ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 5ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Hours of tutorials: 5
Expository Class: 15
Interactive Classroom: 20
Total: 40Use languages
German, EnglishType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
External department linked to the degreesAreas:
Área externa M.U Erasmus Mundus en Lexicografía (2ªed)Center
Faculty of PhilologyCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable | 1st year (Yes) -
The students should
1. get an overview of significant characteristics of the early history of European lexicography
2. recognize the cultural and historical embedding of historical lexicographical works
3. gain knowledge on the processes of formation, use and diffusion of specific lexicographical compilations
4. acquire the ability to describe historical lexicographical compilations in an appropriate metalexicographic manner
5. be able to fit historical lexicographical compilations into the historical development
6. become aware of the problematic issues involved in seeking to define the uses and users of historical lexicographical compilations.Overview
The module comprises the following topics:
A. Western European lexicography from antiquity to the medieval period (units 1-4)
B. German lexicography from the late medieval period to the 20th century (units 6-8, 10-13)
C. Historical lexicography (unit 5, colloquium, unit 9)
D. Dictionary criticism (units 6, 8, 10)
1. The late antique and early medieval tradition I:
overview of the material and examination of samples drawn from the main documents (Festus, Nonius Marcellus, Synonyms, Differences, Isidore's Etymologies and others).
2. The late antique and early medieval tradition II:
a) lexicography and grammar; b) typological variety of the material: macro- and microstructures; c) sources, processes of compilation, patterns of transmission of lexicographical material.
3. Tradition and innovation in the early medieval period:
a) conservative and innovative traits of the early medieval material; b) innovative formats employed for lexicographical purposes; c) experiments with word families: the derivative method.
4. Early medieval vernacular Glossography:
Glosses and glossaries as earliest forms of vernacular lexicography; types and samples from the Old High German and the Old English area
5. Theory and practice of historical lexicography:
Insights in the research on historical dictionaries and the development of modern dictionaries, the history of dictionary research and dictionaries on historical languages
6. Ideology and dictionary criticism:
Lexicography and Ideology: Ethics of lexicographical writing and Dictionary criticism (Adelung / Grimm).
7. Late medieval lexicography (14th-15th c.):
a) tradition and innovation: Latin as source language and the development of German as the language of the lemma; b) macro- and microstructure of late medieval dictionaries containing German; c) the development of multilingual dictionaries
8. Lexicography in the times of Humanism (16th c.):
a) humanistic school lexicography (Dasypodius); b) patriotic language awareness (Maaler); c) historical technical dictionaries (Gessner, Fuchs)
9.) The Early New High German Dictionary:
analysis of the procedures involved in the compilation of an entry for the Early New High German Dictionary; practical application of the same in compiling an entry.
10. Dictionary projects of the 17th century:
the first language societies and their lexicographic interests; patriotic impulse as an impetus for new lexicographic projects (Schottel and Stieler).
11. European lexicography in the 17th century:
the European dimension of lexicography in the 17th century
12. The Enlightenment:
new approaches to the description of vocabulary; normative and descriptive lexicography; selected samples from the dictionaries of Frisch, Steinbach, Adelung and Campe.
13. Bilingual lexicography:
development of bilingual lexicography (from Matthias Kramer onwards); pragmatic contexts, cultural and historical imprints, typologies (travel / learners’ dictionaries etc.).Material will be provided at the beginning of the course.
Knowledge or contents: Con01, Con04, Con07
Skills or abilities: H/D01, H/D02, H/D03
Competencies: Comp05, Comp06, Comp09Block seminar (date and duration to be announced)
1. Opportunity:
- The Assignment consists of four parts: 1. (25 points); 2. (25 points); 3. (25 points); 4. (25 points)
- Within each part the weight of each individual questions is indicated next to the question;
- All questions must be answered, taking into account their relative weight;
- Answers may be written either in German or in English.
- It is not allowed to use Chatbots.
2. Opportunity:
The assessment on the second opportunity will be based on the same criteria.
For students who are officially exempt from attending the assessment system will be the same as for the rest.
Academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism in the tests) will be penalized according to the University regulations on student assessment (“Normativa de avaliación do rendemento académico dos estudantes e de revisión de cualificacións”).Attendance: max. 35 h.
Requirements for participation: Students must obtain 25 ECTS in the first semester
Elective module in the second semester.
Language of teaching: German and/or English