ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 24
Interactive Classroom: 24
Total: 51Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Organisation of Companies and CommercialisationAreas:
Business OrganisationCenter
Faculty of HumanitiesCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
After studying this subject the student should be able to:
1. Know the main concepts related to entrepreneurship
2. Develop a suitable strategy for cultural projects
3. Know. the main concepts and tools of project management
4. Manage the marketing of cultural projects
5. Carry out an economic-financial analysis of cultural projectsEntrepreneurship.
Strategic planning of cultural projects.
Project management.
Marketing of cultural projects.
Economic-financial analysis of cultural projects.BASIC:
GRANT, ROBERT M. (2006): Dirección Estratégica. Conceptos, Técnicas y Aplicaciones. Editorial Civitas.
GUERRAS MARTÍN, LUÍS A. y NAVAS LÓPEZ, JOSÉ E. (2012): Fundamentos de dirección estratégica de la empresa. Editorial Civitas.
KOLB, BONITA M. (2013): Marketing for Cultural Organizations. New Strategies for Attracting Audiencies. Editorial Routledge.
WRÓBLEWSKI, ŁUKASZ (2017): Culture Management. Strategy and marketing aspects. Editorial Logos Verlag Berlin.
ABASCAL ROJAS, Francisco (1994): Cómo se hace un plan estratégico. Madrid. Esic Editorial.
BUENO CAMPOS, Eduardo (1996): Dirección Estratégica de la Empresa: Metodología,
técnicas y casos. Madrid: Pirámide.
BUENO CAMPOS, Eduardo y MORCILLO ORTEGA, Patricio (1993): La Dirección Eficiente. Quince Casos de Estrategia Empresarial. Madrid: Pirámide.
DONNELLY, James H., GIBSON, James L. e IVANCEVICH, John M. (1994): Dirección y
Administración de Empresas. Buenos Aires y otros. Addison-Wesley Iberoamericana
DURÁN, Juan J. (1982): La diversificación como estrategia empresarial. Madrid. Pirámide.
DURÁN, Juan J. (ed.) (1996): Multinacionales españolas I. Algunos casos relevantes. Madrid. Pirámide.
GARCÍA FALCÓN, Juan M. (1987): Formulación de estrategias en la Empresa. Gran Canaria. Caja de Ahorros Insular.
GARCÍA OLALLA, Miriam, VÁZQUEZ ORDÁS, Camilo J., MONTES PEÓN, José M. (eds.). 2002:
Estrategias y Operaciones empresariales en los nuevos mercados: 20 casos a estudio. Madrid. Civitas.
GRIMA TERRE, Joan D. y TENA MILLÁN, Joaquín (1984): Análisis y formulación de la
estrategia empresarial. Barcelona. Hispano-Europea.
GUERRAS MARTÍN, Luís A. y NAVAS LÓPEZ, José E. (2007): La dirección estratégica de la empresa: Teoría y apliaciones. Editorial Civitas.
HAMEL, Garry y PRAHALAD, C.K. (1998): Compitiendo por el futuro. Ariel Sociedad Económica.
HILL, Charles .W. L. y JONES, Gareth R. (2005): Administración Estratégica: Un enfoque integrado. McGraw Hill.
HITT, Michael A.; IRELAND, R.Duane y HOSKISSON, Robert E. (2008) Administración Estratégica. Competitividad y globalización (7ª edición). International Thomson.
JARILLO, José C. (1992): Dirección Estratégica, 2ª edición. Madrid. McGraw Hill.
JOHNSON, Gerry; SCHOLES, Kevan y WHITTINGTON, Richard (2006): Dirección estratégica. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
MENGUZZATO, Martina y RENAU, Juan J. (1991): La Dirección Estratégica de la Empresa: Un
enfoque innovador del management. Barcelona. Ariel Economía.
OSTERWALDER, Alexander (2011): Generación de modelos de negocio: un manual para visionarios, revolucionarios y retadores. Editorial Deusto.
PORTER, Michael E. (1982): Estrategia competitiva: Técnicas para el análisis de los sectores industriales y de la competencia. México D. F.. CECSA.
PORTER, Michael E. (1987): Ventaja competitiva: Creación y sostenimiento de un desempeño superior. México D. F.. CECSA.
PUMPIN, Cuno y GARCÍA ECHEVARRÍA, Santiago (1993): Estrategia empresarial. Cómo
implementar la estrategia en la empresa. Madrid. Díaz de Santos.
THOMPSON, Arthur A. y STRICKLAND, Alonzo J. (2004): Dirección y Administración
Estratégicas. Textos y casos. México y otros. McGraw Hill.
VENTURA VICTORIA, Juan (2008): Análisis estratégico de la empresa. Ed. Paraninfo.• Con11: Know the basic aspects of planning, design, organization, and dissemination of cultural projects, both in their physical and digital aspects.
• H/D05: Work as a team, sharing knowledge and knowing how to communicate it to the rest of the team, the organization and society
• Comp07: Manage the human, material, and financial resources necessary for the implementation of cultural projects and events.A combination of:
• Master class
• Problem solving/exercises
• Classroom presentations
• Case studies
• Collaborative learning
Teaching: expository (24 hours), interactive (24 hours), small group tutorials (3 hoursAll activities carried out by students will be considered (participation in case analysis, discussion and analysis of readings and documents, presentation, and exhibition of work, etc.).
To overcome the subject there are two opportunities. Students who do not pass the subject on the first opportunity will have the right to a second one, which will be the one that appears on their academic record if the grade achieved is higher.
The evaluation system for these two opportunities is set out below.
First ordinary opportunity:
A) Attendance and participation in the classroom: 10%
B) Continuous evaluation: Participation in class, resolution, and participation in the analysis of cases, debate of readings, completion and presentation of group work and other activities linked to interactive classes. Weight in the final grade: 50%.
C) Final content exam: Weight in the final grade: 40%
The evaluation of theoretical knowledge will be carried out through a partial and/or final exam. In order to be able to add the part of the grade derived from the continuous evaluation, it is necessary that the students obtain at least a 5 out of 10 in the exam.
The added grade must be equal to or greater than 5 points out of 10 to pass the subject.
Second opportunity:
The same evaluation system will be applied as in the first opportunity, that is, a new final content exam will be carried out, with the weighting established for the first opportunity, which will be added to the score achieved in the continuous evaluation.
Students who are granted exemption from class attendance (following Instruction No. 1/2017 of the General Secretariat on exemption from class attendance in certain circumstances) will be evaluated with a specific final exam that will represent 100% of the grade.
In cases of fraudulent completion of exercises and tests, the provisions of the Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and review of grades will apply.The subject has 6 credits, and each credit is equivalent to 25 hours of work.
The hours are distributed as follows:
-In-person (expository teaching, interactive teaching, individual tutoring, exam): 55 hours.
- Student personal work: 95 hoursTo maximize learning, it is convenient for students to prepare the recommended readings and texts in advance, carry out all the activities proposed by the teaching staff and regularly attend the theoretical and practical classes.
Vicente Angel Lopez Lopez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation
- Area
- Business Organisation
- Phone
- 982824419
- vicente.lopez.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Wednesday 16:00-17:30 CLIS_01 Spanish Classroom 11 Exams 05.26.2025 12:30-15:00 CLE_01 Classroom 13 07.02.2025 16:00-18:00 CLE_01 Classroom 14