ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 76.5
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 16
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Clinical Psychology and PsychobiologyAreas:
Personality, Assessment and Psychological TreatmentsCenter
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | (Yes) -
1. To provide students with the knowledge needed to understand how child and adolescent psychological problems develop and are manifested in the family and school contexts
2. To provide skills to identify, define an analyze the emotional and behavioral disturbances in the family and school contexts
3. To know the psychological consequences for children and adolescents in risk situation and possible strategies for prevention and treatment on these circumstances
4. To instruct the professional skills to plan and develop programs of psychological intervention for children and adolescents, including evaluation of needs and objectives to consider, as well as the available resources
5. To be able to develop an appropriate evaluation of the effects or intervention programs and to do an adequate follow up.Conceptual approach, ethical issues and particularities linked to assessment and psychological intervention in childhood and adolescence
Assessment and intervention on conduct problems: Models and strategies for assessment and intervention
Assessment and intervention on anxiety problems: Models and strategies for assessment and intervention
Assessment and intervention on afective problems: Models and strategies for assessment and intervention
Intervention strategies for psychological well-being of at-risk children and adolescentsBasic bibliography
Fonseca, E. (2021). Manual de Tratamientos Psicológicos: Infancia y adolescencia. Pirámide.
González Martínez, M. T. (2011). Psicología clínica de la infancia y de la adolescencia. Aspectos clínicos, evaluación e intervención. Pirámide.
Izquierdo, A., Cuéllar, I., & Padilla, D. (2021). Manual de Psicología Clínica de la Infancia y la Adolescencia. Bases para una nueva especialidad. McGraw Hill.
Complementary bibliography
Barkley, R.A. (2006). Niños hiperactivos: Cómo comprender sus necesidades especiales. Paidós
Cerezo, F. (1999). Conductas agresivas en la edad escolar: Aproximación teórica y metodológica, propuestas de intervención. Pirámide
Ezpeleta, L. (Ed.) (2005). Factores de riesgo en psicopatología del desarrollo. Masson
Fernández-Zúñiga, A. (2014). Habilidades del terapeuta de niños y adolescentes. Pirámide. Edición dixital (Ebook)
Frick, P.J., Barry, C.T., & Kaumphaus, R.W. (2010). Clinical assessment of child and adolescent personality and behavior. Springer
Kazdin, A. E., & Weisz, J.R. (Eds.) (2003). Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescentes.Guilford
Méndez, F.X., & Maciá, D. (Eds.) (1995). Modificación de conducta en niños y adolescentes. Pirámide
Méndez, F.X., Espada, J.P., & Orgilés, M. (Coord.) (2006). Terapia Psicológica con niños y adolescentes: Estudio de casos clínicos. Pirámide. Edición dixital (Ebook)
Moreno, I. (2018). Terapia de conducta en la infancia: Guía de intervención. Pirámide, 2ª edición (Ebook)
Orgilés, M., Méndez, F. X., & Espada, J. P. (2022). Tratamiento paso a paso de los problemas psicológicos en la infancia y adolescencia. Pirámide.
Ortigosa, J.M., Méndez, F.J., & Riquelme, A. (2014). Procedimientos terapéuticos en niños y adolescentes. Pirámide. Edición dixital (Ebook)
Romero, E., Villar, P., Luengo, M.A., Gómez-Fraguela, J.A., & Robles, Z. (2013). EmPeCemos: Programa para la intervención en problemas de conducta infantiles. TEA
Sells, C.P. (1998). Treating the tough adolescent. A family-based, step-by-step guide. Guilford
Steele, R. C., & Roberts, M. C. (2020). Handbook of evidence-based therapies for children and adolescents: Bridging Science and Practice. Springer.
Venta, A., Sharp, C. Fletcher, J. M., & Fonagy, P. (2021). Developmental Psychopathology. John Wiley & Sons.GENERAL/BASIC
CG4 - To know in deep the psychosocial factors linked to health/illness problems
CG7 - To plan, to execute, and if appropriate, to supervise the process of psychological assessment of human behaviour, as well of the health-linked psychosocial factors, in order to conduct a well-founded assessment of them
CG8 - To design, develop and, if appropriate, to supervise plans and programs of psychological intervention, accordingly to the psychological assessment process and to the individual and social variables involved in each specific case.
CB6 - To acquire and to understand knowledge able to provide a basis or an opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in an research context.
CB7 - Make the students be able to apply their knowledge and their problem-solving capacities in new or not well-known surroundings within wider (or multi-disciplinary) contexts related to their study field.
CB10- Make the students be able to apply their knowledge and their problem-solving capacities to new or not well-known surroundings within wider (or multi-disciplinary) contexts related to their study field.
CT3 - To know how to critically analyze and use the sources of clinical information
CT7 - To know how to adopt an ethical perspective to analyze problems and possible solutions
CE1 - To know how to apply the major theories on etiology of behavioural disorders to conceptualize each specific case
CE3 - To know how to select and to apply the assessment techniques and instruments which fit better to each case according to their characteristics and their context
CE4 - To know how to analyze and intepret results from psychological assessment processes
CE5 - To know how to choose and administer the best-fitting psychological techniques according to the involved purposes (prevention, rehabilitation, counseling, consulting).
CE6 - To know how to plan and develop a psychological intervention, setting the proper objectives, which should also be realistic according to the characteristics of both the problem and the context.
CE7- To know how to monitor the process of psychological intervention, according to the objectives which were proposed, in order to introduce, if needed, the adequate changes for its development.
CE8- To know how to provide the clients with adequate and accurate feedback, in order to involve them in the process of of psychological assessment and intervention.
CE9 - To know how to design programs for prevention and promotion of psychological health, taking into account the relevant risk/protection factors and the available resources.At every week session, time will be distributed for both the presentation of the theoretical contents (expositive teaching) and the discussion/practical work on case study (seminar interactive teaching)
The expositive section of classes will include, for each topic, the introduction (specifying contents to deal with, basic readings and objectives to fulfill), and the explanation of the basic topics of the program, as well as the approaching to the questions formulated by the students. Besides this, questions or problems will be proposed in class in order to motivate and reinforce the students' interest and to promote the active involvement of students in each topic.
The interactive section will include a variety of activities, such as reflection on proposed cases or on audiovisual materials, as well as design and planning of interventions on different problems in the child/adolescent mental health. By their own nature, such activities will be developed in group, and they will involve cooperative learning techniques. A groupal essay will be also proposed as a voluntary activity outside the classroom. The aim of this activity is that students deepen into the applications of the subject for their profession. Note that, even if it is an optional activity, it is not a free work; its development requires orientation and supervision by professors. Students will be told to do a brief public presentation of their work, so that a discussion with the whole class can be generated, and questions and comments about it may be dealt with.
As a support for the subject, students will have access to a virtual classroom at the USC Campus Virtual (http://www.usc.es/campusvirtual/)For grading, the knowledge acquired by students as well as the continuous evaluation of their learnings will be considered. The exam will be weighted as 50% in the final scoring (highest score for exam will be 7). The remaining 30% will be scored based on the classroom activities (30%, highest score 3) and the optional work (20%, highest score 2). To pass the subject it is necessary to pass the exam.
This is a 4,5 ECTS subject, which involves 112,5 hours of work for the students, distributed as follows:
- Attendance to expositive lectures (18h) and interactive sessions (16h)
- Attendance to tutorships for small groups: 2 hours
- Non presential work: Time needed for personal work required by this subject is estimated as 76,5 hours (readings and study: 40h; preparing seminars and interactive sessions: 19h; reports for interactive sessions: 7.5hours; development of group assays/works: 10h).The success in this subject involves the skills to understand, differentiate and relate concepts and principles. For that aim, it is recommended to benefit from all the methodological resources accessible for the students, i.e., attendance to expositive classes and daily reviewing and study of contents, as well as active involvement in interactive classes and in supplementary activities.
It is also recommended to attend the tutorships.
María Laura Lopez Romero
Coordinador/a- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813767
- laura.lopez.romero@usc.es
- Category
- Researcher: Ramón y Cajal
Olalla Cutrin Mosteiro
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813704
- olalla.cutrin@usc.es
- Category
Lorena Maneiro Boo
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments
- Phone
- 881813735
- lorena.maneiro@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract