ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Chemistry EngineeringAreas:
Chemical EngineeringCenter
Faculty of ChemistryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The study and knowledge of the subject "Industrial Legislation", given the amplitude of the same one and the absence of legal knowledge of the students, tries to reach a knowledge and handle of the existent normative and of the legal agents that facilitates the future professional work of the students. In this sense, the subject Industrial Law wants students to understand the existence of a complex legal-industrial order with different sources of normative production (international, community, state, autonomous and local) and their jurisdictional or hierarchical organization. Also the presence of a plurality of Administrations.
The specific objectives are:
- Know the administrative structure and European justice.
- Acquire knowledge of European, Spanish and regional legislation / regulations; know how to interpret them and handle them with ease; in the field of chemistry, quality, industrial safety and the environment.
- Train technicians with knowledge in prevention of chemical risks.
- Know and interpret the REACH Regulation.
- Acquire knowledge of Civil Liability.
- Know the steps to undertake an administrative procedure.The contents of this subject according to the title memory are:
"Occupational risk prevention law (chemical risk) Administrative structure and justice in Europe (European legal documents, directives, regulations, etc.) Transposition in Spain of all European regulations in the fields of chemistry (labeling, storage, transport, etc.), environment and quality REACH Regulation Civil liability Administrative procedure. "
These contents have been divided into two blocks. The first block will be a basic block that includes an introductory topic in which the most general part of the subject is included, and another complementary part. This first block includes two topics, the first is dedicated to knowing the existence of different regulatory environments (international, European, state, regional and local) and their functioning or administrative structures, including the definition of different types of legal documents in each area, and the form of adoption of each other. The second topic includes an introduction to industrial legislation, by classifying it in a sectoral way (chemistry, quality, safety and environment) and an introduction to each of them following the structure of the topic first. Finally, and as the third subject of this block, it will be devoted to the law of administrative procedure and aspects related to civil liability.
The second block consists of four topics that include an in-depth treatment of the legislation following the classification presented in topic 2.
BLOCK I. General
Topic 1. International law. Community law The internal protection. The Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy. Normative documents Treaties, regulations, directives, decisions and other community documents; state and autonomous laws and regulations; Municipal ordinances. Distribution of competencies: State, Autonomous Community and City Councils. Procedures for developing regulations. Structure and publication of normative texts.
Topic 2. The industry. Integrated industrial policy and competitiveness. Industrial sectors: forestry industry, textile industry, extractive industry, shipbuilding, space industry, defense industry, tourism, electronic commerce and services for businesses, food products. Chemical industry and classification of regulations: chemical products, quality and industrial safety, environment.
Topic 3. Law of administrative procedure. Administrative responsibility Civil liability the repressive instruments. Discipline and inspection. The sanctioning law.
Topic 4. Chemical products.
Regulatory framework for the management of chemical substances (REACH), European Agency for Chemical Substances and Preparations. International trade in hazardous chemicals and the Rotter Convention
Topic 5. Industry and technology in European security and defense policy.
The security and defense policy of the European Union: missions and capabilities. New actors and rules of the game. The incipient European armament policy. The industrial sector of defense in Europe. The new framework for research and development. The transformation of the industry. Challenges and opportunities
Item 6. Health, hygiene and safety at work
Health and safety in the workplace: general norms and community strategy. Equipment, signaling and loads. Protection of specific groups of workers. Work places. Chemical, physical and biological agents. Exposure: asbestos, electromagnetic fields, noise, mechanical vibrations, explosive atmospheres, chemical agents, ionizing radiation, artificial optical radiation, carcinogens and mutagens. European system for the registration of carriers of radioactive materials. Industrial quality and standards.
Topic 7. Environmental law
Origin and sources of Environmental Law. The instruments of environmental protection. Preventive instruments Economic instruments and voluntary environmental protection. Complementary instruments Repressive instruments Sectoral protection of the environment. Application to the industry. The integrated prevention and control of pollution.Basic bibliography
- Unión Europea. Portal do dereito da Unión Europea. https://europa.eu/european-union/law_es
Complementary bibliography
- Unión Europea. Políticas da Unión Europea. https://europa.eu/european-union/topics_es
- Muñoz Machado, Andrés. La política industrial: Un reto de nuestro tiempo. Ediciones Díaz de Santos, 2013.
- J. Luis Calva. Política Industrial manufacturera. 2007.
- Lozano Cutanda, B., Derecho Ambiental Administrativo, Dickinson, ultima edición.
- CESEDEN, 2008. La industria y la tecnología en la política europea de seguridad y defensa.
- D.G. de Economía y D.G. de Industria, Comunidad de Madrid. Libro blanco de la política industrial, 2005.The contents of this subject according to the title memory are:
"Occupational risk prevention law (chemical risk) Administrative structure and justice in Europe (European legal documents, directives, regulations, etc.) Transposition in Spain of all European regulations in the fields of chemistry (labeling, storage, transport, etc.), environment and quality REACH Regulation Civil liability Administrative procedure. "
In this subject the student will acquire or practice a series of generic competences, desirable in any university degree, and specific, proper to the Law, adapted to technical-scientific training two students. Within the competency table that was designed for the degree, the following will be worked on more specifically:
CG1 - Innovate in spaces and areas of the field of work, demonstrating initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
CG3 - Value responsibility in the management of information and knowledge in the field of Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Research
CG4 - Demonstrate ability to analyze, describe, organize, plan and manage projects
CG5 - Use scientific terminology in English to argue experimental results in the context of the chemical profession
CG6 - Apply correctly the new technologies for gathering and organizing information to solve problems in the professional activity
CG8 - Value the human, economic, legal and technical dimension in the professional practice, as well as the impact of chemistry on the environment and on the sustainable development of society.
CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that sustain them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
CB10 - That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
CT1 - Elaborate, write and publicly defend scientific and technical reports.
CT2 - Work as a team and adapt to multidisciplinary teams.
CT3 - Work autonomously and efficiently in the daily practice of research or professional activity.
CT4 - Appreciate the value of quality and continuous improvement, acting with rigor, responsibility and professional ethics.
CE2 - Propose alternatives for solving complex chemical problems of the different chemical specialties
CE5 - Correctly assess the risks and the environmental and socioeconomic impact associated with special chemicalsMD1 Theoretical face classes. Exhibition classes (use of blackboard, computer, cannon), complemented with the tools of virtual teaching.
MD3. Seminars held with the Master's own faculty, or with invited professionals from the company, the administration or from other universities. Interactive sessions related to the different subjects with debates and exchange of opinions with the students.
MD4. Resolution of practical exercises (problems, questions type test, interpretation and processing of information, evaluation of scientific publications, etc.)
MD5. Individual or small group tutorials.
MD6. Completion of work, both individually and in groups, on scientific topics related to the different subjects of the Master.
MD7. Oral presentation of papers, reports, etc., including discussion with teachers and students.
MD8. Use of specialized computer programs and the internet. On-line teaching support (Virtual Campus).
MD10. Personal study based on different sources of information
MD11. Realization of the different tests for the verification of obtaining both theoretical and practical knowledge and the acquisition of skills and attitudes.
Lectures: Face-to-face master classes in the classroom, encouraging student intervention.
Interactive classes:
- Seminars: mainly face-to-face; dedicated to the work of the student under the tutelage of the professor, to study in detail important aspects of the subject, and for the resolution of practical cases, problems and questions.
- Tutorials: for the follow-up of the works in group realized by the students and personalized follow-up of the student; of a compulsory nature, they will be face-to-face in the classroom or online, using the virtual platforms available at USC and e-mail.
Conferences: Special speakers will be invited, if appropriate.The qualification of the student, both in the first and in the second opportunity, is a weighted average between the performance of the same in the parts that are evaluated:
Final exam 55.0 (Competencies: CG3, CG4, CG6, CB6, CB9, CB10 CT3, CE1, CE2, CE5)
Problem solving and case studies 15.0 (Competencies: CG1, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6, CG8, CT2, CT3, CE3, CE5)
Completion of written works and reports 10.0 (Competences: CG4, CG8, CB10, CT1, CT4, CE1)
Oral presentation (papers, reports, problems and case studies) 10.0 (Competences: CG4, CG5, CB9, CT1)
Continuous evaluation of the student through questions and oral questions during the 10.0 course (Skills: all)
The evaluation in the second opportunity will be based on the qualification of the examination and of the works (that will have to present during the course), and the assistance and participation, with the same weighting that in the first announcement.
For cases of fraudulent conduct of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and the review of grades will apply.The subject has a workload of 3.0 ECTS, corresponding to 1 ECTS credit for 25 hours of total work, which are distributed as follows:
Theoretical face-to-face classes 12 100
Seminars 7 100
Scheduled Tutorials 2 100
Preparation of tests and supervised work 18 0
Personal study of the student 36 0It is assumed that students enrolling in the subject must have the ability to apply logical and critical thinking to effectively communicate their ideas. User-level management of computer tools and data search (Word, use of email, web page query).
The subject will be developed in Galician and Spanish.
Pastora Maria Bello Bugallo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Chemistry Engineering
- Area
- Chemical Engineering
- Phone
- 881816789
- pastora.bello.bugallo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Inorganic Chemistry Classroom (1st floor) Friday 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Inorganic Chemistry Classroom (1st floor) Exams 05.19.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2.12