ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 12ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 280.5
Hours of tutorials: 14
Interactive Classroom: 5.5
Total: 300Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Electronics and ComputingAreas:
Computer Architecture and Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Languages and Computer SystemsCenter
Higher Technical Engineering SchoolCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The Final Project consists of the elaboration by the student of a personal work where the knowledge and skills developed during the studies carried out in the Degree are applied and integrated, as well as the student's capacity for creativity and originality.
The work done must be original and independent, with its own identity, although it may be part of a broader or general development.The contents of the Final Project must fit into one of the following categories:
(a) Development of an idea, prototype or theoretical modeling of a computer system that constitutes a contribution to computer science techniques.
b) Specification, analysis, design and implementation of the different aspects of a module of a computer system or a complete computer system.
c) Carrying out technical and/or socio-economic studies related to Information Technologies.The specific bibliography for each project will be specified in the different project proposals approved by the Final Project Committee.
The specific competencies to be developed during the completion of the final project depend on the specific topic of each project.
The general competences to be developed during the final project are: analysis and synthesis skills, organization and planning skills, oral and written communication in the native language, critical reasoning, computer skills related to the field of study, autonomous learning, creativity and problem solving.The TFG involves the development of a project, report or original study by each student, individually or in groups, under the supervision of one or more academic tutors, which integrates and develops the training content received, skills, competencies and abilities acquired during the undergraduate studies. For the group development of the work
there must be a clear delimitation of tasks among the members of the group, so that the participation of each student in the overall result is perfectly assessable. The qualification, the title of the work and the report delivered will always be individual for each student.
Every TFG requires a tutor to assist the student. Students should contact the tutor of the proposal they agree with, in order to jointly elaborate the agreement document. This agreement must be submitted in the academic year in which the proposal is assigned, and delivered to the Secretary of the ETSE using the mechanisms established by it. The document will be submitted in pdf format, with digital signature or scanned signature, with a deadline of the last working day of February for its defense in July or September, or the last working day of October for its defense in February.
The agreement document will include:
(a) Identity data (including acceptance signature).
b) Identity data of the Tutor of the TFG (including the acceptance signature).
c) Identity data of the Cotitor of the TFG, if applicable (including the acceptance signature).
d) Title of the TFG.
e) Overall objective and sub-objectives of the TFG.
The list of agreements received will be published by the Secretariat after the deadline for submission of the agreements.
The Xunta de Centro will approve and publish the periods for the submission of the TFG reports together with the official exams of each academic year. The report submitted will show the work developed by the students. As a general rule, the report will have a maximum length of 50 pages (excluding the table of contents, bibliography and manuals), and will include the documentation indicated in the TFG regulations.The evaluation system admits two modalities: evaluation by the tutor and evaluation by a tribunal. When applying for the defense of the TFG, the student may choose between the public defense in front of the tutor and the public defense in front of a tribunal. The presentation of the TFG will have a recommended duration of 20 minutes per student, and will be a public act. The examining board or the tutor will be able to ask as many questions and issues as they deem appropriate. By default, the evaluation will be carried out by a tribunal.
1) Tutor-based evaluation. The public defense will be carried out in the corresponding call published by the Center indicating date, time and place. The maximum qualification that can be obtained in this modality is 7.5 points out of 10.
2) Tribunal-based evaluation: the evaluation by a tribunal must comply with the following requirements:
- The panels in charge of evaluating the TFG will be formed by three members (president, secretary and member) and an alternate member who will be PDI with teaching in the Degree.
- The persons who carry out the tutoring function of a TFG may not be members of the Tribunal that judges it.
The evaluation will be from 0 to 10 points and will include the following aspects:
a) Quality of the work (CT): 65%.
b) Documentation (D): 20%.
c) Presentation (P): 15%.
The final grade awarded will be given by the following weighting: 0.65*CT+0.20D+0.15*P (indicated to one decimal place).
In the case of evaluation by the Tutor, the final grade cannot exceed 7.5.
Students who, once the work has been submitted and the conditions for its defense have been verified, do not attend the defense of the TFG on the assigned date, will have the qualification of failed opportunity table.300 hours including personal work, face-to-face tutorials and evaluation will be required.
The Final Degree Project Commission of the degree is responsible for ensuring the correct development of all aspects related to this subject.
Students are recommended to consult the TFG regulations and to follow the information made public by the Final Degree Project Committee.