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A Graña Marine Biology Station

The A Graña Marine Biology Station (EBMG) is a centre specialised in the study of marine biodiversity. The EBMG carries out its research activity mainly in the Galician estuaries, where new species have been described, but it has also participated in international oceanographic campaigns. The EMBG has its own boats, laboratories, classrooms and capacity to accommodate 24 students and professors.

A Graña Marine Biology Station


The A Graña Marine Biology Station (EMBG) is a scientific institution created with the aim of promoting and facilitating research, dissemination and teaching in marine biology, as well as serving as a reference centre for advice on issues related to the quality and diversity of the marine environment. The EMBG aims to provide its facilities and means to researchers for the development of all types of research work and the establishment and coordination of scientific exchange relationships with other national and foreign universities and institutions.

EMBG facilities

The EMBG facilities are distributed in two buildings:

La Casa del Hórreo

This building is used for research. It has:

  • Two research laboratories with seawater aquariums and scientific equipment of stereomicroscopes, microscopes, digital cameras, precision scales, drying ovens, gas extraction hood, etc.
  • Wet laboratory with open-circuit circulating seawater aquariums.
  • Library and computer room.
  • Research chamber with temperature and photoperiod control.
  • Diving room with compressor for loading bottles.
  • Two -20 °C freezing chambers.
  • 15 m3 seawater tank.

La Casa de la Estrella

This centre is dedicated to teaching and residence for students and researchers. The facilities include a kitchen, dining room and meeting area, with the aim of facilitating training activities for 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle students.

La Casa de la Estrella has:

  • Teaching laboratory for 24 students equipped with a stereomicroscope and a microscope for each student and for the teacher; it also has a closed TV circuit, two fume extraction hoods, a sediment sieve, a muffle, a drying oven, a microtome and other material for histology.
  •  A 32-seat seminar room.
  • Two double rooms with bathroom for teachers or researchers.
  • Six quadruple rooms for students or researchers.
  • Leisure room, dining room and small kitchen.

Activities and services

The EMBG carries out collection, separation and identification of benthic fauna, determination of physico-chemical parameters in water and sediment, sedimentological analysis, DNA extraction and amplification, as well as computerised microtomography.

The EMGB collaborates in scientific activities with numerous national and foreign universities and institutions, as well as providing environmental consultancy to public and private organisations.

The A Graña Marine Biology Station is a member of the European Marine Stations Network, which brings together European Marine Stations in an association that promotes and facilitates the establishment of European marine water quality monitoring networks, scientific exchange and the implementation of European-wide projects together with Marine Stations from all over Europe.


Support for university teaching and the dissemination of marine biodiversity is a fundamental part of the EBMG's activity, with part of the teaching of the inter-university Master's degree in Marine Biology and the practical teaching of different degrees and subjects at Galician and international universities being carried out at its facilities.

Related to this dissemination of scientific knowledge, the EBMG periodically organises national and international courses, workshops and congresses.


The Management promotes the maintenance and continuous improvement of the management and performance of a Quality Management System (ESO 9001:2015) and Environmental Management System (ESO 14001:2015), using all the resources it considers necessary to strengthen these bases and achieve its goals.

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Scientific Coordinator

Xosé Luis Otero Pérez

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. Faculty of Biology. Lope Gómez de Marzoa, s/n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela
881 813 300
881 823 116
The contents of this page were updated on 06.20.2024.