ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 90
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 36
Interactive Classroom: 23
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
• Know, analyze and individually assess the function(s) of the various organs, devices and systems of the body.
• Analyze each function and its mechanisms at each of the levels of organization that Physiology has been able
to describe.
• Know the basic and common elements in the different ways of performing a function, so as to show the unity
of functions and the rich diversity of forms that have appeared in animal phylogeny.
• Understand the functional possibilities of the organism that condition and enable it with respect to the
• Know the different systems of adaptation to the environment that the organism has.
• Know and understand the biological meaning of all functions in normal circumstances, in different special stages
of life, as well as in special circumstances.
• Being able to apply the knowledge acquired about functions and their regulation in the face of abnormal
circumstances that tend to modify them.
• Being able to critically assess the hypotheses issued to scientifically explain the mechanism of a defined function.
• Being able to assess the altered functions of an organism based on the analysis of a series of physiological
parameters.Functioning, regulation and coordination of the different organs, devices and physiological systems of the main species of veterinary interest.
T01 Fluid compartments of the body. Thirst.
T02 Blood and lymphatic system
T03 Hemostasis
T04 Cardiac electrophysiology.
T05 The heart as a pump. Cardiac cycle.
T06 Regulation of cardiac activity.
T07 Vascular physiology. Hemodynamics.
T08 Blood pressure and its regulation.
T09 Physiology of microcirculation. transcapillary exchange
T10 Respiratory mechanics. Respiratory work.
T11 Gas exchange. Gas transport. Hemoglobin.
T12 Pulmonary circulation. Ventilation/perfusion balance.
T13 Regulation of respiration.
T14 Organization of the renal excretory system. glomerular filtration.
T15 Tubular filtrate handling. Resorption. Max transport. Secretion.
T16 Mechanisms of urine concentration. Hydrosaline balance.
T17 Acid-base balance (I).
T18 Acid-base balance (II).
T19 General principles of endocrine action.
T20 Hypothalamic hormones.
T21 Pituitary hormones: adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis.
T22 Thyroid hormones.
T23 Homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus.
T24 Adrenal gland
T25 Endocrine pancreas: glucose homeostasis.
T26 Gastrointestinal Hormones
T27 Hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis.
T28 Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis.
T29 Reproductive cycles.
T30 Pregnancy and childbirth.
T31 Physiology of lactation.
1. Blood analysis and Serological tests (Comp)
2. Physiology and cardiovascular dynamics (Comp)
3. Mechanics of the respiratory system (Comp)
4. Renal Physiology (Comp)
5. Acid-base balance (Comp)
6. Endocrine Physiology (Comp)Basic bibliography:
Fisiología Veterinaria (2ª edición) 2018. Albino García Sacristán. Edit. Tébar Flores
PhysioEx 9.0: Laboratory Simulations in Physiology. 2012. Zao - Stabler - Smith - Lokuta
- Griff. Ed. Pearson
Fisiología Veterinaria (5ª edición), 2013. Cunningham-Klein. Edit. Elsevier-Saunders
Fisiología. (6º edición), 2009. Berne e Levy. Edit. Elsevier-Mosby
Complementary bibliography:
Tratado de Fisiología Médica. (12ª edición). 2011. Guyton & Hall. Edit. Elsevier-Saunders
Fisiología Humana (6ª edición), 2014, Silverthorn. Edit. Médica Panamericana
Fisiología Animal (1ª edición), 2006. Hill-Wyse-Anderson. Edit. Méd. Panamericana
Norman & Henry. Hormones. 3ª ed., 2015. Academic Press.
Norris, D.O. y Carr, J.A. Vertebrate endocrinology. 5ª ed., 2013. Academic Press.Generic skills:
Ability to learn and adapt (GVUSC01)
Capacity for analysis and synthesis (GVUSC02)
General knowledge about the work area (GVUSC03)
Ability to work autonomously and in a team (GVUSC06)
Disciplinary skills:
Generic knowledge of animals, their behavior and the bases of their identification (CEDVUSC 01)
Structure and function of healthy animals (CEDVUSC 02)
Know the basic analytical techniques and their interpretation (CEDVUSC 16)
Professional skills:
Perform basic analytical techniques and interpret clinical, biological and chemical results (D1VUSC 03)
Academic skills:
Analyze, synthesize, solve problems and make decisions in the professional fields of the veterinarian
Maintain ethical behavior in the exercise of their responsibilities before the veterinary profession and society
Transversal skills:
Capacity for reasoning and argumentation (CTVUSC 01)
Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information through various means, such as bibliographic
information and the Internet, and analyze it critically (CTVUSC 02)
Ability to prepare and present an organized and understandable text (CTVUSC 03)
Ability to make a presentation in public in a clear, coherent and concise way (CTVUSC 04)
Ability to use ICTs (CTVUSC 05)
Use of information in a foreign language (CTVUSC 06)
Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge (CTVUSC 07)The master classes will consist of the explanation, by the academic staff with the help of the blackboard and
the audiovisual means that they consider appropriate, of the contents of the subject reflected in the annual
teaching guide.
The computer practices (OR), which will be carried out in the computer room, will serve to illustrate the
theoretical contents of the subject and will be fundamentally aimed at the student acquiring practical skills and
All the tasks of the student (study, work, reading) will be guided by the academic staff in the tutoring sessions.
The timing is approximately one hour of presentation for each theme of the program/seminar and
approximately 3.5 hours of work for each practice.
For all academic activities, the USC Virtual Classroom will be used as a fundamental resource.
The class attendance exemption is not applicable.The qualification of each student will be based on three criteria
theoretical qualification (10 points), and practical
qualification (10 points). The final weighting will be done with a coefficient of 80% for the theoretical grade
and 20% for the practical grade. To carry out the final weighting, it is an essential requirement that both
qualifications, theoretical and practical, exceed 3.5 points. The possibility of improving the mark by carrying
out group work (seminars) or continuous assessment activities is considered, whose qualification (maximum
1 point) will complement the theory mark, up to a maximum of 10 points.
The qualification of each student will be based on three criteria:
1.- Theoretical qualification (80% of the final mark). Multiple choice final exam, short question and/or topic
(SE1). In the event that the final exam is divided into blocks, for the calculation of the final average it is
essential that none of the blocks have a grade lower than 3.5.
Evaluated competences: GVUSC01, GVUSC03, CEDVUSC01, CEDVUSC02.
2.- Practical qualification (SE5, 20% of the final score): Multiple choice exam and attendance at practices.
Evaluated competences: GVUSC06, CEDVUSC16, D1VUSC03, CTVUSC06.
3.- Additional qualification (SE4, up to 20% additional): The completion and exhibition of group work
will allow obtaining an additional mark that will be added linearly to the theoretical-practical qualification until completing 100%.
Class attendance exemption will not be applicable.
The practical qualification will be maintained.
For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for evaluating the
academic performance of students and reviewing grades" will apply.The total number of hours of work of the student in a subject organized in ECTS credits is equal to 25 x
number of ECTS. Attendance is 40% and the student's working hours occupy 60%.
Face-to-face work:
Exhibitions: 35 hours
Laboratory interactive: 04 h
Interactive computer: 18 h
Tutorials: 03h
Individual work
Individual study: 57 hours
Elaboration of works: 18 h
Bibliographic review, etc: 04 h
Attendance at talks or other recommended activities: 01 h
Resolution of cases/problems: 03 h
Oral presentations: 02 h
Exams: 05 hPrevious knowledge of Fundamental Sciences, Veterinary Anatomy I and II, Biochemistry, Veterinary Cytology
and Histology and Veterinary Physiology I.The subject will be taught in the two official languages of the Autonomous Community: Spanish and Galician
Jesús Antonio Casabiell Pintos
Coordinador/a- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- x.casabiell@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
María Mercedes Rodríguez Vieytes
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- mmercedes.rodriguez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Maria Mercedes Camiña Garcia
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- merchi.camina@usc.es
- Category
Pablo Cabezas Sainz
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- pablo.cabezas@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Rebeca Alvariño Romero
- Department
- Physiology
- Area
- Physiology
- rebeca.alvarino@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS06 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS03 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS05 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS08 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS12 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS11 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS09 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS07 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS10 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS04 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS01 Spanish Classroom 2 13:00-14:00 Grupo /TI-ECTS02 Spanish Classroom 2 Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Thursday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Friday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 2 Exams 01.16.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 1 01.16.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2 01.16.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 3 07.09.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 1 07.09.2025 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 2