ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 76.5
Hours of tutorials:
Expository Class: 20
Interactive Classroom: 16
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Clinical Psychology and PsychobiologyAreas:
Faculty of PsychologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | (Yes) -
- Provide to the student sufficient knowledges that allow him/her identify the neuropsychological alterations associated to brain injury, dementias and other neurodegenerative disorders, as well as other pathologies of the CNS with neuropyschological implications
- Provide knowledges that allow to the student be able to select and apply the tests more convenient for each case, in accordance with his/her characteristics and context.
- Know the procedure to be followed for a neuropsychological assessment.
- Provide knowledge that allow to the student be able to write a neuropsychological report.Lectures
1.- Neuropsychology of stroke: etiology, diagnosis, classification, neuropsychological profile, and neuropsychological assessment.
2.- Neuropsychology of traumatic brain injury: etiology, diagnosis, classification, neuropsychological profile, and neuropsychological assessment.
3.- Neuropsychology of brain tumors: etiology, diagnosis, classification, neuropsychological profile, and neuropsychological assessment.
4.- Neuropsychology of epilepsy: etiology, diagnosis, classification, neuropsychological profile, and techniques, and neuropsychological assessment.
5.- Neuropsychology of brain infectious processes: etiology, diagnosis, classification, neuropsychological profile, and neuropsychological assessment.
6.- Neuropsychology of dementias and other neurodegenerative disorders: etiology, diagnosis, classification, neuropsychological profile, and neuropsychological assessment.
7.- Neuropsychology of other pathologies with neuropsychological implications: etiology, diagnosis, classification, neuropsychological profile, and neuropsychological assessment.
Practical classess
1.- Neuropsychological assessment of stroke
2.- Neuropsychological assessment of traumatic brain injury
3.- Neuropsychological assessment of brain tumors
4.- Neuropsychological assessment of epilepsy
5.- Neuropsychological assessment of infectious processes
6.- Neuropsychological assessment of dementias and other degenerative disorders
7.- Neuropsychological assessment of other CNS pathologies with neuropsychological implications
8.- Neuropsychological intervention in acquired brain damageBasic bibliography
Arnedo, M., Bembibre, J. e Triviño, M. (2021). Neuropsicoloxía: a través de casos clínicos (2º ed.). Madrid: Médica Panamericana.
Complementary bibliography
Barrio Alba del, A. (2018). El informe neuropsicológico. Madrid: Síntesis.
Blumenfeld, H. (2021). Neuroanatomy through clinical cases. (3ª Ed). OUP.
Corral Varela, M. (2018). Evaluación neuropsicológica de la memoria. Madrid. Síntesis.
Donders, J. (Ed.). (2016). Neuropsychological Report Writing. New York: Guilford Publications.
Forn Frias, C. (2020). Manual de Neuropsicología. Madrid: Pirámide.
Gil, R. (2019). Neuropsicología (7ªEd). Barcelona: Elsevier.
Giménez Navarro, M., Contreras-Rodríguez, O., & Soriano-Mas, C. (2020) Neuroimagen para neuropsicólogos. Madrid: Síntesis
Goddglass, H. & Kaplan, E. (2005). Evaluación de la afasia y de trastornos relacionados (3ª Ed). Buenos Aires: Médica Panamericana.
Grant, I. (2009). Neuropsychological assessment of neuropsychiatric and neuromedical disorders (3º Ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Holdnack, J.A., Drozdick, L., Weiss, L.G., & Iverson, G.L. (Eds.). (2013). WAIS-IV, WMS-IV, and ACS: Advanced Clinical Interpretation. Amsterdam: Academic Press.
Ibáñez-Alfonso, J. A., del Barco, A., Romaguera, E., & del Olmo, A.F. (2020) Neuropsicología del daño cerebral sobrevenido por ictus y TCE. Madrid: Síntesis.
Junqué, C. & Barroso, J. (Coords.) (2009). Manual de Neuropsicología. Madrid: Síntesis.Disponible vía Prelo
Jurado, M.A., Mataró, M,& Pueyo, R. (2013). Neuropsicología de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Madrid: Síntesis.Disponible vía Prelo
Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I.Q. (2017). Neuropsicología Humana (7ªEd). Madrid: Médica Panamericana.
Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I.Q. (2021). Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology (8ª ed.). New York: Macmillan Learning.
Lezak, M.D., Howieson, D.B, Bigler, E.D. & Tranel, D. (2012). Neuropsychological Assessment. New York: Oxford University Press.
Mitrushina, M.N., Boone, K.B., Razani, J. & D’Elia, L.F. (2005) Handbook of normative data for neuropsychological assessment (2ª Ed). New York: Oxford University Press.
Parsons, M.W, y Braun, M.M. (2024). Clinical neuropsychology. A pocket handbook for assessment (4ª Ed.) Washington: American Psychological Association.
Peña-Casanova, J., Gramunt Fombuena, N., & Gich Fullá, J. (2005). Test Neuropsicológicos: Fundamentos para una neuropsicología clínica basada en evidencias. Barcelona: Masson.
Peña-Casanova, J. (2007). Neurología de la Conducta y Neuropsicología. Madrid: Médica Panamericana.
Pérez García, M. (Coord.) (2009). Manual de Neuropsicología Clínica. Madrid: Pirámide.
Purves,D., Agustine, G.J., Fitzpatrick, D., Hall, W.C., LaMantia, A, & White, L.E. (2021). Neurociencia (5ªEd). Madrid: Médica Panamericana.
Ropper, A.H. y Samuels, M. (2019) Adams & Victor. Principios de Neurología (11ª ed). México: McGraw-Hill.
Sanz Blasco, R. & Ruiz-Sánchez de León, J.M. (2021) Evaluación neuropsicológica de la emoción y la motivación. Madrid: Síntesis.
Sherman, E.M.J., Tan, J., & Hrabok, M. (2021). A compendium of neuropsychological tests. Fundamentals of Neuropsychological Assessment and Test Reviews for Clinical Practice (4ª Ed.) New York: Oxord University Press.
Tulsky, D. S. et al (2003). Clinical interpretation of the WAIS-III and WMS-III. Amsterdam: Academic Press.Of the competences established for the Master's Degree, the following are addressed in this subject:
CB8: That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
CB9: That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the latest knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
CG2: Know in depth the psychological nature of human behavior, as well as the social and biological factors that can affect it.
CG5: Know in depth the biological and psychosocial factors associated with health and disease problems, especially those related to mental health.
CG6: Know in depth the different models of evaluation and intervention in the field of General Health Psychology, as well as the techniques and procedures derived from them for addressing behavioral disorders and psychological factors associated with problems of Health.
CG7: Plan, carry out and, where appropriate, supervise the process of psychological evaluation of human behavior and of the psychological factors associated with health problems in order to establish their evaluation.
CG11: Adjusting to the deontological obligations of Psychology in the health field, showing an ethical and professional commitment to the values of equal opportunities, respect for diversity and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
CT3: Know how to critically analyze and use clinical information sources.
CT5: Know how to carry out their work from the perspective of quality and continuous improvement, with the self-critical capacity necessary for responsible professional performance.
CT6: Know how to communicate and communicate with other professionals, and master the skills necessary for teamwork and multidisciplinary groups.
CT7: Know how to analyze problems and their possible solutions from an ethical point of view.
CE2: Be able to plan and carry out an evaluation and intervention session, establishing hypotheses from which to deduce verifiable statements.
CE3: Know how to select and apply the most suitable evaluation techniques and instruments for each case according to its characteristics and context.
CE4: Know how to analyze and interpret the results of a psychological evaluation.
CE8: Know how to provide feedback to recipients adequately and precisely in order to involve them in the different phases of the psychological evaluation and intervention process.
CE10: Know how to write psychological reports appropriately to the recipients.
CE11: Know the framework of action of the general health psychologist and know how to refer the corresponding specialist professional.
CE12: Know the obligations and responsibilities of healthcare personnel regarding the confidentiality of information and the protection of personal data of patients.The lecture sessions, programmed in classroom 9 (floor -2, module A) in sessions of approximately 2 hours in duration, will allow introducing and explaining the main topics of the theoretical program and will have audiovisual support. The basic bibliography for each topic, as well as the graphic support material, will be available on the Virtual Campus and / or in the reprographic service. Activities with scheduled delivery and feedback or self-evaluation will be requested through the Virtual Campus or Forms to carry out continuous formative assessment.
The practical classes will be taught in two groups in the Neuropsychology Laboratory, (floor -2, module A) in sessions of 2 hours. Activities will be requested with scheduled delivery and feedback or self-evaluation, either in person or through the Virtual Campus to carry out the continuous formative evaluation.
In addition to the lectures and practical classes, individual and small group tutorials will be held.
Individual tutorials: the professors of the subject will be available in their offices for individual consultations on the contents of the subject at the time indicated on the website of the Faculty
Small group tutoring: A tutoring session will be scheduled in two groups throughout the semester to assess the evolution of the subject and resolve doubts about its evaluation. The dates will be communicated with due notice in the Virtual Campus.
Finally, the learning process requires the autonomous work of the student, who must dedicate time to reading and studying the basic bibliography, consulting the additional teaching material available on the Virtual Campus and carrying out the requested activities. In addition, further reading will be recommended throughout the course.The evaluation of the knowledge and skills acquired will be carried out according to the following criteria:
(1) Continuous formative evaluation by carrying out different activities programmed through the Virtual Campus, with feedback or self-evaluation, on the theoretical and practical contents of each subject (40% of the final grade).
(2) Complementary face-to-face test on the theoretical and practical program, on the officially scheduled date (60% of the final grade). The test will consist of solving a case and answering short questions related to it.
In order for any of the two elements on which the assessment rests (continuous assessment and final complementary test) to add up to the final grade, a minimum level must be reached in each one that represents 50% of the maximum score.
Students who do not take the final exam will be considered "not presented".
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and review of grades will apply.
Article 16. Fraudulent performance of exercises or tests. The fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply a failure grade in the corresponding opportunity, regardless of the disciplinary process that can be followed against the offending student. The plagiarized works or those obtained from sources accessible to the public without reworking or reinterpretation and without quotes to the authors and sources shall be considered fraudulent.
Based on academic criteria, it is considered that this subject cannot be taken without class attendance.The subject consists of 4.5 credits, which correspond to an estimated total of 112.5 hours of student work. The estimated distribution is:
Attendance at face-to-face / virtual syncronus activities: 37 hours (Exposition: 20 h; Interactive: 16 h; Tutoring for small groups: 1 h)
Remote work: 75.5 hours (Reading activities and study of materials: approx. 60 h; carrying out evaluable activities: approx. 15.5 h.)For the correct follow-up of the subject it is recommended:
Have training at grade level in the subjects most directly related to this: Psychobiology; Behavioral Neuroscience; Cognitive Neuroscience; Neuropsychology; Psychological Assessment I and II, and Psychometry.
Continuous monitoring of activities: Regular attendance at the lectures and interactive classes; active involvement in class dynamics; previous reading of the didactic material of support to the interactive activities for the maximum use of the face-to-face time in the laboratory; study of the contents as the program develops; taking advantage of the tutorials for the resolution of doubts or orientation in the learning process.
Maria Montserrat Corral Varela
Coordinador/a- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Psychobiology
- Phone
- 881813885
- montse.corral@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Sonia Doallo Pesado
- Department
- Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
- Area
- Psychobiology
- Phone
- 881813916
- sonia.doallo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer