ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.25
Hours of tutorials: 2.25
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Recognise the distinct instruments of environmental management in a company. Design and develop the necessary documentation of a System of Environmental Management (SGM). Form to the students in the basic concepts on Quality and on the Systems of Management of the Quality (SGC) for the forest industries.
The memory of title contemplates for this matter the following contents:
The quality in the forest companies.
Basic statistical methods applicable to the control of quality.
Tools of control of quality of processes.
Rule and legislation linked to the Normalisation and to the Control of Quality.
The environmental management in the forest industry.
Rule and legislation linked to the environmental management in the forest industry.
Implantation of norms of quality.
EstYou contained will be developed according to the following temario:
1.1. Concept and principles of the environmental management.(1 Expository Time)
1.2. Systems of environmental management: ISO 14001 and EMAS.(1 Expository Time)
1.3. Environmental evaluation Initial.(1 Expository Time)
1.4. General requirements and Environmental Politics.(1 Expository Time)
1.5. Identification and evaluation of environmental appearances.(1 Expository Time)
1.6. Legal requirements and volunteers.(1 Expository Time)
1.7. Aims, put and programs of management.(1 Expository Time)
1.8. Documentation of the system of environmental management.(1 Expository Time)
1.9. Communication and training.(1 Expository Time)
1.10. Operational control.(1 Expository Time)
1.11. Environmental emergencies and capacity of answer.(1 Expository Time)
1.12. No compliance, actions correctivas and preventive.(1 Expository Time)
1.13. Internal audits and review by the Direction.(1 Expository Time)
1.14. Certification JOINS�]IN ISO 14001 and Register in the Regulation EMAS.(1 Expository Time)
Seminar (9 hours)
2.1. Introduction to the Quality.(1 Expository Time)
2.2. System of Management of the Quality.(1 Expository Time)
2.3. Statistical foundations of the control of quality.(1 Expository Time)
2.4. Technicians of analysis of quality.(1 Expository Time)
Laboratory (9 hours)AENOR. Gestión Medioambiental e ISO 14000. 1999
AENOR. ISO 14001, Sistemas de Gestión Medioambiental. Especificaciones y Directrices.1996
BENDELL, T. Ventajas competitivas a través del benchmarking : análisis comparativo de la competencia para obtener ventajas competitivas en nuestra empresa. Barcelona : Folio, 1994.
CLEMENTS, B. , (1997) Guía Completa de las Normas ISO 14000. Gestión 2000.
DAVENPORT, T.H. Innovacion de procesos. Reingenieria del trabajo a traves de la tecnologia de la información. Madrid: Diaz de Santos,1997
DRUMMOND, H. La calidad total: el movimiento de la calidad. Bilbao: Deusto 2000 FUNDACIÓN ENTORNO (1998) Impulso a la Gestión Medioambiental en la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa. Módulo de Formación para Técnicos. Iniciativa Entorno-Pyme.
GALGANO, ALBERTO. Los Siete instrumentos de la calidad total: manual operativo Madrid : Díaz de Santos, cop. 1995.
GALOWAY, D. "Mejora Continua de Procesos". Barcelona: Gestión 2000; 1998
GOLDRATT, ELIYAHU M. El síndrome del pajar, Madrid : Diaz de Santos, D.L.1997
HAMMER M. y CHAMPY J. Reingeniería de la empresa : Olvide lo que usted sabe sobre cómo debe funcionar una empresa. ¡Casi todo está equivocado! [Barcelona] : Parramón, D.L.1997
HAYES, B. E. Cómo medir la satisfacción del cliente : desarrollo y utilización de cuestionarios. Barcelona : Ediciones Gestión 2000, S.A., 1995.
HOROVITZ, J. La Calidad del servicio. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, DL 1993. -- (Cinco días : diario de economía y negocios. Libros de empresa ; 7)
KELADA, Productivity "Reingeniería y Calidad Total" AENOR. 1998
KUAN-TSAE, H. Calidad de la información y gestión del conocimiento. Madrid AENOR 2000
PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ DE VELASCO, J. A. Gestión de la calidad orientada a los procesos. Madrid : Esic, 1999
ROBERTS, H & ROBINSON, G. (1999) Manual de Sistema de Gestión Medioambiental. Paraninfo.
SALGUEIRO, A. Como mejorar los procesos y la productividad. Madrid : AENOR, D.L.1999
SENLLÉ, A. Calidad total en los servicios y en la administración pública / Andrés Senlle. -- Barcelona : Gestión 2000, cop. 1993.
SENLLÉ A. Y VILAR J. "ISO 9000 en empresas de servicios", Gestión 2000. cop 1996
WOODSIDE, G & AURRICHIO, P . (2001) Auditoría de Sistemas de Gestión Medioambiental: Introducción a la Norma ISO 14001. McGrawHill.
ZAÏDI, A.QFD : despliegue de la función de la calidad. Madrid : Díaz de Santos, cop. 1993.As it collects in the memory verified of the title, from among the competitions to purchase by the students in the degree, those that provides the matter of Environmental Management and Control of Quality in the Forest Industry are the following
Basic and general competitions
CG4 - Capacity to evaluate and correct the environmental impact, as well as apply the technicians of audit and environmental management.
CG7 - Capacity to resolve the technical problems derived of the management of the natural spaces.
CG12 - Capacity of organisation and planning of companies and other institutions, with knowledge of the legislative disposals that affect them and of the foundations of the marketing and commercialisation of forest products.
Transversal competitions
CT1 - Capacity of analysis and synthesis.
CT2 - Capacity for the reasoning and the argumentation
CT3 - Capacity of individual work, with attitude self-criticism.
CT4 - Capacity to work in group and cover problematic situations of collective form.
CT5 - Capacity to obtain suitable information, diverse and up to date
CT6 - Capacity to elaborate and present a text organised and comprehensible.
CT7 - Capacity to make an exhibition in public offo rma clear, concise and coherent.
CT8 - Commitment of veracity of the information that offers to the other.
Competitions andspecíficas
CECF14 - Forest Certification.
CECF15 - Forest Legislation.
CETEIF11 - environmental Management of the forest industry.Face-to-face work
Lessons magistrales: In the theoretical classes will employ the method expositivo, so that the/to student/to receive an indispensable theoretical base for the application of the dialectic and heuristic methods, that require of some minimum knowledges.
In any case, the use of this didactic method will not do of rigid form, intercalándose questions to boost the argument and estimate the level of understanding of the exhibition.
The theoretical class has to serve to the students like an introduction to the learning of a concrete question and no like a substitute of his personal work, that has to attain by other means.
Competitions CG4, CG7, CG12, CECF14, CECF15 and CETEIF11.
Learning based in the resolution of practical cases and in projects: they will make destined seminars to the resolution of practical cases as well as to the knowledge and application of the distinct legal rule existent, having always in account the derivative limitations of the size of the group.
Competitions CG4, CG7, CG12, CECF14, CECF15 and CETEIF11.
For the face-to-face hours no clear-cut cormo theoretical proposes a methodology of learning based in the work in group.
So much the seminars like the classes of problems and the practical classes base in the application of the dialectic method, method fully participatory that carries to the students to reason and to formulate properly questions, stimulating the critical attitude and showing the need to doubt and ask.
Work no face-to-face
Autonomous work and independent study of the students: in this sense contemplates the prácticto as well as I handle of rule and his application to real problems.
Likewise it will boost the work along all the course, promoting the personal work for the study continued of the theoretical appearances in the matter and for the realisation of practical cases derived of the classes of problems.
For the follow-up of the matter, the students has of a virtual course in the platform of the USC where has to his material disposal of diverse type: educational guide of the matter, transparencies employed in the classes expositivas, bulletins of problems...
In addition to making possible a direct contact profesorado-students, allow the orientation on any type of problem related with the development of the matter or even the university training in general. They allow the individual orientation with the end to attain a greater efficiency in the personal work of the students. Also they foresee tutorías in group, although these design specifically for resolution of problems that affect to the group of the students, as they can be the works of course.
It will use the virtual campus and, in general, the new technologies (email, etc.) as I support the tutoría traditional, taking advantage of the infrastructure of the centre and the availabilities of the students in this terrain.1.- Works of exposed course in class (until 30% of the final qualification): competitions CG4, CG7, CG12, CECF14, CECF15 and CETEIF11.
2.- Final work of the matter (until 70% of the final qualification), where will expose a practical case. CG4, CG7, CG12, CECF14, CECF15 and CETEIF11.
The transversal competitions work during the course but do not evaluate .
The final qualification will obtain how great of the qualifications indicated for each concept, having to achieve a minimum of 5 points to surpass the matter.By half term, considers necessary devote two hours of study by each hour of character expositivo in the matter, to which adds him an average of three weekly hours for the realisation of practical cases derived of the classes of seminar and of laboratory.
Assistance to class, with the active participation in his development; for this, recommends the reading or the preparation anticipated of his contents. Daily follow-up of the contents to fix knowledges. Assistance to practices. I handle of the bibliography recommended. Aprovechamiento Of the tutorías established.
Expository and interactive blackboard teaching: For not exceeding the capacity in the classroom allowed by the norms and adjusting to scenario 2 of the USC norms, the expository theory and blackboard classes may be face-to-face, as long as the situation and general measures are maintained. imposed by the authorities.
Interactive teaching: Maintaining the safety distance of 1.5 m is essential. For this reason, if necessary, the practice groups must be split to follow this basic rule.
Exam: Like expository teaching, due to not exceeding the capacity of the classrooms, the exams may be face-to-face.
General rule: The use of a mask AND the maintenance of the safety distance will be compulsory in any case.
In the event of a change in the situation and the rules imposed by the authorities, all theory classes (expository) and blackboard will be taught, by electronic means, Skipe, Teams, or similar, to allow the student assistance to teaching from home, having previously verified that all of them have sufficient bandwidth.
Regarding the teaching of laboratory practices, as far as possible they will also become blackboard classes, through exercises, videos or similar material, which will be shared through the folder in the cloud or, in the case of exceeding the capacity, by means such as WeTransfer.com or the like.
However, on a voluntary basis for both teachers and students, the laboratory practices could be recovered, after the end of the course, although without the possibility of evaluation, on a mutually agreed date and conditions. The latter, provided that the universities ensure the extension of the school and civil liability insurance of their students.