ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 46
Hours of tutorials: 1
Expository Class: 17
Interactive Classroom: 11
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Morphological ScienceAreas:
Human Anatomy and EmbryologyCenter
Faculty of Medicine and DentistryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
- Comprehension of the cellular basis of reproduction and human development and the factors involved in the abnormal development
- Understanding that cellular diversity emerges as a consequence of cell specialization, which is the result of a differential expression of genes.
-Application of suitable methods for observation and troubleshooting of embryonic development.
- Image interpretation of embryonic development and organogenesisI. LECTURES (17h)
UNIT I. Introduction to human development (1h)
Lesson 1. Introduction to embryology
Embryology meaning. The Embryology along history. Embryology latest developments.
UNIT II. Human reproductive biology (4h)
Lesson 2. Gametogenesis
Oogenesis and egg maturation. Hormonal control of oogenesis. Ovarian cycle and ovulation. Corpus luteum and corpus albicans.
Spermatogenesis. Maturation of male germ cells. Spermiogenesis. Hormonal control of spermatogenesis.
Lesson 3. Fertilization
Transport of gametes and sperm capacitation. Fertilization stages.
UNIT III. Cellular and molecular developmental biology (2h)
Lesson 4. Cellular mechanisms of development
Cellular potentiality. Cellular determination and differentiation. Regulation of cellular determination. Cellular induction.
Lesson 5. Molecular mechanisms of development
Genetic control of cellular determination. Epigenetics. Molecular processes of development. Regulation of gene expression: transcription factors. Cellular signaling processes: signal and receptor molecules. Adhesion mechanisms and cellular migration.
UNIT IV. Human biology of development (10h)
Lesson 6. First week of development: cleavage and embryogenesis
Characteristics of the zygote. Cleavage and morula. Formation of the blastula. Blastocyst implantation. Abnormal implantation. Properties of the embryo during cleavage.
Lesson 7. Second week of development: the bilaminar embryo
Bilaminar germ disk. Evolution of implantation during the second week. Formation of amniotic cavity. Formation of yolk sac. Changes of cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast. Emergence of extra-embryonic mesoderm.
Lesson 8. Third week of development: gastrulation
Gastrulation. Trilaminar germ disk. Formation of notochord and neurulation. Derivates of the three germinal layers. Differentiation of the somites. Formation of allantois. Cardiovascular system. Evolution of chorionic villi.
Lesson 9. Evolution from the fourth to the eighth week of development: organogenesis
Organogenesis. Embryonic folding. Evolution of the somites. Evolution of brain vesicles. Development of the extremities. Development of branquial arches and pharyngeal pouches. Face development. Development of systems.
Lesson 10. Evolution from the ninth week to birth: fetal period
Fetal growing. Fetal physiology. Development assessment techniques and methods of prenatal diagnosis
Lesson 11. Placenta and fetal annexes
Placenta and fetal membranes: structure, function and placental blood circulation. Amniotic cavity. Yolk sac. Allantois. Umbilical cord. . Delivery.
1. Seminars (3h)
Seminar 1. Assisted reproductive techniques.
Seminar 2. Biomedical research with embryos.
Seminar 3. Teratology. Twin pregnancies.
2. Laboratory practices (8h)
Practice 1. Oogenesis
Microscopic study of female germ cells
Practice 2-3. Spermatogenesis
Microscopic study of male germ cells. Seminogram: concentration, vitality and mobility of sperm
Practice 4. Embryonic Development: cleavage, blastulation and gastrulation.
Microscopic study of frog morula, blastula and gastrula. Image interpretation
Practice 5. Diagnosis of embryonic and fetal age (I).
Microscopic study of fetal and embryonic samples. Study of the ossification pattern
Practice 6. Diagnosis of embryonic and fetal age (II).
Determination of fetal age: Metric and morphological parameters. Observation of fetuses with congenital malformations
Practice 7. Placenta and umbilical cord.
Macroscopic and microscopic study of umbilical cord and placenta.
Practice 8. Clinical cases.
Developmental abnormalities related with clinical casesBasic
Carlson BM. Embriología humana y biología del desarrollo. 6ª ed. Madrid: Elsevier; 2014. (electronic access)
Flores V. Embriología Humana: bases moleculares y celulares de la histogénesis, la morfogénesis y las alteraciones del desarrollo. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2015.
Sadler TW. Langman. Embriología médica. 14ª ed. Madrid: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins Wolters Kluwer Health; 2019.
Moore KL, Persaud TVN, Torchia MG. Embriología clínica. 11ª ed. Madrid: Elsevier; 2020. (electronic access)
Moore KL, Persaud TVN, Torchia MG. Antes de Nacer: Fundamentos de embriología y anomalías congénitas. 9ª ed. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2017.
Torchia MG, Persaud TVN. Embriología Clínica Básica. Madrid: Elsevier; 2022.
Alberts, B. Bray D, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Watson J. Biología molecular de la célula. 6ª ed. Barcelona: Omega; 2016.
Arteaga-Martínez M, García Peláez MI. Embriología Humana y Biología de Desarrollo. 2ª ed. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2017.
Paniagua R. Biología Celular y Molecular. 4ª ed. Madrid: Mc Graw-Hill; 2017.
Webster S, de Wreede R. Embriología, lo esencial de un vistazo. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2013.GENERAL
GC 5 - Recognise their own limitations and the need to maintain and update their professional competence, paying particular attention to the autonomous learning of new knowledge and techniques and to the motivation for quality.
CG 6 - Develop professional practice with respect to other health professionals, acquiring teamwork skills.
CG 7 - Understand and recognize the normal structure and function of the human body, at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organic and systems level, in the different stages of life and in both sexes.
CG 9 - Understand and recognize the effects, mechanisms and manifestations of disease on the structure and function of the human body.
GC 23 - Communicating effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, other professionals and the comunication media.
CG 31 - Knowing, critically evaluating, and knowing how to use clinical and biomedical information sources to obtain, organize, interpret, and communicate scientific and health information.
CG 36 - Be able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate information for problem solving, following the scientific method.
CG 37 - Acquire the basic training for research activity.
CEMI.12 - Embryo development and organogenesis.
CEMI.18 - Handling of material and basic laboratory techniques.
CEMI.20 - Recognize with macroscopic and microscopic methods and imaging techniques the morphology and structure of tissue, organs and systems.The theoretical contents of the program will be explained in lectures with the support of images and the appropriate bibliographic orientation.
In the practical classes and seminars the students will develop, analyze and check the contents of the theoretical classes and will acquire competences in the field of the skills and abilities of the subject. Cooperative work techniques will be used. Practical lessons will be held in the laboratories of the Faculty of Medicine.
The virtual classroom (Moodle platform) will be available for the students, useful through to carry out different activities and download didactic material. The virtual classroom will be the main media for communication, through the news section, messaging system and a public forum for tutorials. Moreover, the Microsoft Teams application and e-mail can also be used as a communication channel.For the evaluation of the contents of the theoretical and interactive classes there will be a final exam that will represent 80% of the final grade (70% theoretical contents and 10% interactive contents). The student's daily work will be evaluated through a continuous evaluation that will represent 20% of the final grade.
- Continuos evaluation will be based on the performance of different activities, which will be programmed and announced in the virtual campus. The attitude and participation of the student will also be valued.
- The final evaluation test will consist of an exam with multiple choice and single answer questions and/or short questions.
These are requirements for passing the subject:
- To obtain 50% in the evaluation of lecture section and 50% in the evaluation of interactive teaching
- Attendance at interactive and theoretical classes (80%)3 ECTS, at 25 hours per credit (attendance and non-attendance) making a total of 75 hours with the following distribution:
Lectures: 17h
Interactive lessons in laboratory (practical lessons): 8h
Seminars: 3h
Tutorials in small groups or individual: 1h
Exams: 1h
Individual study: 1h
Summaries and works: 10h
Total hours on site work: 30h
Total student´s personal work: 45hUse of the class notes and Embryology texts books. Making drawings of the structures and their relationships. Visualization of the recommended videos. It is important to carry out an active learning of the knowledge that is acquired using organized schemes and carrying out connections between the own knowledge and the new ones. The bibliographic resources can be used in their paper version or in digital mode. In addition, periodic study of the contents is recommended and the employ of tutorials/virtual classroom tutoring forum to resolve any doubts.
Ana Maria Muñoz Patiño
Coordinador/a- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- Phone
- 881812221
- anamaria.munoz@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Jannette Rodriguez Pallares
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- Phone
- 881815466
- jannette.rodriguez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Maria Begoña Villar Cheda
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- Phone
- 881812299
- bego.villar@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Juan Andres Parga Martin
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- juan.parga@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Rita Valenzuela Limiñana
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- rita.valenzuela@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Maria Alicia Costa Besada
- Department
- Morphological Science
- Area
- Human Anatomy and Embryology
- mariaalicia.costa@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 10:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 4 12:30-13:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 5 17:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_03 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 4 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_04 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 5 Wednesday 10:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 4 12:30-13:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 5 17:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_03 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 4 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_04 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 5 Thursday 10:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 4 12:30-13:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 5 17:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_03 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 4 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_04 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 5 Friday 10:30-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 4 12:30-13:30 Grupo /CLE_02 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 5 17:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_03 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 4 19:30-20:30 Grupo /CLE_04 Spanish Medicine-Classroom 5 Exams 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 2 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 3 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 4 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 5 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 6 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 7 05.16.2025 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 8 06.27.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 4 06.27.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 5 06.27.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 7 06.27.2025 16:30-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Medicine-Classroom 8