ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 51Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Agroforestry EngineeringCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
-Know, understand and apply the fundamentals of basic passive and active sensors, and their uses in automated systems.
-Select the most appropriate sensors to solve a robotics problem that requires interaction with elements of the environment.
-Know and apply articulated mechanisms and transmission mechanisms: gears, belts, chains, cams, drive shafts, ....
-Know the basic principles of the mechanisms of robotic systems.1. Operation of electrical measurement systems. (4 attendance hours, 5 non-attendance hours)
2. Types of sensors: resistive, inductive, capacitive, optical, generator sensors (12 attendance hours, 18 non-attendance hours)
3. Signal conditioning (5 attendance hours, 10 non-attendance hours).
4.Basic and advanced sensorization in robots (7 attendance hours, 10 non-attendance hours).
5. Kinematics and dynamics of articulated systems (10 attendance hours, 23 non-attendance hours).
6. Transmission systems: gears, pulleys, cams, joints (10 attendance hours, 10 non-attendance hours).
7. Reducers: cycloidal, epicycloidal, harmonic, gear trains (4 attendance hours, 5 non-attendance hours).
8. Hydraulic and pneumatic transmission (3 attendance hours, 4 non-attendance hours)
The previous contents are developed in the following theoretical and practical topics:
Topic 1. Introduction to sensors. Introduction to measurement systems. Units. Static characteristics of a sensor. Dynamic characteristics of a sensor. Interpretation of technical information.
Topic 2. Resistive sensors. Potentiometric sensors. Resistive temperature sensors. Resistive light sensors. Piezoresistive sensors. Magnetoresistors. Resistive sensors for gas detection. Signal conditioning for resistive sensors.
Topic 3. Capacitive and inductive sensors. Possibilities in capacity variation. Differential capacitive sensors. Magnetic circuits and variation of inductance. Sensors based on Faraday's law. Sensors based on the Hall effect.
Topic 4. Signal conditioning for capacitive and inductive sensors. Impedance measurement bridges. Amplitude and phase measurement. Direct interface circuits.
Topic 5. Use of optoelectronic sensors. Photometric and radiometric magnitudes. Characteristics of basic devices. Emitters: LEDs and laser diodes. Receivers: photoresistors, photodiodes, phototransistors. Transmitting elements.
Topic 6. Measurement of position, force, torque and acceleration. Distance sensors: ultrasonic, laser, rad. infrared. Encoders. Force and torque sensors. Accelerometers and inertial measurement units (IMUs). Other deformation measures: Bragg grades, optical fiber, ...
Topic 7. Complementary elements of a measurement system. Analog-digital conversion. Noise and filtering. Power sources.
Topic 8. Introduction to mechanisms. Parts of a mechanism. degrees of freedom Kinematic diagrams. Grübler's criterion. Grashof's theorem. Trigonometric geometric analysis. Use of complex numbers. Mobility of three-dimensional mechanisms: Malishev criterion
Topic 9. Kinematic analysis. Rotational movement. Translation-rotation movement. Calculation of speeds and accelerations of the parts of a mechanism. Vector method. Use of complex numbers.
Topic 10. Dynamic analysis of mechanisms. Free body diagram. Static balance of forces. Centers of gravity. Dynamic balance of forces. Moment of inertia. Steiner's theorem.
Topic 11. Rotary transmission. Gears. Belt trnansmission. Cams. Screw and rotary-linear transmission. Shaft transmission. Universal joints.
Topic 12. Reducing devices. Endless screws. Ordinary gear trains. Epicycloidal trains. Cycloidal reducers. Harmonic reducers.
Topic 13. Hydraulic and pneumatic transmission. Principle of hydraulic transmission. Hydraulic cylinders. Distributor valves. Pumps and accessory valves. Simple hydraulic circuit. Load losses. Calculation of simple hydraulic circuits. Pneumatic circuits.
Topic 14. Application mechanisms in robots. Mechanical operation of industrial robots. Examples of robots with cams. Arms and trunks with universal joints. Flexible mechanisms.
Practice nº 1: Assembly and measurement using basic resistive sensors.
Practice nº 2: Conditioning and amplification in resistive sensors
Practice nº 3: Assembly of measurement systems with inductive and capacitive sensors
Practice nº 4: Distance and position sensors.
Practice nº 5: Simulation of mechanical systems: basic mechanisms.
Practice nº 6: Simulation of mechanical systems: walking mechanisms. Synthesis of planar mechanisms.Basic bibliography
1.Perez García M.A. “Instrumentación electrónica” ed Paraninfo (2014)
2. Fraile Mora, J., García Gutierrez, P, Fraile Ardanuy J. “Instrumentación aplicada a la ingeniería” ed Garceta (2013)
3. Myszka D.H. “Máquinas y mecanismos” ed. Pearson (2012)
4. Norton, R.L. “Diseño de máquinas: síntesis y análisis de máquinas y mecanismos” ed. McGraw-hill (2013)
Complementary bibliography
5. Pallás Areny R. “Sensores y acondicionadores de eseñal” ed Marcombo (2003)
6. Fraden J. “Handbook of Modern Sensors” ed Springer (2016)
7. Sandin P.E. “Robot mechanisms and mechanical devices illustrated” ed McGraw-Hill (2003)
8. Sandler B.Z. “Robotics. Designing the mechanisms for autometed machinery” ed Academic Press (1999)Knowledge:
Con25. Know the fundamentals of sensorization in automated systems
Con26. Learn about passive and active sensors used in robotics
Con27. Know the basic principles of mechanisms in robotic systems.
H/D27. Select the most appropriate sensors and mechanisms to solve a robotics problem.
H/D28. Be able to combine knowledge about electronic instrumentation to design new measuring devices.
H/D29. Adequately handle the calculation tools used for the analysis and design of mechanisms.
Comp03. Understand in engineering problems the physical foundations on which robotics engineering is based: statics, kinematics, dynamics, electromagnetism and electrical and electronic circuits.
Comp08. Know the usual sensors in robotics and the methods and techniques for processing the information captured.Four-month course , with the following schedule distribution and methodology in each case:
- 24 theoretical hours distributed at two hours per week, given as a lecture with the support of blackboard, slides and video projector.
- 12 hours of seminars iterative solving exercises and problems
- 3 hours of tutorials in small groups distributed during the weeks of expository and interactive teaching.
- 12 practical hours carried out in the computer room and in the electrical engineering laboratory, where the methodology will be as follows: brief explanation of the work to be carried out and the students carry out the practice..
- Teaching support through the virtual campus, possibility of taking theory tests in which the correct learning of the subject will be verified and that will help to prepare the theory part of the final exam; There will also be the different contents of the course such as agenda, transparencies, practical schedules, ... There will be a forum where questions can be consulted, and that will complement the face-to-face tutorialsAssessment consists of 3 sections:
a.) Evaluation of practices (20% of the final mark). The practices will be evaluated through submission of a final report, taking 20% of weight on the final qualification of the matter. The practical sessions are obligatory attendance.
b) Exercises and solving theoretical questions in the classroom (20% of the final mark).
Small exercises and tests of theoretical issues will be raised on several occasions throughout the course. These tests may be made at the end of any presential session without prior notice, or you may be notified one day in advance.
c) Final and partial exams (60% of the final mark). A final exam and an optional partial will be performed. The exams will consist of a part of theory and other exercises. (20-40 % theory, 60-80 % exercises) being required to achieve at least 25% of the score of each exercise to pass the exam. The partial exam will count 30% of the final mark, and the final examination of the ordinary call will count 30% of the approved status. In this case, only non evaluated mater will be evaluated in the final examination . People who do not wish to make the partial examination, or who do not overcome, will take the final exam of the whole subject, and in this case the value of 60% of the final mark. The minimum final exam mark will be 4 out of 10.
For the extraordinary call will be on the same conditions as for the ordinary call.
Repeaters students may attend theoretical classes and problems at their discretion. In addition, they may submit to all examinations and tests carried out for students of first registration.
The practices will be valid for two academic years from its completion, so it will not repeat in this period.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating student academic performance and reviewing grades will apply.
Relationship between assessment system and assessed competences.
Exercises in classroom, partial and final exam (80%): competences Con25, Con26, Con27, H/D27, H/D28, H/D29, Comp03, Comp08
Practices performance and practice report (20%): competences Con26, H/D28, H/D29, Comp08Presential:
- Attendance to lectures and seminars: 36 hours
- Carrying out the practice in a group, following the teacher's instructions and taking into account the security measures: 12 hours
- Tutoring sessions in small groups: 3 h
- Individualized tutoring sessions: 4 h
Total: 55 h
No presential:
- Study of the theoretical contents and personal work to know, understand and synthesize the knowledge imparted on the subject: 48 hours (48 hours of lectures)
- Application of theoretical knowledge to practical exercises and resolution of practical exercises: (15 interactive hours, 6 tutorials in small groups, 3 individual tutorials)
- Association of theoretical contents to the practices carried out by solving proposed questions: 13 hours (9 interactive hours, 4 hours of tutoring in small groups)
Total: 85 h
- Conduct of exams and review: 10 h
Course total: 150 h- Attendance and participation in classes, seminars and practices.
- Dedication to the theoretical study and regularly exercises and questions raised.
- Use of the virtual campus tutoring and consultation of doubts arising from the study of matter as required.The subject will be taught in Galician language
Miguel Angel Gonzalez Garcia
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- miguelangel.gonzalez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
1º Semester - September 16th-22nd Tuesday 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2) Exams 01.20.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2) 01.20.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 8 (Lecture room 2) 06.17.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 7 (Lecture room 2) 06.17.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 8 (Lecture room 2)