ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 10
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 24Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Regional Geographical AnalysisCenter
Higher Technical Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The main objective is to offer the theoretical and practical knowledges basic necessary for the application of the data and geographic information in the environmental management, as well as enter to the students in the basic technicians of territorial analysis from the cartographic punto and of treatment of images.
When it finish the matter the alumnado will be able to face the tasks of identification, management, analysis and representation of the territorial information by means of the handle combined of GIS tools.
During the development of the temario will provide to the students a solid base for the handle and analysis of the data and available geographic information, being able to express by means of the handle of diagrams and maps more adapted in relation to the results obtained of his analyses.
In definite, treats to enter to the students in the handle of the own computer applications of the space and cartographic analysis from the recolección of the data until his cartographic diffusion.
After completing this matter, the students will be able of:
· Comprise that it is a SIG, that can do and how is using in the actuality.
· See how can benefit with the use of a SIG.
· Create basic maps.
· Work with different types and formats of geographic data.
· Access to the information of entities and datasets geographic.
· Apply a systematic approach to analyse some data and know the patterns and relations that have these data.
· Use layers, groups of layers and projections in a map
· Create and handle of basic form a geodatabase
· Symbolise the entities by categories or by quantities
· Work with tables and realise unions and relations
· Edit the geometry and attributes of the entities
· Handle with soltura to interface of ArcGIS The main aim is to offer the theoretical and practical knowledges basic necessary for the application of the data and geographic information in the environmental management, as well as enter to the students in the basic technicians of territorial analysis from the cartographic punto and of treatment of images.
When it finish the matter the alumnado will be able to face the tasks of identification, management, analysis and representation of the territorial information by means of the handle combined of tools SIG.
During the development of the temario will provide to the alumnado a solid base for the handle and analysis of the data and available geographic information, being able to express by means of the handle of diagrams and maps more adapted in relation to the results obtained of his analyses.
In definite, treats to enter to the students in the handle of the own computer applications of the space and cartographic analysis from the recolección of the data until his cartographic diffusion.The contents that develop in the course are the contemplated of succinct form in the descriptor of the matter collected in the plan of studies of Máster in Environmental Engineering: Utilisation of the cartographic information. Teledetection. Systems of geographic information.
The program of the matter is divided in 2 blocks, that detail to continuation:
Block I: Cartography, aerial Photography and Teledetection.
· Basic cartography and georeferencing (geographic coordinates and UTM).
· Topographical maps and cartographic language.
· Aerial photography and fotointerpretación.
Block II: Systems of Geographic Information (GIS)
· Introduction of data in a System of Geographic Information (GIS).
· Symbolise elements and Thematic cartography.
· Work with databases.
· Georeferencing.
· Vectorial space analysis.
· Edition of data
· MDT and analysis ráster.
· Composition of maps.BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
* ALDREY VÁZQUEZ, J. A. (2018): Curso de Sistemas de Información Xeográfica. Publicado bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional en el repositorio Minerva de la Universidad de santiago de Compostela. 2018. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10347/17306
* MORENO JIMÉNEZ, A. (Coor.) (2006): Sistemas y análisis de la información geográfica: manual de autoaprendizaje con ArcGIS. RA-MA, Paracuellos del Jarama. 895 pp.
* BARREDO;J. I. 1996: Sistemas de Información Geográfica y evaluación multicriterio del territorio., Ed. Rama.
* BURROUGH, P. (1988): Principles of Geographical Information Systems for land resources assessment. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.
* BUZAI, G.D. y BAXENDALE, C.A. (2006): Análisis socioespacial con sistemas de información geográfica. Ed. Lugar, Buenos Aires. 397 pp.
* COPPOCK, J.T. and RHIND, D.W. (1991) The History of GIS en Maguire, D.J.; Goodchild, M.F. and Rhind, D.W. (Eds.) Geographical Information Systems: Principles and Applications, John Wiley & sons, pp. 21-43. (www.wiley.co.uk/wileychi/gis/resources.html)
* COMAS, D. y RUIZ, E. (1993): Fundamentos de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Ariel, Barcelona. 295 pp.
* CORBERÓ Mª V. et al. (1988) Trabajar mapas. Biblioteca de recursos didácticos Alhambra.
* CHUVIECO, E. (1990) Fundamentos de teledetección espacial. Rialp
* CHUVIECO, E. (2002) Teledetección Ambiental. La observación de la Tierra desde el Espacio. Ed. Ariel
* DENT, B.D. (1990 2ª ed.) Cartography. Thematic map design. Wm. C. Brown Publishers.
* FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, F. (2000) Introducción a la fotointerpretación. Ariel Geografía.
* FRAILE GILPÉREZ, L. (1986) Lectura de planos. Penthalon.
* LONGLEY, P.A.; GOODCHILD, M.F.; MAGUIRE, D.J. (1991) An overview and definition of GIS en Maguire, D.J.; Goodchild, M.F. and Rhind, D.W. (Eds.) Geographical Information Systems: Principles and Applications. John Wiley & sons, pp. 9-20 (www.wiley.co.uk/wileychi/gis/resources.html).
* MAGUIRE, D.J., GOODCHILD, M.F. & RHIND, D.R. 2005: Geographical Information Systems and Science., Wiley.
* ORSBY, T. et al. 2004: ;Getting to Know ArcGis desktop, ERSI Press.
* PANAREDA CLOPÉS, J.P. (1984) Como interpretar el Mapa Topográfico. Anaya.
* PELLICER CORRELLANO, F. (1998) Cuadernos Técnicos de Ciencias Ambientales 1. Introducción a la Fotografía aérea. Azara Ed.
* PEREÑA, J.G. 1992: Introducción Conceptual a los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (S.I.G.), Estudio Gráfico Madrid
* PUYOL, R. e ESTÉBANEZ, J. (1978) Análisis e interpretación del mapa topográfico. Tebar Flores.
* ROULEAU, B. (1991) Methodes de la cartographie. Presses du CNRS.
* SANTOS PRECIADO, J.M. (2004): Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Madrid, 460 pp.
* SKIDMORE, A. (Ed.) (2002): Environmental modelling with GIS and remote sensing. Routledge, Londres. 268 pp.
* TOMLIN, D. (1990): Geographic Information Systems and cartographic modelling. Englewwod Cliffs. Prentice Hall.
* VÁZQUEZ MAURE, F. e MARTÍN LÓPEZ, J. (1989) Lectura de mapas. IGN.
*WISE, S. (2002): Gis Basics. Taylor & Francis, Londres, 218 pp.
* WRIGHT, D.J.; GOODCHILD, M.F. and PROCTOR, J.D. (1997): Demystifying the Persistent Ambiguity of GIS as Tool vs. Science The Annals of the Association of American Geographers 87(2): 346-362 (http://dusk.geo.orst.eddu/annals.html).In this subject the student will purchase or will practise a series of generic competitions, desirable in any university degree, and specific, own of the engineering in general or specific of the Environmental Engineering in particular.
In accordance with the picture of competitions that designed for the degree, will work the following:
Basic and General
• CB6 - Possess and comprise knowledges that approach a base or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a context of investigation
• CB7 - That the students know to apply the knowledges purchased and his capacity of resolution of problems in new surroundings or little known inside contexts wider (or multidisciplinary) related with his area of study
• CB8 - That the students are able to integrate knowledges and confront to the complexity to formulate trials from an information that, being incomplete or limited, include reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of his knowledges and trials
• CB9 - That the students know to communicate his conclusions and the knowledges and reasons last that the sustentan to skilled publics and no specialised of a clear way and without ambiguities
• CB10 - That the students possess the skills of learning that allow them continue studying of a way that will have to be to a large extent autodirigido or autonomous.
• CG1 - Identify and bill environmental problems
• CG2 - Be able to predict and control the evolution of complex situations by means of the development of methodologies of innovative work adapted to the scientific field/researcher, technological or concrete professional, in general multidisciplinary, in which it develop his activity
• CG3 - Be able to assume the responsibility of his own professional development and of his specialisation in one or more fields of study.
• CT3 - Adapt to the changes, being able to apply new technologies and advanced and other notable progresses, with initiative and spirit emprendedor.
• CT4 - Show critical reasoning and autocrítico, analytical capacity and of synthesis.
• CT5 - Elaborate, write and defend publicly reports and projects of scientific character and technician.
• CT6 - Appreciate the value of the quality and the continuous improvement, acting with rigour, responsibility and ethical professional in the frame of the commitment with the sustainable development.
• CE3 - Develop the sufficient autonomy to participate in projects of investigation and scientific or technological collaborations inside the thematic field of the Environmental Engineering, in contexts interdisciplinares and, in his case, with a high component of transfer of the knowledge.
• CE5 - Conceptualise models of Engineering, apply innovative methods in the resolution of problems and suitable computer applications, for the design, simulation, optimisation and control of processes and systems.
• CE8 - Tackle a real problem of Environmental Engineering under a scientific perspective-technical recognising the importance of the research and management of the existent information and of the applicable legislation.
• CE9 - Possess the skills of the autonomous learning to keep and improve the own competitions of the Environmental Engineering that allow the continuous development of the profession.
• CE10 - Be able to apply tools of environmental management (Studies of environmental impact, Analysis of the cycle of life, Industrial Ecology, clean Technologies, Norms ISO, EMAS) to the hour to realise reports or projects.It treats of an essentially applied subject, based mainly in the learning of technicians, so that, by his practical approach, will realise a series of specific and sequential works, directed to the put in practice of the most notable appearances of each subject, and that show the knowledges purchased. The works that concern to each subject will serve for an evaluation continued, beside the final work (that it will have to deliver in the official dates established by the ETSE).
The students have to realise the following works:
- Practical of cartography: location of coordinates UTM and geographic; reading and topographical interpretation
- Practical of SIX: at the end of each subject will have to deliver a practice concerning the same.
The theorical lesson will combine with practical classes (in each session along the course) to illustrate the theoretical contents.
It will use the Virtual classroom of the USC through the application Moodle, like tool of communication with the students, offering them information of the educational programming along the course in the classroom and complementary materials for the study of the matter (aim of the professor and complementary bibliography).
Face-to-face teaching (26 h)
· Expositive and interactive classes: the classes will realise combining so much the masterclass (exhibition and discussion of subjects) as in shape of seminars (realisation of exercises) where the professor will treat to do upsetting in the most stood out appearances of the state of the art, and where will verify the assimilation of contents by part of the students. In this sense, is very notable that the alumnado work the material of the that will have in the virtual classroom to promote the interaction professor-student.
· Individual work: they are scheduled individual practices that favour the acquisition of the necessary competitions for the superación of the matter.
Grupal tutoring
· Grupal tutoring: It will realise a grupal tutoring for the resolution of doubts related with the handle of GIS and of the realisation of the final work through the platform MSTeams.
Individual tutoring
· Individual tutoring: They will realise by means of the platform MSTeams.The qualification of the student will be fruit of his performance in the two parts in which it evaluates the learning: final work and performance in the classroom. The distribution of the punctuation will be in function of the performances obtained in the practical works (50%) and in the final work (50%).
To surpass the matter, the student has to have realised all the practices properly, and obtain a minimum of 5 points in the final work.
It looks for that the students achieve to dominate the necessary competitions for the autonomous development of projects GIS. For this will evaluate the competitions and necessary skills in the resolution of practical suppositions of territorial environmental management.
The final work will consist of a practical supposition of territorial environmental management by means of tools SIX, in which the/the student/to will have to apply the knowledges purchased during the course.
In the second opportunity the evaluation will do of the same way that the first. The students will have to deliver all the compulsory practical works facts to the lardo of the course and resolve the practical supposition posed like final evaluation.
For the cases of fraudulent realisation of exercises or proofs will be of application the collected in the Rule of evaluation of the academic performance of the students and of review of qualificationsThe matter has a load of equivalent work to 3 ECTS.
Hours of face-to-face work of the students:
Master Classes 10
practical Classes 12
Tutorial personalised 4
Total of face-to-face hours do student: 26
Hours of personal work of the students:
individual autonomous Study or in group 32
Readings recommended, activities of library and similar 12
Other tasks proposed by the professor 6
Total of hours of personal work of the students: 50Is important that the students study previously those texts, documents or articles that signal in the educational guide. It is indispensable to have a half command of the English language.
It is recommended, although no necessary, that the students have some basic notions of ofimática and computer-aided design.
The students will owe to install the software in his portable computers. It will provide them to the start of the subject.In what respects to the Block I and given the different formative origin of the students, is normal to find differences in the knowledge of the handle of cartography and aerial photography, by what do not demand previous requirements.
For the Block II, centred in the handle of the Systems of Geographic Information, requires that the student have some minimum knowledges of Computing to level of user.
The subjet will give in Spanish.
Jose Antonio Aldrey Vazquez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Geography
- Area
- Regional Geographical Analysis
- Phone
- 881812545
- joseantonio.aldrey@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - November 18th-24th Thursday 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom A7 Friday 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom A7 Exams 01.16.2025 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom A7 01.16.2025 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Classroom A7 06.19.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Classroom A7 06.19.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom A7