ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 24Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
External department linked to the degrees, Particle PhysicsAreas:
Área externa M.U en Física, Condensed Matter PhysicsCenter
Faculty of PhysicsCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
Here we present the program for nominally two subjects (included-inclusive pair). For this reason, each one of the sections of this program contains information corresponding to these subjects: i) P1261217 "Science and Technology of Superconductivity" of the studies P1261V01 Master in Science and Technology of Quantum Information (MCTIC) and ii) P1211257 "Science and Technology of Superconductivity" of the studies P1211V01 Master in Physics (MFis). Where a distinction between them is not specified, what is indicated in this program affects both.
The students will become familiar with superconducting materials including new generation developments (cuprates and pnictides, hybrids, nanostructured, two-dimensional, topological, etc.) and their use for devices used in quantum technologies, as well as related aspects of cryoscience and cryotechnology. The description of the materials and what is the nature of their quantum states and protectorates will be addressed, and finally the information devices and quantum metrology that these quantum properties allow will be discussed in corresponding detail and depth (including for example photonic sensors, magnetic sensors of flow quanta, hybrid devices for functional superconductivity, neurosensors, ratchets, etc.)
----Learning Results:
--For code P1261217 - MCTIC:
The students who take this subject will acquire knowledge corresponding to the following items of the master studies report:
-CON_06: Acquire knowledge about physical systems capable of implementing information processing in quantum degrees of freedom.
-CON_10: Knowledge about new solid-state quantum materials, their physical and topological properties.
--For code P1211257 - MFis:
Students who take this subject will acquire knowledge about the quantum nature of materials and devices based on solid superconductors, as well as their contemporary applications and their physical and topological properties.-1-Contemporary superconducting materials; characteristics of their superconducting state, their order parameter and quantum protectorates.
1.1 Classic.
1.2 High-temperature cuprates and pnictides.
1.3 Nanostructured and hybrid.
1.4 One-dimensional, two-dimensional and topological.
1.5 Other materials with quantum supercondensates
-2- Contemporary superconducting devices.
2.1-Proximity effect devices and quantum tunneling: Weak and Josephson junctions. Quantum interference sensors (SQUID). THz emitters by intrinsic Josephson effect. Qubits (charge, phase, flow).
2.2-Transition-edge sensors: Bolometric, hot electron, pair break, avalanche; thermal, photonic and electronic.
2.3-Hybrid and nanostructured devices for functional elements: Ratchets, SAW vorticity sensors, nanowire sensors, superconductor + piezoelectric systems, others.
2.4-Other devices: Energy storage at macro and micro scales; superconducting electric motors, generators and stabilizers; 2G wires.
2.5-Cryotechnology for the operation of superconducting devices.Basic:
-- Class notes (available in the online classroom of the subject on the virtual campus)
-- R. Simon, A. Smith - Superconductors. Conquering Technology's New Frontier (Plenum Publ., or reprint by Springer, ISBN 9780306429590)
-- D.A. Cardwell, D.C. Larbalestier, A. Braginski (Eds.) - Handbook of Superconductivity, Vol. 3: Characterization and Applications (CRC Press, ISBN 9781439817360)
- M. Tinkham - Introduction to Superconductivity: Second Edition (McGraw-Hill, or reprint by Dover Books on Physics, ISBN 9780071147828)-- For code P1261217 - MCTIC:
The students who take this subject will acquire the abilities and skills of critical and creative thinking, communication and collaborative work that are indicated in the master studies verification report (HD1, HD2, HD3).
In addition to the basic (CB1-CB5), general (CG1-CG4) and transversal (CT1-CT8) competencies indicated in the master studies verification report, students will acquire the following specific competencies for this subject:
Specific Competences:
CE4- To know and to be able to apply the physical theories inherent to the understanding of systems for processing quantum information, including quantum thermodynamics as well as advanced aspects of magnetism and quantum mechanics.
CE5- To know and to understand the nature of the physical platforms for processing quantum information in solid-state systems: superconducting systems, cryoscience and quantum materials, including the study of topological states
-- For code P1211257 - MFis:
In addition to the basic skills CB6-CB10, general skills CG01-CG05 and transversal skills CT01-CT02 indicated in the master studies report, in this subject students will acquire the following specific skills:
CE08 - Acquire in-depth knowledge of the structure of matter in the low energy regime and its characterization.
CE09 - Master the set of tools necessary to be able to analyze the different states in which matter can appear.Classes will be presential. In the case of students enrolled in the subject with code P1261217, they will also be retransmitted synchronously to the other campuses that participate in their master studies, MCTIC.
- Expositive classes: in them the programmed contents will be explained and any doubts that may arise will be answered. Exercises and problems will be proposed that the students must solve in their autonomous work time.
- Interactive classes: resolution of the proposed exercises and problems, sharing doubts. Students will be given prominence to present their results.
- Tutorials: in them the students will be attended in a personalized way to provide them with guidance and resolve their doubts
- Autonomous work: during this time the study of the subject and the resolution of proposed tasks will be carried out.
There will be a virtual platform where essential and supplementary training and information material will be made accessible.
For tutorials it is advisable to make an appointment.-- For codes P1261217 - MCTIC and P1211257 - MFis:
The assessment of the subject will be done trhough continuous evaluation and extension works, to which a combination of different aspects will contribute. The weighting will be fixed and announced each course within the margins approved in the verification reports of both master studies.
1 -Continuous assessment activities (delivery of completed exercises and assignments; presentation of the same): Weighting 70%
2 -Extension works (delivery and presentation): Weighting 30%
For students using the second assessment opportunity and/or repeaters of previous courses, the criteria will be the same, keeping the previous passed (or better) qualifications of activities and works for up to one year, and having the opportunity to carry out new activities and work for each assessment opportunity.
As in the rest of the subjects of the University of Santiago USC, for all students the qualification of "not presented" will be awarded in accordance with the provisions of the regulations for permanence in undergraduate and postgraduate studies at USC.
Likewise, in cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the USC "Regulations for the evaluation of academic performance of students and review of qualifications" will apply.Lectures: 15 hours
Interactive classes: 10 hours
Personal work of the students: 47 hours.
Tutorials: 3 hours
Total: 75 hours
Manuel Vazquez Ramallo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Particle Physics
- Area
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Phone
- 881813965
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Daniel Failde Balea
- Department
- External department linked to the degrees
- Area
- Área externa Grado en Física
- daniel.failde.balea@rai.usc.es
- Category
- External area professional_máx. 30 h
Álvaro Caride-Tabarés Sánchez
- Department
- External department linked to the degrees
- Area
- Área externa M.U en Física
- alvaro.caridetabares@rai.usc.es
- Category
- External area professional_máx. 30 h
2º Semester - March 24th-30th Monday 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Tuesday 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Wednesday 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Thursday 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Exams 06.04.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2 07.04.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2