ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
This course contributes to the professional profile with the necessary education and training in
skills for critical analysis of the architectural drawings as heritage, as well as
identify documents related to architectural projects for interventions with
equity and its purpose in the process of formalization and execution; as well as knowing the
different techniques of lifting and systems of representation that facilitates the choice of
formats for documentary production in heritage management.
-Training for critical analysis of the architectural drawings as material heritage
-Identify documents related to architectural projects for interventions with
equity and its purpose in the process of formalization and execution.
-Know the different media and representation systems that facilitate the identification of
Heritage graphics documents in the management of architectural heritage.
-Learn the different techniques of lifting and representation systems that facilitate the
choice of formats for the documentary in the management of architectural heritage.
-Know the documentary archive of the linked graphic assets systems
to architecture.
-Know the documentary archive of architectural graphics documents systems for the
heritage management.Drawing as language, drawing as heritage. The lifting of the heritage
architectural. Graphic documents for intervention in architecture and territory
0. presentation of the subject.
1. the drawing as language of architecture: Architectural graphic documentation of character
heritage. Documentation for the intervention in heritage. Documentation for the
promotion of heritage.
2. the drawing of sketches and architectural sketches as heritage.
3. supports of architectural representation.
4. systems of architectural representation.
5 heritage and rising: definitions, declarations, and the letter of the Rilievo.
6. lift architectural, analog and digital.
7. documentation for the representation and production of architecture. Technical code of the
Building CTE.
8 case studies I: sketches and architectural drawings.
9. case II historical mapping studies.
10 studies of cases III. Building designs.[1 Básico] Ideas sobre análisis, dibujo y arquitectura /
Antonio Gámiz Gordo.
Universidad de Sevilla,, Sevilla : (2003)
[2 Básico] Representación y análisis formal: lecciones de análisis de formas /
Carlos Montes Serrano.
Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad,, Valladolid : (1992)
[3 Básico] Croquis y diagramas en momentos iniciales del diseño arquitectónico /
Enrique Solana Suárez, Elsa Gutiérrez Labory.
Departamento de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica,, Valencia : (2015)
[4 Básico] El dibujo de arquitectura: teoría e historia de un lenguaje gráfico.
Sáinz, Jorge
Reverté,, Madrid : (2005) - ((2ª ed. corr. y aum.).)
[5 Básico] Paradigma Gráfico para la Arquitectura actual
Solana Suárez, Enrique. Gutiérrez Labory, Elsa
EGA, 2017 - (vol 22 num 30 [42-51])
[6 Recomendado] Expresión e ideación gráfica arquitectónica /
Ángel Melián García, Enrique Solana Suárez, José Domingo Núñez Hernández, Elsa Gutiérrez Labory, Miguel
Saavedra Pérez, Alberto Bravo de Laguna Socorro.
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Vicerrectorado de Planificación y Calidad,, Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria : (2005)
[7 Recomendado] Dibujo y proyecto: mística, emoción, razón e interpretación /
Enrique Solana.
Departamento de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica de la UPV., Valencia :
Fuente: EN : EGA : Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica Nº 6, 2001, P.42-51
[8 Recomendado] Escritos acerca del dibujar y el dibujo y del proyectar y el proyecto arquitectónico /
por Javier Seguí de la Riva.
Instituto Juan de Herrera,, Madrid : (2003)
[9 Recomendado] Dibujo, evocación y proyecto en Frank Lloyd Wright
Solana Suárez, Enrique
Il Disegno luogo della memoria.Alinea Editrice, 1995 - ( [815-822])
[10 Recomendado] Utilidad frente a operador en la Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica
Solana Suárez, Enrique
EGA, 2007 - (12 [74-81])BASIC SKILLS:
CB7 - that students know how to apply the knowledge and capacity of resolution
problems in new environments or little known within broader contexts (or
multidisciplinary) related to your area of study
CB8 - That students are capable of integrating knowledge and deal with the complexity
make judgments from a
information that is incomplete or limited, include reflections on the responsibilities
social and ethics related to the application
their skills and judgments
CB9 - that students know how to communicate their findings and knowledge and reasons
latest that they support them to public
specialised and non-specialised in a way clear and unambiguous
CG2 - Predispose to work in interdisciplinary teams.
Ng3 - Developing management skills: ability to take decisions, motivation.
CG4 - Train to apply knowledge to practice
CG1 - Enable to design and manage projects
CE1 - Provide the critical capabilities needed for professional or research activity in
art, architecture linked with
cultural heritage, historic, conservation and heritage exhibition spaces
art and art market
CE2 - Provide sufficient knowledge to enter the professional field in the
disciplines taught in the master.
CE3 - Prepare to issue and write reports historic-artisActividades presenciales:
Los contenidos se impartirán durante las clases que son teóricas, fomentándose la participación de
los estudiantes a partir de lecturas de la
bibliografía y otros documentos entregados en clase.
Actividades no presenciales:
Los estudiantes deberán asimilar la materia de la asignatura con el estudio de la teoría y los
contenidos del presente proyecto docente, impartidos en las clases presenciales. El trabajo práctico
será el complemento indispensable para construir el conocimiento que esta asignatura persigue.
Para lograr este objetivo contarán con los servicios de la biblioteca de la
Escuela de Arquitectura, apoyada por otras de la propia universidad o de otros ámbitos. Para
determinados textos recomendados de difícil acceso, éstos se harán visibles en el apartado
correspondiente a la asignatura dentro del campus virtual. Como lugar de trabajo y estudio, la
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, facilita el acceso al Edificio de Arquitectura las 24
horas del díaCriteria of evaluation
Criteria of evaluation
-The student actively attending classes in all its forms
-The student will demonstrate a mastery of the theoretical content through the content of your
individual work.
-The student will submit an individual work.
Assessment tools in calls ordinary and extraordinary for those who have
attended a minimum of 80 of classes.
Written tests:
-Individual academic work.
Instruments of evaluation in the extraordinary announcement:
Complete what is not completed in the regular call, with deliveries or correction of
outstanding aspects on the date indicated in the official calendar of the school of architecture.
Less than 80 assistance involves the implementation of other specific work, provided that the
assistance is equal or exceed 60.
Evaluation systems
The evaluation will be global and continuous. It will include a comprehensive assessment of the work and
student performance in the various aspects of the course throughout this, taking into account
the activities provided for in the same. In this sense, is scored the active participation in
The level of assistance required is at least 80 schedule school, need to be able
the approach of continuous assessment with the assessment of the other essential merits
to obtain the approved end.
It should reach the level of fit and your rating will be linked
taking advantage of the course. It will consist of descriptive and critical analysis of documents
architectural graphics produced for the execution or any building architectural project
with heritage value.
Active participation will form part of the assessment classes.
Qualification criteria
The final grade of the course is obtained by taking into account all aspects of the same.
Resulting from the media and the following percentages:
-Active assistance: 10
-Participation and tutorials: 10
-Critical - analytical - descriptive work: 80
Students who can not prove the level of assistance established only may be submitted
extraordinary call for proposals, in accordance with the established evaluation criteria
established in previous sections.
Choose heritage building by performing the following tasks:
1. location of the documentation of the architectural project.
Possible areas of search
a city councils
b. Council provincial
c. colleges of architects
d. private files
e architects files
f files historicoss
g libraries
h. bibliographies
2. Description of the file documentation.
a conceptual and contextual
b. systems of representation
c. representation stands
d. representation techniques
e definition of the usefulness of the documents
f scales and scale used elements
g critical comments regarding the documents of record
3. critical analysis of the graphic documentation of the project, according to one of the following
thematic blocks:
a descriptive graphic documentation
b. graphic documentation of a technical nature
c. graphic documentation of character design process
d. documentation of contextual character
Extension: 10 pages per student
12 Arial font
Line-spacing 1.5
Extension minimum 2,000 words A4
Maximum length 2,500 words A4
Title and identification data of the student on the first page
Bibliography maximum 1 A4, not accounted for in the above
Following the Instruction Nº 1/2017 of Secretaría Xeral, students who are exempt from attendance in certain situations will be evaluated with a specific final exam (100%). Exemption from attendance must be authorized in advance by the university.Each day of class will be held one of the items on the agenda.
Face to face: 21 hours of tutoring class.
Distance: 45 hours.
Total: 75 hoursGeneral and specialized libraries. Newspaper archives. Bibliographic electronic resources and other
audiovisual media. Real architecture itself. Courses and conferences for extracurricular
that are of interest to the subject.
Individual face-to-face attention
Of individual tutorials are aimed at personalizing teaching, as a
mechanism aimed at the formation of the student through their abilities and their
individual needs.
Tutorials will be done in the office of Professor at the school and architecture after the request of
corresponding appointment.
Eye care working groups
The character group tutoring are the personalization of teaching-oriented to the
monitoring and discussion of those aspects that are common to a group of student, as a
mechanism to the comprehensive training and support for the development of group work.
The tutorials in the office of Professor in school and architecture after the request of quotation
corresponding.-Will be trained for critical analysis of the architectural drawings as material
-You can identify documents related to architectural projects for interventions
with equity and its purpose in the process of formalization and execution.
-Know the different media and representation systems that facilitate the identification of
Heritage graphics documents in the management of architectural heritage.
-Know the different techniques of lifting and representation systems that facilitate the
choice of formats for the documentary in the management of architectural heritage.
-Learn about documentary archive of the linked graphic assets systems
to architecture.
-Known documentary archive of architectural graphics documents systems for the
heritage management.