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Doctoral Programme in Equity and Innovation in Education

Branch of knowledge
Social and Legal Sciences
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

The main aim of this doctoral programme is research and innovation in the socio-educational programmes, actions, resources and policies that are necessary to achieve equality in education.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600884
    Seats number: 10

    Title coordinator:
    Jose Felipe Trillo Alonso

    Coordinator university:
    University of Vigo

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela University of Oviedo University of Cantabria University of A Coruña University of Vigo

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (142) Ciencias de la educación
    (145) Formación de docentes de enseñanza de temas especiales
    (0111) Ciencias de la educación

    El principal objetivo de este programa de doctorado es la investigación e innovación sobre los programas, acciones, recursos y políticas socio-educativas necesarias para conseguir la equidad en educación. Este objetivo se concreta en los siguientes objetivos más específicos:

    1. Formación de profesionales especializados en la investigación comprometida con la innovación y la igualdad de oportunidades en la educación. Profesionales capaces de investigar en el ámbito del diseño, generación, puesta en marcha y evaluación de programas y recursos educativos adecuados a las actuales sociedades cosmopolitas, abiertas y multiculturales desde la perspectiva de la equidad.

    2. Adquisición de competencias y habilidades que capaciten a los investigadores en formación para la transferencia del conocimiento, afrontando desde la equidad los retos implicados en los procesos de investigación, innovación y cambio.

    3. Contribución y promoción de la movilidad e internacionalización de los investigadores en formación garantizando un proceso formativo que implica un claro compromiso con la calidad, equidad e innovación en la investigación educativa."

    Programme's aim has the following more specific aims:

    1. To train professionals specialising in research that is committed to innovation and equal opportunities in education. Professionals capable of carrying out research in the field of design, generation, start-up and assess programmes and educational resources that adapt to today's cosmopolitan, open and multi-cultural societies from the point of view of equality.
    2. The acquisition of competencies and skills that will enable researchers in training to transfer knowledge, approaching the challenges involved in research, innovation and change processes through the point of view of equality.
    3. To foster and contribute towards the mobility and internationalisation of researchers in training, guaranteeing that they receive a training process that involves a strong commitment with quality, equality and innovation in educational research.
  • a) Students who completed and passed the following master's courses offered by the Faculties of Educational Science and Teacher Training from the five participating Universities. Among these, some master's courses require supplementary training on Educational Research Methodology.

    • Master's in Educational innovation, orientation and assessment by the University of A Coruña (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary and Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Training by the University of A Coruña (Supplementary training: Yes)
    • University Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Educational Contexts by the University of Cantabria (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Secondary School Teacher Training by the University of Cantabria (Supplementary training: Yes)
    • University Master's Degree in Social and Educational Intervention and Research by the University of Oviedo (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary and Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Training by the University of Oviedo (Supplementary training: Yes)
    • University Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary and Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Training by the University of Vigo (Supplementary training: Yes)
    • University Master's Degree in Education and Gender Equality by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Training Processes by the University Santiago de Compostela (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Research in Education, Cultural Diversity and Community Development by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Management of Educational Nature Activities by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary and Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Training and Language Teaching by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Supplementary training: Yes)
    • University Master's Degree in Learning Disorders and Cognitive Processes by the University of Vigo (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Psychological and Social Educational Research with Adolescents by the University of Vigo (Supplementary training: No)
    • University Master's Degree in Specific Educational Needs by the University of Vigo (Supplementary training: Yes)
    • University Master's Degree in Social and Educational Intervention & Research by the University of Vigo (Supplementary training: Yes)
    • University Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary and Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Training and Language Teaching by the University of Vigo (Supplementary training: Yes)

    b) Applicants with an official Master's Degree, with preference over other master's degrees related to Educational Science (different to those mentioned in point 1) over master's degrees in other areas of knowledge.

    c) Applicants who can certify having passed 60 ECTS credits for postgraduate studies from an official curriculum at Spanish universities. Applicants with a degree in the field of Educational Science will have preference over those with degrees in other fields of knowledge.

    d) Applicants who can certify Research Competence in an Educational Science doctoral programme regulated by RD 185/85 and applicants certifying they are holders of the Diploma of Advanced Studies regulated by RD 778/98.

    e) Applicants holders of a degree equivalent to an official master's degree in the field of Educational Science that provide access in the country of origin to doctoral level studies in the research phase (accredited or not).

    f) Applicants for other master's degrees who further their training in the area of Educational Science.

    Cases b, c, d, e and f are analysed case-by-case by the doctoral programme's Academic Committee.

  • Applications are given priority based on the following criteria:

    1. Applicants with graduate and postgraduate background training in the field of Education will have priority to access the doctoral programme. These candidates will have priority based on their academic transcript.
    2. Next, the DPAC can admit candidates whose graduate or master's level background training is not related de forma nuclear with Education provided that the Committee considers that their training or work experience is coherent with the Doctoral Programme. These candidates will also be given priority based on their academic transcript.
    3. Each University will admit its quota of candidates and, in the event that quota is not covered, the vacant places can be assigned to candidates from the other universities, following the same criteria as in point 1.

    The criteria for determining priority admission are the following:

    1. Previous degree to access the programme. Priority is given to degrees in Educational Science (Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Social Education, School Teacher degrees) over other degrees. (up to 3 points)
    2. Academic transcript and master's course grade if the previous degree is in line with the programme (up to 3 points).
    3. Research and/or professional experience in any field of work that the doctoral programme lines of research are aimed at (up to 1 point)
    4. Awarding of research scholarships (up to 1 point)
    5. Publications related to the doctoral programme's subject matter (up to 1 point)
    6. Other academic merits (stays abroad, languages, etc.) (up to 1 point).

    In addition, the Academic Committee could arrange an interview with the candidates to clarify and analyser any of the merits presented.

  • Participación en congresos y jornadas científicas relavantes en el ámbito de las ciencias de la educación

    • E3071A01

    Jornada de orientación para los nuevos doctorandos

    • E3071A02

    Encuentros con investigadores del programa

    • E3071A03

    Reunión científica interuniversitaria de jóvenes investigadores en equidad e innovación en educación

    • E3071A04

    Seminarios monográficos en equidad en el desarrollo de sistemas y actuaciones socio-educativas

    • E3071A05

    Estancias de investigación

    • E3071A06
  • El principal objetivo de este programa de doctorado es la investigación e innovación sobre los programas, acciones, recursos y políticas socio-educativas necesarias para conseguir la equidad en educación. Este objetivo se concreta en los siguientes objetivos más específicos:

    1. Formación de profesionales especializados en la investigación comprometida con la innovación y la igualdad de oportunidades en la educación. Profesionales capaces de investigar en el ámbito del diseño, generación, puesta en marcha y evaluación de programas y recursos educativos adecuados a las actuales sociedades cosmopolitas, abiertas y multiculturales desde la perspectiva de la equidad.

    2. Adquisición de competencias y habilidades que capaciten a los investigadores en formación para la transferencia del conocimiento, afrontando desde la equidad los retos implicados en los procesos de investigación, innovación y cambio.

    3. Contribución y promoción de la movilidad e internacionalización de los investigadores en formación garantizando un proceso formativo que implica un claro compromiso con la calidad, equidad e innovación en la investigación educativa."

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • No data available for the selected academic year.

  • Coordinator
    Jose Felipe Trillo Alonso

    Adriana Gewerc Barujel

    Jose Antonio Caride Gomez
    Beatriz Cebreiro Lopez
    Rita Gradaille Pernas
    Pablo Angel Meira Cartea
    Jesus Rodriguez Rodriguez

The contents of this page were updated on 07.07.2023.