ECTS credits
ECTS credits: 3ECTS Hours Rules/Memories
Student's work ECTS: 51
Hours of tutorials: 3
Expository Class: 9
Interactive Classroom: 12
Total: 75Use languages
Spanish, GalicianType:
Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021Center
Faculty of Geography and HistoryCall:
Second SemesterTeaching:
Sin Docencia (En Extinción)Enrolment:
No Matriculable (Sólo Planes en Extinción) -
One of the fundamental needs of the Manager at heritage will be the knowledge of theories
e instruments of intervention on the built architecture, and this matter will allow you
approaching the ideas and strategies developed in the history of the
rehabilitacion-restauracion - conservation until today.
-Knowledge of the fundamental ideas about intervention on heritage
-Knowledge of the tools of the monumental restoration.
-Study and criticism of cases1.1 historiographical review: what history of architecture? Thoughts on built heritage and
first thesis on intervention in heritage.
1.2. the thesis of E. E. Viollet-Le-Duc, J. Ruskin, C. Boito, A. Riegl, G. Giovannoni, A. Annoni.
1.3. international letters of heritage: Athens (1931), Venice (1964), "European" (1975),
"Rules of Quito" (1977-2007), Cracow (2000), and other documents of ICOMOS.
1.4 What's new and what exists. A hermeneutic approach. Terminology. The concept of
"critical restoration" (R. Pane, Brandi C.) and the method of "case by case" (E. N. Rogers),
1.5. the debate "restoration" (M. Dezzi Bardeschi) today. The conservation
integrated. The intervention as a strategy and as a project.
2.1 historical positions before the Monumental restoration through known interventions: the
Basilica of Vezelay and Notre Dame. Excavations in the Roman Forum: the Arch of Titus and the
Consolidation of archery's Amphitheater Flavio. Other examples.
2.2 analysis of techniques of consolidation of the land as a determinant of interventions
restoration of monuments. The leaning tower and the Cathedral of Mexico. Other examples.
2.3 study understood as typical of the construction building materials
Historic, brick, lime, stone and wood, its forms of consolidation and reinforcement, and their
compatibility with the concurrent offer of new materials in restoration and in the
I recupe[1 Básico] Metamorfosis de monumentos y teorías de la restauración
Capitel, Antón
- (Alianza, Madrid, 2009)
[2 Básico] Historia de la Arquitectura
Choisy, Auguste
- (Víctor Lerú, Buenos Aires, 1980)
[3 Básico] Teoría e historia de la restauración
Fernández Alba, Antonio y otros
- (Munilla-Lería, Madrid, 1997)
[4 Recomendado] Teoría de la restauración
Brandi, Cesare
- (Alianza, Madrid, 1988)
[5 Recomendado] Alegoría del patrimonio
Choay, Françoise
- (Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2007)
[6 Recomendado] Construir lo construido: la arquitectura como modificación
Gracia, Francisco de
- (Nerea, Madrid, 1996)
[7 Recomendado] Encyclopedia of Architectural Technology
Guedes, Pedro (ed)
- (Mc Graw Hill, New York, 1979)
[8 Recomendado] Autenticidad y monumento
Hernández León, Juan Miguel
- (Abada, Madrid, 2013)
[9 Recomendado] Historia de la Arquitectura
Kostof, Spiro
- (Alianza, Madrid. 1988)
[10 Recomendado] Teorie e storia del restauro architettonico
Lamberini, Daniela
- (Florencia, 2003)
[11 Recomendado] Il restauro: storia, teoria, tecniche, protagonista
Luciani, Roberto
- (Fratelli Palombi, Roma, 1988)
[12 Recomendado] Il restauro e l\'architetto: teoria e pratica in due secoli di dibattito
Marconi, Paolo
- (Marsilio, Venezia, 1993)
[13 Recomendado] De varia restauratione: teoría e historia de la restauración arquitectónica
Rivera Blanco, Javier
- (Abada, Madrid, 2008)
[14 Recomendado] Las Siete Lámparas de la Arquitectura
Ruskin, John
- (Alta Fulla, Madrid, 1987)SPECIFIC
CE1 - Provide the critical capabilities needed for professional or research activity in
art, architecture linked with cultural heritage, historic, conservation areas and
exhibition of artistic heritage and art market.
CE2 - Provide sufficient knowledge to enter the professional field in the
disciplines taught in the master.
CE3 - Prepare to issue and write architectural and historical reports on
critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
CE4 - Training advice on plans, special plans, etc. in a context
International.Classroom activities:
The contents of the first block (issues 1, prof. Manuel Martín Hernández) will be held during
the first six classes of 1.5 hours, while those of the second (issues 2, prof. Francisco Ortega
Andrade) will be made in six classes of 2 hours. In both cases, the classes are theoretical, with
abundant graphic information, encouraging the participation of students from
readings of literature and other documents delivered in class.
Students must assimilate the subject matter of the course with the study of the theory and the
contents of this educational project, taught in the classroom. Practical work
and the written test will be the indispensable complement to build knowledge that is
course aims. To achieve this goal will count with the services of the library of the
School of architecture, supported by others of the University or elsewhere. For
certain texts recommended for difficult access, these will become visible in the section
corresponding to the subject within the virtual campus.
As a place of work and study, the University provides access to the building's architecture the
24 hours a day.Criteria of evaluation
Criteria of evaluation
-The student actively attending classes in all its forms.
-The student will demonstrate a mastery of the theoretical content of the first block in a test
-The student will submit an individual work.
Assessment tools in calls ordinary and extraordinary for those who have
attended a minimum of 80 of classes.
Written tests:
-A written test of open response.
-Individual academic work.
Instruments of evaluation in the extraordinary announcement:
Complete it not carried out in the ordinary calls, with deliveries I testing
written on the date indicated in the schedule the school official.
Less than 80 assistance implies other specific work.
Orientative extension work: 10 pages per student.
Evaluation systems
The evaluation will be global and continuous. It will include a comprehensive assessment of the work and
student performance in the various aspects of the course throughout this, taking into account
the activities provided for in the same. In this sense, is scored the active participation in
The level of assistance required is at least 80 schedule school, need to be able
the approach of continuous assessment with the assessment of the other essential merits
to obtain the approved end.
1st open response written test
This test is run it
Following the Instruction Nº 1/2017 of Secretaría Xeral, students who are exempt from attendance in certain situations will be evaluated with a specific final exam (100%). Exemption from attendance must be authorized in advance by the university.Each day of class will be one of the items on the agenda, devoting six days to the first
themes and six others to the second block.
Face to face: 21 hours of tutoring class.
Distance: 45 hours.
Total: 75 hours.Bibliotecas generales y especializadas. Hemerotecas. Recursos electrónicos bibliográficos y otros
medios audiovisuales. La propia arquitectura real. Cursos y conferencias de extensión universitaria
que sean de interés para la asignatura.
Las tutorías de carácter individual están orientadas a la personalización de la enseñanza, como un
mecanismo tendente a la formación integral del estudiante a través de sus capacidades y sus
necesidades individuales.
Las tutorías con el prof. sese llevaran a cabo con el prof. Francisco Ortega en su despacho del
Departamento de Construcción Arquitectónica en el Edificio de Arquitectura.
Las clase teoricas seran el martes de cada semana de 16 a 18 y las turtorias, en general se tendrá el
miercoles cada semana de 13 a 14 y tras la petición de cita correspondiente.General and specialized libraries. Newspaper archives. Bibliographic electronic resources and other
audiovisual media. Real architecture itself. Courses and conferences for extracurricular
that are of interest to the subject.
Of individual tutorials are aimed at personalizing teaching, as a
mechanism aimed at the formation of the student through their abilities and their
individual needs.
Tutorials with prof. Manuel Martin will be made at the headquarters of the Department of art, city and
Territory, and with prof. Francisco Ortega in the Department of architectural construction
(both in the architecture building), after the corresponding appointment request.