ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 10
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Chemistry EngineeringAreas:
Chemical EngineeringCenter
Faculty of ChemistryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
• To assimilate the fundamental concepts of technical and human project management.
• To know the techniques and tools necessary to manage a project.
• To train technicians who know how to Plan, Schedule, Analyze and Control a Project.
• To increase the capacity to plan, present and manage R&D projects.
• To know the processes of preparation, evaluation and management of research projects.The project. Organizational aspects. Goals. Lifecycle. Resource Forecast. Planning (model, tasks and relationships). Schedule (duration of activities). Analysis (Model calculation). Control (comparison of forecasts and achievements to maintain objectives: quality, deadlines and costs). Documentation.
Topic 1. Generalities of a project.
Concept. Engineering projects. Definition and objectives of a project. Types of projects. Design stages. Life cycle of an industrial project. Organizational aspects of a project.
Topic 2. Resource forecasting.
Forecast of material, human and economic resources. Size of a project. Economy of scale. Previous feasibility studies.
Topic 3. Project planning and scheduling. Initiation, planning, execution, verification and feedback phases. ISO 10006 standard. Optimal distribution of human and temporary resources: critical path method (CPM). Gantt charts. PERT analysis. Computer tools.
Topic 4. Budget and economic evaluation of projects.
Types of costs and distribution, Economic evaluation of projects. Cash flows. Cost effectiveness. GO. IRR. Sensitivity analysis.
Topic 5. Documentation of a project.
Descriptive memory. Supporting report: presentation of calculations. Specifications. Definition and structure. General conditions. Particular conditions.
Topic 6. R&D projects.
Planning, monitoring and control of R&D projects. Project preparation techniques. Technical and economic justification of R&D projects.Cos Castillo, M. de (2007). Teoría General del Proyecto, volumen I: Dirección de proyectos. Editorial Síntesis. Madrid.
Taha, H.A. (2012): Investigación de Operaciones. Novena edición. Pearson Education. Mexico. ISBN: 978-607-32-0796-6; ISBN e-book version: ISBN: 978-607-32-0797-3
Cos Castillo, M. de (2007). Teoría General del Proyecto, volumen II: Ingeniería de proyectos. Editorial Síntesis. Madrid
Martín Martín, Q. (2003): Investigación Operativa. Editorial Hespérides.
Project Management Institute (2008). Guía de los Fundamentos para la Dirección de Proyectos (Guía del PMBOK®) 4ª edición. http://www.pmi.org/
Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers. M. S. Peters, K.D. Timmerhaus, R. E. West, Ed. McGraw Hill (2004)
http://www.micinn.es" www.micinn.es
http://www.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/mineco/idi" http://www.mineco.gob.es/portal/site/mineco/idi
http://www.cdti.es" www.cdti.es
http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7" http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7
http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/h2020-sections" http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/h2020-sections
https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.htmlh…BASIC and GENERAL COMPETENCES
CG1 - Innovate in spaces and areas of the work field, demonstrating initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
CG3 - Assess responsibility in the management of information and knowledge in the field of Industrial Chemistry and
Chemical Research
CG4 - Demonstrate ability to analyze, describe, organize, plan and manage projects
CG5 - Use scientific terminology in English to argue the experimental results in the context of the
chemical profession
CG6 - Correctly apply the new technologies for the collection and organization of information to solve problems in the
professional activity
CG8 - Assess the human, economic, legal and technical dimension in professional practice, as well as the impact of chemistry on the environment and in the sustainable development of society.
CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
CE5 - Correctly assess the risks and the environmental and socioeconomic impact associated with special chemical substances
CE6 - Design processes that involve the treatment or elimination of hazardous chemicals
CE9 - Value, promote and practice innovation and entrepreneurship in industry and chemical research
CT1 - Prepare, write and publicly defend scientific and technical reports.
CT2 - Work in a team and adapt to multidisciplinary teams.
CT3 - Work autonomously and efficiently in the daily practice of research or professional activity.
CT4 - Appreciate the value of quality and continuous improvement, acting with rigor, responsibility and professional ethics.
CT5 - Demonstrate an attitude of respect towards the opinions, values, behaviors and practices of others.Essentially based on learning based on real projects, so that the syllabus of the subject will be developed under the combination of a minimum theoretical content (lectures) for the acquisition of basic knowledge, with practical application to case studies (in seminars ) and the development by the students of a group practical case (2-3 people) of budget and economic evaluation of a specific project (scheduled tutorials).
The expository and interactive teaching (seminars) will be face-to-face. The lectures will focus on explaining the basis for the development of the activities developed in the seminars. Student participation will be encouraged with questions and / or activities that will be scored as part of the continuous assessment. The interactive classes will focus on carrying out exercises or practical cases (in Excel) related to topics 3 and 4 and a delivery will be collected at the end of each session to be counted in the continuous evaluation. The deliverables will be individual in some cases and collaborative work (2 people) in others (Excel document), depending on the activity.
The tutorials will be carried out always in person
The final tests will be face-to-face, focused on the development of two exercises related to topics 3 and 4.
The USC Learning Management System will be used for the distribution of all the didactic and complementary material considered of interest for the extension of the topics given in class, seeking to promote the autonomous learning of the students.
The competencies to be achieved with each activity are:
Activity …………………………… Modality …………………… Competences
Lecture ………………………… Expository ………………… CG1, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG8, CT3, CT4
Exercises …………… Interactive Seminar… CB7, CB8, CE5, CE6, CE9, CT2, CT3, CT5
Practical case ……………………………… Group tutoring …………………… CE6, CE9, CT1, CT2, CT3, CT5The final grade of the students will be the sum of two elements:
a) Continuous evaluation: 45%. In this section, the student's learning will be evaluated through the development of a practical case of budget and economic evaluation of a specific project (15%) of which they will deliver an Excel with the results, the oral presentation of it (5%), the delivery of questions / problems raised in the seminars (10%) and lectures classes (10%) as well as the continuous evaluation of the student (5%) by means of questions in class related to the explained topics.
b) Final exam: 55%. Students will take an exam with practical questions that will allow them to individualize the final grade.
It will be necessary to achieve a minimum mark of 40% of the maximum mark (4 out of 10) in each of the two parts of the evaluation (continuous and final exam). The grade for the continuous assessment will be communicated to students prior to the final exam.
In the case of not passing the subject in the First Chance, the student will be re-evaluated in section b) in the Second Chance and the marks in section a) previously described would be kept.
The attached table summarizes the distribution of the classifications and competences evaluated
Continuous evaluation 55%
-Group work 30% CG1, CG6, CG8, CE5, CE6, CE9, CT1, CT2, CT3
-Presentation of work 10% CG3, CT1, CT2
-Classes and seminars are deliverable 10% CG3, CG8, CE9, CT1
-Proactivity and interest 5% CG4, CT5
Final exam 45% CG5, CG6, CT4, CT5
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the Evaluation of the Academic Performance of students and the review of grades will apply.The memory of the degree includes an estimate of 51 hours of study and personal work of the student, which added to the 24 contact hours represent 75 hours of workload for this subject.
It is recommended to attend class (in the scenarios that contemplate it), the use of the Learning Management System of the subject and the use of tutorials to resolve any doubts that may arise.
It is recommended to have knowledge of the basic use of Excel for solving exercises.
The active participation of the student in the activities proposed both in the theoretical classes and in the seminar will be positively valued.
The teaching methodology will be essentially based on learning based on real projects, so that the subject matter will be developed under the combination of a minimum theoretical content (lectures, 10 hours), with practical application to case studies ( interactive classes of seminars, 12 hours) and the development by the students of a project (2 hours of scheduled tutorials).The language of instruction is Spanish/Galician, although bibliography in English will be used
Optional subject but compulsory for students who have chosen to take the specialty of Chemistry and Industrial Economics.
It is necessary to use the Learning Management System.
In the event of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulation for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of grades will be applied
Sara Gonzalez Garcia
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816806
- sara.gonzalez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 16th-22nd Thursday 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2.14 Exams 01.23.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Inorganic Chemistry Classroom (1st floor)