ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Organisation of Companies and CommercialisationAreas:
Business OrganisationCenter
Faculty of ChemistryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
Know the Spanish labor regulations.
-Learn and develop HR management techniques that allow integrating efforts in a coordinated way.
-Power the management skills of work groups, both technical and human (achievement of objectives).Labor regulations. Human resources management. Work groups. Teamwork. Motivation and conflict resolution techniques. Leadership and delegation. Staff pick.
Epigraphs of the matter:
Topic 1. Human resources management
Topic 2. Analysis and design of jobs
Topic 3. Human resource planning and workforce flexibility
Topic 4. Recruitment and selection
Topic 5. Labor regulations related to hiring. Socialization
Topic 6. Training of human resources and career management
Topic 7. Evaluation and improvement of performance and remuneration systemBasic
De la Calle Durán, M.C., Ortiz de Urbina Criado, M (2004, 2014, 2018). “Fundamentos de recursos humanos”. Pearson Educación
Bonache, J.; Cabrera, A . (2006) "Dirección de personas : evidencias y perspectivas para él siglo XXI " Prentice Hall.
Dolan, S.; Valle, R. (2007) "Lana gestión de los recursos humanos: como atraer, retener y desarrolar con éxito él capital humano en tiempos de transformación " McGraw-Hill.
Fernández Sánchez, Y., Junquera Cimadevilla, B. (2013). Iniciación a los recursos humanos, Septem Universitas.
García-Tenorio, J.; Sabater, R. (Coordinadores) (2004) "Fundamentos de dirección y gestión de recursos humanos" Thomson.
Gómez-Mejía, L.R.; Balkin, D.B.; Cardy, R.L. (2016) "Gestión de recursos humanos" Prentice Hall.
Sastre, M.A La.; Aguilar, Y.Mª (2003) "Dirección de recursos humanos. Un enfoque estratégico" McGraw-Hill.
Valle, R.J. (coord.) (2004) "Lana gestión estratégica de los recursos humanos" Pearson Educación.
The professor will be able to provide specific bibliography for each topic.Basic and general skills.
-CG1 Innovate in spaces and areas of the work field, demonstrating initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
-CG3 Assess responsibility in the management of information and knowledge in the field of Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Research
-CG4 Demonstrate ability to analyze, describe, organize, plan and manage projects
-CG5 Use scientific terminology in English to argue experimental results in the context of the chemical profession
-CG6 Correctly apply new technologies for capturing and organizing information to solve problems in professional activity
-CG8 Assess the human, economic, legal and technical dimension in professional practice, as well as the impact of chemistry on the environment and on the sustainable development of society.
-CB9 That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
-CB10 That students possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed, or autonomous.
Transversal competences.
-CT1 Prepare, write and publicly defend scientific and technical reports.
-CT2 Work in a team and adapt to multidisciplinary teams.
-CT3 Work autonomously and efficiently in the daily practice of research or professional activity.
-CT4 Appreciate the value of quality and continuous improvement, acting with rigor, responsibility and professional ethics.
-CT5 Demonstrate an attitude of respect towards the opinions, values, behaviors and practices of others.
Specific skills:
-CE9: Value, promote and practice innovation and entrepreneurship in industry and chemical research.The lecture sessions will be used to introduce the contents of the topics that make up the program, highlighting the especially relevant aspects and the relationships between the different contents. The material to be used for each topic will be made available to the students prior to the corresponding class.
The computer and the cannon-projector will be used as the main supports of the matter, projecting transparencies and different material that serves as a guide to the explanations made. The blackboard, printed articles or any other information necessary to expand knowledge and clarify doubts will also be used.
In the interactive sessions, the aim is for students to apply theoretical concepts, work individually and / or in teams, and develop competencies specific to the subject. For this reason, cases will be analyzed, questions proposed by the teaching staff will be debated, role-play sessions will be held and presentations will be made of the works previously prepared in teams.
The teachers will monitor the attendance of the students and their participation in the expository and interactive sessions.
The personal work activities of the students include, in addition to the time devoted to study, the search, reading and synthesis of bibliographic material referenced by the teaching staff. They also include the elaboration of a teamwork to present in an interactive session.
The tutorials will preferably take place in person. If necessary, they can also be carried out virtually. The virtual tutorials may combine synchronous tutorials (individual or group through the MS Teams platform) with asynchronous tutorials (virtual campus). In any case, the tutorials will take place at the usual time officially published by the teaching staff.
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Paneles lateralesThe evaluation will take into account all the activities carried out by the students (active participation in the analysis of cases, debate and commentary on readings, articles or press news, completion and presentation of work, content examination, etc.).
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of the academic performance of students and the review of grades will apply.
To pass the subject there are two opportunities. Students who do not pass the subject at the first opportunity will have the right to a second, which will be the one that appears in their academic record in the event that the grade achieved was higher. The evaluation system for these two opportunities is set out below.
-Ordinary first chance:
Final content test: 60% of the total mark. Competences evaluated: CB9, CB10
Continuous evaluation: 40% of the total mark.
Evaluated competences:
- Resolution of problems and practical cases: 15% of the total mark. Competences evaluated: CB9, CG1, CG3 CG4, CG5, CG6, CG8, CT2, CT4, CT5, CE2, CE9
- Completion of work and written reports: 5% of the total mark. Evaluated competences: CT1, CT3, CE9
- Oral presentation (works, reports, problems and practical cases): 10% of the total mark. Evaluated competences: CG1, CG3, CG4, CB10, CT1, CT2, CT5
- Continuous evaluation of the students through questions and oral questions during the course: 10% of the total mark. Evaluated competences: CT3
Students with class attendance waivers:
Students who are granted class attendance exemption (following Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on class attendance exemption in certain circumstances), will be evaluated with a specific face-to-face final exam that will represent 100% of the qualification.
-Second extraordinary chance of recovery:
The same evaluation system will be applied as in the first opportunity.
In accordance with the Permanence Regulations in force at the USC for Bachelor and Master studies (art. 5.2), the mere attendance and / or participation in any of the activities subject to the evaluation will mean that the student's final grade is different from NO PRESENTED.Theoretical face-to-face classes: 12 hours.
Seminars: 7 hours.
Scheduled tutorials: 2 hours.
Preparation of tests and supervised works: 18 hours.
Student personal study: 36 hours.
Total hours: 75To maximize learning, it is recommended that students attend classes regularly, actively participate in all activities proposed by teachers and consult the bibliography and other recommended material. Tutorials are a useful resource that students should use as often as necessary. The virtual campus access to find out about different issues that arise throughout the course and to be able to have and review the complementary material before classes facilitates student participation and their ability to acquire knowledge.
It is also recommended to read the program and the evaluation rules.
Adolfo Carballo Penela
Coordinador/a- Department
- Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation
- Area
- Business Organisation
- Phone
- 881811590
- adolfo.carballo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Exams 01.13.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Inorganic Chemistry Classroom (1st floor)