ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Applied DidacticsAreas:
Didactics of Language and LiteratureCenter
Faculty of Education SciencesCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
This subject targets two different goals:
a) To reflect on the process of language learning in multilingual contexts from the perspective of an integrative multilingualism based on diversity.
b) To contribute to the development of the students’ competence in a foreign language, especially in communicative activities that are related to Prek and kindergarten education.
- To make students aware of psychological and social factors that influence the learning of languages in multilingual contexts as well as the school’s role in giving an education that is respectful with linguistic diversity.
- To analyze the factors that influence the construction of multilingual competences how to manage interactions between the different languages
- To learn different models of bilingual or multilingual teaching and learn and value the evolution of the Galician model within the context of the sociolinguistic characteristics of Galicia.
- To facilitate resources for the teaching and learning of languages.
- To promote communicative skills in foreign languages.CONTENTS
- Linguistic diversity from the point of view of early learning, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and the European Portfolio of languages.
- The interaction between languages in the process of constructing multilingual competence. The integrated treatment of languages.
- Academic linguistic planning. Models of bilingual and multilingual education.
- The social situation of the languages in Galicia. The linguistic and academic model of Galicia.
- Development of oral and written communicative skills in a foreign language.
- Resources to learn the foreign language for early teaching.BIBLIOGRAPHY
González, M., C. Guillén e J. M. Vez (2010): Didáctica de las lenguas modernas: competencia plurilingüe e intercultural. Síntesis.
Lorenzo, F., F. Trujillo e J. M. Vez (2011): Educación bilingüe: integración de contenidos y segundas lenguas. Síntesis.
Vez Jeremías, J. M. (2002): Didáctica de la lengua extranjera en Educación Infantil y en Educación Primaria. Síntesis.
Arnau, J. (et al.) (1992): La Educación Bilngüe. ICE-Univ. de Barcelona.
Baker, C. (1997): Fundamentos de Educación Bilingüe y Bilingüismo. Cátedra.
Burillo, J. (2006): Las lenguas extranjeras en el aula: reflexiones y propuestas. Graó.
Cassany, D. (2006): El Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas y sus aplicaciones en el aula. MEC.
Council of Europe (1992). European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Strasbourg. ETS nº 148. Tradución: Carta europea das linguas rexionais ou minoritarias. Consello de Europa: Carta Europea das Linguas Rexionais e Minoritarias.
Council of Europe (2000). European Language Portfolio (PEL): Principles and Guidelines. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. (Document DGIV/EDU/LANG (2000)
Council of Europe (2001). Common European Framework for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Tradución: Xunta de Galicia (2005). Marco común europeo de referencia para as linguas.
Díaz Corralejo, J. (2002): “El marco común europeo de referencia: una herramienta transversal, multicultural y modular para un cambio de paradigma”, en Salaberri, S. (coord.) La lengua, vehículo cultural multidisciplinar. MECD-ISFP, pp. 49-60.
Escamilla González, A (2009): Las competencias en la programación de aula. Infantil y primaria (3-12 años). Graó.
Martínez Mendoza, F (2004): Primera infancia: bilingüismo y educación infantil. Laguna de Duero.
Monteagudo, H. (coord.) (2010): Sociedades plurilingües: da identidade á diversidade. Consello da Cultura Galega.
Monteagudo, H., Loredo, X., Vázquez, M. (2016): Lingua e sociedade en Galicia. A evolución sociolingüística 1992-2013. Real Academia Galega.
Murado Bouso, J. L. (2010): Didáctica de inglés en educación infantil. IdeasPropias.
Perera, J. (ed.) (2003). Plurilingüisme i educació: els reptes del segle XXI. ICE UB.
Ruiz Bikandi, U. (2012): "El plurilingüismo visto desde los documentos europeos. Una mirada crítica". En Textos de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura nº 60, pp. 65-76.
Ruiz Bikandi, U. (2000): Didáctica de la segunda lengua en educación infantil y primaria. Síntesis.
Siguán, M. (2004). Bilingüismo y lenguas en contacto. Alianza Editorial.
Silva, B., Rodríguez, X. e Vaquero, I. (coords.) (2010): Educación e linguas en Galicia. Univ. Santiago Compostela. http://dspace.usc.es/handle/10347/2247
Silva, B., Rodríguez, X. e Vaquero, I. (coords.) (2011): A planificación para a normalización lingüística nos centros de ensino non universitarios. Univ. Santiago de Compostela. http://hdl.handle.net/10347/3598
Vez Jeremías, J. M. (2009): “Multilingual Education in Europe: Policy Developments”. Porta Linguarum, 12, pp. 7-24.
Xunta de Galicia (2010). Decreto 79/2010, do 20 de maio, para o plurilingüismo no ensino non universitario de Galicia.General skills:
G6-Know the evolution of language in early childhood, know how to identify possible dysfunctions and ensure its correct evolution. Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Express themselves orally and in writing and master the use of different expression techniques.
G11-Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it in students.
Specific skills:
E44-Know and master oral and written expression techniques.
E48-Facing language learning situations in multilingual contexts.
E52-Be able to promote a first approach to a foreign language.
Basic skills:
CB2-That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
CB4-That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
CB5- That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Transversal skills:
T1-Instrumental knowledge of foreign languages.
T4-Information competence.
Specific skills:
E44 Know and master oral and written expression techniques.
E48 Facing language learning situations in multilingual contexts.
E52 Being able to promote a first approach to a foreign language.The didactic methodology will use presentations, interactions and office hours as complementary learning tools.
the expositive sessions will consist of the professor presenting the program content, which will orient the interactive sessions and answer questions.
The students will have an active role in the interactive sessions through individual activities completed in big and small groups. These will serve to learn more in-depth about topics or important aspects taught in the expositive classes, as well as develop communicated capacities when presenting and argumenting, individual learning, cooperative work and a critical attitude. Materials will be provided through the virtual campus.
Office hours will be held for individuals or small groups in order to orient and help students further learn the skills that are useful for the subject.The final grade for this subject will be the average grade between the didactic part and the foreign language part. It is necessary to get more than a 4 in every section to be averaged together.
a) Classroom participation: 20%
tools: attendance will be taken. Attitude will be observed and well as student participation in the classroom.
Students that don’t come to at least 80% of classes without a justified reason will not be counted in this section.
b) projects: 40%
tools: individual and group projects
Teachers will give the necessary instructions about form, content and deadlines, as well as requisites to participate in them.
c) Final exam: 40%
tools: individual Project on the deadline the faculty assigns.
Students will have to retake all of the parts they failed in the first opportunity. The participation grade will be kept, but the ‘projects’ and ‘final exam’ sections can be retaken, and the percentage for each will be the same as in the first opportunity in each scenario.
STUDENTS THAT LEGALLY DON’T HAVE TO COME TO CLASS ("exención de docencia" / "dispensa de asistencia"):
They will be evaluated in the following way, both in the first and second opportunities (they should contact the teacher at the beginning):
- Individual projects: 30%
- Final exam: 70%
They will be evaluated in the same way.
None of the exams or tasks done should be plagiarized, regardless of the extension of the plagiarized parts. This offence will be sanctioned with the following resolve by the USC: Article 16 decreed on June 15th, 2011:
"Artigo 16: A realización fraudulenta dalgún exercicio ou proba esixida na avaliación dunha materia implicará a cualificación de suspenso na convocatoria correspondente, con independencia do proceso disciplinario que se poida seguir contra o alumno infractor.
Considerarase fraudulenta, entre outras, a realización de traballos plaxiados ou obtidos de fontes accesibles ao público sen reelaboración ou reinterpretación e sen citas aos autores e das fontes".Students are expected to devote 150 hours to this subject, between expositive and interactive classes and individual work.
Students should:
- Attend class and participate in class and office hours
- Listen to guidelines given by professors.
- Complete all work related to continuous assessment.
- Read complementary bibliography given by professors.
- Strive to improve oral and written linguistic competence.1. Respect for the environment is one of the main concerns today. In this way, we as human beings must show responsibility in this regard in order to reduce our impact on the environment and preserve our natural resources.
2. Assuming that gender violence is a violation of human rights, we must fight hard to stop it, understanding that a good education on the subject at an early age should be essential to avoid it.
3. No email from a non-institutional email account will be answered. Therefore, those students who wish to contact the faculty of the subject by this means, must do so using their USC email.
4. Mandatory use of institutional technological tools: Virtual Campus, Microsoft Office 365, and other tools provided by the faculty and authorized as institutional tools by the university (Lifesize, etc.).
5. Mobile phones may not be used, except when used as a work tool following the indications given by each teacher, the students being responsible for the legal and academic consequences that may arise from improper use of it. Bear in mind that teaching-learning (classes / tutorials) is a private process, understood as private as a process of communication and exchange between each teacher and the students enrolled in the subject.
6. Obligation to comply with the data protection regulations https://www.usc.gal/es/politica-privacidad-proteccion-datos.
7. In the event of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of art. 16 of the ‘Regulations for the validation of academic performance of two students and for the review of qualifications’:
Maria Lopez Sandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Applied Didactics
- Area
- Didactics of Language and Literature
- maria.sandez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Paula Rodriguez Abruñeiras
- Department
- Applied Didactics
- Area
- Didactics of Language and Literature
- Phone
- ext.12077
- paula.rodriguez.abruneiras@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 12:00-13:30 Grupo /CLIS_03 (Mi - Z) Galician, English (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 22 Thursday 10:30-12:00 Grupo /CLIS_01 (A - Fernández N) Galician, English (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 25 12:00-13:30 Grupo /CLIS_02 (Fernández Ñ - Me) English, Galician (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 25 Friday 12:00-13:30 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) Galician, English (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 03 Exams 06.03.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 12 07.03.2025 09:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 (A - Z) (NORTH CAMPUS) - CLASSROOM 13