ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 90
Expository Class: 45
Interactive Classroom: 15
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agroforestry EngineeringCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The matter integrates knowledge of the bases and foundations of geology, soil science and hydrology for its application in the field of landscape:
-Know and identify the main types of rocks.
-Environmental risks associated with lithology.
-Know the factors and processes of soil formation.
-Know the components and the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
-Basic ability to carry out the description and classification of soils.
-Know the functions and ecosystem services of the soil.
-Know the factors that determine the quality and health of the soil and have the capacity to propose measures for its conservation and improvement.
-Know the processes of soil degradation and have the capacity to propose measures for its recovery.
Identifications of the landscapes associated with lithology, soils and climate.
-Laying the foundations for specialization at a technical, teaching and research level in Hydrology
and Soil Science.
-Know the data sources, the methods of measurement and calculation of the main components of the water cycle. Hydrological planning and legislation in Spain.
-Relate the morphometric characteristics of the drainage basin, the flow regime and the fluvial processes and forms. Introduce the -study of free flow of water.
-Assess the importance of groundwater resources and interpret the characteristics hydraulics of geological materials and the laws that govern the flow of groundwater.BLOCK I. Study of the main types of rocks. Forms of relief associated to the lithology and its contribution to the landscape. Lithologic landscapes, structural landscapes, anthropic landscapes (miners). Risks associated with lithology.
Exposition hours block I: 10
Interactive hours block I: 4
Work hours student block I: 20
BLOCK II. Soil study: Morphology, formation and evolution; Composition and properties, taxonomy and distribution; Degradation and recovery. Soil and landscape.
Exposition hours block II: 20
Interactive hours block II: 6
Student work hours block II: 45
BLOCK III. Study of water resources and their management. Exploitation and economic use. Superficial, subsurface and groundwater hydrology. Fundamentals of Channel Hydraulics. Water resources management at various intervention scales.
Exposition hours block III: 15
Interactive hours block III: 5
Student work hours block III: 25
These contents will be developed according to the following program:
BLOCK I: GEOLOGY: 10 hours
ITEM 1. -Landscape Modeling
Modeling lithological. Fluvial modeling. Periglacial and Glacier modeling. Coastal modeling. Wind modeling. Climatic modeling.
ITEM 2. -Petrology.
Cycle of rocks. Igneous rocks: Plutonism and volcanism. Sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic rocks.
Collapses and subsidences. Gravitational processes: Landslides, landslides and flows.
Vertical organization of soils: profile and horizons. Study of the factors of soil formation: climate, starting material relief, organisms and time.
2.1. Solid phase of the soil. Soil texture. Mineral an organic fractions. Soil Exchange Capacity. 2.2. Soil solution. 2.3. Gaseous phase.
Soil structure. Mechanisms of formation of aggregates. Density and porosity. Aeration. Soil Color and landscape.
Natural and induced acidity. Damping power of the ground. Acidity correction. Salinity and alkalinity. Redox state of the soil.
Main nutrients. Dynamics of nutrients in the soil. Species available to the plant. Deficiency and toxicity.
Degradation of physical, chemical and biological properties. Erosion . Pollution. Recovery of soils affected by mining and integration into the landscape.
Importance of soil classification. Classification of soils by THE FAO-UNESCO system: main soil units. Soils of Galicia.
Relation of the factors of formation of the ground with the landscape. Distribution of soils in the landscape. Soil points of interest.
Hydrological cycle. Legal framework of water in Spain: Law and regulation. Hydrological systems and subsystems. Hydrological models.
Types of precipitation. Measurement of humidity in the atmosphere. Measurement of precipitation. Estimation of missing data. Determination of precipitation over an area. Density of rainfall stations.
Solar radiation. Wind: Speed profiles. Methods for estimating the potential Evaporation and potential Evapotranspiration of the reference crop.
Water content and potential in the soil. Instantaneous infiltration and accumulated infiltration. Factors affecting infiltration. . Measurement of infiltration. Infiltration models.
Types of Hydrograms. Interpretation of Flow records: units. Flow measures. Level measurements. Water velocity measurements. Gauging curves.
Probabilistic treatment of hydrological information. Statistical distributions used in hydrology. Return period. Adjustment of a statistical distribution.
Types of runoff. Theories of generation of surface runoff. Effective precipitation. SCS curve number method. Hydrological models for calculating monthly runoff in non-gauged basins (calibration).
Base flow. Unit hydrograph: Time of concentration. Synthetic unit hydrograms. Rational method.
Concepts of groundwater hydrology. Classification of aquifers. Springs.
Flow types. Manning equation. Energy conservation equation. Hydraulic jump.
Seminar 1. Liming and fertility problems (1h)
Seminar 2. Soil analysis interpretation (1h)
Seminar 3. Soil classification (1h)
Seminar 4. Problems of estimation of evapotranspiration, infiltration, hydrological statistics, treatment of hydrological data (1 hour)
Seminar 5. Problems of estimation of the effective precipitation with the curve number method, Hydrograms, rational method (IC 5.2) (1 hour)
Seminar 6. Problems of water flow in free regime (1 hour)
Practice 1.- Visual identification of rocks (2h)
Practice 2. Characterization of a hydrological basin using a Geographic information system (2 hour)
Practice 1.- Interpretation of soil profiles in the landscape
Practice 2.- Field trip: Geological and soil route for the recognition of materials, geologic structures, modeling and soil types. 3hBASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
BASE REFERENCIAL MUNDIAL DEL RECURSO SUELO 2014. Sistema internacional de clasificación de suelos para la nomenclatura de suelos y la creación de leyendas de mapas de suelos. Informes sobre recursos mundiales de suelos nº 106. Roma 2016.
CEDEX. 2011. Mapa de caudales máximos Memoria Técnica. CEDEX. Madrid. 73 pp. http://hercules.cedex.es/caumax/caumax_v2.rar
CHOW, V. T.; MAIDMENT, D. R. y MAYS, L.W. 1994. Hidrología aplicada. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. Santa fe de Bogotá. 584 pp.
CHESWORTH, W. 2008. Encyclopedia of soil Science. Springer, Dordrecht (The Netherlands). 902pp.
FRANZINI, JB., y FINNEMORE, E. 1999. Mecánica de fluidos con aplicaciones en ingeniería. McGraw Hill
GUITIÁN, F., CARBALLAS, T., 1976. Técnicas de análisis de suelos. Editorial Pico Sacro, Santiago de Compostela.
HEC. 2000. HEC-HMS Hydrologic Modeling System. Technical reference manual. Hydrologic Engineering Center. US Army Corps of Engineers. Davis. https://www.hec.usace.army.mil/confluence/hmsdocs/hmstrm
MUÑOZ CARPENA, R., RITTER RODRÍGUEZ, A.. 2005. Hidrología Agroforestal. Mundi-Prensa Libros, SA. Madrid: 360 pp.
PORTA CASANELLAS J., LOPEZ-ACEVEDO REGUERÍN M., ROQUERO DE LABURU C. 2003. Edafología para la agricultura y el medio ambiente. Ed. Mundi Prensa, Madrid.
TARBUCK E.J., LUTGENS, F.K. (2005). Ciencias de la Tierra. Una introducción a la Geología Física. 6ª Ed. Prentice Hall, Madrid.
BRADY N. C., WEIL R. R. 1999. The Nature and properties of Soils. Ed. Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
BREEMEN, N. van. 1991. Soil Acidification and Alkalinization. In Ulrico, B., M.E. Sumner (eds): Soil Acidity. Springer-Verlag.
COLLISCHONN, W.; TASSI, R. 2008. Introduzindo a hidrologia. IPH UFRGS- Brasil. Disponible en: https://biblioteca.isced.ac.mz/bitstream/123456789/687/1/INTRODU%C3%87A…
DOMINGUEZ VIVANCOS, A. 1997. Tratado de Fertilización. Editorial Mundi –Prensa. Madrid.
DUCHAUFOUR Ph., SOUCHIER B. 1987. Edafología.2. Constituyentes y Propiedades del Suelo. Ed. Masson SA. Barcelona.
HEGGEN, R. J. (Ed.). 1996. Hydrology handbook. 2ª edición. ASCE Press. New York. 784pp.
KATIE, P. 2017. Pedology : formation, morphology and classification of soil. Callisto Reference. New York . 249pp.
MAIDMENT, D. R. 1989. Handbook of hydrology. McGraw-Hill Inc. New York. 1250pp.
MONROE J.S., WICANDER, R., POZO, M. (2008). Geología. Dinámica y evolución de la Tierra. Ed. Paraninfo. Madrid.
MUNSELL COLOR COMPANY. 1998. Munsell Soil Colour Charts. Macbeth Division of Kollomorgen Corporation. MaryLand, USA.
POZO, M., GONZÁLEZ, J., GINER, J. (2003). Geología Práctica. Prentice Hall, Madrid.
SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, F.J., LASTRA FERNÁNDEZ, J. (Coordinadores). 2011. Guía metodológica para el desarrollo del Sistema Nacional de Cartografía de Zonas Inundables. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino Madrid 349 pp.
WILD, A. 1992. Condiciones del suelo y desarrollo de las plantas según Russell. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
WMO. 2012. International Glossary of Hydrology. https://library.wmo.int/doc_num.php?explnum_id=8209
Páginas web:
http://hidrologia.usal.es/BASIC AND GENERAL
CG5-Knowledge in basic, scientific and technological subjects that allow a continuous learning, as well as a capacity to adapt to new situations.
CG6-to know the physical and environmental problems; hydrological and climatic factors; The edaphology and the vegetal quality that determine the landscape.
CB1-that students have proven to possess and understand knowledge in a study area that is part of the basis of general secondary education, and is often found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that They involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study
CB2-that students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competencies that are often demonstrated by means of the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study
CB3-that students have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues
CB4-that students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public
CB5-that students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy
CT1-Express oneself correctly, both orally and in written form, in the official languages of the Autonomous community. Analytical and synthesis capacity. Ability for reasoning and argumentation. Ability to elaborate and present an organized and comprehensible text. Ability to make public exposure in a clear, concise and coherent way.
CT2-To use the basic tools of the information and Communication technologies (ICT) necessary for the exercise of his profession and for the learning throughout his life. Skill in the management of information and communication technologies (ICT). Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and up-to-date information. Use of bibliographic and Internet information.
CT3-Develop for the exercise of a citizenship respectful with the democratic culture, the human rights and the perspective of gender. Ability to work as a group and to cover problematic situations collectively.
CT4-Acquiring life skills. And healthy habits, routines and lifestyles.
CT5-to stimulate the capacity to work in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary teams, to offer proposals that contribute to an environmental, economic, political and social sustainable development.
CT6-Ability to manage time and resources: develop plans, prioritize, activities. Identify criticisms, set deadlines and meet them. Individual working capacity, with self-critical attitude.
CT7-Assess the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the socio-economic advancement and culture of society.
CT8-Understand the importance of the entrepreneurial culture and know the means available to the enterprising people.
CE08-Scientific and technical knowledge about the landscape: geology, edaphology, climatology, geomorphology.
CE10-knowledge of hydrology and its methods for calculating and representing watersheds, floods, flood zones, runoffs, groundwater conditions
CE15-knowledge of the principles of landscape engineering, Edaphology and botany: treatment of soils and sowing, etc.The classroom activities will be structured in exposition classes and interactive classes (laboratory practices, seminars and field trips). In support of these activities the students will be provided with adequate teaching material, either printed or through the Virtual classroom.
Exposition classes:
Participatory master lessons. The teacher will present the theoretical concepts that allow the student to approach the study and compression of the subject. Audiovisual media will be used as support. The student's critical participation will be promoted.
Competencies worked: CG5, CG6, CB5, CT7, CE08, CE10, CE15
Interactive classes:
The interactive classes are compulsory and are a complement to the contents presented in the theory classes. Will be carried out:
1. Laboratory and field trip: In the laboratory, the methodology will be taught to visually identify different specimens of minerals and rocks. In the field trip will describe soil profiles developed on different starting materials and discuss their properties, skills, limitations and classification; Landscapes associated with rocks and soils will be identified.
2. Troubleshooting: calculations related to physical and chemical Properties Will be carried out, as well as exercises relating to soil classification. Problems related to the Hydrology section will also be resolved.
3. Elaboration of field work: The student will carry out, a group work of 2 people, of obligatory character, consisting of a geological, soil and hydrologic study of a certain zone.
Competencies worked: CG6, CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, CB5, CT1-CT6, CT8, CE08, CE10, CE15The evaluation of the learning will be made taking into account theoretical tests, practical tests, group work and assistance and implication in the different programmed activities, of which the percentage of each part on the qualification is indicated below. terminante:
1. Theoretical tests (includes all the contents explained in the theoretical classes and seminars): 60%. This test will evaluate the following competencies: NG5, NG6, CB5, CE08, CE10, CE15
2. Practical laboratory tests, seminars (25%):
2.1.1. Visu rocks identification (10%).
2.1.2. Examination of the seminars given in the Edaphology block and evaluation of the reports submitted for both the practices and the Hydrology seminars (15%).
3. Field work (15%). The work approved during an academic year will be retained.
With the practical tests and field work the following competencies will be assessed: NG6 CB2, CB3, CB5, CT1, CT5, CT6, CE08, CE10, CE15
During the course there will be a partial test of blocks I and II (Geology and Soil Science), which can be passed independently, as long as a minimum grade of 5 is achieved in each block. They can also be compensated and approved jointly if the average reaches a 5 and each block exceeds a minimum grade of 4. To take this partial test, 75% attendance to theoretical and practical classes will be essential. For repeating students this percentage will be 50%.
At the first opportunity all students (repeaters and non-repeaters) will examine all the matter (if not to pass the first partial) or only of block III (case of having passed blocks I and II). The three blocks (GEOLOGY, EDAPHOLOGY and HYDROLOGY) can be compensated if a minimum rating of 4 is obtained in the theoretical examination and the whole of the note is a minimum of 5.
In the second opportunity all students (repeaters and non-repeaters) be presented to unpassed blocks. In order to calculate the final qualification, the same criteria will be maintained at the first opportunity, i.e. to achieve a minimum score of 4 in each one in the theoretical examination and the whole of the note is a minimum of 5.
Since in this matter there is a final test, it should be known that on the one hand, it is complementary to the continuous evaluation of the previous phases (since in the final test aspects that were not evaluated before are evaluated), but it can also be seen as an alternative to continuous assessment, for the cases of students who have not passed the assessment tests of the previous phases. In addition, it should be clear that the final test is mandatory for all students (whether or not they passed the continuous assessment), since (as already indicated) some aspects that were not previously assessed will be assessed in it. What will vary will be the contents of which the different students will be evaluated, since the students who have already passed some in previous phases of the continuous evaluation (according to the criteria indicated previously) will not have to be examined in the final test of those contents that they had already passed.
Students with class attendance waiver will be assessed by examining each of the parts (theory, practices and seminars) and field work. They may perform partial exams.
In cases where fraudulent conduct is detected in the performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of “Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión das cualificacións” will apply.Reading and preparing topics: 40h
Pre-preparation of practices and subsequent work on them: 15 h
Elaboration of field work: 20 h (group or individual)
Preparation and execution of evaluation exams: 3 h
TOTAL: 90h-Follow-up of the matter on a continuous basis and read the recommended bibliography.
Maria Josefa Fernandez Sanjurjo
- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Phone
- 982823141
- mf.sanjurjo@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Jorge Dafonte Dafonte
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- jorge.dafonte@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Esperanza Alvarez Rodriguez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- esperanza.alvarez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Raquel Cela Dablanca
- Department
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- Area
- Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
- raquel.dablanca@usc.es
- Category
- Predoutoral USC_Campus Terra
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Tuesday 15:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Seminario do Territorio (Pav.II-PSI) Wednesday 15:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Seminario do Territorio (Pav.II-PSI) Exams 01.13.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 5 (Lecture room 2) 06.13.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 5 (Lecture room 2)