ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 12
Interactive Classroom: 30
Total: 45Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Agroforestry EngineeringAreas:
Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and PhotogrammetryCenter
Higher Polytechnic Engineering SchoolCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The objective of the course is to train the student to use Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in the field of civil and industrial engineering and architecture.
At the end of the course, the student will know the theoretical and practical principles of UAS technology for the capture, processing and representation of spatial information, in the field of building, construction and heritage, management, control and conservation of works in buildings and civil infrastructures, as well as, the monitoring and inspection in the energy, mining and industrial sectors.The memory of the title includes the following contents for this subject:
Introduction. Application of PPAS in the field of engineering, architecture and territory, including the sectors of civil, industrial and mining engineering; industry, energy and telecommunications; architecture, archeology and cultural heritage; planning and management of the territory. Surveys from photographs with UAS for the elaboration of plans and 2D and 3D cartography; photomosaics and orthophotographs; and Digital terrain (DTM) and surface (MDS) models. Monitoring and follow-up with UAS in engineering, building and mining works. Measurements and Calculation of volumes. Monitoring, inspection and maintenance of infrastructures. Visual and contact inspection. Lines of Sight LoS (Line of Sight). Multispectral Imaging and Thermography. Analysis of hot spots, detection of leaks, anomalies and / or pathologies. Energy efficiency. 3D and 4D modeling and reconstruction for engineering, industry, architecture and heritage. Modeling, texturing and rendering. 4D for dynamic scenes and animation. Immersive technologies. Disclosure and social networks. Territory: Types of territorial data. Methods of spatial and territorial analysis. Regulations and instruments of territorial planning.
The contents of the subject will be developed according to the following topics, which constitutes the theoretical and practical program of the subject:
Theoretical program:(Face-to-face time: 12 hours. Individual work time: 4 hours)
- Theme 1. Introduction. Application of PPAS in the field of engineering, architecture and territory, including the sectors of civil, industrial and mining engineering; industry, energy and telecommunications; architecture, archeology and cultural heritage; planning and management of the territory. (Face-to-face time: 2 hours).
- Theme 2. Surveys from photographs with UAS for the elaboration of plans and 2D and 3D cartography; photomosaics and orthophotographs; and Digital terrain (DTM) and surface (MDS) models. (Face-to-face time: 2 hours).
- Theme 3. Monitoring and follow-up with UAS in engineering works, construction and mining operations. Measurements and Calculation of volumes. (Face-to-face time: 2 hours).
- Theme 4. Monitoring, inspection and maintenance of infrastructures. Visual and contact inspection. Lines of Sight LoS (Line of Sight). Multispectral Imaging and Thermography. Analysis of hot spots, detection of leaks, anomalies and / or pathologies. Energy efficiency. (Face-to-face time: 2 hours).
- Theme 5. 3D and 4D modeling and reconstruction for engineering, industry, architecture and heritage. Modeling, texturing and rendering. 4D for dynamic scenes and animation. Immersive technologies. Diffusion e and social networks. (Face-to-face time: 2 hours).
- Theme 6. Territory: Types of territorial data. Methods of spatial and territorial analysis. Regulations and instruments of territorial planning. (Face-to-face time: 2 hours).
Practical program:(Face-to-face time: 20 hours. Individual work time: 20 hours)
- Practice 1. Planning of a data capture project for the generation of products (cartography, DTM, volumes,…) for estimating the progress of construction of a linear infraestructure. (Face-to-face time: 2 hours. Individual work time: 2 hours)
- Practice 2. UAS image processing for the generation of point clouds, DTM, 2D and 3D cartography, orthophotos and calculation of volumes of materials in an open pit quarry. (Face-to-face time: 5 hours. Individual work time: 5 hours)
- Practice 3. Data processing of high resolution and thermographic cameras for the inspection of power lines and for the detection of pathologies and energy efficiency of buildings. (Face-to-face time: 5 hours. Individual work time: 5 hours)
- Practice 4. Planning and data processing for 3D and 4D modeling and reconstruction for the cataloging and dissemination of heritage. (Face-to-face time: 5 hours. Individual work time: 5 hours).
- Practice 5. Practice trip for the visit the CIAR. (Face-to-face time: 3 hours. Individual work time: 3 hours).
In addition, the student will solve in a group, a series of “Case of Studie” where they will have to demonstrate the knowledge acquired in the practical work sessions (Face-to-face time: 2 hours. Individual work time: 2 hours) and will carry out an individual supervised work related to the subject contents whose objective will be to demonstrate mastery of the theoretical and practical contents acquired (Face-to-face time: 8 hours. Individual work time: 72 hours).Basic
- Plan Estratégico para el desarrollo del sector civil de los drones en España 2018-2021. Ministerio de fomento. https://www.fomento.gob.es/MFOM/LANG_CASTELLANO/PLANES/PLAN_DRONES_2018…
- González-Jorge, H.; Martínez-Sánchez, J.; Bueno, M.; Arias, A.P. Unmanned Aerial Systems for Civil Applications: A Review. Drones 2017, 1, 2.
- Esteban Herreros, José Luis (coord.) (2015). Los Drones y sus aplicaciones a la ingeniería civil. Fundación de la Energía de la Comunidad de Madrid. https://www.fenercom.com/pdf/publicaciones/Los-Drones-y-sus-aplicacione…
- Ponencias del Congreso CivilDRON (2016, 17 y 18). https://www.civildron.com/pages/ponencias-congreso-civildron.html
- Civil UAVs Initiative. Xunta de Galicia. http://www.civiluavsinitiative.com/es/#segunda-seccion
- Sungjae Lee & Yosoon Choi (2016) Reviews of unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) technology trends and its applications in the mining industry, Geosystem Engineering, 19:4, 197-204, DOI: 10.1080/12269328.2016.1162115
- Yan Li & Chunlu Liu (2019) Applications of multirotor drone technologies in construction management, International Journal of Construction Management, 19:5, 401-412, DOI: 10.1080/15623599.2018.1452101BASIC AND GENERAL SKILLS
CG4 - That students acquire the knowledge to develop unmanned aerial systems and plan specific operations, depending on the existing needs and apply the existing technological tools.
CG5 - That students are able to apply, in the field of unmanned aerial systems, the principles and methodologies of research such as bibliographic searches, data collection and analysis and interpretation of these, as well as the presentation of conclusions, in a clear, concise and rigorous way.
CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
CT6. Capacity for teamwork.
CT8. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
CE6. Knowledge of existing good practices in the operation of unmanned aerial systems for use in the field of engineering, architecture and territory.- Theoretical classes/Master session (Competences: CG4 and CE6). The teacher will explain the theoretical contents of the theoretical program of the subject.
It is possible to attend the class sessions physically (at EPSE) or through synchronous connection to Microsoft Teams.
- Practical sesión through ICT (Competences: CG5, CB7, CG4, CT8 and CE6). The student will carry out the explained Practices, applying the script prepared by the teacher, and will deliver the corresponding results in the form of a brief memory.
- Case of study (Competences: CG5, CB7, CG4, CT6, CT8 and CE6). The student must analyze and solve a real case, where the teachings of the practical and theoretical classes will be integrated in a practical team exercise presented as a technical report.
- Tutored work (Competences: CG4, CT8 and CE6). The student will have to carry out an individual work related to the contents of the subject whose objective will be to demonstrate the mastery of the theoretical and practical contents acquired.
- Work Presentation (Competences: CT8 and CB9). The student will prepare and make a presentation of the individual work done. The teacher will review the class presentation of each work.
- Visits to organizations and companies in the sector (CB9 and CE6).
- Tutorials. The professor will be available for the resolution of doubts in the realization of the works and practices.Knowledge and skills will be evaluated by a system based on continuous evaluation and the individual work. The aspects to be evaluated and their corresponding weighting in the final grade will be the following:
- Continuous monitoring of attendance and active participation in class (10%), Competences: CB2, CG4 and CE6.
- Periodic tests and/or final test (20%), Competences: CG4 and CE6.
- Carrying out the proposed practices (40%), Competences: G5, CB7, CG4, CT6, CT8 and CE6.
- Resolution of practical cases (10%), Competences: CG5, CB7, CG4, CT6, CT8 and CE6.
- Preparation and presentation of individual work (20%), Competences: CB9, CG4, CT8 and CE6.
- Visits to organizations and companies in the sector (CB9 and CE6).
The subject can be approved without attending the final exam.
Practices have compulsory and the note will not be saved for the following courses.
The system described above will be used at both the ordinary and the extraordinary call for evaluation.
The necessary requirements to pass will be the same for the students of the first matriculation that for the repeaters.
The minimum qualification to pass the course is 5 points.
Students that have been gave exemption to attendance at some of the programmed learning activities, according to the Instruction 1/2017 of the General Secretary's Office, must take into account that, to pass this subject is mandatory to make the practical activities indicated in the learning guide.The time that every student must dedicate to the different activities of learning is detailed below (face-to-face hours; hours of indivudual work):
- Theoretical classes: 12; 4 h.
- Practical classes: 20; 20 h.
- Case of study and presentation of the work : 2; 2 h.
- Tutored Work: 8; 72 h.
- Tutorials: 3; 4 h.
- Evaluation activities: 3 h.
- Total: 150 h.Previous knowledge of basic computer as a user and office packages.
Assistance to lectures and conferences. The practical classes are compulsory.
Continued study of the subject
Assistance to individual or small group tutorials to discuss, comment and resolve doubts or questions.The subject also uses the virtual USC: http://www.usc.es/campusvirtual/
In this subject, GAIN's Intervention is planned in relation to the Rozas Rozas Technopole, the Civil UAVs Initiative and the business incubator.
For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión das cualificacións" "(artigo 16 da Resolución de 15/6/2011 da USC, DOG de 21/7/2011)" will apply.
María De La Luz Gil Docampo
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- ml.gil@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
María José Iniesto Alba
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- mariaj.iniesto@usc.es
- Category
- Professor: Collaborator
Simon Peña Villasenin
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry
- s.pena.villasenin@usc.es
- Category
- Xunta Post-doctoral Contract
2º Semester - January 27th-February 02nd Tuesday 18:00-20:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminar I (Pav.III) Wednesday 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminar I (Pav.III) Thursday 16:00-18:00 Grupo /CLE_01 Spanish Seminar I (Pav.III)