ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 99
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 32
Interactive Classroom: 16
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, Galician, Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of PhilologyCall:
First SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (Ofertada)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Alumnado Repetidor) -
This course is intended for foreign students learning Spanish with a B1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
1. To progress in the morphosyntactic and semantic knowledge of the noun, the verb and the adjective in Spanish.
2. To observe the combinatorial behavior of these kinds of words and their link with the construction of the meaning of the sentences.
3. To analyze the value and functioning of these kinds of words in contextualized texts.
4. To solve any grammatical, descriptive or normative doubts about the use of Spanish.
5. To improve the student's grammatical competence and their functional use of the linguistic resources of Spanish as a foreign language in order to reach level B2.1. The word. Its constitutive parts
2. The noun. Criteria to identify it
2.1. Gender and number of nouns
2.2. Classes of nouns
3. The adjective. Criteria to recognize it
3.1. Classes of adjectives and their position in the sentence
3.2. Degree of the adjective
4. The verb. General description
4.1. Number and person: agreement with the subject
4.2 Verbal tense, mood and aspect
4.3. Non-personal forms
4.4. Main classes of verbs1. BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY
a) General Spanish Grammars
Gómez Torrego, Leonardo (2007): Gramática didáctica del español. Madrid: SM. Chapters 2.1, 2.2., 2.5.
Pavón Lucero, María Victoria (2007). Gramática práctica del español. Madrid: Espasa-Instituto Cervantes. Chap. 1, 3 y 4.
Real Academia Española (2011): Nueva gramática básica de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa. Capítulos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 15.
b) Grammars of Spanish as a foreign language (level B1-B2)
Alonso, Encina, Martínez, Matilde & Neus Sans (2006): Gente joven 3. Libro del alumno. Madrid: SGEL.
Artigas Álvarez et al. (2020): Y ahora la gramática 5 / 6. Nivel medio. Barcelona: Publicacions i edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Two Volumes.
Castro, Francisca, Ignacio Rodero & Carmen Sardinero (2014): Español en marcha. Madrid: SGEL. (B1-B2)
Seijas, Pilar, Bibiana Tonnelier & Sergio Troitiño (2012): Cuadernos de gramática española. Nivel B1. Madrid: Difusión.
a) Recommended reading to improve the written comprehension of Spanish at a B2 level: Alonso, Ana & Javier Pelegrín (2017 [2015]): El libro de los rostros. Madrid: SM. 4ª edición. [Novel]
b) Spanish Grammars:
Gómez Torrego, Leonardo (2011 [2006]). Gramática normativa del español. Madrid: Arco Libros. Updated fourth edition. Chap. 2, 3, 4 and 7.
Marcos Marín, Francisco & Paloma España Martínez (2001): Guía de gramática de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa. (Chap. 3, 4 and 6)
Real Academia Española (2010): Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Manual. Madrid: Espasa. (Only the headings about noun, adjective and verb).
Real Academia Española (2013): El buen uso del español. Madrid: Espasa. Pgs. 134-162; 230-242; 388-414; 418-424.
c) Reference works and dictionaries:
Real Academia Española (2010). Ortografía de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
Diccionario Clave. Diccionario de uso del español actual (2012). Madrid: SM. Versión online (abreviated): http://clave.smdiccionarios.com/app.php
Real Academia Española (2020): Diccionario de la lengua española. https://dle.rae.es/
WordReference: https://www.wordreference.com/es/ (reference dictionary, synonyms, antonyms, verbal conjugator and explanations about the Spanish grammar).The specific competences to the subject are:
CE1. To recognize the units and structures studied and their morphosyntactic and semantic properties.
CE2. Ability to integrate these units into grammatically correct and semantically coherent sentences.
CE3. To identify the grammatical and semantic errors of the educt, especially those that affect the understanding of the message and its pragmatic-contextual adequacy.
CE4. To know and use the grammatical metalanguage of Hispanic linguistic studies at a basic level.