ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 6ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 148.7
Hours of tutorials: 1
Interactive Classroom: 0.3
Total: 150Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Work placements for Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
Organisation of Companies and Commercialisation, Galician Philology, History of Art, Geography, Communication Sciences, English and German Philology, Political Science and Sociology, Classical, French and Italian Philology, Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General Linguistics, History, Philosophy and AnthropologyAreas:
Marketing and Market Research, Galician and Portuguese Philology, History of Art, Human Geography, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, English Philology, Sociology, French Philology, Spanish Language, General Linguistics, Spanish Literature, Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, Historiographic Science and Techniques, Ancient History, Contemporary History, Medieval History, Modern History, Social Anthropology, Philosophy, Moral PhilosophyCenter
Faculty of HumanitiesCall:
Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's DegreesTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
After completing this subject students must be able to: 1. Understand and address the multiple socio-cultural events in the world today. 2. Develop cultural projects of different types and purposes. 3. To understand the complexity of intercultural phenomenon and the different approaches to multiculturalism. 4. Know the different research and professional services related to cultural areas, taking into account the specificity of public, semi-public and private entities. 5. Work in the field of culture with human groups with specific and / or at risk of exclusion needs 6. Apply the skills and abilities needed to organize teams and join them. 7. Apply the skills necessary to design intervention strategies and actions for each of the areas and cultural institutions. 8. Encourage creativity to respond adequately to the problems and promote a taste for innovation from promoting critical analysis of the data and theories presented answers. 9. Respect the ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity and appreciate the need to preserve that diversity. 10. Respect the fundamental and equal rights between men and women, respect and promote human rights and the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities, as well as the values of a culture of peace.
Students following Mode A, professionalizing , should use 6 ECTS in the development of practices in public , semi-public or private institutions (town halls , foundations, cultural enterprises, etc. ) with which the Faculty of Humanities has established the relevant agreement collaboration . At the end of this stage the student must submit a brief report to your tutor.
The possible bibliography of the subject will be offered to each student in his/her internship space.
In this area should develop the general skills of the title that have been encoded by: basic: CB2. Ability to apply knowledge acquired in the detection and resolution of problems in the specific contexts of their professional field; CB3. Awareness of social and ethical responsibilities linked to professional practice and capacity for reflection and critical review of the existing socio-cultural dynamics; CB5. Acquiring the skills to promote and ensure respect for human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination and democratic values and culture of peace; CB7. Application of acquired knowledge and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study; CB9. Ability to communicate their conclusions -and the knowledge and rationale underpinning public skilled and unskilled in a clear and unambiguous. transversal: CT2. Capacity autonomy at work with responsibility and initiative. CT3. Ability to coordinate activities and work collaboratively with colleagues, networks and research teams in the context of cultural services. CT4. Transmission of information and ideas in public in a clear and effective manner. CT5. Skill in written and oral communication. CT6. Ability to interpersonal relationships, respecting the basic rules of coexistence, rights fundamental and democratic values. CT9. Ability to problem solving and decision making. CT10. Ability to adapt to new situations (flexibility in the use and transfer of knowledge). undamentales and democratic values. CT12. Ethical commitment. CT13. Capacity for the use of communication technologies and information. specific: CE31. Acquiring the necessary to assess the processes that actually take place in different areas of cultural management tools. CE32. Ability to establish a critical evaluation of the various activities carried out in real environments cultural management. CE33. Acquisition of the capacity needed for project design planning cultural management.
Classroom activity : exposure of the general functioning of the institution of practices and activities to be performed classroom activity : Performance of practical activities entrusted face and distance activities : guidance and supervision of practical activities Remote activity : development of the practice report
- Report on the fulfillment of obligations by the internship coordinator : Minimum weight : 0 % Maximum weight : 60 % - Activities Report presented by the student: Minimum weight : 0 % Maximum weight : 40 %
Classroom activity : design internship program - 2 hours classroom activity : realization of practical tasks entrusted - 130 hours face and distance activities : guidance regarding the practical tasks - 8 hours Remote activity : development of the practice report - 10 hours