ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 32
Interactive Classroom: 16
Total: 51Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
History of ArtAreas:
History of ArtCenter
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
-Know how to see, understand, and analyze architecture.
-Know how to see, understand, and analyze painting.
-Know how to see, understand, and analyze the sculpture.
-Know the fundamental concepts of architectural and plastic language.
-Know the main resources associated with each discipline, including those of a digital nature.1. Architecture, painting, and sculpture: similarities, differences, and dissolution of the boundaries between the arts.
2. Architecture.
2.1. Space and its representation: plans and elevations.
2.2. Formal and compositional issues: supporting and supported elements.
23. Main architectural typologies.
2.4. Architecture, function, and styles.
3. Painting
3.1. Significant issues: motives, themes, symbolic values. Context and promoter.
3.2. Formal issues: figures, line, color, light, modeling, two-dimensionality and space, perspective(s).
3.3. Compositional issues: schemes, points of view, framing.
3.4. Main pictorial genres.
4. Sculpture
4.1. Significant issues: motives, themes, symbolic values. Context and promoter.
4.2. Formal issues: line, volume, light, and movement.
4.3. Compositional issues: schemes and points of view.
4.4. Main sculptural typologies.(* Handbooks)
Álvaro Zamora, Mª I. (1974). Saber ver el arte. Imprenta Octavio y Pélez.
Berger, R. (1976). El Conocimiento de la pintura, 3 vols. (El arte de verla; El arte de comprenderla; El arte de apreciarla). Noguer.
Chastel, A. (2004). El gesto en el arte. Siruela.
Ching, F. D. K., et al. (2015). Diccionario visual de arquitectura (2ª ed. ampl.). GG, Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Choisy, A. (1979). Historia de la arquitectura (8a ed). Víctor Lerú.
Esteban Lorente, J. F., et al. (1980). Introducción general al arte: arquitectura, escultura, pintura, artes decorativas. Istmo.
Faena García-Bermejo, J. M., & Gómez Cedillo, A. (2000). Conceptos fundamentales de arte. Alianza Editorial
Fatás Cabeza, G., & Borrás Gualis, G. M. (1990). Diccionario de términos de arte y elementos de arqueología y numismática (4a ed. rev). Alianza.
*Fusco, R. de (2008). El placer del arte. Comprender la pintura, la escultura, la arquitectura y el diseño. Gustavo Gili.
Hatje, G. (1964). Diccionario ilustrado de la arquitectura contemporánea. Gustavo Gili.
Knobler, N. (1970). El diálogo visual: introducción a la apreciación del arte. Aguilar.
Martín González, J. J. (1990). Las Claves de la escultura (2ª ed.). Planeta.
Müller, W., & Vogel, G. (1984). Atlas de arquitectura. Alianza.
Pérez-Rioja, J. A. (1979). Síntesis del arte universal: desde la prehistoria a nuestros días. Conceptos generales, arquitectura, escultura, pintura, música, cine. Tecnos
Pevsner, N. (1980). Historia de las tipologías arquitectónicas (2a ed). Gustavo Gili.
Pevsner, N., Fleming, J. V., & Honour, H. (1980). Diccionario de arquitectura. Alianza.
Plaza Escudero, L. de la, et. al. (2008). Diccionario visual de términos arquitectónicos. Cátedra.
Quatremère de Quincy, A.-C. (2007). Diccionario de Arquitectura. Voces Teóricas. Nobuko.
Rideal, L. (2014). Como leer pinturas: una guía sobre sus significados y métodos. H. Blume
Rynk, P. (2005). Cómo leer la pintura: entender y disfrutar los grandes maestros, de Duccio a Goya. Random Hause Mondadori.
Sauras, J. (2003). La Escultura y el oficio de escultor. Ediciones del Serbal.
Thompson, Jon (2007). Como leer la pintura moderna: entender y disfrutar los maestros modernos, de Courbet a Warhol. Electa.
Triadó, J. R., & Subirana, R. (1994). Las Claves de la pintura. Planeta.
Viñuales González, J. (1986). El comentario de la obra de arte. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.
Wittkower, R. (1980). La Escultura: procesos y principios. AlianzaThe student will be able to:
-Identify, understand, and apply the specific vocabulary of visual language.
-Acquire, evaluate, and use information aimed at the analysis and study of works of art.
-Offer a critical evaluation of works of art in their processes and means of dissemination (exhibitions, museums, virtual reality).
-Consolidate individual and team-work habits that encourage self-learning and criticism.
-Acquire skills in the management of new technologies and communication tools.
-Produce innovative, imaginative, and artistic results in the fields of study and work of the discipline.In order to facilitate and rationalize the teaching of the subject, the following techniques will be used:
-Theoretical sessions, in which, using the master lesson and with the support of images, texts, and other digital resources the different topics included in the program will be explained.
-Interactive classes, in which students, in small groups or individually, will analyze specific texts and representative works of art that allow them to put into practice the acquired vocabulary.
-Field practice, consisting of a visit to different buildings in Santiago that allow both the analysis of their architecture and the plastic collections housed inside.
-Individualized tutorials.The overall grade of the subject will be obtained in its 100% by continuous evaluation, so attendance to class is mandatory, including field practice. An absence of more than 20% will mean the impossibility of being evaluated at the first opportunity.
The evaluation will be carried out throughout the course using the following formulas: the activities linked to the interactive sessions will have an assessment of 40% of the final score; the written test (exam) will correspond to 60% of the final score. It is necessary to pass 50% of each part to pass the subject at the first opportunity.
In case of academic fraud, as defined in article 42 of the Reglamento por el que se establecen las normas de convivencia de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and in accordance with the provisions of article 11.g) of the Ley de convivencia universitaria, the sanctions provided for by said regulations will be applied. Premeditated behaviors aimed at falsifying the results of an exam or work include plagiarism and the non-consensual use of Artificial Intelligence tools.
Second opportunity (July call):
1.- Those who have carried out and approved the activities corresponding to interactive teaching may retain this qualification and only have to examine the subject taught in the theoretical classes.
2.- Those students who have not completed the activities corresponding to interactive teaching, or who have not passed them, will have to attend the second opportunity exam, which will include the subject corresponding to both the theoretical classes and the interactive classes.
3.- The students who are granted the dispensation of class attendance (following Instruction Nº 1/2017 of the Xeral Secretariat on the dispensation of class attendance in certain circumstances) shall be assessed with a specific final examination which shall constitute 100% of the qualification. Notwithstanding the above, by mutual agreement with the interested party, the teacher may arbitrate the completion of substitute work for the interactive sessions, the approval of which would allow the student to take the exam in the first call.The course consists of 6 ECTS credits, equivalent to 150 hours of student work, distributed as follows:
1. Face-to-face working time: 51 hours, of which
1a. Lecture time: 32 hours
1.b. Interactive teaching, including field practice: 16 hours
1.c. Tutorials: 3 hours
2. Study time and personal activity: 99 hours, of which:
2.a. Autonomous, individual or group studies: 60 hours
2.b. Proposed readings, library activities and comment preparation: 27 hours
2.c. Other tasks, including attending lectures: 12 hours-Attendance and participation in expository and interactive sessions.
-Preparation of the subject taught through the notes collected in the classroom. Complete them using the recommended bibliography.
-Use of tutoring hours.Participation in any of the activities scheduled at the center or in its vicinity that are related to the contents of the subject might be included as part of the student's work.
Miriam Elena Cortés López
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- miriamelena.cortes@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Carme Lopez Calderon
Coordinador/a- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- carme.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: LOU (Organic Law for Universities) PhD Assistant Professor
Xose Ramon Cisneros Perez
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- xoseramon.cisneros.perez@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
Nara Mendez Lopez
- Department
- History of Art
- Area
- History of Art
- nara.mendez.lopez@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Pre-doctoral Contract
1º Semester - September 09th-15th Monday 15:00-17:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 05 Tuesday 15:00-17:00 G5012123/CLE-02 Spanish Classroom 13 Wednesday 17:00-19:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Classroom 05 Thursday 17:00-19:00 G5012123/CLE-02 Spanish Classroom 13 Exams 12.19.2024 09:00-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 10 12.19.2024 09:00-11:30 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12 06.16.2025 09:30-12:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Classroom 12