ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 9ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 148.5
Hours of tutorials: 4.5
Expository Class: 36
Interactive Classroom: 36
Total: 225Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Thermal Machines and MotorsCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The memory of the degree includes for this matter the following contents:
Processes of humid air. Transmission of heat. Steam and steam basic installations . Solar energy and hot water installations. Refrigerating systems. Refrigerating installations. Regulation and control of installations.
These contents will be developed according to the following theme:The memory of the degree includes for this matter the following contents:
Processes of humid air. Transmission of heat. Steam and steam basic installations . Solar energy and hot water installations. Refrigerating systems. Refrigerating installations. Regulation and control of installations.
These contents will be developed according to the following theme. And the time spent on each of them is enclosed in brackets: :
1. - Heat transfer by conduction. (theory lessons 4 h and interactive teaching 1 h) / 4 h of non-face-to-face work
2. - Heat transfer by convection. (theory lessons 4 h and interactive teaching 1 h) / 4 h of non-face-to-face work
3. - Heat transfer by radiation. (theory lessons 3 h and interactive teaching 1 h) / 3 h of non-face-to-face work
4. - Transmission heat complex. (theory lessons 4 h and interactive teaching 1 h) / 3 h of non-face-to-face work
5. - Heat Exchangers. (theory lessons 4 h and interactive teaching 2 h) / 5 h of non-face-to-face work
6. - Water vapor. Facilities. (theory lessons 5 h and interactive teaching 2 h) / 5 h of non-face-to-face work
7. - Processes of moist air. Facilities. (theory lessons 4 h and interactive teaching 1 h) / 3 h of non-face-to-face work
8. - Cold production by mechanical compression. (theory lessons 5 h and interactive teaching 2 h) / 5 h of non-face-to-face work
9. - Determination of the cooling capacity. (theory lessons 3 h and interactive teaching 1 h) / 3 h of non-face-to-face work
10. - Main elements of the installation of mechanical compression. (theory lessons 4 h) / 3 h of non-face-to-face work
11. - Refrigerants. Regulation and control of the refrigeration system. (theory lessons 4 h) / 3 h of non-face-to-face work
12. - Solar thermal installations. (theory lessons 4 h) / 3 h of non-face-to-face workBasic bibliography:
B1.- AMIGO MARTÍN, P. Termotecnia. Aplicaciones Agroindustriales. Mundi-Prensa. Madrid 2000
B2.- CHAPMAN, A. J. Transmisión de calor . Interciencia 1999
B3.- COLEGIO OFIC. DE INGEN. AGR. MURCIA. Nuevo curso de ingeniería del frío. A. Madrid Vicente. Madrid 1997
B4.- LOPEZ GÓMEZ, A. Diseño de instalaciones frigoríficas para la industria agroalimentaria. Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Cataluña. Barcelona 1994.
B5.- MORAN M.J. y SHAPIRO, H.N. Termodinámica Técnica. Reverté. Barcelona 1998
B6.- MAGIDE AMEIJIDE, J.M. Termotecnia. Tablas, gráficos, materiales,..Unicopia. Lugo 1996
B7.- PINAZO OJER, J.M. Cálculo de instalaciones frigoríficas. Univ. Polit. de Valencia. Valencia 2002
Complementary bibliography:
BC1.- ILLA y ALIBÉS, J. Problemes de Termotecnia. Eumo. Barcelona 1990
BC2.- INCROPERA, F. Y DEWILT,D. Fundamentos de transferencia de calor. Prentice Hall. México 1999
BC3.- HOLMAN, J.P. Transferencia de calor. Mc Graw Hill. Madrid 2000
BC4.- LÓPEZ GÓMEZ, A. Instalaciones frigoríficas en bodegas. A. Madrid Vicente. Madrid1992.
BC5.- RAPIN, P.J. Instalaciones frigoríficas. Marcombo. Barcelona 1992
BC6.- IDAE. Uso eficiente de energía en calderas y redes de fluidos. Publicaciones IDAE. 1998In this subject the student will obtain or practice generic competences, desirable in whatever university degree, and specific competences, typical of engineering in general or typical of the agricultural engineering and agri-food in particular. Inside the frame of competences that was designed for the degree, will work the followings:
Basic, general, specific general and transverse skills:
CB2 – That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences that tend to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defence of arguments and solving problems inside their field of study.
CB5 - That students have developed those learning skills needed to undertake further studies with a high grade of autonomy.
FB5 – Understanding and mastery of the basic concepts related to the basic principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic waves and fields, and its application for the resolution of engineering-specific problems.
CG1 - Knowledge in basic, scientific, and technological subjects that permit a continuous learning, as well as a capacity to adapt to new situations or changing scopes.
CG4 - Capacity to search and use of the rules and regulations concerning its scope.
CEG1 – Capacity for the prior preparation, conception, drafting and signing projects aimed at the construction, reform, repair, conservation, demolition, manufacture, installation, assembly or exploitation of movable or immovable property, that by they nature and characteristics fall within the technique of agricultural and animal husbandry (installations or buildings, farms, infrastructure and rural routes), the agri-food industry (extractive industries, fermented industries, dairy industries, canning industries, fruit and vegetables industries, meat industries, fishing industries, salting industries and, in general, any other dedicated to the processing and transformation, conservation, handling and distribution of food products) and gardening and landscaping (urban and/or rural green spaces – parks, gardens, tree nurseries, etc. public or private sports facilities and environments submitted to landscaping recovery).
CEG2 – Adequate knowledge of physical problems, technologies, machinery and water and energy supply systems, the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations, and the relations between the installations or the buildings and farm, agri-food industries and spaces related to gardening and landscaping with its social and environmental environment, as well as the need to relate those and that environment with human needs and preservation of the environment.
CEG4 – Capacity for the drafting and signing of measurements, segregations, plots, valuations and appraisals within the rural environment, the specific technique of the agri-food industry and the spaces related with the gardening and landscaping, whether or not are expert reports for judicial or administrative bodies, and regardless of the use to which the movable or immovable property.
CT1 - Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CT3 - Capacity of individual work, with self-critical attitude.
CT4 - Capacity to work in group and include problematic situations in a collective way.
CT5 - Capacity to obtain adequate, diverse and update information.
CT6 – Capacity to develop and present an organized and comprehensible text.
CT7 - Capacity to realize an exposure in public in a clear, concise and coherent way.
CT8 - Commitment to accuracy of the information that present to the others.
CT9 - Ability in the management of technologies of information and communication technology (ICT). CT10 - Use of bibliographic information and Internet.
CT11 - Use of information in foreign language.
CT12-Capacity to solve problems through the integrated application of their specific knowledge.
Specific competences:
IA2 - Capacity to know, understand and use the principles of engineering of agro-alimentary industries: equipment and auxiliary machinery of the agri-food industry. Automation and process control. Engineering of the works and installations. Agro-industrial buildings. Management and utilization of waste.-THEORY LESSONS
The theoretical academic sessions will be used to allow students to learn through exposure professor concepts and methodologies of work needed to start developing your self-employment. These sessions will be conducted mostly with the support of computer presentations and projected; previously will be provided to the student. Skilled competences: CG1, CT1, IA2
The student will be given a series of problem sets that will solve or try to solve, then the interactive sessions will address the doubts and resolutions thereof. Skilled competences: CG4, CT5, CT12, IA2.
In the classroom will be In the classroom will be proposed during the course 3 or 4 works, which the students have to solve. subsequent to the delivery, they made the defense of the same.
Skilled competences: CB2, CB5, , CEG1, CEG2, CEG4, CG4, CT3, CT5, CT6, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, IA2
The professor made an explanation of the theoretical framework necessary for understanding the theory of practice to develop.
Explanation of equipment and instruments
Students operate the equipment, take data order that they can develop the practice report.
The completion of the practices is obligatory.
Skilled competences: CB5, CT1, CT4, CT7, CT9, CT12, IA2
Program of practices to be carried out:
Thermal house
Calorimetric determinations.
Heat exchangers.
Humid air processes.
Refrigerating chamberThe theoretical and practical knowledge will be evaluated through the followings:
At the end of each two themes, at the next session, will do a test type test with basic questions Competences: CB2, IA2
The evaluation of the work will be based on the presentation in the date and the defence of it. Competences: CB2, CG4, CEG1, CEG2, CEG4 CT1, CT3, CT5, CT6, CT7, CT8, CT9, CT10, CT11, CT12, IA2
The evaluation of laboratory practices shall be effected by delivery of the corresponding reports and its later correction. Competences: CB5, CT1, CT4, CT6, CT9 IA2
The exams will consist of two parts: a theoretical, destined to evaluate the knowledge and understanding of the concepts of the subject, and a practical one, dedicated to problems. The theoretical part corresponds to 40% of the score and the practical 60%, still need pass the exam in the practical part obtain a minimum score of 2 points. Competences: CB2, CB5, IA2, CG1, CT1, CT3, CT6, CT10, CT12
The qualification for attendance will be obtained when the student appears in at least 80% of the random checks carried out.
The final qualification of the student shall be obtained as a weighted sum of the marks obtained in all assessable activities made by the same and weighted in the following mode:
Assistance................. 5%
Test of the themes.....10%
Works..................... 15%
Practical…………...….... 10%
Exams... …………..……..60%
For the call second chance all scores are retained except for the examination score. The examination corresponds to the entire subject matter taught.
Overtaken practices are saved for two courses, without detriment to the student who wishes to exercise its right to repeat.
The passed internships will be stored for two years, without the detriment of the student who wishes to exercise his own right to repeat them.
Repeater students, if desired, are retained the grades of the course works, tests and internships, from the previous course.
For students with exemption from assistance,attendance and subject grade weighting percentages are accrued to the exam percentage.
For cases of fraudulent conduct of exercises or tests, will be applied what is included in the Academic Performance Assessment Regulations of students and the review of qualifications.You can make the following estimate:
Preparation and study of issues: 45 h
Troubleshooting: 40 h.
Reporting practices: 12 h.
Works: 24 h
Preparation examinations: 22,5
Examinations: 5 h.It is recommended to have previously studied the subject Physics II.
Attendance at all teaching activities proposed in this course, whether voluntary or
mandatory notoriously facilitate the learning of the subject and also involve the acquisition of
required score for the final qualification. It is therefore recommended to student involvement and
continued participation in all activities.
Resolving doubts arise.
Must perform or attempt to perform the exercises prior to attending classes corresponding interactive.
Regular delivery and date of the proposed work and reports of laboratory practice.
Querying literature, regulatory and commercial catalogs.
Jose Manuel Magide Ameijide
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Thermal Machines and Motors
- Phone
- 982823236
- josemanuel.magide@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University School Lecturer
Annual - September 09th-15th Monday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminario de Cultivos Herbáceos II (Pav.I-PBS) Tuesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminario de Cultivos Herbáceos II (Pav.I-PBS) Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminario de Cultivos Herbáceos II (Pav.I-PBS) Exams 06.02.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 9 (Lecture room 3) 06.26.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 9 (Lecture room 3)