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1.157 prazas. 3 Residencias e 3 Colexios Maiores

The University of Santiago de Compostela has three residences and three halls of residence that offer a total of 1,157 accommodation places. Three halls of residence and two residences are on the Campus of Compostela (Halls of Residence Mayores Rodríguez Cadarso, San Clemente and Fonseca, and the University Residences Burgo das Nacións and Monte da Condesa) and the Campus of Lugo is home to the Jesús Bal and Gay University Residence. The places in the residences and hall of residence are mainly intended for students, although teachers and administrative and service staff may also have access. In addition, there is a reservation of places for students that arrive from abroad.

Distribution of places

  • Hall of Residence Rodríguez Cadarso (5.53%)
  • Hall of Residence San Clemente (0%)
  • University Residence Bal y Gay (8.3%)
  • Hall of Residence Fonseca (12.19%)
  • University Residence Monte da Condesa (37.17%)
  • University Residence Burgo das Nacións (36.82%)

Halls of Residence - Residence



U.R. Burgo das Nacións



U.R. Monte da Condesa



Halls of Residence Fonseca



U.R. Bal y Gay



Halls of Residence San Clemente



Halls of Residence Rodríguez Cadarso



Distribution of places by sector

  • Undergraduate and First and Second Cycle Students (88.72%)
  • Students of Official University Master's Degrees (4.79%)
  • Full-time PhD students and Researchers in Training (2.3%)
  • Students of USC-specific postgraduate courses (0.5%)
  • Members of the university community with specific educational needs arising from a disability (3.19%)
  • Teaching and Research Staff and Administration and Services Staff (0.5%)
Sectors Group I Group II  
Number of places % Number of places % TOTAL PLACES
Undergraduate and First and Second Cycle Students 828 82,63 61 6,09 889
Students of Official University Master's Degrees 45 4,49 3 0,3 48
Full-time PhD students and Researchers in Training 17 1,7 6 0,6 23
Students of USC-specific postgraduate courses 4 0,4 1 0,1 5
Members of the university community with specific educational needs arising from a disability 25* 2,5 7* 0,7 32*
Teaching and Research Staff and Administration and Services Staff ---- ---- 5 0,5 5
TOTAL 918 91,72 83 8,28 1.002
The contents of this page were updated on 07.21.2023.