ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 99 Hours of tutorials: 3 Expository Class: 24 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
Areas: Analytical Chemistry
Center Faculty of Sciences
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The general objectives that this matter seeks to cover are the following ones:
• To provide the students the necessary basic knowledge of Chemistry for the understanding of the contents of chemistry of other subjects of the degree, making special stress in their applications.
• To know the principles in that the Chemistry is based, with special emphasis in the study of the chemical equilibriums and the use of the same ones in the development of volumetric analysis.
• To acquire a scientific base for the reasoned resolution and taking of decisions in problems related with the Human and Dietary Nutrition that possess a chemical component.
· Solutions and properties.
· Principles of Chemical Kinetics.
· Chemical equilibrium.
· Acids and Bases.
· Equilibria in solution.
· Titration techniques.
· Solutions preparation.
· Acid-base titration.
· Complex equilibrium titration.
· Redox equilibrium titration.
· Precipitation equilibrium titration.
The indicated contents will be developed structured as follows:
THEME 1. - Solutions and properties.
Solutions terminology. Concentration units. Principles of solubility. Colligative properties of solutions.
THEME 2. - Principles of Chemical kinetics
Reaction speed. Speed law. Factors that influence the rate of a reaction. Reaction mechanisms. Catalysis.
THEME 3. - Chemical Equilibrium.
Balance and equilibrium constant concepts. Writing expressions for the equilibrium constants. Factors affect chemical equilibrium.
THEME 4. - Equilibrium in aqueous solutions (I): Acid-base equilibrium. Titrations.
Acids and bases definitions. Strength of acids and bases. Calculations with acids and bases. Regulatory solutions. Acid-base titrations.
THEME 5. - Equilibrium in aqueous solutions (II):
5.1. - Redox equilibrium. Redox reactions. Introduction to oxidation-reduction titrations.
5.2. - Complex formation equilibrium. Quantitative aspects. Introduction to complex titrations.
5.3. - Precipitation equilibrium. Solubility and solubility product. Fractional precipitation. Gravimetric analysis. Introduction to precipitation titrations.
1. - Recognition of laboratory material. Solutions preparation.
2. - Acid-base titration.
3. - Complex titration.
4. - Redox titration.
5. - Precipitation titration.
• ATKINS, P.; JONES, L. Principios de Química. Ed. Médica Panamericana; 2006, 2012.
• BROWN, T.; LeMAY, H.; BURSTEN, B.; BURDGE, J. Química. La Ciencia Central. Ed. Pearson, 2009, 2014.
• CHANG, R. Química. Ed. Mc Graw Hill.; 2013.
• DOMÍNGUEZ-REBOIRAS, M. A. Química: La ciencia básica. Ed. Thomson, 2006, 2008.
• HARRIS, D.C. Análisis Químico Cuantitativo. Ed. Reverté, 2001, 2007, 2016.
• HOLUM, J.R. Fundamentos de química general, orgánica y bioquímica para ciencias de la salud. Ed. Limusa-Wiley, 2000, 2013.
• MASTERTON, W.L.; HURLEY, C. N. Química: principios y reacciones. Ed. Thompson-Paraninfo Learning; 2003.
• PETRUCCI, R. H.; HERRING, F. G.; MADURA J.D.; BISSONETTE, C. Química General. Principios y aplicaciones modernas. Ed. Prentice Hall, Pearson Education; 2011, 2017.
• SKOOG, D.; WEST, D.; HOLLER, F.J.; CROUCH, S.R. Fundamentos de Química Analítica. Ed. Thomson, 2005, 2015.
(ebooks) Basic textbooks:
• HARRIS, D.C. Análisis Químico Cuantitativo. Ed. Reverté, 2001, 2007, 2016.…
• HOLUM, J.R. Fundamentos de química general, orgánica y bioquímica para ciencias de la salud. Ed. Limusa-Wiley, 2000, 2013.…
• PETRUCCI, R. H.; HERRING, F. G.; MADURA J.D.; BISSONETTE, C. Química General. Principios y aplicaciones modernas. Ed. Prentice Hall, Pearson Education; 2011.…
• GALLEGO PICÓ, A. Química Básica. UNED, 2013.
• RODRÍGUEZ, D.; HERRERA, J.M.; EIROA, J.A.; PÉREZ, J.L. Química. Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la ULPGC, 2014.
• SKOOG, D.; WEST, D.; HOLLER, F.J.; CROUCH, S.R. Fundamentos de Química Analítica. Ed. Thomson, 2005, 2015.…
- Exercises and problems:
• BERMEJO, F. ; PAZ, M. Problemas de Química General y sus fundamentos teóricos. Ed. Dossat, 1994.
• DOMÍNGUEZ-REBOIRAS, M. A. Problemas resueltos de Química Analítica. Ed. Thomson, 2005.
• DOMÍNGUEZ-REBOIRAS, M. A. Problemas resueltos de Química: La ciencia básica. Ed. Thomson, 2007, 2012.
• HERRERO, M.A.; ATIENZA, J.; NOGUERA, P.; TORTAJADA, L.A. La Química en problemas. Un enfoque práctico. Ed. UPV, 2015.
• LÓPEZ CANCIO, J.A. Problemas de Química. Ed. Prentice Hall, 2000.
• LÓPEZ CANCIO, J.A. Problemas resueltos de Química Analítica. Ed. Thomson, 2005.
• TEIJÓN, J.M.; GARCÍA, J.A.; JIMÉNEZ, Y.; GUERRERO, I. La Química en Problemas. Ed. Tébar, 2006.
• YÁÑEZ, P.; PINGARRÓN, J.M.; VILLENA, F.J.M. Problemas resueltos de Química Analítica. Ed. Síntesis, 2003, 2010.
• YÁÑEZ, P.; PINGARRÓN, J.M.; GONZÁLEZ, A. 300 problemas resueltos de Quimica Analítica. Ed. Síntesis, 2022.
- (ebooks) Exercises and problems:
• DAVEL, L.; MOHINA, G. Química: problemas y ejercicios de aplicación para química. Ed. Eudeba, 2020.
• GÓMEZ DEL RÍO, M.I. Fundamentos y problemas básicos de equilibrios en química analítica. Cuaderno UNED, 2006.
• HERRERO, M.A.; ATIENZA, J.; NOGUERA, P.; TORTAJADA, L.A. La Química en problemas. Un enfoque práctico. Ed. UPV, 2015.…
• LÓPEZ CANCIO, J.A. Problemas de Química. Ed. Prentice Hall, 2000.…
- (ebooks) Laboratory practices:
• BAILEY, CH., LORNA E. Introducción a la experimentación en química física y química analítica. UNED, 2012.
• TORRES, S.; MESEGUER, S.; CATALÁ, M.; GÓMEZ, M.C. Química: Prácticas de laboratorio. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2016, 2022.
The competences work in this area are:
Basic Competences:
CB1 - Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that assumes the general secondary education, and it is typically at a level which, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes also some aspects that imply knowledge of the forefront of their field of study.
CB3 - Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical.
CB5 - Students have developed those learning competences necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
General Competences:
CG6 - Understand, critically evaluate and know how to use and apply sources of information related to nutrition, food, lifestyles and health aspects.
Transversal Competences:
CT1: Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT2: Ability to organize and planning.
CT3: Capacity for teamwork (included in CG2).
CT7: Capacity to solving problems.
CT10: Capacity for critical thinking and argumentation.
CT11: Capacity for independent learning (including in CG3).
Specific Competences:
EC1 - Know the chemical, biochemical and biological basis of application in human nutrition and dietetics.
CE7 - Acquiring competences of teamwork as a unit in which are structured form and uni or multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary professionals and other staff related to the diagnostic evaluation and treatment of diet and nutrition.
The Chemistry II matter will be structured around five types of activities: the expositive classes (theory-ME1), interactive classes (seminars-ME2), the group tutorials (ME4), the practical classes of laboratory (ME3), and a series of activities to carry out for the student in an autonomous way (ME5).
ME1: In the expositive classes (31 hours) the teacher will explain the theoretical fundamentals of each topic and its importance in the context of the subject. Will resolve numerical problems, with emphasis on understanding the mechanism of resolution and highlighting the relationship of the problems with practical applications. Classes are conducted in an interactive manner with students, discussing with them the aspects that are more difficult or especially interesting for each subject. The assistance to these classes is compulsory.
ME2: Seminars (3 hours per group) or practical class in which the professor proposes and the students resolve applications of the theory, problems, exercises, etc. The student participates actively in these classes of distinct forms: delivery of exercises to the professor that have been proposed to the students with the sufficient time; resolution of exercises in the classroom, etc. It will be required the student the previous resolution of the bulletin of problems corresponding to each topic. The seminars will be organized in students' groups.
ME4: The tutorial sessions will be conducted in groups (2 hours per group). In this activity, the professor will guide the student solving his doubts and instructing him in the most appropriate working methods. Attendance at tutorials will serve to reinforce the concepts explained in a more individualized way.
ME3: The Laboratory practical classes (15 hours / group) will take place in the laboratory, and at the end of these the students must present a notebook of practices with the work done. In the practical classes concepts will be embraced acquired by the students in the theory classes and seminars and they will be guided to that the student acquires competences in the handling of the laboratory material and develop their deductive, talkative capacities, of work in team and of analysis. Likewise, it will be impacted in the importance of the norms of safety in laboratories. Students will work in groups of 2.
ME5: The teacher will give students a relationship of problems or quests for, once worked the theoretical and practical contents, will resolved individually using notes and recommended readings and delivered for correction. The implementation of these activities will serve to consolidate and strengthen the concepts explained and their application practice.
The interaction between professor and students will be completed through the tools provided by a virtual course in the platform that has the USC for this teaching type (Virtual USC, /).
The qualification will be realized by means of a continuous evaluation (SE3, 25%), including the implementation of activities and work developed in the laboratory, and the realization of a final examination (SE1, 75%).
• Continuous evaluation will be carried out through several mechanisms; in the first place, it will be evaluated those students that participate in tutorials or seminars, meeting on the board the problems proposed in the bulletins (5%).
Evaluated competences: CB1, CT2, CT7, CT10, EC1.
The second it will be based on the delivery to students of certain exercises, which will answered and surrender for their correction (15%).
Evaluated competences: CB1, CB3, CB5, CG6, CT1, CT7, CT10, CT11, EC1.
The work developed in the laboratory (10% of the final qualification) will be controlled by means of the continuous evaluation in the laboratory and through the reports elaborated by the students that will give to the teacher for its correction (5%).
In addition, students will have to submit an individually resolute activity, related to the labs, which will considered part of the evaluation of the final examination (5%).
To pass the subject the student will obtain the qualification of APT in the laboratory practices.
Evaluated competences: CT3, CE7.
• Finally, a test (70%) will be held at the end of the semester that consist of reasoning questions, so much theoretical and practices (it will be necessary to reach a minimum note in both parts), in which the professor can evaluate the deduction capacity and the student's reasoning
Evaluated competences: CB1 CB5, CT7, CT2, CT10, CT11, EC1.
The final note will be achieved whenever the note of the exam (70%) is at least 3.5% (35%). In that case, the positive evaluation of the work carried out through the rest of the activities will increase the qualification of the exam until the total score. Attendance at group tutorials and seminars will be COMPULSORY and will be taken into account when adding this qualification to the final of the matter.
"In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the" Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades "will apply.
The subject consists of 6 ECTS credits. The total number of hours of student work is 150 hours, of which 37% are face and 63% are hours of personal work of the student. The detailed distribution of student work time is as follows:
• Presence work in the classroom
Expositive class in large group (31 hours)
Interactive classes in reduced group (Seminars) (3 h)
Practical Classes of laboratory (15 h)
Tutorial session of blackboard in very reduced group (2 h)
Conducting review and revision (4 hours)
- Total work hours presence in the classroom or lab work: 55 hours
• Student personal work hours
In Group or individual self-study (62 h)
Resolution exercises (seminars) (12 h)
Previous preparation of lab practices and report realization (10 h)
Resolution individual/group activities (8 h)
Preparation of group tutorial class (3 h)
- Total personal work student hours : 95 hours
- Regular attendance and good use of the classroom presentations of the matter, participating actively.
- Resolve the exercises and work proposed by the professor. Carrying out the exercises suggested, before these are solved in the classroom
- Realization of the individual activities or of group proposed in the different topics to seat and to secure the explained concepts and their practical application.
It is an indispensable requirement the realization of all the laboratory class and the attendance to the present activities (seminars and group tutorships) to pass the mater.
Languages: Spanish and Galician
Rosa Maria Peña Crecente
- Department
- Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology
- Area
- Analytical Chemistry
- Phone
- 982824117
- rosa.penha [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Tuesday | |||
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR |
Wednesday | |||
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR |
Thursday | |||
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR |
05.21.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR |
05.21.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR |
06.30.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 5 GROUND FLOOR |
06.30.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | 0P CLASSROOM 6 GROUND FLOOR |