ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 12ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 280
Hours of tutorials: 20
Total: 300Use languages
Spanish, Galician, EnglishType:
Final Degree Project RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Departments:
English and German Philology, Spanish Language and Literature, Theory of Literature and General LinguisticsAreas:
English Philology, General Linguistics, Theory of Literature and Comparative LiteratureCenter
Faculty of PhilologyCall:
End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree ProjectsTeaching:
With teachingEnrolment:
Enrollable -
As established in article 14.6 of Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September, the EDP , which is compulsory and must be passed in order to obtain the official degree, is essentially aimed at demonstrating the student's mastery and application of the knowledge, competences and skills that define the official university degree. These competences are set out in the corresponding verification report.
The Regulations for the enrolment, preparation and defence of Bachelor's and Master's Degree Final Projects at the University of Santiago de Compostela (hereinafter, the USC Regulations), approved by the Governing Council on 10 March 2016, state that the EDPwill consist of the preparation of an original academic work that integrates and develops the knowledge, skills, competences and abilities acquired during the course of the degree, as well as the knowledge, skills, competences and abilities acquired during the course of the degree, The TFG will include, as a minimum, bibliographic search and review tasks, reading and integration of information, writing, presentation and defence. Original work is understood to be a work of one's own elaboration in which the sources taken into account for its preparation are duly cited.
The TFG of the Degree in English Language and Literature will be carried out under the supervision of an academic tutor, who will be responsible for ensuring that the objectives set are met. The tutor must be teaching and research staff who teach on the degree, except for trainee staff, lecturers and those who have a contract that ends before the end of the academic year in which the EDP is enrolled.The EDP of the Degree in English Language and Literature must be adapted to the contents of the Major and, likewise, it must be written and defended in English.
The specific topic of the EDP must be adapted to the current offer of thematic lines in this academic year. Each student is assigned, upon application, a thematic line and a tutor. Subsequently, the student, with the guidance of the tutor, defines the title of the EDP and draws up a summary, which must be approved by the End of Degree Project Committee (CEDP) of the Faculty of Philology. The offer of thematic lines and tutors for this academic year will be available on the Faculty's website.
As indicated in the Report on the Degree in Spanish Language and Literature, the length of the EDPwill be, as a guideline, between 65,000 and 120,000 characters with spaces, excluding appendices. Also as a guideline, the length of the EDP in teams may be increased in proportion to the number of members of the team.
The work must adopt, approximately, the following structure:
1.- Cover page, on which all the identifying data of the work must appear: the logo of the USC with the indication of the Faculty; the name of the Degree; the title of the work, the full name of the author and the tutor and the corresponding academic year.
2.- First page, which reproduces the title page.
3.- Copy of the application for the delimitation of the title and summary approved by the CEDP.
4.- Title in Galician, Spanish and English, summary and key words.
5.- Declaration of originality of the work.
6.- Paginated table of contents.
7.- Introduction.
8.- Contents/Development.
9.- Conclusions.
10.- Bibliography consulted.
11.- Appendices (if any).
In the case of team work, together with the written work, the students will add a commentary of up to 5 pages per person (1500 words) in which the following will be indicated
a) name and surname of the student
b) the student's role and tasks performed in the project
c) the experience and training gained
d) constructive criticism of the team project, indicating any discrepancies or personal proposals for improvement.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)Given the peculiarities of this subject, it is impossible to specify a basic general bibliography for all the EDP to be developed. In any case, as established in article 12 of the EDP regulations for undergraduate degrees at the Faculty of Philology, the work must include a section on the bibliography consulted.
- Being able to define the objectives of the work.
- Being able to design and organise tasks in order to achieve the planned objectives and carry out the work in accordance with them.
- Know how to search for and select relevant information.
- Make use of the knowledge acquired throughout the studies that are relevant to the object of the work, and integrate with them the new information obtained.
- Being able to organise information and present it in a clear, systematic and precise way, so that it can be understood by others.
- Know how to identify the limitations and/or shortcomings of the work carried out and propose suggestions for the future.
- Mastering oral and written expression in different contexts.As indicated above, the EDP will be carried out under the supervision of an academic tutor, who will be responsible for ensuring that the objectives set are met. The tutor's task will be to guide, advise and plan the student's activities, monitor the work and supervise its progress. Depending on the nature of the EDP , several tutoring sessions will be scheduled in order to discuss the initial work plan, the partial results of the different phases of the project and the final result. If the student is carrying out the EDP at the same time as a mobility stay, he/she must agree with the tutor on the way in which he/she will ensure the fulfilment of the objectives set.
At the time of applying for the defence in the virtual secretary's office, students must choose between:
1.- Assessment of the work by the tutor:
The tutor will be in charge of the evaluation and grading, which cannot be higher than 7.00. Students must defend their EDP in public before the tutor. The final grade will be made up of:
a) Assessment of the work: maximum 70% (4.9 out of a total of 7). The student's academic progress, the contents, the preparation process, the achievement of the objectives and the written presentation will be evaluated.
b) Presentation and defence of the TFG: maximum 30% (2.1 out of 7). The oral presentation, the argumentative capacity of the presentation and the reply, the clarity and self-analysis of the objectives, the conciseness and the correct use of language will be assessed.
2.- Assessment of the work by a panel:
The work will be assessed by a panel in public defence. The panel will be made up of three lecturers from the USC who teach on the degree programme. The examining board may award Honours to those EDPs with a grade equal to or higher than 9. The examining board's grade will be made up of the sum of:
a) Assessment of the work by the tutor with a maximum of 7 points. The academic progress of the student, the contents, the process of elaboration, the achievement of the objectives and the written presentation will be evaluated.
b) Assessment of the presentation and defence of the EDP content by the examining board with a maximum of 3 points, taking into account the oral presentation, the argumentative capacity of the presentation and the reply, the clarity and self-analysis of the objectives, the conciseness and correctness of the use of language.
The defence of the dissertation will be carried out, after a public call, in public and in person before the tutor or the examining board, and will consist of a presentation and a question and answer session. In the presentation, students must present the objectives, methodology, content and conclusions of their dissertation, for which they may use whatever means they deem appropriate. This will be followed by a turn for assessment, comments or questions from the tutor or the examining board.
In the case of team work, in relation to the report and the evaluation, these will always be individual, although the latter may also refer to the work as a whole. The presentation and oral presentation time before the tutor and the examining board may be up to 30 minutes and the tutor or examining board may address questions to each of the students indistinctly.
As a guideline, for individual dissertations, it is recommended that the presentation and response to questions should not exceed 10 minutes in each of the two cases and that the total duration of the presentation should not exceed 30 minutes. In the case of team work, the examining board is recommended to consider the opportunity to increase each of these time periods and that the total duration of the event does not exceed 60 minutes.In the Verification Report of the Degree in English Language and Literature, each credit is attributed a value of 25 hours of student work, so that the EDP , a 12-credit subject, corresponds to 300 hours of dedication.
Students will have a single call with two defence opportunities per academic year and may choose any of the periods available for the defence of the EDP: February, July and September. Students must previously check that they have passed the credits of the rest of the subjects of the degree, except those of the EDP.
The academic calendar of the EDP will be published annually on the website of the Faculty of Philology, under academic information, EDP: https://www.usc.gal/es/centro/facultad-filologia/tfg. It is recommended to visit this page.