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Faculty of Communication Sciences
Avda de Castelao, s/n. Campus norte, 15782
Santiago de Compostela

The Department includes 2 areas of knowledge -Audiovisual Communication and Advertising; and Journalism- which totals 62 teachers and researchers who teach subjects in 5 degrees, 2 double degrees, 6 master's degrees and 1 PhD programme and carry out their scientific production through 3 USC research groups.

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A nova Lei do Audiovisual, a análise na USC

Profesionais do audiovisual, representantes de entidades de defensa das linguas minorizadas da contorna estatal e persoal investigador en comunicación e políticas públicas únense o 15 de setembro nun encontro cara á lectura crítica deste texto normativo

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The contents of this page were updated on 06.20.2022.