ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 12
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 25Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Plant Production and Engineering ProjectsAreas:
Plant ProductionCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
To learn about:
- Propagation of plants.
- Organization and management of nursery production.
- Quality control in the production of nursery plants. Varietal identity and varietal registration.
- Genetic resources in agriculture and their conservation.
- Preparation of the mother material.
- The selection of plant material of interest for agriculture.
- Research projects aimed at obtaining plant material from breeding using biotechnology.CONTENTS (from Verified Master's Memory)
Plant propagation. Organization and management of nursery production. Quality control in the production of nursery plants. Variety identity and registration of varieties. Agriculturalgenetic resources and their conservation. Obtaining the starting material. The selection of plant material of agricultural interest. Research projects aimed at obtaining plant materialfrom genetic improvement using biotechnology.
TOPICS (h P: face-to-face hours ; h NP: personal study hours)
1. Plant propagation: asexual or seedlings, clonal propagation (grafting, cuttings, layering and in vitro culture). Organization and management of nursery production.(3 h P; 9 h NP)
1.1. Definitions: clone, variety, cultivar, ...
1.2. Classification of methods of plant propagation.
1.3. Propagation by seed. Types of Seeds. Treatments. Sow.
1.4. Clonal propagation: Grafting. Types. Periods of realization.
1.4. Clonal propagation: Cuttings. Types. Preparation of the mother plant to produce shoots for cuttings. Applying hormones. Realization. Acclimatization.
1.4. Clonal propagation: Layering. Types. Methods. Applying hormones. Banding. Reinforcement.
1.4. Clonal propagation: In vitro. Methods. Mother plants. Acclimatization. Reinforcement.
1.5. Organization and management of nursery production. Types of nurseries. Facilities. Mother plants. Species distribution. Production management.
2. Quality control in the production of nursery plants nursery categories. Nursery categories. Certification nursery. Passport. Varietal identity. Registration of varieties.(1 h P; 2 h NP)
2.1. Legislation
2.2. Concepts
2.3. Organizations involved
3. Genetic resources in agriculture: conservation in situ and ex situ (Germplasm Banks).(2 h P; 6 h NP)
3.1. Objectives of conservation of genetic resources. What genetic resources should be conserved? The diversity of genetic resources.
3.2. Conservation in situ and ex situ. Types of Germplasm Banks. National and international organizations. Examples.
4. Obtaining material: The plant material selection of agricultural interest: traditional selections. Controlled hybridization and mutation. Genetic transformation. (3 h P; 9 h NP)
4.1. Getting the starting material. Head of the clone and material of reserve.
4.2. Mass selection and directed selection.
4.3. Controlled hybridization and mutation. Methodologies. The importance of these techniques in the development of new varieties. Some examples
4.4. Genetic transformation. Methodologies. Importance of this technique in agricultural production. Examples.
5. Research projects aimed at obtaining plant material from breeding using biotechnology (3 h P; 9 h NP)
5.1. Writing research projects. Main types of calls. Project structure.
5.2. Breeding objectives. Scenario approach. Resistance to pests and diseases. Improved agronomic traits. Qualitative and quantitative characters. Adaptive variation.
5.3. Improved self-pollinated and cross-pollinated.
5.4. Application of molecular markers. Molecular markers in breeding. Marker-assisted selection.
5.5. Examples of interest to Galicia
Field practices (6 h P): Visit to EVEGA (Viticulture and Enology Station of Galicia ): germplasm bank, breeder nursery, initial and reserve material, clonal selection, varietalidentification and quality analysis laboratories, microvinifications.(Attendance is Compulsory for all the students and subjected to assesment)
Lab Practicals (6 h P): Propagation (in vitro culture and other techniques).
Individual works:
In vitro propagation (in English) (5h NP)
Plant Breeding Programs (in English) (5h NP)AGUSTÍ, M. 2004. Fruticultura. Ed. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid. CAFR 507
BALDINI, E. 1992. Arboricultura General. Ed. Mundi-Prensa, Madrid. CAFR 337
Badenes, M.L.; Byrne, D.H. 2012. Fruit breeding / Springer Series “Handbook of Plant Breeding” (M.L. Badenes and D. Byrne eds.), XVI, Springer, 875 pp.
Jack Brown Peter D.S. Caligari. 2008. An Introduction to Plant Breeding. Blackwell Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-4051-3344-9
Bradshaw, J.E. 2010. Root and Tuber Crops Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, Vol. 7
Hallauer, Arnel R., Carena, Marcelo J., Miranda Filho, J.B. 2010. Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding. Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, Vol. 6
Boller, Beat; Posselt, Ulrich K.; Veronesi, Fabio. 2010. Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses. Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, Vol. 5
Vollmann, Johann; Rajcan, Istvan 2010. Oil Crops. Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, Vol. 4
Carena, Marcelo J. (Ed.)2009. Cereals. Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, Vol. 3
Prohens-Tomás, Jaime; Nuez, Fernando (Eds.)2008. Vegetables II Fabaceae, Liliaceae, Solanaceae, and Umbelliferae. Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, Vol. 2
Prohens-Tomás, Jaime; Nuez, Fernando (Eds.)2008. Vegetables I. Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Chenopodicaceae, and Cucurbitaceae. Series: Handbook of Plant Breeding, Vol. 1
Bruce Macdonald. 2006. Practical Woody Plant Propagation for Nursery Growers. Timber Press. ISBN-10: 0881928402. ISBN-13: 978-0881928402
Michael A. Dirr (Autor), Charles W. Heuser (Autor). 2009. Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation: From Seed to Tissue Culture. Timber Press; Edición: 2nd edition (5 de enerode 2009)
ISBN-10: 1604690046. ISBN-13: 978-1604690040In this subject, the student will acquire a series of knowledge through specific content, as well as a series of skills and abilities, and will put into practice a series of specificcompetencies of engineering in general or agronomic engineering in particular.
With regard to knowledge and content, the following will be worked on:
Con03. 1.3. - Possessing, with a critical sense, the cutting-edge knowledge of their specialty. TYPE: Knowledge or content
Con05. 5.1. - Complete knowledge of the applicable techniques and methods of analysis, design and research and their limitations. TYPE: Knowledge or content
In terms of skills and abilities, the following will be worked on:
H/D17. 7.2. - Ability to function effectively in national contexts as a member or leader of a team that can
be made up of people from different disciplines and levels, and who can use virtual communication tools. GUY:
Skills or abilities
H/D02. 2.2. - The ability to conceive new products, processes and systems. TYPE: Skills or abilities
H/D10. 4.4. - High-level capacity and skill to design and carry out experimental research, interpret data with
and draw conclusions. TYPE: Skills or abilities
H/D11. 4.5. - Ability to research the application of the most advanced technologies in their specialty. TYPE: Skills
or skills
H/D16. 7.1. - Ability to use different methods to communicate their conclusions, clearly and unambiguously, and the
knowledge and the logical foundations that underpin them, to specialized and non-specialized audiences with the subject, in contexts
national and international. TYPE: Skills or abilities
With regard to competencies, the following will be worked on:
Comp17. CE10 - Adequate knowledge and ability to develop and apply proprietary technology in the management of marketing projects.
Research and development of new technologies applied to plant production processes: biotechnology and plant breeding.
TYPE: Competencies1. Lectures with ICT support and the systematic use of the Virtual Campus as support teaching. Con03. 1.3. Con05. 5.1. H/D17. 7.2. H/D02. 2.2. H/D10. 4.4. H/D11. 4.5. H/D16. 7.1. Comp17. CE10
Interactive sessions will be held in small groups to achieve greater interaction with the student, and attendance will be considered mandatory.
Preparation of an individual project for a fruit plantation.
Preparation of a glossary of Galician / Spanish / English terms in groups.
With the "Assessment-Papers" tools, it will be possible to examine the offer, the guidelines and the deadline for submissions.
The face-to-face tutoring also "online" is carried out using the virtual communication tools of the USC.
Expository teaching: 12 hours
2. Practical sessions. Con03. 1.3. Con05. 5.1. H/D17. 7.2. H/D02. 2.2. H/D10. 4.4. H/D11. 4.5. H/D16. 7.1. Comp17. CE10
Interactive classroom teaching: 12 hours
TRIP (subjected to assessment): 6h
Short rotations are made. They are carried out in the classroom (and also in the Practice Field) assigned to the group, according to the schedule established by the academiccalendar.
Attendance to the practices is mandatory and essential to sit the final exam. Non-attendance –except in duly justified circumstances of force majeure–supposes not performing thefinal exam of the part (or parts) of the subject related to said absence.
3. Tutoring
Tutoring will be mainly face-to-face, nevertheless virtual sessions can be scheduled but respecting the time slots shown in the course calendar.
There are two types of tutoring in the current curriculum: group and individual tutoring. The group session will take place on the date set by the academic calendar and usuallyserves to assess the outcome of the practical task.
The second one is the traditional tutorial, highly recommended to clarify any doubts and difficulties that may arise during the semester. It is necessary to set a date with the lecturerbeforehand. It usually takes place at lecturer’s office.The final test will be face-to-face (evaluations of 1st and 2nd opportunity) by sitting a written exam -which includes theory contents and contents related to the field practice(travel)- whose marks represents 45% of the overall score. Continuous assessment essentially based on practical work accounts for the remaining 45%.
Con03. 1.3. Con05. 5.1. H/D17. 7.2. H/D02. 2.2. H/D10. 4.4. H/D11. 4.5. H/D16. 7.1. Comp17. CE10
Con03. 1.3. Con05. 5.1. H/D17. 7.2. H/D02. 2.2. H/D10. 4.4. H/D11. 4.5. H/D16. 7.1. Comp17. CE10
All tests and tasks must obtain a minimum score of 5,0 to pass.
Repeating students and students granted with a waiver of attendance will be examined of the total contents of the subjects The teaching activities of compulsory and inexcusableattendance for students who have been granted the exemption from attendance will be PRACTICES, TRAVEL and WORKS.
For cases of fraudulent carrying out of exercises or tests, it will be applied or recollected in the Norm of assessment of academic performance and revision of qualifications.Plagiarism will be checked in the works presented.FACE-TO-FACE WORK IN THE CLASSROOM .............30 Hours
- Face-to face sessions ........................................12
- Interactive sessions ..........................................12
- Exams...............................................................2
-Presentation of works in class................................4
STUDENT PERSONAL WORK .................................45 Hours
-------------------------------------------------- -
- Individual study ...............................................35
- Realization of Works .........................................10
TOTAL STUDENT WORKING HOURS: .....................75 Hours1. To attend to the lectures and practicals.
2. Use the tutorials to solve doubts.
3. Relying on documentary sources (libraries, internet) to consult doubts and complete the subjects.
Santiago Pereira Lorenzo
- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- santiago.pereira.lorenzo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Juan Luis Fernández Lorenzo
Coordinador/a- Department
- Plant Production and Engineering Projects
- Area
- Plant Production
- juanluis.fernandez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 16th-22nd Monday 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Seminar I (Pav.III) Friday 10:00-17:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Galician Field Trip/Practice Exams 12.16.2024 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 (Lecture room 1) 06.13.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 (Lecture room 1)