sociolabour audit is a discipline with the aim of establishing the description, measure, assessment and diagnosis of the human system in organizations or, if it is preferred, of the management systems of human resources in the organizations.
It does so by means of the development and application of indicators which allow quantifying the effectiveness and efficiency of these management systems of human resources. With the exception of some administrative and legal aspects, sociolabour audit does not stem from a prescribed regulatory set (as the financial audit does) but it develops it specifically for each concrete organization, verifying the reliability and validity of the information provided. Among the different aspects which can be included in the professional practice of a sociolabour auditor we have, for instance, the accounting of human resources, the assessment of the effectiveness of the politics and practices developed in the organizations or the diagnosis of the management processes of human resources, using a methodological plurality, mainly of quantitative character, but without excluding the qualitative aspects.
Aims of the Subject.
The main aim of the subject is to introduce students into the fundamentals of sociolabour audit in order to know how management audits of human resources can be made in organizations and how the above-mentioned audits can help to the managerial decision-taking. Students should distinguish and know the different integrated management processes and systems in organizations and how they can be audited to obtain a diagnosis and a proposal of action. Another important aim is that students get acquainted with some tools and techniques necessary to understand the functioning of the soicolabour audit (sampling, questionnaires, statistical concepts).
Among the most specific aims that students should be able to achieve at the end of the course are the following:
- To describe what a sociolabour audit is and its interest for the efficiency of the function of organizations employment.
- To differentiate the different types of sociolabour audits.
- To develop a sociolabour audit, particularly, the ones referred to the occupational risk prevention and the human resources management costs.
- To know the methods and techniques to carry out sociolabour audits, especially surveys, identifying their characteristics, advantages and limitations.
- To elaborate a report of sociolabour audit.1. Introduction to Business Organizations and Environment.:
- Companies and the inner world.
- Environment and the outside world.
- Organizational and individual challenges
- Implementation of HR policies
- Organizational structure.
- Models and types of authority.
2 Introduction to Social-Labor Audit:
- The Audit and Social-Labor Audit.
- Scope of Social-Labor Audit.
- Social Benefits of Auditing
- Types of audit.
- Auditing in Spain.
- Operation of large audit firms.
3 Organisation of the audit work.:
- Stages of Labor.
- Election and appointment of auditors.
- Planning and work programs.
- Budgeting
4 Methods and Techniques of analysis in the audit:
- Audit techniques.
- Ratios.
- Required properties and use of evidence.
- Use of statistical tools.
- Working papers.
- Analytical skills in practice.
5. Reports Audit
- Components of the report.
- Styles and report writing.
- Types of reports.
- Dissemination of audit reports.
- Reports recommendations.
6. Auditing RR strategy. HH.
- Objectives of the audit of the human resources strategy.
- Influence and analysis of the environment: generic and specific.
- Internal analysis.
- Strategic options: levels and types.
7. HR Audit Method:
- Method based on key indicators
- Reputation based method.
- Analytical method.
- Strategic method.
8 Analysis of the economic utility of Organizational Intervention and Audit Sociolaboral.:
- AEU What is?
- Elements and Indicators for the AEU.
- AEU models.
- Applications of the AEU.Bibliografía Básica
- Del Bas, E., Calvo, R. y García, M.A. (2015). Auditoría Sociolaboral. Teoría y práctica de una herramienta para la gestión de los RRHH.
- Fuentes, F.J. (Director y Coordinador), 2005. Introducción a la Auditoria Sociolaboral. Murcia: Diego Marín.
- Saitua, A. & Vázquez, I. 2001. La Auditoría estratégica de la función de Recursos Humanos. En E. Albizu & J. Landeta, (Coordinadores), “Dirección Estratégica de los Recursos Humanos. Teoría y Práctica”, pp. 323-376. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide.
Bibliografía Complementaria
- Barranco, F.J. (1993). Planificación estratégica de Recursos Humanos. Del Marketing interno a la planificación. Pirámide.
- Bonache, J. y Cabrera, A. (Directores). 2005. Dirección Estratégica de Personas. Prentice-Hall.
- Chiavenato, I. (2008). Administración de los Recursos Humanos. McGraw-Hill.
- De la Poza, J.M. (1993). Principios de auditoria sociolaboral. Deusto.
- Gómez-Mejía y otros (2008): Gestión de Recursos Humanos. Prentice-Hall.
- Quijano, S.D. (2006). Dirección de recursos humanos y consultoría en las organizaciones. Icaria.
- Salgado, J. y Moscoso, S. (2001). Entrevista Conductual Estructurada de Selección de Personal. Teoría, práctica y rentabilidad. Pirámide.- Knowledge acquisition and development of different techniques of analysis and diagnosis of human resources management processes.
- Knowledge acquisition and development of basic statistical concepts and psychometric concepts of measurements´ reliability and validity.
- Knowledge acquisition and development of different indicators of human resources management costs.
- Knowledge acquisition and development of the sociolabour auditor role.
- Knowledge acquisition of how the elaboration processes of a sociolabour audit can be managed.
- Knowledge acquisition of different techniques and tools necessary to be able to understand, measure and/or solve situations and processes of labour human resources management (accidents, risks, leadership, quality, etc.).
- Development of team work abilities.
- Development of interpersonal relationships skills.
- Development of leadership abilities.
- Development of communication and formal presentation skills.The explanatory and practical classes are orientated to the training of students with regard to the acquisition of the knowledge related to the contents of the subject. For it the teacher will explain the different topics supported on audio-visual material and TIC tools . The practical classes will be of several types: (1) Analysis of cases and simulations to put into practice the concepts learnt in the explanatory classes and to acquire the specific competences (at an elementary level) necessary to pass the subject. (2) Dynamics of small groups where, apart from developing the specific competences directly related to the subject contents, students will practice the oral communication skills
Tutorials suppose a direct and on-site relation, so as to have a continuous assessing and studying in depth the theoretical contents and practical of student’s work, as well as solving doubts.
The assessment activities have a double aspect, from one hand, the activities of continuous assessment, together with the tutorials of course work, they will allow to have a constant feedback of its progression throughout the course, with respect to its grade of competences acquisition both related to knowledge, as techniques and attitudes; whereas, mid-term and final exams, will try to assess the level of knowledge acquired by the character respect to the contents of the unit included in the subject program.
Moreover, it will be at student’s disposal, in the Virtual Campus of the USC, an e-classroom of support to on-site teaching of the subject Psychology of Work where it will be found a lot of tools that make easier several types of alternative activities related to teaching, work in groups or personalized tutorials, ( groups of virtual work, on-line tutorials, debate forums, etc)The attendance to the expository and interactive sessions is obligatory, except for justified causes, to overcome the subject.
The evaluation of the subject-specific skills that are more related to the acquisition of knowledge and skills will be implemented by final examination and / or exams will be worth 70% of the final grade.
The evaluation of both specific skills as those related to certification will be done continuously, depending on the performance of students in each of the activities (studies, papers, readings). This part will be worth 30%.
The final passing score implies having obtained at least 5 points out of 10, in the knowledge exam to be compensated by the score on the interactive part.
Students to be granted to the dispensation of attendance following Instruction No. 1/2017 of the Xeral Secretariat on immunity of attendance in certain circumstances, be evaluated with a final examination, which will represent 70% of the final grade, and with the valuation of the exercises, reports, etc. referred to topics of the program, which will mean 30% of the final grade. The final passing score implies having obtained at least 5 points out of 10, in the knowledge exam to be compensated by the score on the interactive part.Study time and personal work to pass the subject:
Attendant hours: 20 expositive hours and 22 interactive hours. ECTS = 18.
Elaboration of materials for classes, readings and cases: 10 hours.
Exam preparation: 30 hours.
(This time is approximate)An important recommendation is attendance to both theoretical and practical classes, and above all, active participation in them. It is essential to successfully pass the subject and achieve the objectives suggested in this programme.
A second recommendation is that the contents of the subject must be studied in a systematic and regular way along the academic period and the material of the practices will be used to go deeply into the contents of some questions dealt with in the theoretical classes.Plagiarism and misuse of technologies:
The fraudulent completion of any exam, exercises, reports, etc., in whole or in part, that may be subject to evaluation for the subject will imply the qualification of failure in the current call, in accordance with article 16 included in the “Regulations "assessing students' academic performance and reviewing qualifications."
Mario Antonio Lado Campelo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Political Science and Sociology
- Area
- Psicoloxía Organizacional e Xurídico-Forense
- Phone
- 881815164
- mario.lado@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Exams 05.21.2025 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 9 06.19.2025 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 9