ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 4.5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 74.5
Hours of tutorials: 2
Expository Class: 18
Interactive Classroom: 18
Total: 112.5Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Agroforestry EngineeringCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
Specif objectives
1. To know the applications and necessities of control and automation systems in electric installations.
2. To develop automation systems to control installations by means of wire automatisms.
3. To develop automation systems to control installations by means of digital automatisms.
4. To know, to choose and to manage the signs detectors and actuators more suitable to control productive processes of the agroforestry environment.
5. To know the different types of process monitoring systems in the agroforestry environment, selecting the most appropriate to the productive process considering design and economic approaches.
6. Autonomous search and handle of didactic materials, computing, normative and commercial of utility in the projects of electric installations employing traditional methods and new computer and communication tools.
Objectives of attitude
1. To sensitize the student in the importance of the automatización and of the control of the electric installations and of the his interaction with the hard-working.
2. To sensitize to the student in regard to felicitous designs to the needs and therefore it more efficient possible since the point of view of the energetic efficiency.The memory of the title contemplates the following contents for this matter:
Regulation and control of installations. Instrumentation of the measure, control and automation. Design of logical wire automatisms. Design of digital logical automatisms. Systems of visualization of processes of the food industry.
These contents will be developed in more detail below. The duration of each thematic block is indicative.
Theoretical contents
Block I. BASIC ELECTRONICS (3 hours presencial work, 6.5 h personal work).
Matter 1. Binary logic
1. True/false components and logical variables
2. Logical operations
3. Boolean algebraic properties
4. Boolean rules for simplification
5. Codes and numeration Systems
Block II. AUTOMATION: WIRED LOGIC (3 hours presencial work, 6 h personal work).
Matter 2. Design and development of electric automatisms: Wired logic
1. Symbols
2. Contactor
3. Relay
Matter 3. Electric automatisms frequently employed: Wired logic
1. Direct-on-line starter
2. Turn investors
3. Star-triangle starter
4. Autotransformer starter
5. Resistance starter
Matter 4. Development of automatisms using wired logic
Block IV. PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (6 hours presencial work, 12 h personal work).
Matter 5. Internal architecture of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
1. Basic blocks of PLC
2. Central Process Unit (CPU)
3. Memory
4. Input/output interfaces
5. Power sources
Matter 6. PLC scan cycle
1. Operation modes
2. Operation cycle and checkups of the system
3. Time of cycle execution and time of answer
4. Elements of quick process
Matter 7. PLC Configuration
1. Type of microprocessors
2. PLC configuration in function of the control unit
3. PLC configuration in function of the inputs and outputs
4. PLC networks
Matter 8. PLC programming languages
1. Programming PLC
2. Ladder diagram (LD)
3. Function block diagram (FBD)
4. Instruction list (IL)
5. Sequential function chart
6. Programming structures
7. Current functions of PLC. STEP7-Microwin
Block IV. SENSORS, ACTUATORS AND DISPLAY SYSTEMS (6 hours presencial work, 12 h personal work).
Matter 9. Sensors and actuators.
1. Introduction.
2. Detectors.
3. Sensors.
4. Actuators.
Matter 10. Visualization systems.
1. Operator panels.
2. PC based display systems.
Practical contents
The interactive sessions are structured in seminars and practice, performing both in the electrotenia laboratory:
Seminar 1. Presentation and recognition of material (1 h presencial work, 2 h personal work)
Practice 1. Introduction to programming with logic blocks. Logo! SoftComfort (2 hours presencial work, 4 h personal work).
Practice 2. Resolution of programming cases through Logo! SoftComfort (3 hours presencial work, 6 h personal work).
Practice 3. Wiring and programming on the Logo! module (3 hours presencial work, 6 h personal work).
Seminar 2. Programming of PLC: TIA Portal (2 hours presencial work, 4 h personal work).
Practice 4. Resolution of programming cases through TIA Portal (2 hours presencial work, 4 h personal work).
Practice 5. Programming through GRAFCET in TIA Portal (2 hours presencial work, 4 h personal work).
Practice 6. Resolution of programming cases through GRAFCET in TIA Portal (3 hours presencial work, 6 h personal work).Basic bibliography
1. Domingo Peña, Joan et al. Diseño y aplicaciones con autómatas programables. Editorial UOC. Barcelona, 2003.
2. Balcells, Josep, Romeral, José L., Autómatas programables. Marcombo Boixareu Editores. Barcelona, 1997.
3. Piedrafita Moreno, R. Ingeniería de la automatización industrial. 2ª edición ampliada y actualizada. Ra-Ma. Madrid, 2004.
4. Sanchis LLopis, Roberto; Romero Pérez, Julio Ariel; Vicent Ariño, Carlos, Automatización industrial. Edita Universitat Jaume I, 2010.
Complementary bibliography
1. Alicitore, David G., Histand, Michael B. Introducción a la mecatrónica y a los sistemas de medición. 3ª Edición. Mc Graw Hill Interamericana de España S.L. 2008.
2. Muñoz, E. J., Rodríguez, A. Ruíz, J. E. y otros. Automatización con Grafcet. Universidad de Málaga. Málaga, 1999.
4. Pérez Cruz, J., Pineda Sánchez, M. Automatización de maniobras industriales mediante autómatas programables. Editorial Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Valencia, 2006.
5. Mandado Pérez, E., Marcos Acevedo, J., Fernández Silva, C. Automatas programables y sistemas de automatizacion. Marcombo, 2009.
https://books.google.es/books?hl=es&lr=&id=5jp3bforBB8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&d…General competences
CG1 - Knowledge in basic materials science and technology to enable continuous learning and adaptability to new situations or changing environments.
CG2 - Ability to solve problems with creativity, initiative, methodology and critical thinking.
CG6 – Capacity to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural groups.
Transversal competences
CT9 - Skill in managing information technology and communication (ICT).
CT10 – Using bibliographic information and Internet.
CT12 - Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Specific competences
CEG2: Adequate knowledge of physical problems, technologies, machinery and water and energy supply systems, the limits imposed by budgetary factors and constructive regulations, and the relationships between facilities or buildings and agricultural operations, agri-food industries and spaces related to gardening and landscaping with its social and environmental scope, as well as the need to relate those and that area with human needs and the preservation of the environment.
IA2 - Ability to know how, understand and use the principles of agribusiness engineering equipment and auxiliary machinery of the food industry. Automation and process control. Plant engineering. Management and use of waste.Classroom teaching will be developed through the application of the following methods:
Participatory lecture.
It will affect the most important aspects of each topic. Prior to exposure of the issues, preparation and study of the same and subsequent realization of self-assessment questionnaires it promotes reading. Student participation is required to clarify, formulate and solve issues during lessons. Competencies CG1, CG2, CT10, CT12, CEG2, IA2 will be worked on.
Troubleshooting. Preparation and presentation of work/s of course.
Participation and student work will be promoted through the practical application of the concepts learned exercises and problems which will have material in the Virtual Classroom. It is intended that teachers and students interact in solving exercises and proposed problems. It will also be mandatory participation by exposing the course work collectively, except where otherwise justified. Competencies CG2, CG6, CT9, CT10, CT12, CEG2, IA2 will be worked on.
Laboratory or field practices.
For the realization of the labs, each student will work in groups following the instructions on the scripts of practices and indications of the teacher. It is necessary to submit the questions raised in the scripts of practices. Competencies CG1, CG2, CG6, CT9, CT10, CT12, CEG2, IA2 will be worked on.
Individualized and group tutorials.
Each student can attend individual tutorials demand in the schedule of the professor for any question relating to the matter.
Two tutorials will be conducted in group sessions of one hour to discuss, comment, clarify or resolve any queries related to the development of the subject as well as monitoring the work done by students. The competences that are demanded by the students will be worked out according to the students' needs.
The non-contact work is really important for the learning of the subject and for the degree of interaction of students:
Independent work and independent study. Study of theory, exercises and problem solving. Competencias: CG1, CG2, CT9, CT12, CEG2, IA2.
Learning based on the resolution of case studies and projects. Preparation of course work in groups. Competencias: CG1, CG2, CG6, CT10, CT12, CEG2, IA2.
The following teaching resources will be used:
• Computer presentations.
• Using classical and digital boards.
• Using virtual classroom to provide the following material:
1. Development of the theoretical contents.
2. Activities proposed in interactive sessions.
3. Activities proposed as individual work.
4. Scripts practices.
5. Script for the development of course work, practical course of automation of a food industry process.
6. Other information of interest.
• Microsoft Teams
• Free software for automation and control or remote access.The assement of the learning will be as shown in the following table.
Assessment system Competences Weight in the qualification
Delivered work at interactive sesions CG1 20%
Exploitation of the practices CG2 CG6 CEG2 IA2 30%
Delivered and/or exposed works CG2 CEG2 IA2 CT12 0 - 50%
Oral or written exam or exams CG2 CEG2 IA2 CT12 0 - 50%
Attendance to practice will be valued and controlled. Besides the exploitation of practices based on the delivery of the scripts properly covered and delivered within the prescribed deadlines. Case studies of automation and process visualization in the field of agricultural industries as course work will be proposed and be exposed to the class. The deadline for the course work and practices will be as maximum the test date of first grading period. If the delivery and presentation of the course work is not performed or were insufficient to pass the matter, this score will be obtained by performing a final exam. Student participation in classroom activities will be evaluated in the interactive classes. Repeaters students who carried out the practice in the previous year and delivered the same memory stored exclusively note attendance at practices and memory so they will not have to repeat them. To pass the subject is necessary to have a minimum score of 5 out of 10 based on percentages of the table. If the students did not pass the matter in the first evaluation period, they will have to take the final exam in the second evaluation period, preserving the achieved grade in the other sections. In case of being a repeater, the qualification of practices and deliveries in interactive classes of the previous course will be retained, although they can be repeated. In case of dispensation of attendance, the practices will have to be carried out and delivered within the established deadlines, being able to not attend the expository teaching.
The rating of “no presentado” will be reserved for those students who do not have any qualification in the different sections of the evaluation. For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades will apply. The fraudulent completion of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply the qualification of fail in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that can be followed against the offending student. It will be considered fraudulent, among others, the realization of works plagiarized or obtained from sources accessible to the public without reworking or reinterpretation and without citations to the authors and sources.The following table resume the time necessary for the matter:
Classroom work
Speech 18,0 h
Interactives classes 9,0 h
Practices 9,0 h
Tutorships in group 2,0 h
Activities of evaluation 4,0 h
Total 42,0
Personal work
Total 70,5 h
Total 112,5 h
ECTS 4,5 hThis matter is faced in an eminently practical and applied manner, so it can be entertaining study. It is recommended:
1. Pay attention to the brief theoretical explanations.
2. Perform exercises and case studies of how class guided consulting doubts.
3. Perform self-employment as the proposed activities.
4. Completion of course work.Students enrolled in the subject will have continuous personal assistance in the tutorial hours in the office number 14, pavilion 2, 2th floor up. In addition they will also be given attention through the Virtual Campus and lecturer’s email: mdolores.fernandez@usc.es.The language used is that Galician.
Admission of students enrolled in laboratory practice requires that they are aware and comply with the "general safety in the laboratories of practice" of the University of Santiago de Compostela. This information is available on the website (http://www.usc.es/estaticos/servizos/sprl/normalumlab.pdf).
Maria Dolores Fernandez Rodriguez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- mdolores.fernandez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 12:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Seminario de Cultivos Herbáceos II (Pav.I-PBS) Friday 11:00-12:00 Grupo /CLIL_01 Galician Electrical Engineering Laboratory (Pav.II-PSS) Exams 05.13.2025 16:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) 07.07.2025 10:00-14:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1)