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Doctoral Programme in Logic and Philosophy of Science

Branch of knowledge
Arts and Humanities
International PhD School
Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela

This is an interuniversity doctoral programme that specialises in the area of Logic and Philosophy of Science, carried out by national and international institutions of recognised excellence. Its lines of research include: argumentation and logic, the philosophy of language and the mind, and science and technology social studies.

  • Duration: 3 academic years
    RUCT code: 5600756
    Seats number: 6

    Title coordinator:
    Maria De La Concepcion Martinez Vidal

    Coordinator university:
    University of Salamanca

    Partaker universities:
    University of Santiago de Compostela University of Salamanca University of La Laguna University of Valencia University of Valladolid University of A Coruña

    Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

    BOE publication date:

    Last accreditation date:

    ISCED codes:
    (226) Filosofia y ética
    (220) Humanidades
    (140) Formación de personal docente y ciencias de la educación
    (0223) Filosofía y ética

    Es un programa de doctorado interuniversitario y especializado en el área de Lógica y Filosofía de la ciencia, realizado por instituciones de reconocida excelencia, nacional e internacional. Sus líneas de investigación son: argumentación y lógica, filosofía del lenguaje y de la mente, filosofía de la ciencia, y estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología.

    El programa responde a la demanda social de información sobre los sistemas científicos-tecnológicos, ocupándose de los modelos cognitivos y su aplicación a la inteligencia artificial, de las tecnologías de la información y sus problemas formales de desarrollo, y de la perspectiva filosófica ligada a la comunicación, el significado, la intencionalidad, la representación mental y la racionalidad discursiva.

    Su finalidad es proporcionar formación investigadora y conocimientos especializados y actualizados para formar doctores en los ámbitos del área de Lógica y Filosofía de la ciencia y de los Estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología, formando así profesionales cualificados para la resolución de conflictos y la intermediación y para formular, analizar, razonar y resolver problemas complejos.

    The programme responds to the social demand for information on scientific-technological systems, dealing with cognitive models and their application to artificial intelligence, information technologies and their formal development problems, and of the philosophical perspective linked to communication, meaning, intent, mental representation and discursive rationality. Its purpose is to provide research training and specialized up-to-date knowledge to train doctors in various fields in the area of Logic and Philosophy of science and science and technology social studies, thus preparing qualified professionals conflict resolution and mediation and to formulate, analyze, reason and solve complex problems.

  • The inter-university Doctoral Programme in Logic and Philosophy of Science is designed with de aim to mainly attend the current demand of graduate who wish to receive an additional specialization or research training and study a master’s degree related to the field of logic and philosophy of science, and the demands of students of foreign university systems who wish to study doctoral studies in our country, and professional university graduates who choose to upgrade their knowledge and skills or modify their profile. The student who are expected will be:

    • Graduates in Philosophy (graduates who study a master’s degree related to de doctoral programme or doctors who want to vary their profile).
    • Graduates in the field of natural sciences, mathematics and computer science (graduates or doctors who study a master’s degree related to the doctoral programme).
    • Graduates in the field of social science and philology (graduates or doctor who study a master’s degree related to the doctoral programme).

    Students should be able to adequately read philosophical and scientific texts at least in Spanish and English.

  • The Doctoral Programme's Academic Committee through the delegated Subcommittee, shall decide on the admission of each of the applicants, and may, if it deems it appropriate, arrange for an interview with the candidates.

    The evaluation criteria for the applications is the following:

    1. The appropriateness of the degree presented for admission. Preference will be given to students accessing through a Master's Degree in Logic and Philosophy of Science or a Master's degree in Science and Technology Social Studies , or those with other studies of an equivalent level, completed subjects help to assimilate the knowledge and skills offered by the Doctoral Programme.
    2. Academic transcript average for 5-year or 3-year graduate degree and master's degree;
    3. Letters of motivation and presentation, as applicable;
    4. Scientific publications;
    5. Stays at academic centre of excellence;
    6. Research experience;
    7. Professional experience.
    8. Grants or subsidies.
    9. Awards.
    10. Documented proficiency in English or another foreign language.
    11. The commitment by one of the programme's professors to direct the doctorate.
  • Seminarios de investigación

    • E5081A01

    Reuniones de exposición de resultados de investigación

    • E5081A02

    Cursos de formación metodológicos, especializados o prácticos

    • E5081A03

    Asistencia a congresos nacionales o internacionales

    • E5081A04

    Elaboración de publicaciones científicas

    • E5081A05

    Estancias eno otros centros de investigación

    • E5081A06

    Actuaciones de movilidad

    • E5081A07
  • No data available for the selected academic year.

  • Es un programa de doctorado interuniversitario y especializado en el área de Lógica y Filosofía de la ciencia, realizado por instituciones de reconocida excelencia, nacional e internacional. Sus líneas de investigación son: argumentación y lógica, filosofía del lenguaje y de la mente, filosofía de la ciencia, y estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología.

    El programa responde a la demanda social de información sobre los sistemas científicos-tecnológicos, ocupándose de los modelos cognitivos y su aplicación a la inteligencia artificial, de las tecnologías de la información y sus problemas formales de desarrollo, y de la perspectiva filosófica ligada a la comunicación, el significado, la intencionalidad, la representación mental y la racionalidad discursiva.

    Su finalidad es proporcionar formación investigadora y conocimientos especializados y actualizados para formar doctores en los ámbitos del área de Lógica y Filosofía de la ciencia y de los Estudios sociales de la ciencia y la tecnología, formando así profesionales cualificados para la resolución de conflictos y la intermediación y para formular, analizar, razonar y resolver problemas complejos.

  • The main objective of this Masters degree is to train professionals and researchers in aquaculture; professionals with a solid recognised training at job level and researchers whose training allows them to carry out their research, with cutting-edge technologies, while keeping abreast of problems in production processing.

  • No data available for the selected academic year.

  • Coordinator
    Maria De La Concepcion Martinez Vidal

The contents of this page were updated on 05.31.2022.