ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
1. To get wide knowledge of the land space and the life of men on the earth.
2. To understand and to explain the functioning of the different territories aat different scales, as well as human societies.
3. To understand the relations between the environment and human system.
4. To know the elements and to understand the processes that explains the functioning of the landscape, from the point of view of the geographical environment.
5. To understand the dimension time-space of the phenomena.
6. To initiate to the mapping analysis techniques and the elaboration and interpretation of graphics and diagrams of basic use in geography.
7. To study the pillar of geography as a social science, its relations with other sciences, its basic concepts and the sources used in the geographical analysis.1. Introduction to geography: key concepts and evolution.
2. Population: dynamics and trends at different scales.
3. The environment: resources and challenges.
4. The city and the urban system.
5. The rural world in transformation.
6. Art as an element of the landscape and the foundation of cultural identity.Basic Bibliography
FARINÓS, J., OLCINA CANTOS, J. (Coords.) (2017). Geografía regional de España. València, Universitat de València, Tirant Humanidades.
FERNÁNDEZ CUESTA, G. (Coord.) (2019). Atlas de Geografía Humana de España. Madrid, Paraninfo.
HIERNAUX, D., LINDÓN, A. (Coords.) (2006). Tratado de Geografía Humana. México, Anthropos.
HOLT JENSEN, A. (1992). Geografía. Historia y conceptos. Barcelona. Vicens Vives.
LÓPEZ PALOMEQUE, F., PLAZA GUTIÉRREZ, J.I. (Coords.) (2019). Geografía de Europa. Estructura, procesos y dinámicas territoriales. Valencia, Tirant Humanidades.
MATA, R., SANZ, C. (Corods.) (2003). Atlas de los paisajes de España, Madrid, Ministerio de Medioambiente.
MURPHY, A. (2018). Geografía: Por qué importa?. Madrid, Alianza Editorial.
NOGUÉ, J.; ROMERO, J. (Coords.) (2006). Las otras geografías. Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch.
OBSERVATORIO DEL PAISAJE (2006). Prototipus de catàleg de paisatge. Documento de trabajo, Olot y Barcelona. http://www.catpaisatge.net/fitxers/Prototipus2006.pdf
ORTEGA VALCÁRCEL, J. (2000). Los horizontes de la Geografía: teoría de la Geografía. Barcelona, Ariel.
ROGER, A. (2007). Breve tratado del paisaje. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva.
ROMERO, J. (Coord.) (2007). Geografía humana. Procesos, riesgos e incertidumbres en un mundo globalizado. Barcelona, Ariel.
ROMERO, J. (Coord.) (2016). Geografía humana de España. València, Universitat de València, Tirant Humanidades.
ROMERO, J. (Coord.) (2007). Geografía Humana. Barcelona, Ariel, 2ª ed.
ZÁRATE MARTÍN, M.A.; RUBIO BENITO, M.T. (2006). Geografía Humana. Sociedad, economía y territorio. Madrid, Editorial Universitaria ramón Areces.
ZÁRATE, M.; RUBIO, M. (2005). Geografía Humana. Madrid, Ed. Ramón Areces.
ZÁRATE, M.; RUBIO, M. (2006). Glosario y prácticas de Geografía Humana. Madrid, Ed. Ramón Areces
Further Readings
BAILLY, A., BÉGUIN, H. (2001). Introduction à la gèographie humaine. París, Armand Colin, 8ª ed.
CIATTONI, A., Veyret, Y. (2003). Les Fondamentaux de la géographie. Armand Colin. Paris.
HAGGETT, P. (1983). Geography: A Modern Synthesis. Harper & Row. New York. (trad. cast.: Geografía. Una síntesis moderna. Omega. Barcelona, 1988).
HOLLOWAY, S.L., RICE, S.P., VALENTINE, G. (2003). Key concepts in Geography. Londres, Sage.
JOHNSTON, R., et al. (2000). The Dictionary of Human Geography. Oxford, Blackwell, 8ª ed.
MAYHEW, S. (1997). Dictionary of Geography. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
ROGERS, A., VILES, H.A. (Coords.) (2003). The Student´s Companion to Geography. Blackwell Publishers.
SEGRELLES, J. (Coord.) (2002). Geografía Humana. Alicante, Editorial Club Universitario.
DURING, R. (2010). Cultural Heritage Discourses and Europeanisation. Wageningen, Alterra.
HAWKINS, H. (2021). Geography, Art, Research. Artistic Research in Geohumanitites. New York, Routledge.
LEWIS, M.W., WIGEN, K.E. (1997). The Myth of Continents: a Critique of Metageography. Berkeley, University of California Press.
MARSHALL, T. (2020). El mundo explicado en 12 sencillos mapas. Barcelona, Editorial GeoPlaneta.
MUZAINI, H., MINCA, C. (2020). After heritage, critical perspectives on heritage from below. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing.General:
- Capacity of organization and planning.
- Capacity of critic and self-critical reasoning.
- Capacity of analysis and synthesis.
- Capacity of information management: systematic collection, organization, selection and presentation of all kind of information.
- Knowledge of computer applied to the study field.
- To use efficiently the technologies of the information and communication.
- Knowledge of other cultures and customs. recognition of the diversity and multiculturalism.
- Abilities in the interpersonal relations. creativity. decision-making.
- Capacitating for the autonomous learning.
- Sensibility with the different social, environmental and cultural environments, paying special attention to the questions of gender, environment, the values of peace and pacific living and the non-discrimination by reasons of sex, race, religion, opinion and reasons of disability.
- To offer new uses and traditional knowledge.
- To have the ability to understand the language and the proposals of other experts.
- To know, to understand and to interpret the territory.
- To interpret the environmental and physical environment with the social and human sphere.
- To combine a general approach with a specialized analysis.
- To interrelate the phenomena to different territorial scales.
- To explain the diversity of places, regions and locations.
- To understand the spatial relations.
- To analyze and to interpret the landscapes.
- To generate sensibility and interest for the territorial and environmental themes.
- To know the fundamentals of the territorial planning and to know how to interpret a document of territory order.Since the beginning of the course, the Virtual Classroom of the subject will be active; here, the students will be able to consult the progress of the theoretical and interactive classes, deliver the tasks and communicate with the teacher and the class.
During the lectures, we will consider the theoretical contents regarding the planned topics. The interactive classes will be dedicated to the study of practical cases and works of the subject that will be presented in class for debate and discussion. One and the other methodology are not dissociated, but rather complement each other for the development of the subject.
The monitoring of the activities will be carried out through a schedule of deliveries, so that the students can organize their own study time. The teacher will monitor progress through the Virtual Campus registration reports.
The teacher will attend to the doubts that may arise during class hours and in the hours of individual tutorials. A "Public tutoring forum" will also be active in the Virtual Classroom.The assessment system for the first and second chances consists into two mandatory components:
1) Knowledge and skills assessment test: on the date established by the Faculty of Geography and History, a final face-to-face assessment test will be carried out(complementary to continuous assessment). It will compute 40% of the final grade.
2) Continuous evaluation of interactive practical activities, which will be individual and group ones. It will compute 60% of the final grade. In this component, the active participation of the students in the classes.
All activities will be delivered through the Virtual Campus.
If the average does not result in a grade above 5, it is necessary to face the second assessment opportunity.
For students with an academic dispensation granted, deliveries equivalent to those of students without dispensation will be required and the exam will be mandatory.
In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the one set forth in the Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións.Presence Hours of Student Work:
Theoretical Classes: 32 h.
Practice Classes: 16 h.
Personalized Tutorials: 3 h.
Total of Hours of Student Presence Work: 51 h.
Hours of Student Personal Work:
Individual or in Group Autonomous Study: 60 h.
Recommended Readings, Library Activities and similar: 25 h.
Preparation of Oral Presentations, Debates and similar: 8 h.
Other Tasks proposed by the Teacher: 7 h.
Total of Hours of Student Personal Work: 100 h.- To dedicate a continuous study time adapted to the theoretical contents throughout the courses.
- For questions about the subject, tutorials are available, in addition to the questions in the classroom and the “Public tutoring forum” active in the Virtual Classroom.
- To maintain a critical perspective during the study of the subject.
- To review the Virtual Campus to be up to date with the material and assigned tasks.
- To deliver the tasks in a timely manner through the Virtual Campus.
Lucrezia Lopez
- Department
- Geography
- Area
- Regional Geographical Analysis
- lucrezia.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Lucrezia Lopez
- Department
- Geography
- Area
- Regional Geographical Analysis
- lucrezia.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Ramon Lopez Rodriguez
- Department
- Geography
- Area
- Regional Geographical Analysis
- ramonlopez.rodriguez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Temporary supply professor for Special Services and others
Exams 06.02.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 05 07.07.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo de examen Classroom 05