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Doctoral Programme in Marine Science, Technology and Management

Branch of knowledge
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

The mission of this Program is to train the best professionals and researchers in the field of Sciences, Technologies and Management of the Sea in its different scientific, technical, economic and social applications, to generate quality research with international impact and to provide the industry the best tools to improve its competitiveness on a global scale.

  • Seats number: 10

    The program was born within the CEI Campus do Mar. It is an international and cross-border doctorate program offered by the member universities of the Campus do Mar: in Galicia (Spain) the universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo, and in the north of Portugal the universities of Aveiro, Minho and Tras os Montes and Alto Douro and the University of Porto.

    In addition to these universities, the Spanish public research organizations CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) and IEO (Spanish Institute of Oceanography), with their marine research centers located in Galicia, the Institute of Marine Research- CSIC and centers of the IEO of Vigo and A Coruña.

  • Given the great transversality and pluridisciplinarity of the program, the training in both bachelor's / master's degree and students can be any field provided they meet the requirements specified in Royal Decree 1393/2007 and later with Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates the official doctoral training for those who want to enroll in Galician universities, and with Article 30 of the Portuguese Law 107/2008 those who want to enroll in any of the Portuguese universities.

    Therefore, there is no recommended income profile referring to the degree or degree or master's degrees.

    The candidate must prove equivalent English skills, at least, at level B1 This level will be accredited with the corresponding recognized certification. In case of having the knowledge but not having it accredited, the candidate will have to present a sworn statement that he / she possesses the knowledge equivalent to that level.

  • In addition to the requirements regulated by law and by royal decrees, the program requires:

    • Proof of English proficiency equivalent, at least, to level B1 not only because it is the language of scientific communication used internationally, but also because the courses of both advanced and transversal training as well as many of the activities such as the Student's Day are conducted in English . The level of English will be accredited with the corresponding recognized certification. In case of having the knowledge but not having it accredited, the candidate will have to present a sworn statement that he / she possesses the knowledge equivalent to that level.
    • Present two letters of reference, one of which must be from a researcher of the Program who, in addition, is committed, if assigned by the Academic Committee, to direct or co-direct the thesis. If the candidate does not have a director or director of a doctoral thesis, they are helped and guided to look for it based on the candidate's area of ​​interest.
    • Present the Curriculum Vitae.

    The following admission criteria are established:

    1. The curriculum of the candidates will have a minimum value of 80 percent.

    a. Academic record of the degree studies weighted by the average of the degree: 30%

    b. Academic record of the master's studies weighted by the average of the degree: 20%

    c. Indexed publications: 20%

    d. Other merits: 10%.

    2. Endorsements, personal interviews if necessary and other merits will be valued up to a maximum of 20%.

    The Academic Commission will be able to establish new criteria compatible with the previous ones in order to concretize the application of the principles and criteria set forth. You can also conduct personal interviews on the alleged merits, if you consider it appropriate.

    • Cursos de formación avanzada

      • E1121A01

      Cursos de formación transversal

      • E1121A02

      Student`s day

      • E1121A03

      Participación en seminarios y talleres

      • E1121A04

      Realización de estancias de investigación

      • E1121A05

      Presentación de comunicaciones en congresos científicos

      • E1121A06

      Publicaciones indexadas

      • E1121A07

      Publicaciones de libros y capítulos de libros

      • E1121A08

      Realización de campañas oceonográficas, campañas de muestreo o escavaciones arqueológicas

      • E1121A09

      Patentes licenciadas

      • E1121A10

      Defensa de los planes de investigación y evaluaciones anuales

      • E1121A11
    • No data available for the selected academic year.

    • Title Reading date Authorship Direction
      Transformations in small-scale fisheries: charting and enacting desirable and just futures Mención doctorado internacional 31/01/2025 Ignacio Gianelli Maisonnave Carlos Sebastian Villasante Larramendi
      Micaela Trimble Nuñez
    The contents of this page were updated on 07.07.2023.