ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.25 Hours of tutorials: 2.25 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Center Faculty of Nursing
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: Sin Docencia (En Extinción)
Enrolment: No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción)
To know the teorethical bases and practical principles of nurse care for children in all the stages of their development, from conception to adolescence.
To acquire basic knwoledge for prevention, detection and nurse care of the most prevalent pediatric diseases.
To be able of recognize the care needs of health and sick children, of knowing the warning signs of bio-psico-psocial illness and to be able of performing health education actions addressed to children and their families.
Modules and items
1. The healthy child
1.1. Normal newborn and child
1.2. Prevention of adult's diseases from childhood. The health child program
2. Normal and abnormal develpment
2.1. Physical growing and development
2.2. Psychomotor develpment. Warning signs
3. Prenatal diseases
3.1. Genetic disturbances
3.2. Antenatal infections and toxics during pregnancy
4. Care of the normal and sick newborn
4.1. Prematurity and postmaturity
4.2. Congenital malformations
4.3. Main disturbances of newborns
5. Nutrition from birth to adolescence
5.1. Breast feeding
5.2. Infant nutrition
5.3. Preschool and schoolchilren nutrition
5.4. Nutrition during adolescence
6. Care of pediatric infections
6.1. Immuneprophylaxis. Vacination schedule
6.2. The child with fever. Febrile seizures
6.3. Exantematic diseases
6.4. Sepsis and meningitis
6.5. Respiratory infections
6.6. Acute gastroenteritis. Dehidration
6.7. Urinary tract infection. Urological diseases
6.8. Other infections
6.9. Parasitic diseases
7. Pediatric urgencies and emergencies
7.1. Injury prevention
7.2. Severity assessment and triage in Pediatrics
7.3. Cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation
7.4. Main pediatric emergencies
7.5. Pain in children. Analgesia and sedation
8. Nursery in psychosocial pediatrics
8.1. Child abuse. Prevention and detection
8.2. The child and his environment: family, school and society
8.3. Ethical aspects of child and family care
8.4. Child and youth mental health
9. Other prevalent disorders in childhood
9.1. Digestive disorders
9.2. Respiratory and ENL disorders
9.3. The child with cancer or hematological disorders
9.4. Neurological disorders
9.5. Misceláneous
Tratado de Enfermería Infantil. Cuidados pediátricos. Mª José Aguilar Cordero. 2003
Tratado de Enfermería de la Infancia y Adolescencia. Marta Diaz Gómez y col. Mcgraw.Hill-interamericana España 2006
Tratado de Pediatría. Nelson. 18ª edición 2009
Tratado de Pediatría. M Cruz. Edición AEP. 2014.
Tratado de Enfermería Infantil Cuidados pediátricos. Mª José Aguilar Cordero.2003
Manuales Clínicos Neonatología . 5ª edic. 2006.
Manual de la Lactancia Materna de la teoría a la práctica. Panamericana. A.E.P. 2008
Vacunas en Pediatría. Bogotá panamericana,XIV287p;24cm 2008
Asistencia de enfermería Materno-Neonatal. Towle, Mary Ann. Madrid Prentice Hall D.L XXIII 580p.2010
Enfermería Pediátrica. Asistencia Infantil.Jane WBall;Ruth Bindler. Prentice Hall Ed Pearson 2010
Asistencia de Enfermería materno- neonatal. Mary Ann Towle Ed Pearson 2010
Fundamentos de la Enfermería del Niño y del Adolescente. Madrid ed Enfo Parafuden 2007
Tratado de Enfermería del Niño y Adolescente. Cuidados Pediátricos. Mª José Aguilar Cordero 2ª edici 2012
Tratado de Pediatría Extrahospitalaria. José del Pozo Machucha. Ergon 2011.
Manual del curso europeo de reanimación cardiopulmonar básica y avanzada pediátrica. Guías del ERC 2010. European Resuscitation Council 2011.
Vacunas en Pediatría. Manual de la AEP 2014. Asociación Española de Pediatría, 2014.
- To know the specific aspects of newborn care.
- To identify the characteristics of the childhoood and adolescence steps and the factors that modulate the normal pattern of growth and development.
- To know the more frequent health problems during childhood and to identify their clinical characteristics.
- To analyzed the child's assessment data, identifying nurse's related problmes and potential complications.
- To apply the procedures that integrate nurse care, establishing a therapeutic relationship with children and caretakers.
- To select interventins directed to healthy children as well as those derived from diagnostic and treatment methods.
- To be able to educate for health parents or primary caretakers.
- To have abilities to put in practice health and safety principles, including patient management, infectious control, basic life suppor and emergency procedures (by using skills).
Seminars of preparation, presentation and discussion of cases from the program by group work
Laboratory of pediatric immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Interactive presentation and discussion of clinical cases
Student work (individual and in group)
METHODOLOGY according to scenarios (the information related to scenarios 2 and 3 is included also in Comments):
Lectures and interactive teaching will be essentialy face-to-face, following the correspondent recommendations released by health authorities.
Tutorships will be partially virtual.
Adaptations related to scenarios 2 and 3.
Scenario 2. Distancing (partial restrictions to physical presence)
Teaching implcations
- Face to face teaching will coexist with virtual teaching, according to the center's guidelines.
- When the teaching is telematic it will be done both as syncrhony and asyncrhony was (with preference for synchrony methods)
- Telematic mentorship will be prioritized
Teaching methodology
- The remote activities will be programmed through the teaching period, by combining individual with team works. The followup of propsed activities, sending of materials and communication with students will be done by means of the institution's tools (e-mail, virtual campus and Microsoft Teams)
- Activities will be centralized in the USC's Virtual Campus, doing functions of the following characteristics:
- Technical (instructions to students)
- Academic (Giving materials, clarifying concepts and feedback)
- Organizational (Schedule of activities, support and organization of team works and discussion forum management)
- Orientation (Following of students' activities)
- Participation and followup of proposed activities through Virtual Campus is mandatory
- To warrant personal data protection in the remote activities, the systems defined at institutional level will be used (e-mail, Virtual Campus and Microsoft Teams). Likewise the materials have to fulfill the requirements for intelectual property and data protection
Assessment system
- Proposed activities: The proposed activities and their ponderation in the final marks will be indicated in the section of Teaching Methodology. In the case the centre determine that lectures and/or interactive teaching have to be performed as non-presential the activities will be adapted to available tools in order to permit telematic teaching
- Final exams will be telematic and complementary to continuous assessment
- For the cases of frauds in tests and assessments it will be applicable the "Norm for assessment of the academic performance of students and review of marks"
Scenario 3. Closure of teaching buildings
Teaching impications
- Teaching and followup of the subject will be fully virtual by means of synchroous and aysnchronous mechanisms (with preference for thos synchronous)
- Mentorship sessions will be exclusively telematic
Teaching methodology
- The remote activities will be programmed through the teaching period, by combining individual with team works. The followup of propsed activities, sending of materials and communication with students will be done by means of the institution's tools (e-mail, virtual campus and Microsoft Teams)
- Activities will be centralized in the USC's Virtual Campus, doing functions of the following characteristics:
- Technical (instructions to students)
- Academic (Giving materials, clarifying concepts and feedback)
- Organizational (Schedule of activities, support and organization of team works and discussion forum management)
- Orientation (Following of students' activities)
- Participation and followup of proposed activities through Virtual Campus is mandatory
- To warrant personal data protection in the remote activities, the systems defined at institutional level will be used (e-mail, Virtual Campus and Microsoft Teams). Likewise the materials have to fulfill the requirements for intelectual property and data protection
Assessment system
- Proposed activities: The proposed activities and their ponderation in the final marks will be indicated in the section of Teaching Methodology. In the case the centre determine that lectures and/or interactive teaching have to be performed as non-presential the activities will be adapted to available tools in order to permit telematic teaching
- Final exams will be telematic and complementary to continuous assessment
- For the cases of frauds in tests and assessments it will be applicable the "Norm for assessment of the academic performance of students and review of marks"
The present plan was elaborated according to the indications of the "Contingency plan for the development of teaching in the course 2021-2022" approved in the ordinary session of the Council of Govern hold the day 30 of April of 2021
Assessment of teorethical and practical knowledge. It will be a multiple choice questionnaire (70 questions with 4 options, only one correct). Every 3 errors will discount one point. Such test will represent 70% of final grade.
Assessment of interactive learning (seminars and laboratories). It will be done in a continued way, considering the active participation and its quality, being the minimun score 0 and the maximum 30 points. Such assessment will represent 30% of the final grade.
To pass the subjecto, at least 40 points in the multiple choice questionnaire and 18 points in the interactive learning assessment will be required.
If the subject is not passed, the student has to repeat all the teaching program and assessments.
Hours in the classroom: 18pm
Seminar Hours: 15h
Lab: 3 hours
Rating: 2 hrs
Student personnel work hours: 70h
Presence and active participation in all teaching and learning activities, being lectures, seminarr or laboratories.
It is desirable that in addition to the literature recommended the student knows the existence of specific web pages to the subject because of their interest, we recommend the following:
Spanish Association of Children's Nursing (aeei)
National Association of Neonatal Nurses (ANECIPN)
Federation of Midwives of Spain (
Spanish Association of Pediatrics (
Spanish Society for Adolescent Medicine (http://
Society of Pediatric Nurses (
Adaptations related to scenarios 2 and 3.
Scenario 2. Distancing (partial restrictions to physical presence)
Teaching implcations
- Face to face teaching will coexist with virtual teaching, according to the center's guidelines.
- When the teaching is telematic it will be done both as syncrhony and asyncrhony was (with preference for synchrony methods)
- Telematic mentorship will be prioritized
Teaching methodology
- The remote activities will be programmed through the teaching period, by combining individual with team works. The followup of propsed activities, sending of materials and communication with students will be done by means of the institution's tools (e-mail, virtual campus and Microsoft Teams)
- Activities will be centralized in the USC's Virtual Campus, doing functions of the following characteristics:
- Technical (instructions to students)
- Academic (Giving materials, clarifying concepts and feedback)
- Organizational (Schedule of activities, support and organization of team works and discussion forum management)
- Orientation (Following of students' activities)
- Participation and followup of proposed activities through Virtual Campus is mandatory
- To warrant personal data protection in the remote activities, the systems defined at institutional level will be used (e-mail, Virtual Campus and Microsoft Teams). Likewise the materials have to fulfill the requirements for intelectual property and data protection
Assessment system
- Proposed activities: The proposed activities and their ponderation in the final marks will be indicated in the section of Teaching Methodology. In the case the centre determine that lectures and/or interactive teaching have to be performed as non-presential the activities will be adapted to available tools in order to permit telematic teaching
- Final exams will be telematic and complementary to continuous assessment
- For the cases of frauds in tests and assessments it will be applicable the "Norm for assessment of the academic performance of students and review of marks"
Scenario 3. Closure of teaching buildings
Teaching impications
- Teaching and followup of the subject will be fully virtual by means of synchroous and aysnchronous mechanisms (with preference for thos synchronous)
- Mentorship sessions will be exclusively telematic
Teaching methodology
- The remote activities will be programmed through the teaching period, by combining individual with team works. The followup of propsed activities, sending of materials and communication with students will be done by means of the institution's tools (e-mail, virtual campus and Microsoft Teams)
- Activities will be centralized in the USC's Virtual Campus, doing functions of the following characteristics:
- Technical (instructions to students)
- Academic (Giving materials, clarifying concepts and feedback)
- Organizational (Schedule of activities, support and organization of team works and discussion forum management)
- Orientation (Following of students' activities)
- Participation and followup of proposed activities through Virtual Campus is mandatory
- To warrant personal data protection in the remote activities, the systems defined at institutional level will be used (e-mail, Virtual Campus and Microsoft Teams). Likewise the materials have to fulfill the requirements for intelectual property and data protection
Assessment system
- Proposed activities: The proposed activities and their ponderation in the final marks will be indicated in the section of Teaching Methodology. In the case the centre determine that lectures and/or interactive teaching have to be performed as non-presential the activities will be adapted to available tools in order to permit telematic teaching
- Final exams will be telematic and complementary to continuous assessment
- For the cases of frauds in tests and assessments it will be applicable the "Norm for assessment of the academic performance of students and review of marks"
The present plan was elaborated according to the indications of the "Contingency plan for the development of teaching in the course 2021-2022" approved in the ordinary session of the Council of Govern hold the day 30 of April of 2021
Antonio Rodriguez Nuñez
- Department
- Psychiatry, Radiology, Public Health, Nursing and Medicine
- Area
- Nursing
- antonio.rodriguez.nunez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
05.27.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 5 - Roberto Novoa Santos |
05.27.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 6 - Roberto Novoa Santos |
05.27.2025 10:00-12:00 | Grupo de examen | R.N.S.- Main Hall |
07.08.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 5 - Roberto Novoa Santos |
07.08.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | Classroom 6 - Roberto Novoa Santos |
07.08.2025 16:00-18:00 | Grupo de examen | R.N.S.- Main Hall |