ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 147.4
Hours of tutorials: 2
Interactive Classroom: 0.6
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Work placements Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Galician Philology, History of Art, English and German Philology, Special Public Law and Company Law, Classical, French and Italian Philology, Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics, HistoryAreas:
Catalan Philology, Romance Philology, Galician and Portuguese Philology, History of Art, German Philology, English Philology, History of Law and Institutions, French Philology, Greek Philology, Italian Philology, Latin Philology, Indo-European Linguistics, Spanish Language, General Linguistics, Spanish Literature, Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, Ancient HistoryCenter
Faculty of PhilologyCall:
Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's DegreesTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
As established in Royal Decree 292/2014, of 11 July, which regulates external academic placements for university students, the main objectives of external placements are:
a) To contribute to the comprehensive training of students by complementing their theoretical and practical learning.
b) To facilitate knowledge of the working methodology adapted to the professional reality in which students will have to operate, contrasting and applying the knowledge acquired.
c) To favour the development of technical, methodological, personal and participative competences.
d) To acquire practical experience that facilitates insertion into the labour market and improves future employability.
e) To promote the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
Thus, the general objective of the internships in the Bachelor's Degree in Classical Philology is to train students in some of the linguistic, literary and/or cultural aspects developed in the syllabus.
The curricular external academic internships are internships integrated in the credit system of the degree, recognised as 6 ECTS that belong to the optional module of the degree studies and, therefore, they count towards the degree.All information regarding the training programmes that are developed in the entities will be published with the respective call for applications and can be consulted on the Faculty's website.
The call for external placements for the Degree will be published annually on the website of the Faculty of Philology and on the electronic bulletin board of the Electronic Headquarters at the beginning of the academic year. If there are vacancies, a second call for applications will be made in January. The participating institutions and the number of places offered by each one will be known in that call as it will be subject to the offers made by each institution. In the event of vacancies after the January call for applications, places may be allocated in order of application.The basic and complementary bibliography will be provided during the internship according to the different training tasks offered by each internship centre.
- Ability to apply this knowledge and methods to recognise, identify and solve problems both in the field of linguistic and literary studies and in their professional field: language teaching, language consultancy and correction, language planning, communicative mediation, translation, clinical linguistics, publishing activities, etc.
- Ability to reflect and think critically in order to describe, interpret and evaluate linguistic and literary events.
- Ability to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions on issues related to classical language and literature to a specialised and non-specialised audience.
- Ability to use computer tools and networks to establish national and international contacts.
- Ability to work collaboratively and in multicultural and multilingual contexts.
- Autonomous learning of new knowledge and analysis techniques.
- Students should be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study.
- Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements which include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
- Students should be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
- Knowledge of auxiliary disciplines of Classical Philology.
- Knowledge of tools and specific computer programmes and applications.In accordance with article 7 of the USC regulations on external internships in companies and institutions (Agreement of the Governing Council of 29 July 2015), the Degree in Classical Philology has the following figures for the guidance and tutoring of external internships:
1. An Internship Manager. Its mission is to encourage the participation of companies, institutions and students in the internship programme, coordinate the entire process, participate in the designation and assignment of tutors and coordinate the monitoring and evaluation of internships.
2. The External Placement and Mobility Committee is made up of the Dean or the Vice-Dean delegated by him/her, one representative from each of the Faculty's degree programmes, 7 student representatives and the head of the Centre and Department Management Unit. Its main function is to guarantee an awarding system in accordance with procedures and criteria that guarantee the principles of equality, merit, capacity and publicity.
3. An academic tutor assigned to each student, who will be a lecturer from the degree programme for each internship offered. Their mission is to monitor the internship more directly, respond to the training expectations established, ensure its correct development and assess it in accordance with the training project and the assessment criteria established in the course syllabus.
4. A professional tutor at the collaborating entity where the placement is carried out. This person will be responsible for implementing the planned training plan and for drawing up the assessment reports requested on the work done by the student.
Once the student has been notified of the placement allocation and the placement has been accepted, the student will contact his/her academic tutor who will provide him/her with all the necessary information to start the placement at the entity. He/she will also contact the professional tutor to agree the timetable and the date of joining the entity/company.
When the student has his/her timetable and an activity plan ratified between the academic tutor and the professional tutor, he/she will be able to organise his/her timetable and plan the tasks related to the entity's training plan in relation to his/her degree. The student will dedicate 150 hours to the external placement, of which 10 hours will be dedicated to the preparation of the final report.
The final report must be signed by the professional tutor before being sent to the academic tutor.At the end of the placement period, the student shall send the academic tutor a final report in accordance with the placement report template provided on the Faculty's website. The academic tutor will be in charge of carrying out the assessment.
The assessment system for the first opportunity consists of the following sections:
a) Student's internship report: 50% of the mark.
b) Professional tutor's report: 50% of the grade.
In the second opportunity, a new internship report will be submitted, which will account for 50% of the mark. The remaining 50% of the mark will be that awarded by the professional tutor's report for the first opportunity.In the Verification Report of the Degree in Classical Philology, each credit is assigned a value of 25 hours of student work, so that the external internship, a subject of 6 credits, corresponds to 150 hours of dedication. The student will dedicate 140 hours to carry out activities in the entity and 10 hours to the writing of the final report.
Students are recommended to consult the external placements section of the Faculty's website, especially the placement guide.