ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin docencia (Extinguida)Enrolment:
No Matriculable -
The aim of the course is to introduce all the necessary concepts to implement automated systems that can be oriented both to the control of robots and industrial processes. The learning outcomes pursued are:
- To know the automation needs and the elements that form part of an automation system.
- Knowing the structure, operation and configuration of programmable logic controllers (PLC) and the possibilities offered by automation networks.
- Knowing and using different PLC programming languages.
- Knowing and applying hydraulic and pneumatic actuators and knowing how to use them in robotic environments.
- Knowing and programming basic process visualisation and supervision systems (HMI).The degree establishes the following contents:
- Introduction to task automation.
- Elements for automation.
- The programmable logic controller or PLC.
- PLC programming.
- Sequential control.
- Implementation of GRAFCET in PLC.
- Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators.
- Process visualisation and supervision systems.
These contents are developed according to the following structure, where an estimate of the number of classroom hours (CH) and non-classroom hours (NCH) is indicated:
Theoretical content:
1. Levels and components of an automation system. (2 CH + 3 NCH)
2. Structure of a PLC (3 CH + 7 NCH )
3. Basic PLC programming languages (LD, FBD and ST) (5.5 CH + 9 NCH )
4. PLC programming techniques, sequential diagrams (Grafcet-SFC) and GEMMA guide. (5.5 CH + 9 NCH)
5. Sensors and actuators. (4 CH + 6 NCH)
6. I/O interfaces. (2 CH + 3 NCH)
7. Human-Controller Interfaces (2 CH + 3 NCH)
Interactive sessions:
The interactive sessions will be developed in sessions of 2 hours, adding up to a total of 24 h of classroom attendance and 32 non-classroom hours. Attendance at the practical sessions is compulsory and is a prerequisite for passing the subject.
The interactive sessions to be carried out will be:
1. Design and assembly of process automation (4 CH + 6 NCH).
2. Programming and simulation of PLCs (6 CH + 8 NCH).
3. Programming and simulation of HMIs (4 CH + 6 NCH).
4. Programming and automatization of sequential processes (8 CH + 12 NCH).Basic bibliography
• MANDADO PEREZ, Enrique [et. al.] Sistemas de automatización y autómatas programables, Marcombo, 2018.
• BALCELLS, Josep y ROMERAL, José Luís. Autómatas programables. Ed. Marcombo (2009).
• CEMBRANOS NISTAL, Florencio Jesús, Automatismos eléctricos, neumáticos e hidraúlicos, Paraninfo, Madrid, 2008.
• PECIÑA, Luis. Programación de controladores avanzados SIMATIC S7-1500 con TIA Portal, AWL/KOP y SCL.Ed. Marcombo. 2019.
•OJEDA, Francisco. Automatización con GRAFCET y Autómata Programable Problemas Resueltos, AWL/KOP y SCL. Ed. RA-MA.
• YUSTE, Ramón. Autómatas programables Siemens con GRAFCET y Guía GEMMA con TIA PORTAL. MARCOMBO. 2017.
• LÓPEZ, Miguel. Iniciación a la automatización mediante ejercicios prácticos. Marcombo. 2017.
Complementary bibliography:
• YUSTE, Ramón L.; GUERRERO, Vicente, Autómatas programables SIEMENS Grafcet y Guía Gemma con TIA Portal, Marcombo, 2017
• BRUNETE, Alberto; SAN SEGUNDO, Pablo y HERRERO, Rebeca. Introducción a la automatización industrial. https://bookdown.org/alberto_brunete/intro_automatica/
• Roberto; ROMERO PÉREZ, Julio Ariel; VICENT ARIÑO, Carlos. Automatización Industrial. Universitat Jaume I (2010). http://hdl.handle.net/10234/24182http://hdl.handle.net/10234/24182
• PONSA ASENSIO, Pere; VILANOVA I ARBÓS, Ramón. Automatización de procesos mediante la guía GEMMA. Ediciones UPC. 2005.
• GROOVER, Mikell P.. Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 4th Edition. Ed. Pearson.
• FRADEN, Jacob. Handbook of Modern Sensors. 5th Edition. Ed. Springer.In this subject we work so that students acquire basic, general, transversal and specific competences, all of them included in the degree report:
Basic competences:
- CB2: That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of study.
- CB5: That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
General competences:
- CG1: Knowledge of basic subjects and technologies, enabling them to learn new methods and technologies, as well as providing them with great versatility to adapt to new situations.
- GC3: Ability to use computer tools for modelling, simulation and design of engineering applications.
- GC4: Knowing the technological needs of society and industry, and being able to improve services and production processes by applying current robotics technology, through the choice, acquisition and implementation of robotic systems in different applications, both industrial and services.
- GC5: Being able to obtain and analyse information on circuits, machine elements, automatic control, sensors and computer systems, with the ultimate aim of achieving autonomous and flexible robotic applications.
- GC6: Conceive, calculate, design and implement algorithms, equipment or installations in the field of robotics, for industrial or service applications, taking into account aspects of quality, safety, environmental criteria, rational and efficient use of resources.
Specific competences:
- CE6 - Knowing the basics of electrical engineering and understanding the operation of electrical machines, especially AC/DC motors, and knowing which are the most suitable energy sources for fixed or autonomous robots.
- CE10 - Analyse and understand the configuration of an automatic control system in order to modify or update it by means of techniques that allow the design, configuration and adjustment of controllers.
- CE11 - Knowledge of the functions and programming of different automatons in the field of robotics.
Transversal competences:
- CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
- CT3 - Ability to work individually, with a self-critical attitude.
- CT4 - Ability to work in groups and deal with problematic situations collectively.
- CT9 - Ability to use information and communication technologies (ICT).
- CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.The course consists of both theoretical and practical content. In the theory class, the theoretical contents of the subject will be presented with the support of multimedia materials that will be completed with problems. The practicals sessions will consist of the development and analysis of automatisms. To carry out the practicals, students will be provided with scripts reflecting their objectives, material and methods. The completion of the practices will be compulsory.
For the study of the subject, students will have at their disposal the basic bibliography of the subject, as well as the support material used by the teacher, which can also be accessed from the Virtual Campus of the USC.The assessment of the course will be carried out through the following activities:
- A final written exam, which will account for 50% of the total mark. This test will consist of a theoretical part and a practical part of problem solving . It will be necessary to achieve a minimum score of 4 points out of 10 in the exam in order to pass the subject.
- The evaluation of the practical work carried out by students in the laboratory will account for 30% of the final grade. Attendance to the laboratory practicals is compulsory. Unexcused absence from two practical sessions will make it impossible to pass the subject.
- Continuous assessment activities: 15% of the total mark will be given by the continuous assessment activities proposed by the teacher during the semester.
- Participation in the lectures, tutorials and proposed activities: these will account for 5% of the total mark for the subject.
- Voluntary activity: Visit to one or several industrial facilities It is proposed as a voluntary activity a field practice that will consist of a visit to one or several industrial facilities that will allow to illustrate the contents of the subject through the observation of an industrial plant The activity will be evaluated through the elaboration of a written work related to the visit. This activity will represent an additional 5% of the final qualification.
Attendance to the practical sessions will be compulsory unless there is a justified reason. It will not be possible to pass the subject unless you have attended at least 80% of the practical sessions. Non-attendance will prevent the passing of the subject both in the ordinary opportunity and in the second opportunity.
Relationship between evaluation systems and evaluated competences:
Continuous assessment activities, participation in the lectures, tutorials and proposed activities and final exam: CG1, CG3, CG5, CG6, CE10, CE11, CT1, CT3, CT12.
Practical work: CG3, CG5, CG6, CE10, CE11, CT1, CT3.
The rest of the competences will be worked, but not evaluated.
For the cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the "Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións" will be applicable, which in its article 16 indicates:
The fraudulent performance of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply the grade of failure in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be followed against the offending student. It will be considered fraudulent, among others, the completion of plagiarized work or work obtained from sources accessible to the public without reworking or reinterpretation and without citation of the authors and sources.
Second registration students who have passed the practices in previous calls will be exempted from taking them. As for the final exam and the continuous evaluation process, they will follow the same process as the first registration students. The grade for the practical part will be kept for two academic years, after which the practical part must be repeated.
In the case of students with attendance exemption, they will be exempted from attending lectures, but they will have to do the practical part of the course in person. The same evaluation criteria will be applied as for the rest of the students.The dedication to face-to-face activities is organised into:
- 24 hours of lectures (compulsory attendance).
- 24 hours of interactive sessions (compulsory attendance).
- 4 hours of individual tutorials (attendance recommended)
- 3 hours of small group tutorials (attendance recommended)
- 5 hours of assessment activities (attendance compulsory).
Non-attendance hours are also contemplated:
- 40 hours revision of theory and problems (individual work)
- 32 hours preparation of interactive sessions (individual or small group work).
- 8 hours of tutorials (individual or small group work).
- 10 hours preparation and revision of the final exam (individual work).
This time distribution would be sufficient for an average student to obtain the highest possible mark.Due to the high correlation between the concepts developed in the theory classes and the contents of the interactive sessions, students are recommended to be consistent in the study of the subject, coming to the practical sessions with the concepts already revised and worked on. The practical sessions are an important support for the theoretical concepts to settle and will facilitate the understanding of the subject. It is recommended that students have passed Physics I, Physics II, Digital Electronics, Electrical Technology and Mechanisms and Sensors.