• Contribute to the offer to society of the main cultural contents generated in a particular space.
• Design attractive instruments that add value to the cultural contents for their enjoyment in particular spaces and for diverse audiences.
• Offer a general introduction to the contents of multiple areas of knowledge useful as a starting point for those interest in embarking on research in the different areas of knowledge pertaining to the degree.
• Raise awareness among the people accessing the title of the relevance of the main characteristics of our society for the processes of cultural transmission.
• Highlight the relevance of languages as the vehicles for the transmission of cultural contents, both in relation to the native and international languages.
• Accept the challenge of transmitting to society the most relevant aspects of culture of past times that have been determined by research processes, in an active manner and as part of the learning of the intrinsic characteristics of human nature.
• Contemporary Cultural Policies Speciality
- Know the main characteristics of the public management of cultural assets: the custody of facilities (museums, interpretation centres, on-site maintenance, etc) the professional profiles linked to these fields, the national and international regulations that condition them, etc.
- Highlight the economic potential and in terms of territorial development of culture, as a tool against the depopulation of peripheral spaces and the settlement of new settlers.
- Know the relevance acquired by aspects such as multilinguism, migrations or gender policies as the main vectors of public cultural management in the current moment, as well as the potential these present at the time of designing cultural projects destined to multiple institutions.
- Be familiar with the main analysis methodologies implemented from the different knowledge areas and use them as a resource for the design of cultural projects of different types.
• Cultural Industries Speciality
- Study the economic dimension of culture from the classic parameters of economic management.
- Know the main characteristics of documents that can be analysed under the label of cultural projects.
- Know the relevance of the international agencies in the creation of specific proposals of cultural management.