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Doctoral Programme in Laser, Photonics and Vision

Branch of knowledge
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

The science and technology of the Laser optics, Photonics and Vision is a field of knowledge whose goal is the study of the generation, transmission, detection, control and handling of light. Its study focuses on the development of technologies with high-interest applications in a wide and varied number of socio-economic and health areas, ranging from telecommunications, life sciences and health, the environment, the industrial metrology, leisure, etc., to the scientific-technical-techniques frontiers of nano optics, processing and quantum communications, optical metamaterials, etc.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600812
    Seats number: 6

    Title coordinator:
    Jesus Liñares Beiras

    Coordinator university:
    University of Santiago de Compostela

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela University of A Coruña University of Vigo

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (440) Ciencias Físicas, quimicas, geológicas
    (420) Ciencias de la vida
    (0533) Física

    El programa de doctorado en Láser, Fotónica y Visión recoge la experiencia docente e investigadora de diferentes grupos de investigación muy activos en el área de la óptica y especializados en los campos del láser, la fotónica y la visión.

    La finalidad del programa es la formación en estos campos, tanto en sus aspectos más fundamentales como en sus crecientes y espectaculares aplicaciones, de científicos, técnicos y emprendedores internacionalmente demandados tanto en el sector académico como industrial.

    El Láser, la Fotónica y la Visión es un ámbito del conocimiento cuyo objetivo es el estudio de la generación, transmisión, detección, control y manipulación de luz y el desarrollo de tecnologías ópticas con aplicaciones de un alto interés en múltiples y dispares sectores socio-económicos

    . Abarca desde elementos que forman parte de la vida cotidiana hasta innovadoras investigaciones que alcanzan las fronteras del conocimiento científico, y está siendo de extrema importancia para los grandes retos científico-técnicos del siglo XXI y para el desarrollo de muchas otras disciplinas que contribuyen de forma directa al progreso y a la innovación.

    This science includes from the development of devices that are part of everyday life to innovative research that reach as far as the frontiers of scientific knowledge. The evolution of science and technology of Laser optics, Photonics and Vision was constant throughout history accompanying the development of many other disciplines that contributed directly to progress and innovation. Currently, and in a natural way, optic is complemented by electronics, computers, micromechanics, etc, giving rise to a myriad of highly specialised applications (industrial optical metrology techniques, bio-optic instrumentation, environmental optical sensors, telecommunications, correction of visual defects, lighting, etc) and to consumer goods (digital cameras, projectors, optical media storage, all kinds of ophthalmic lenses, etc). In socio-political terms, the scientific and technical sector of optical science and technology is extremely important for the great challenges of the 21st century, and in fact, photonic technologies are considered strategic technologies (KETs) by the European Commission.

  • 1) Acces to the Doctoral Programme without supplementary training is open to students from official master's with themes related to the Doctoral Programme, such as: Inter-university Master’s USC- UDC-UVigo in Photonics and Laser Technologies , Inter-university Master's USC-U. Valladolid, U. Coimbra, U. .Murcia, UCM, UMH Univeristy, in Research in Vision Science, UVIGO-UDC in Applied Physics, UVIGO Master's in Research in advanced technologies and processes in industry, Master's UPC-UAB-UB-IFCO in Photonics, Master's UCM Image Optic Technologies, Master's USAL Physics and Technologies of Lasers, Master's in Science and Technology of Materials, Master in Renewable Energies, Master's in Mathematical Engineering, Master's in Physics, and others to be determined by the DPAC.

    2) In the case of students accessing through Master's whose content is not related to the Doctoral Programme, admission could be subject to passing supplementary training that will be specified for each student by the DPAC. These supplementary training subjects will not exceed 12 ECTS credits.

    3) Regarding the level of knowledge of the English language, it is convenient to have accreditation for an intermediate B1 level (as per the European Framework of Reference on Knowledge of Languages), accredited before the DPAC by means of any official certification. If the candidates lack this official certification, the DPAC will perform the tests that it deems appropriate: spoken and/or written test and/or personal interview, to assess candidates' knowledge English. In all cases students will be required to obtain the corresponding certification during the first two years of the programme. The working language of preference is English. Scientific knowledge of English is considered fundamental for the programme.

    4) Finally, as supplementary information and recommendation to the policy process for access and admission to the Doctoral Programme, it would be convenient to indicate aspects on attitudes, skills, prior knowledge, language knowledge, etc, that are considered highly recommended for those students interested in the Doctoral Programme: a). Interest in scientific-technical research tasks, particularly in the field of lasers, photonics and vision; b). Knowing how to perform systematic bibliographic searches on specific technical-scientific aspects; c). Knowing how to structure and develop a scientific paper, based on the experience acquired through the graduate and Master's degrees; d).Have knowledge of optics in general and lasers, photonics and vision in particular. Students' ability to follow the Programme will be easier the more subjects, courses, etc., related to optics, they have completed.

    5) Students with an unaccredited foreign degree can apply for admission to doctoral studies provided they can certify a level of studies equal to the Spanish official University Master's Degree and authorises the holder to access Doctoral level studies in the issuing country. This admission will under no circumstances entail the accreditation of the previous degree nor its recognition for purposes other than to access these courses.

  • Specific criteria of admission are the following:

    1. Academic transcript: 65%
    2. Curriculum: 20%. Training and professional and research experience, as well as knowledge of languages, will be preferably assessed.
    3. Personal interview: 15%. Skills and motivation for scientific work will be assessed.
  • Seminarios formativos en temas específicos de láser, fotónica y visión

    • E1081A01

    Jornadas sobre valorización y transferencia de tecnología

    • E1081A02

    Participación en workshops de los estudiantes del programa

    • E1081A03

    Estancias cortas de investigación

    • E1081A04

    Actividad formativa de investigación

    • E1081A05
  • El programa de doctorado en Láser, Fotónica y Visión recoge la experiencia docente e investigadora de diferentes grupos de investigación muy activos en el área de la óptica y especializados en los campos del láser, la fotónica y la visión.

    La finalidad del programa es la formación en estos campos, tanto en sus aspectos más fundamentales como en sus crecientes y espectaculares aplicaciones, de científicos, técnicos y emprendedores internacionalmente demandados tanto en el sector académico como industrial.

    El Láser, la Fotónica y la Visión es un ámbito del conocimiento cuyo objetivo es el estudio de la generación, transmisión, detección, control y manipulación de luz y el desarrollo de tecnologías ópticas con aplicaciones de un alto interés en múltiples y dispares sectores socio-económicos

    . Abarca desde elementos que forman parte de la vida cotidiana hasta innovadoras investigaciones que alcanzan las fronteras del conocimiento científico, y está siendo de extrema importancia para los grandes retos científico-técnicos del siglo XXI y para el desarrollo de muchas otras disciplinas que contribuyen de forma directa al progreso y a la innovación.

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • No data available for the selected academic year.

  • Coordinator
    Jesus Liñares Beiras

    Carlos Montero Orille

    Eva Maria Acosta Plaza
    Mª Carmen Bao Varela
    Maria Teresa Flores Arias
    Maria Elena Lopez Lago

The contents of this page were updated on 01.25.2024.