ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Contemporary HistoryCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
The development of the subject should provide knowledge, understanding and skills in order to:
- Achieve a general vision of the History and Contemporary Culture linked to the great changes of the period.
- Achieve a transversal and interdisciplinary approach of the primordial cultural phenomena.
- Encourage the critical spirit and analytical capacity of the student.
- Promote the learning of the methodology of preparation of a work and practice of written expression.
- Practice the debate and oral expression.• Presentation of the subject
Introduction and general lines of the program. Bibliographical orientation.
• Block 1
- The turns of the late nineteenth century. The second industrial revolution and the consolidation of capitalism. The European conquest of the world: imperialism, Universal/International Exhibitions and itellectural debates.
- The Culture and Intellectual debates.
• Block 2
- The first World War. Political consequences of the war: bankruptcy of the empires and rise of the USA of America.
- The Interwar period. The crisis of capitalism: unstable democracies; ascending fascisms.
- The Second World War. The Cold War.
• Block 3
- The "Glorious Years" of capitalism. May 1968, Third World and the national liberation movements.
- The turn of the eighties and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Hobsbawm, E. (1989), La era del capitalismo, 1848-1875, Barcelona, Labor.
- (1990), La era del imperio, 1875-1914, Barcelona, Labor.
- (2001), La era de la revolución, 1789-1848, Barcelona, Crítica.
- (2003), Historia del siglo XX (1914-1991), Barcelona, Crítica.
- (1998), Industria e Imperio, Barcelona, Ariel.
Mosse, G. (1997), La cultura europea del siglo XIX y XX, (2 Vols.) Barcelona, Ariel.
Villares, R. y Bahamonde, A. (2012), El mundo contemporáneo (del siglo XIX al siglo XXI), Taurus, Madrid.
Cabrera, M. et al. (ed.) (1991), Europa en crisis, Madrid, Siglo XXI.
Comellas, J.L. (2001), Los grandes imperios coloniales, Madrid, Rialp.
Evans, R.J. (2007), El Tercer Reich en el poder (1933-1939), Barcelona, Península.
Ferguson, N. (2003), El imperio británico: cómo Gran Bretaña forjó el mundo, Barcelona, Debate.
Galbraith, J.K. (1989), El crac del 29, Barcelona, Ariel.
Howard, M. (2004), La Primera Guerra Mundial, Barcelona, Crítica.
Judt, T. (2012), Pensar el siglo XX, Madrid, Taurus.
- (1997). Postguerra: una historia de Europa desde 1945, Madrid, Taurus.
Kindleberger, Ch. P. (1984), La crisis económica 1920-1939, Barcelona, Crítica.
Maier, Ch. (1991), La refundación de la Europa burguesa, Madrid, Ministerio de Trabajo y SS.
Mazower, M. (2008), El imperio de Hitler. Ascenso y caída, Barcelona, Crítica.
Morrow, J.H. (2008), La Gran Guerra, Barcelona, Edhasa.
Neiberg, M. (2006), La Gran Guerra: una historia global (1914-1918), Barcelona, Paidós.
Payne, S. (1995), Historia del fascismo, Barcelona, Planeta.
Piqueras Arenas, J.A. (1992), El movimiento obrero, Madrid, Anaya.
Sassoon, D. (2006), Cultura. El patrimonio común de los europeos, Barcelona, Crítica.
Thompson, E. P. (2000), Agenda para una historia radical, Barcelona, Crítica.
Watson, P. (2002), Historia intelectual del siglo XX, Barcelona, Crítica.
Weinberg, G.L. (1995), Un mundo en armas. La Segunda Guerra Mundial, una visión de conjunto, Barcelona, Grijalbo.
Williamson, M. (2007), La guerra que había que ganar, Barcelona, Crítica.
Zamagni, V. (2001), Historia económica de la Europa contemporánea, Barcelona, Crítica.
Zorgbibe, Ch. (1997), Historia de las relaciones internacionales, Madrid, Alianza.- Ability to conceptualize historical-cultural phenomena.
- Ability to perform the critical analysis of the past.
- Ability to elucidate the historical roots of the culture of our time.
- Ability to relate the different cultural fields through the great facts of contemporary history.- Oral presentation by the teacher.
- Analysis and commentary of cultural and intellectual texts.
- Critical review of a monograph.
- Team work.
- Comment on films of historical and cultural interest.EVALUATION SYSTEM:
The evaluation will be continuous, combined with final tests; This evaluation will include the required reading book indicated. The evaluation will consist of three parts:
- Personal and / or group work of mandatory delivery (40% of the final grade). Some or all of the delivery practices may be evaluated without prior notice.
- Written test (60% of the final grade).
- Attendance and participation (minimum 80% attendance to be examined). A field trip is awaited.
FOR THE CASE OF STUDENTS WITH DISPENSES OF ASSISTANCE GRANTED: The evaluation will not count the "participation in the classroom", but the students will have the obligation to develop the compulsory practical exercises and to carry out the official examination of the subject.
CRITERIA according to which the comments / works of the students will be rated:
1.- Level of mastery of the contents.
2.- Level of mastery of the general and specific historical terminology of the subject or period addressed.
3.- Ability to synthesize and prioritize the relevant aspects in the preparation of a topic.
4.- Capacity for critical analysis and interpretative reasoning.
5.- Capacity for relationship and / or comparison, as appropriate, when preparing a topic.
6.- The presentation and organization in general of the exercises.
7.- The level of mastery of the formal presentation techniques of the works.
8.- The uncritical use and without citing of material obtained from the network will be penalized. In case of fraudulent performance of exercises and tests (plagiarism), the ‘Normativa de evaluación del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y de revisión de calificaciones’ will be applied.
Monitoring mechanisms:
- Comments of historical document + Tutorials + Participation in the classroom + Attendance.
ON THE SECOND OPPORTUNITY, the student must attend in any case on the date, time and place set for the exam, although the casuistry can be varied depending on what each person needs to recover:
1. Completion of the theoretical part of the written test to recover 60% of the final grade and keeping the remaining 40% linked to the interactive classrooms and the grade obtained at the first opportunity.
2. Vice versa, completion of the practical part of the written test, trying to recover 40% of the qualification and maintaining for the remaining 60% the grades obtained at the first opportunity.
3. Completion of the total written test, the practical part and the theoretical part, trying to recover the whole grade of the subject (100%).It depends on a broad set of factors inherent to students (reading ability, interest in the subject, enthusiasm for learning, etc.). Approximate evaluation of the study time:
32 classroom hours of expository classes in full group.
16 contact hours of interactive classes in a small group.
10 hours of preparation of the works and / or development of field practices, if any.
3 hours of mandatory personal tutoring.
4 hours evaluation.
85 hours of personal study.
TOTAL: 150 HOURSIt is essential that the students assimilate the philosophy and requirements of the continuous assessment system established by the new methodology of the EEES:
- Reading of culture magazines.
- Regular query of a historical dictionary.
- Consultation and reading of the recommended works.
- Consultation of cultural internet sites promoted by institutions of proven intellectual solvency.-Language: Galician. In the event that a significant number of registered students are not Galician speakers, the subject will be in Spanish.
-Achieving the objectives set for this subject will facilitate good results in other later ones of the degree, in case of those related to the History of Contemporary Art.
-In case of fraudulent performance of exercises and tests, the ‘Normativa de evaluación del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y de revisión de calificaciones’ will be applied.
Margarita Barral Martinez
Coordinador/a- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- Phone
- 881812575
- margarita.barral@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Andrea Rivas Fiel
- Department
- History
- Area
- Contemporary History
- andrearivas.fiel@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Thursday 09:00-11:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 10 Friday 11:00-13:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Galician Classroom 10 Exams 12.20.2024 16:00-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 12.20.2024 16:00-18:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 06.16.2025 15:30-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12