ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Agroforestry EngineeringCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Knowledge of wood as a structural material particularly in relation to their physico-mechanical properties, its preservation and use in the context of actual building. Knowledge acquisition in the calculation of wooden structures, analyzing the basis of calculation, the fire performance, durability and protection against the agents of deterioration, etc.
The degree report for this subject includes the following contents:
- Degree of protection of wood.
- Risk classes of wood.
- Degradation by abiotic and biotic factors.
- Wood protection products and application methods.
- Thermal protection of wood.
- Protection of timber against fire.
- The wood as building element. Wood properties related to its durability.
- Conditioners for use of wood in construction.
- Design and calculation of wooden structures. Specific regulations.
- Methodologies for inspection, assessment and diagnosis of wood elements: main non-destructive techniques.
These contents are developed according to the following list of topics where an estimate of the number of hours assigned to each topic is indicated (hours of theoretical classes + hours of interactive classes + personal work hours):
1. The water in the timber.
2. Moisture content of wood.
3. Hygroscopicity.
4. Swelling and shrinkage.
5. Density.
6. Rules applicable to the determination of the physical properties of wood.
7. Timber as structural material. Comparison with other materials.
8. Mechanical properties of wood.
9. Factors affecting the mechanical properties.
10. Rules applicable to the determination of the mechanical properties of wood.
Topic II.- BASIS OF CALCULUS. (2h t + 1h i + 8h pw)
1. Regulatory framework.
2. Basis of calculation (Technical Building Code).
2.1 Structural analysis.
2.2 Material properties. Correction factors.
2.3 Factors affecting the structural behaviour.
2.3.1 Types of load duration.
2.3.2 Service classes.
2.3.3 Calculus values. Correction factor.
3. Combination of actions.
3.1 Ultimate Limit States.
3.2 Serviceability Limit States.
4. Resistant System Classes.
5. Structural classification of wood.
Topic III.- CHECKING OF SECTIONS. (4h t + 6h i + 21h pw)
1. Checking rates. Parallel to the fiber tensions.
2. Checking rates. Shear stresses.
3. Checking rates. Stresses perpendicular to the fiber.
Topic IV.- STABILITY. (3h t + 2h i + 11h pw)
1. Study of columns. Buckling phenomenon.
1.1 Column on roller supports. Buckling load.
1.2 Column on roller supports. Critical buckling stress.
1.3 Effective buckling length.
1.4 Checking of sections.
2. Study of stability in beams. Lateral overturning.
2.1 Simply supported beam. Critical moment of lateral overturning.
2.2 Simply supported beam. Critical stress of lateral overturning.
2.3 Effective length of lateral overturning.
2.4 Checking of sections.
Topic V.- ANALYSIS OF DEFORMATION. (2h t + 2h i + 9h pw)
1. Objectives of the study of the deformation.
2. Determination of displacement.
2.1 Momentary deformation.
2.2 Delayed deformation: creep.
3. Control of the deformation.
3.1 Components.
3.2 Limits.
Topic VI.- FIRE RESISTANCE OF WOOD. (2h t + 2h i + 8h pw)
1. Phases of the fire.
1.1 Classification of materials according to their reaction to fire.
1.2 Classification of materials according to their resistance to fire.
2. Burning behavior of wood.
2.1 Carbonization speed.
3. Basis of calculation.
3.1 Design values of material properties.
3.2 Design values of actions and its effects.
4. Calculation methods: the method of the effective cross section.
Topic VII.- JOINTS. (4h t + 4h i + 16h pw)
1. Traditional joints.
1.1 Par-strut assembly.
1.2 Mortise and tenon joint.
2. Joints with fasteners.
2.1 Plug elements.
Topic VIII.- WOOD PRESERVATION. (2.5h t + 2h i + 7h pw)
1. Introduction.
2. Classes of natural durability.
3. Classes of biohazard.
3.1 Assignment of classes.
4. Chemical protection of structural wood.
4.1 Protective products.
4.2 Application systems.
5. Thermal protection.
6. Protection by design.
Topic IX.- WOOD STRUCTURAL INSPECTION. (2.5h t + 2h i + 7h pw)
1. Introduction.
2. Non-destructive techniques.
2.1 Mechanical techniques.
2.2 Acoustic techniques.Basic bibliography:
- Argüelles Álvarez, R. et al. 2013. Estructuras de madera. Bases de cálculo. AITIM. Madrid.
- Argüelles Álvarez, R. et al. 2015. Estructuras de madera. Uniones. AITIM. Madrid.
- Código Técnico de la Edificación. 2010. I) SE. II) SE-AE. Acciones en la edificación. III) SE-M. Estructuras de madera. IV) SI. Seguridad en caso de Incendio. Ministerio de Fomento. Madrid.
- Eurocódigo 5. 2016. Proyecto de estructuras de madera. Parte 1-1. Reglas generales y reglas para la edificación. Parte 1-2. Proyecto de estructuras sometidas a incendio. AENOR. Madrid.
- Porteus, J.; Kermani, A. 2013. Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5. Ed. Blackwell Publishing.
Complementary bibliography:
- Arriaga Martitegui, F.; Peraza Sánchez, F.; Esteban Herrero, M. 2003. Madera aserrada estructural. AITIM. Madrid.
- Bucur, V. 2006. Acoustics of wood. Springer. Berlín.
- Dupraz, P.A.; Mooser, M.; Pflug, D. 2009. Dimensionnement des structures en bois. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. Lausanne.
- Fernández-Golfín Seco, J.I.; Díez Barra, M.R.; Hermoso Prieto, E.; Mier Pérez, R. 2003. Manual de clasificación de madera. AITIM. Madrid.
- Herzog, T.; Natterer, J.; Schweitzer, R.; Volz, M: Winter, W. 2005. Construire en bois. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. Lausanne.
- Natterer, J.; Sandoz, J.L.; Rey, M. 2004. Construction en bois. Matériau, Technologies et dimensionnement. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. Lausanne.
- Petit Martínez, R. 2009. Protección y conservación de la madera. Andavira Editora. Santiago de Compostela.In this subject the student will acquire or perform a series of general competences, desirable in any university degree, and specific competences, of interest in the main in engineering or in particular, in agricultural engineering. Within the framework of competencies that are designed for the degree, related to this subject are:
A) Basic, general and transversal competences:
• CT3 – Ability to work individually with self-critical attitude.
• CT4 - Ability to work together as a group and address problematic situations collectively.
• CT6 - Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
• CG9 - Knowledge of hydraulics, construction, electricity, forest roads, machinery and mechanization needed both for the management of forest ecosystems and their conservation.
• CG11 - Ability to characterize the anatomical and technological properties of forest timber and non-wood raw materials, as well as technologies and industries of these materials.
• CG13 - Ability to design, manage, develop, implement and interpret plans and projects and to write technical reports, reconnaissance reports, assessments, expert opinions and appraisals.
B) Specific competences:
• CETEIF1 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Internal anatomical structure and macroscopic properties of wood.
• CETEIF2 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Supplying raw material in the forest industry.
• CETEIF3 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Knowledge of the basic principles of the processes of primary and secondary processing of wood.
• CETEIF4 - Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Knowledge for calculation and design of facilities of carpentry, drying, peeling and grinding of wood.The theoretical contents are presented in the form of participative lectures that are expository, so that students receive an essential basis for the development of their own independent work. These activities are based on making presentations by computer and the use of classic chalkboards for troubleshooting. All of these activities are supported by the virtual classroom available for this subject. List of competences worked in the theoretical classes: CG9, CG11, CG13, CETEIF1, CETEIF2, CETEIF3, CETEIF4.
With regard to interactive teaching it is scheduled seminars under the format of group work and which will discuss specific topics. The work done in these seminars will be supplemented by laboratory sessions in which each student will work individually. These sessions are aimed at using the tools available in the laboratory of calculus of structures, and in them the acquired knowledge to solve practical cases will be applied that sometimes will require handling material in English. Attendance at the interactive sessions is not mandatory.
As a complement, a facultative study trip will be made to visit the facilities of a supplier of structural timber. During the visit the students can learn the process of making a type structure; from receipt of raw material, to final assembly of all components. In this way, the trip is a summary of the content addressed in the field, allowing a clear view of the current situation in the sector of wood construction.
In interactive teaching, the list of worked competences is the following one: CT3, CT4, CT6, CG9, CG11, CETEIF2, CETEIF3, CETEIF4.
Finally, they are scheduled both individual as small group tutorials, in order to complement the work done in the described activities. List of competences worked in tutoring group activities: CT4, CG13.A continuous evaluation system will be followed with the following weighting of activities:
- Student participation in classroom activities (15%) and the use of academics activities (15%). Evaluated competences: CG11, CETEIF1, CETEIF2, CETEIF3
- Course works delivered and/or exposed (70%). Evaluated competences: CT6, CG9, CG13, CETEIF4
The final grade will be the result of the sum of those obtained for each item, and must reach a minimum of 5 points out of 10 to pass the subject.
Application conditions:
In the call corresponding to the first opportunity, the evaluation system already described will be applied both for newly enrolled students and for repeaters. Regarding the call corresponding to the second opportunity, all the students will be evaluated by taking a final compulsory test related to the contents of the subject (70%).
Those students who have been granted a waiver of attendance will not be able to take advantage of the planned continuous assessment system, having to pass a written test related to the contents of the subject (100%).
For newly enrolled students and for repeaters, the grades obtained in the different aspects evaluated will be valid in all the calls of the academic year in which they are reached, having no effect on subsequent courses.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of student academic performance and the review of qualifications will apply.On average, it is considered necessary an hour of study for each hour of a theoretical nature on the subject, to which are added an average of two hours a week for the conduct of case studies derived from the classes of problems.
The degree report includes the record of the subject on which an estimate of the time spent on each of the study activities is given:
- Expository teaching: 24 h
- Interactive teaching: 24 h
- Tutorials in small groups: 3 h
- Reading and preparation of subject contents: 45 h
- Doing subject exercises: 25 h
- Exam: 4 h
- Preparation of course work: 15 h
- Preparation of assessment tests: 10 h
These activities make a total of 150 hours of student work, of which 55 correspond to face-to-face attendance in the classroom/laboratory.Attendance to classes, active participation in their development, for that it is recommended the reading and/or advance preparation of the contents. Daily review of the contents for acquire the knowledge. Attendance to practices. Use of recommended bibliography. Use of the tutorials provided.
Acquisition of competences:
CTEIF1 is acquired also studying the following subject: Wood Technology.
CTEIF2 is acquired also studying the following subjects: First Transformation of Wood Industries, Cellulose and Paper Industries, Secondary Processing of Wood Industries.
CTEIF3 is acquired also studying the following matters: First Transformation of Wood Industries and Secondary Processing of Wood Industries.
CTEIF4 is acquired also studying the following matters: First Transformation of Wood Industries, Cellulose and Paper Industries, Secondary Processing of Wood Industries.
Teaching aid:
To track the subject, students have a virtual course on the Moodle platform which has diverse material available: teaching guide of the subject, transparencies used in lectures, laboratory notebook, access to interesting web pages about the subject, etc.
Ramón Ángel Mariño Allegue
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- r.allegue@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) Thursday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 1 (Lecture room 1) Exams 05.26.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 (Lecture room 3) 07.07.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 (Lecture room 3)